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Duke of Qin


3 Tweets • 2023-02-21 •  See on Twitter 

It's kind of quaint that international relations and

political science clowns are still so attached to ideas of
Westphalian order and sovereignty. Almost like a
whore maintaining she is still a maiden by virtue of
only offering fellatio and sodomy. It's such a clown
area of so

called knowledge where the foundational teaching is

so absurdly wrong. The Westphalian order died nearly
a century ago after the world wars. What exists now is
an incomplete imperial world system where the
hegemon tries to order relations between states. Most
states are only part
sovereign and some not at all and understanding the
reality of this is a lot more useful to understanding the
way the world works instead of listening to some
"expert" court eunuch prattle on about rules and rights
and international law.

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