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Department of Social Science

1. Which of the following is fixed capital?
(a) Tools and machines (c) Fertilisers and pesticides
(b) Soil (d) Seeds
2. Money in hand is an example of
(a) Human capital (c) Fixed capital
(b) Working capital (d) Physical capital
3. What is the main production activity in Palampur village?
(a) Farming (c) Animal husbandry
(b) Transport (d) Small-scale manufacturing
4. Why do farmers of Palampur follow multiple cropping? Choose the correct answer.
(a)water consumption is less in this method.
(b)It consumes fewer chemical pesticides.
(c)It doesn’t require fertile soil.
(d) It is the most common way of increasing production.

5. High yielding variety seeds (HYV) were introduced to Indian farmers as a result of
(a) White Revolution (c) Green Revolution
(b) IT Revolution (d) None of the above
6. Where do most of the small farmers borrow money to arrange for the capital in
(a) Banks (c) Co-operative Societies
(b) Village money lenders (d) Friends and relatives
7. Which of the following is a significant step towards providing elementary education to all
the children in the age group of 6-14 years?
(a) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (c) Adult Education Programme
(b) Mid-day meal (d) None of the above
8. Tertiary sector provides
(a) services (c) goods
(b) both goods and services (d) none of the above
9. If a person in rural areas cannot find jobs during some months of the year, which type of
employment is this called?
(a) Structural unemployment (c) Cyclical unemployment
(b) Seasonal unemployment (d) None of these
10. Which of the following sectors is related to agriculture, forestry and dairy?
(a) Primary Sector (c) Tertiary Sector
(b) Secondary Sector (d) None of the above
11. Which of the following sectors is related to agriculture, forestry and dairy?
(a) Primary Sector (c) Tertiary Sector
(b) Secondary Sector (d) None of the above
12. Which of the following sectors is related to agriculture, forestry and dairy?
(a) Primary Sector (c) Tertiary Sector
(b) Secondary Sector (d) None of the above
13. Which of the following social radiators is not looked at by social scientists for poverty?
(a) Literacy level
(b) Lack of access to health care
(c) Lack of access to see movies and to go to restaurants
(d) Lack of access to safe drinking water
14. Which organisation carries out survey for determining the poverty line?
(a) NSSO (c) CSO
(b) Planning Commission (d) None of the above
15. What is meant by Social Exclusion?
(a) Process by which all individuals are excluded from certain privileges.
(b) Process by which all individuals are given privileges.
(c) Process in which Individual or Groups are excluded from facilities and Opportunities
that is enjoyed by the General people.
(d) None of these
15. Who advocated that India would be truly Independent only when the Poorest of its
people become free of Human suffering?
(a)Mahatma Gandhi (c) Rajeev Gandhi
(b) Indira Gandhi (d) B.R. Ambedkar
16. Which among the following programmes aims at bringing the assisted poor families
above the poverty line by organizing them into self help groups through a mix of bank
credit and government subsidies?
17. Which one is not the major cause of income inequality in India?
(a) Unequal distribution of land (c) Lack of fertile land
(b) Gap between the rich and the poor (d) Increase in population
18. The Calorie requirement is higher in the Rural areas because.
(a) They do not enjoy as much as people in the Urban areas.
(b) Food items are expensive.
(c) They are engaged in mental work.
(d) People are engaged in physical labour
19. In economic groups, the most vulnerable groups is :
(a) The Rural Agricultural Labour Household (c) Scheduled caste Household
(b) Scheduled tribe Household (d) None of the above
20. In economic groups, the most vulnerable groups is :
(a) The Rural Agricultural Labour Household (c) Scheduled caste Household
(b) Scheduled tribe Household (d) None of the above
21. In economic groups, the most vulnerable groups is :
(A) The Rural Agricultural Labour Household (c) Scheduled caste Household
(b) Scheduled tribe Household (d) None of the above
22. In economic groups, the most vulnerable groups is :
(a) The Rural Agricultural Labour Household (c) Scheduled caste Household
(b) Scheduled tribe Household (d) None of the above
23. In economic groups, the most vulnerable groups is :
(a) The Rural Agricultural Labour Household (c) Scheduled caste Household
(b) Scheduled tribe Household (d) None of the above
24. Which among the following is an example of cooperatives from Gujarat that is playing an
important role in food security?
a) Amul c) Mother Dairy
b) Milma d) Sudha dairy
25. The society which facilitated setting up of grain banks in different regions is :
(a) Amul (Gujarat) (c) Academy of Development Science (Maharashtra)
(b) Mother Dairy (Delhi) (d) None of the above

Answer the following questions briefly

1. How did the spread of electricity help farmers in Palampur?
2. What are the four requirements for the production of goods and services? (What are the
factors of production?)
3. Distinguish between Fixed and Working capital)
4. What are the disadvantages of Green Revolution?
5. How do the medium and large farmers obtain capital for farming? How is it different
from the small farmers?
6. Prove by giving example that population is an asset for the economy rather than a
7. What is the role of education in human capital formation?
8. How did Japan become a rich country in spite of shortage of natural resources?
9. What are the various measures taken by the government to spread education in India?
10. Distinguish between disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment.
11. What are the consequences (effects) of unemployment?
12. What are the three dimensions of poverty?
13. Give an account of inter-state disparities of poverty in India.
14. What is meant by poverty line? How the poverty line is estimated in India?
15. Discuss the major reasons of poverty in India.
16. What happens to the supply of food when there is a disaster or a calamity?
17. What are the two components of food security system in India?
18. What are the criticisms faced by the PDS in India? Or What are the factors that led to the
decline of the PDS?
19. Differentiate between seasonal hunger and chronic hunger.
20. Explain the role of cooperatives in the food security in India.

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