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Guadalupe Pérez Monfrino

Alicia Martín Rodríguez

22 January, 2023

Group: fp_tefl_2022_02


1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Task 1…………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. Task 2…………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Task 3…………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Task 4……………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Task 5……………………………………………………………………………………………

7. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………...

8. References………………………………………………………………………………………..

1. Introduction


Look at the contents of the grammar in the following indexes. What do they have in
common? What was the criterion used to select the content?

New Headway Pre-intermediate, by John Soars (OUP, 2000). A2-B1.
An extract from a textbook designed for the teaching/ learning of EFL and addressed to Pre-
intermediate students

Adventure Elementary OUP
This is an extract from a textbook designed for the teaching/ learning of EFL and addressed
to Elementary students.A2

In this first task, we have two extracts from textbooks. The first one is addressed to
Pre - Intermediate students and the other one for Elementary learners. Both were
designed for the teaching/learning of EFL. Now, we are going to focus on the
grammar contents. (podemos incluir esta pequeña introducción de la actividad si
te parece o crear una introducción muy pequeña y general antes de comenzar a
contestar las tasks).

● What do they have in common? Contents are divided into topics, since each unit is
focused on a specific theme (as an example, in the first extract unit 1 is dedicated
to the topic of meeting people). Besides, the contents are similar and include the
sections of vocabulary and grammar. However, in the first extract we have a
section called “everyday English” with common vocabulary and expressions, and
in the second extract we can find four more sections divided into oral and written
language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing). In reference to the contents
of the grammar, they have in common the sequence of them and focus on daily
expressions and functional English. Nonetheless, they only focus on learning
grammar and they are not in accordance with the principles of Content and
Learning Integrated Learning (It based its principles on learning real English with
communicative purposes).

- La profesora puso:

In task 1 you need to focus on the teaching of grammar and indicate if the books follow for
example communicative criteria, or a notion-functional approach, or a task-based or project-
based approach, a sociocultural approach, all of those, some of those, or if the books follow
a traditional method.

Así que opino que habría que dejar solo lo relativo a grammar y centrarse en los enfoques
que dice (¿podría ser lo de la página 29?). ALICIA

What was the criterion used to select the content? Page 8 The main criterion was just to
learn grammar and common expressions for communicative purposes. Nevertheless,
CLIL does not focus on this type of learning by topics. It focuses on real language in
contexts that could be useful in students’ lives.

En esta habría que poner también de intro en qué consisten los criterios, está en la página 8.
Tiene que ver con learnability y tal. ALICIA


What are the differences between the following tables of contents? What do they suggest
to you?

(Adapted from “Galaxy 2”)

- Lupe’s answer:

In this second task, we can see two tables of contents to teach English as a Foreign

● What are the differences between the following tables of content? The first table is
more clear and complete. It is divided into diverse sections: unit, topic, function
(functional language), and the four traditional language skills. The second one is
just focused on learning structures without any functional use of them and the
development of linguistic skills. Topics in the units that appear in the first table
could be motivating for learners and make them create stories, perform role -
plays, and so on.

Yo creo que se refiere también a lo de la página 10. Disposable content?? Functional logic??
Conceptual sequencing??

● What do they suggest to you? We have to bear in mind that the first table is similar
to the ones we can find in today’s textbooks. However, the second was created in
1959. During this period, teaching a foreign language did not have the same
purposes: students just learn vocabulary and structures without any
communicative and functional purposes.

Sí, poner el nombre del método de los 60, y el de ahora. El primero dividido en
destrezas, más integrador de todas las skills el segundo porque funciona con
todas pero ninguno de los dos es CLIL, por qué y sugerencia de qué cambios
haríamos para que lo fueran.Alicia

Adventure Elementary OUP


Look at the following activity. What type of methodological practice does it promote?

Language study
Words ending in s
Look at the transcripts below of David and Bridges talking about their families (section 26b
and 19).
How many words are there ending in s or ‘s?
Does the s or ‘s always mean the same?
Some words always end in s, for example, his.
What about this one?
I’ve got one brother and he’s got two daughters.
Put the words ending in s or ‘s into categories.

Bridget’s family
DA: If we look at, erm, your mother Sheila. Has she got any brothers and sisters?
BG: Yes, she’s got one sister.
DA: No brothers?
BG: No.
DA: Okey. What about your father?
BG: He’s got three sisters.
DA: Oh, and no brothers?
BG: No.

David’s family
BG: Now it’s my turn. Your father’s called John?, and your mother’s called Pat?
DA: That’s right.
BG: And your brother’s married to… Jane?
DA: Jane. Good.
BG: Jane. And they’ve got two daughters called… Emma and Sarah.

Now look at the text in Section 24. Find thirteen more words that end in s and put
them into categories.

ADAPTATION FROM Collins Cobuild English Course (Willis and Willis 1988:15)

- Lupe’s answer:

In this third task, we have an activity in which students have to answer different questions
through two texts. Its aim is to teach words ending in -s.

What type of methodological practice does it promote? It promotes a

methodological practice based on Collins Cobuild English Course (in Collins
Cobuild Language Dictionary). Esto es interesante. A mi de momento no se me
ocurre ninguna. Y cómo se llama esa metodología?LUPE

*En mi temario de oposiciones como maestra de inglés, tengo explicado en qué se
basa el diccionario así que yo lo explicaría y a su vez añadiría lo mismo que en las
anteriores tareas, que para nada sigue las premisas de un aprendizaje CLIL.


What type of objectives would you include the following statements in?

I can understand simple words and phrases, like “excuse
me”, “sorry”, “thank you”, etc.
I can understand the days of the week and months of the
I can understand times and dates.
I can understand numbers and prices.

Adjectives: common and demonstrative
Adverbs of frequency
Comparatives and superlatives
Going to […]

British Council, Level A1 – English Foreign Language

Several classifications are possible.

First, considering the CEFRL level of the course, which is A1 and corresponds to
beginners or basic users, all statements could be included in a primary common aim of
providing learners with simple vocabulary and frequent expressions as well as
fundamental grammar to enable them to start to utilize and comprehend a new language
when they listen to it.

Lupe’s answer:

● What type of objectives would you include the following statements in? In the development
of these objectives students will be able to identify different grammatical aspects and
listening items common in informal English expressions. The learner is going to be able to
apologise, identify days of the week and months of the year, understand the hour and
dates, use numbers and prices in real contexts to interact with the others. Moreover, they
will be able to make use of the adjectives and demonstratives in their productions, identify
and use comparatives and superlatives in texts, and finally, they will express plans for the
future making use of the structure going to + infinitive.

okeii, pero hay que poner qué tipos de objetivos son también. Página 19: Objetivos de la
Taxonomía de Bloom. Página 35: relacionados con contenido en sí mismo, comunicación,
cognition o cultura, las 4 C`s. Página 45-46: también habla de objetivos prioritarios
procedimentales del enfoque task-based, basados en resultados, etc.Alicia.


What does the following information gap activity suggest to you?

● Student A

Country Capital

● Student B

Country Capital
The Netherlands

- Lupe’s answer:

In this last task, there is an information gap activity to carry out in pairs. Es del enfoque
task-based (página 19). Lupe
● What does the following information gap activity suggest to you? It suggests that
this activity could be done during the first session of a new unit to know students’
previous knowledge about countries and their capital cities. The teacher has
presented the topic of the unit and then, in pairs, they have to complete the charts
asking each other about the countries and cities. Nevertheless, this kind of activity
can be carried out in other sessions as a learning activity or even as an
assessment activity. Its main aim is to learn structures, develop oral language
skills and use the language communicatively. habría que poner que así aprenden
el contenido del área de geografía.
for fun, also
si es en parejas, cómo harías el assessment? ahora mismo, no se me ocurre
Y yo creo que esta actividad sí es CLIL. No está desarrollando solo la parte del
lenguaje, *Redactaría todo adecuadamente junto con las ideas que tú aportes,
realizaría una pequeña conclusión y bibliografía y con ello acabaría el trabajo.

Conclusión - lupe


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