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1. How is this zebra classified?

 Herbivore

2. How is this snake classified?

 Heterotroph

3. The system of classification proposed by Carolus Linnaeus included ____ taxa.

 8 taxa

4. One example of indirect observation is

 All of the above or the footprints of an animal

5. The amount of biodiversity found in an area depends on factors such as

 Moisture and temperature

6. Organism that can be unicellular or multicellular with cell walls made of chitin are classified in
the kingdom as

 Fungi

7. Taxonomy is

 The science of naming and classifying organisms

8. Organism that are unicellular, prokaryotes that live in extreme environments are classified in
the kingdom

 Archaea

9. Organism that are multicellular, photosynthetic, with cell walls made of cellulose are classified
in the domain

 Eukarya

10. The following picture shows examples of biotic factors such as,

 Fish and Corals

11. The advantage of performing experiments in the field is

 All of the above

12. Algae and plants are classified as

 Producers

13. Who is considered the father of ecology?

 Ernest Hackel
14. A species that has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem is known as

 A keystone species

15. Ecology is

 The study of the interactions among living things and the interactions among living things
and their environments.

16. Who is considered the father of taxonomy?

 Carolus Linnaeus

17. Organisms that are unicellular with cell walls made of peptidoglycan are classified in domain

 Bacteria

18. The modern system of classification includes _____ domains and _____ Kingdoms

 3, 6

19. The scientific name of the Panama tree is Sterculia apetala, it belongs to the species

 Apetala

20. The scientific name of the fruit fly is drosophila melanogaster. According to the Linnaean
system of classification it belongs to the genus

 Drosophila

21. Organisms that are multicellular without cell walls are classified in the kingdom

 Animalia

22. The picture shows an example of a(n)

 Food web

23. The following picture shows examples of abiotic factors such as

 Water, sunlight, salinity

24. A group of different species that live together in one area is known as

 Community

25. Humans are classified in the domain

 Eukarya

26. This animal (blackbird) is classified as a

 Detritivore
27. Which of the following examples can be considered a keystone species

 Sea otters

28. A group of organisms of the same species that live in on area is known as

 Population

29. How is this koala classified?

 Specialist

30. How is this raccoon classified?

 Generalist

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