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English 7 Writing: Article 439

Layout of an Article

1. TitlelMeading:
It may be just one word, a phrase or even
BENEFTTS OF TRAVEILLING a short sentence. It is often very
(By Musafir Raj) - catching and focuses on the main idea,
theme or purpose of the article.

According to 8t. Auqustine, "The world is a book and

2. Name of the Author/Writer
h0se who dont't travel read It includes the name andlor the designation
only a page" of the author. Newspapers these days also
give the author's contact details for
Travelling is Man's instinctive behaviour. He has been feedback. (Al this information can als0
appear at the end of the article.)
travelling since times immemorial to search or to0d,
3atisty his curiosity, to explore new lands and to
3. Introduction/0pening:
enjou himselt The article may open dramatically with a
question, quotation, some important anecdote
Trovdig o4rs tromondous opportunities tor tun, advatture or data to catch the reader's attention.

and discovery. It provides a wecome

chonge place
o4 and
freedom from boredom and stress. It brings people o4
dittrant cultures, rdiajons and nations togetnar and thus
hdps thom understand each others customs, traditions,
4. Development of the
bdiets,haritoae and ligestyles. This leads to qreater It includes all the major statements and
their supporting ideas along with
ntanotional understanding, tolerance and word peace examples,
arguments and evidence as required.

The qreatest contribution of travel however, is the

covomic rosperity it brivngs. It generatesemgloument;
promotes business, trode art and
industrs porticulorly
tronsport and hospitality. It is the major source of
income tor many countries, including India.

Tus, travd nas marnitold bonetits tor individuals, protesional,

5. Winding up:
organizotions, communities, cultures andcountries It is summing up the main
ideas, making a
comment, criticism or recommendation.
80. pack your bags and qo. Bon Vouaae- 6. Conclusion:
It often
expresses a hope, a warning, an
appeal or a call for action and signals the
end of an article.
Note: The highlighted words are examples of cohesive markers.

How to WNrite a Short Story

1. Give a suitable title
2. Set the time and
the atmosphere of the
Once in a cartoin town a very Stinay former hod Ouite often, titles are based on
characters and/or their relationship or
a very weaF and old donkey the main incident and/or its
Stories happen in time One
and space. So it is
doy, the onimal accidentaly el into a dried Consequence.

important to clearly up well It cried piteousts gor hours as the tarmer

indicate the time and trhed to Aoure out whot to do.
place where the story
well its an old dontey. Totally worthless" 1 dot+ 4.Choose appropriate verb forms:
takes place.
Most stories are set in the past. So,
need nim. Let him lie where he is. Moreover, 1 need the choice of verb forms is often
to ll this well t00. I will throw dirt into it and simple past, past continuous and past

the donrey will be buried under it" e thouaht t0
3. Describe action: himset
Say what happened.
8o, he invited all his neianbours to come over and
Describe the
consequencels) or nelp him. They all arubbed a shovel and began to
5. Add dialogues:
effectis) of the incident. shove dirt into the wel At firt| tme hagless They make the story interesting.

donkey happening and

couldnt realize what was

cried noribl Thoyt0 eveyones amazement he

quieted down
7.Use Adverbs:
Lwait Let me check why the donrey is no longer Adjectives like 'stingy', 'weak', 'old'.
Adverbs like 'piteously'. worthless', hapless' describe
making a noise", the fanmer told his neionbours.
horibly', "happily' show characters. Do make use of as many
the dirt into the well. when
the manner in which
They stopped throwing such describing words as possible.
characters act and react.
the farmer loored
down the wel he was astonished
Add plenty of such words
at what he saw.
with each shovel of dirt tnat
wherever appropriate.
was doing something
nit his back the donkey 8. Indicate sequence of events:
shake it oft and take a step up.
amazino, He would Don't forget to keep a tab on the
above the pile of the dirt sequence of events and their
He nad managed to stay
consequences or effects. Use
urqed nis
at this, the farmer
Guite annoyed expressions like 'At first, Then'.
Filling up me
neionbours to speed up tme wor* 0f Soon' Later, "Eventually' etc.

that the donkey woud beleventualuy

wdl, noping
buried alive
sOon as the well was
not nappen. As
3.Conclude the action: But that did
Give your story an donkey steped up
to tme brim, the 10. Highlight the moral of the story:
appropriate or logical Pilled rioht up trotted OFP It your story teaches a moral lesson,
of the wel and hogpily
over the edae
ending. also highlight it in the torm of a
instead of
MOPAL: nen
troubles come your woy, concluding remark.
(Remember not every story aums to
out of them.
cryina, find
a way teach a moral lesson.)

Layout of a Letter to the Principal

1. DATE:
Write out the full date
"15th May 2021"-British ) or
15th May 2001 "15 May 2021" () or
"May 15, 2021"-(American) .
The Principal Avoid writing "15/5/2021" (X).
OAV Public &chool 2. Address:
Chennai Here write the receiver's name, designation
and address. Do not indent the address.

Sir/Madam- 3. Salutation:
It is a customary address with which the
Rubiect:Applic.ation tor aOatt 04 Birth Certiticate writer opens the letter.

Hy name is Arial Angelo and I am a studentotclass VIT-C 04

this school. My roll number is 29. 4. Subject:
Describe briefly and accurately what the
1 nave to apply for a passport in order to be able to travel purpose of the letter is. It is usually
abroad during the nextsummer vacation. One of the sugporting underlined or highlighted.
documents I need #or my aplication is a date ot birth
certiticate issued by the head of the institution.
The certieicate should clearly mention my name, class, roll 5. Body:
Introduce yourself; explain the purpose of
number, names 04 my parents and my date 04 birth as per tne your writing and make a request for
school admission reaister. It should also certity that I am a necessary action.

reqular student o4 this school.

Hay I reauest you to issue me this certiAicate, please?

6. Complimentaryclose
Than you It is a polite way of ending the letter. You can
also end your letter with 'yours faithfully
Yours sincerely but avoid using 'yours obediently'.
Arial Angelo 7. Signature
PollNo. 29, VII-C| Sign your name here. Also write your class
and roll number below the signature.
Layout of a Letter to the Editor

1. Heading:
17B rean Wood Park Sender's Address is written here. Never put
your name before address. Write the house
number first, followed by the street, town&
Uttarathond pin code. if you know it)

12 November 2021+-
2. Date:
The Date appears directly below the address.
The Editor 3. Inside Address:
The Twmes 04 India Here write the receiver's nameldesignation
New Delhi and address. Do not indent the address.

4. Salutation:
It is a customary address with which the
&ubiect CB8ES Continuous and Comprehansive Evaluation (cce) sender opens the letter.

My mame is Neeam 8orni and I am parent of a class ViI Student who

qoes to a CBIE aFAiliated school Please allow me to express my views on
-5. Subject
It is a concise statement of the topic of the
thecontinuous and comprehensive evaluation popularly MOLon as CC&- letter to draw reader's attention to the main
focus of the message. It is usually underlined
which CB8E introduceda tew years aq0. T hope these will be published in or highighted.
your esteemed newspaper kor the boneRt Ot the pubNic in goneral and
studonts in particular.
I cannot moke scholorty commonts on the system, but thare
undreds and thousonds ot porents lik me who believe that CE 6. Body:
more nam than qod to students. unat they are leet to do is yust keep Body of the letter is written in this space
It usually makes use of three
toling tests or doing some project ond activity or the other in the name| paragraphs.
Para 1:
ot lkomina, In realits vary litte teaching and learing tokes place in Who you are and why you are writing.
closarooms. Thare is mardy ony time leth Aor reading tor pleasure or Para 2:
Details of the problem/topiclissue
Hudying kor in-depth understonding Studis wove yust been reduced to| Para 3/4:
mare Crode Point Averagea GPAl. What you would like the reader to do.
Your hope, appeal, warning, conclusion,
e parents hove our children in revising our own learnina,
pined tor comment etc.
many proyects and awignments are passed on to us and the ones even
e connot do ore got done by propessionals tor a price In the nome o
Formotive Asersmonts and ummative Mreman, most schools
Continue to nold the age od unit and tarm-end tests. And most 7. Complimentary close
tochers complom that tay nave become mere data punching cleks. It is a polite way of ending the letter.
The expression used must match the
we talk about education retorms but sodly litte nas changed. salutation.

Thon ou
Yours truly- 8. Signature
Here the sender signs his/her name. This is
A haried porent- folowed by his/her designation or position
in the next line.
Layout ofa Notice
Name of the
Write the word - Institution/ Office
"Notice' here issuing the notice
Notice (in Capitals)
The Date is to be .
Heading or Subject
written here

- In this space write

the contents of the

Signature notice
(in block letters)
(in brackets)
of the person The notice is
issuing the notice put in a box


Finally, here is a checklist you can use to see whether you have written an
effective notice.

.Havel used the

correct layout?
(Check for the of the institutionlorganisation, the word 'notice, the date and is

descriptive headinglcaption, body of the notice, and signature, placement, a

nameand designation
ofthe writer)
Havelused appropriate language and tone?
Havel written with a clear purpose?

Havel included all the necessary details in the body

of the notice (e.g. time, dare, and venue)
Have I drawn an outline box around the draft?

Havel proof read my draft and removed spelling,

and grammatical
.Have lwritten the notice in a connected paragraph and avoided
using bullet points?
Writing (Notice)

Make use of following value points to write your notice.

Article lost Date .
Timelapprox) . Place ldentificationmarks (colour, size, maierialete.) .

Whom to contact, when and where. Promise of a reward

u r water bottle was stolen from the class when you were out in the games period yesterday. As
Kartik Anand, draft a notice to be put up on the school noticc-board giving all the details in about 50
words. Put the notice in a box.


of the
NOTICE The word
Sth April2021 "Notice
Article Place
A brand new Milton water bottle was lost in the cricket ground on

Date- 4th April i.e. Friday. It is blue in colour and has white lid. There is

Description or
sticker of Scooby Doo on its steel body. If found, please return it to Identification
Whom to the undersigned. Asuitable reward promised. marks

Rantik Anand Promise of

Signature, a reward
other The notice
details of (Roll No.2, VI-A) is put in a
the writer box

Practice EHERCISE5
OIJu Are C11ian Rali a oh1udoul aeILO c oL..
fteen.books.AndArchita, my bestfriends
Zuesday.18thuMay 2.020 * * *

selected 21,buk.our teacher told us that

630p we could select only tw. Imagine o u
Dear Diary
book exhibition inthe disappointment!
Todaythere was a Finally 1bought one book.onphotography
school.Ourclassensthefirst and one on.gardening for Dad and Mom.
what a wonderfultime weehad browsing but I'wnot
I think theybeliked the books
hada great
through thebooks there. They sure 7hey said they would like a good
collection.ofbooks-stery books,textbooks,
and digital report cardmore.LOL!
refrence books, quix books
That'iallfor today!1haue to study now
wORnted to buy ewery book that I sau
Forthatgoodreport.youknow Byel
enoughfpraMinilibrary Iselected Samantha
the boy
Vitrant, but he
2 0 1 8 8 . 5 5 p m

first, was
abit upset
Dec. comes o fthe
Friday,t h me. Most
HeyDiary! today even

maYks c h i l d r e n did,
to know our
Wegot doesn'tspeak
tom e . .
withjoy! noYmally
"Seel told
too well tosay,
thought| had not done Dadis going
Mom will
mayks pays off.
Surpyise, havd wovk you
but to my class.
highest inthe Snile
werethe moe Precious One!"
class teacher was
could doit,My day!
thivkthe EnglishI1
I was. In Yayitsa hap,hap,haPpy
Surprisedthan Science
Maths 98,
in Ananya
4ot15, Can
13and in

Now discuss the following questions with your
diaries? Is it informal or formal?
1. What kind of language is used in writing
Are they of varying lengths?
2. What kinds of sentences are used? Are they always complete?
or friend?
3. Why is diary sometimes addressed as if it were a person
Is there any peculiar layout or format of a diary entry?
Is there anything special about the Now read
punctuation and use of space in writing a diary entry? Mrs Writeworthy's Blog entry
diaries on
5 ls there any emotional outburst in some entries? Do you think
are especially meant
Effective Diary Writing'
for this kind of writing? and see if you get answers to
6. Are diary entries usually written in first person? If yes, why? most of these questions.
7. Why do we sometimes paste stickers and flower petals or draw doodles or highlight some
How similar or different
words in our diary? to
are they as compared
8. Look at the length of these excerpts. Are diary entries always very brief or can they at times your own answers?

be very long and detailed?

Here are some diary entries. Read them carefuly.
.30p m October 24 2017
Undone by Mot whoteve 1m not
My reult ir out Agp oowng to
spo my
nas report Cord
wndovne Robl Mos
Moms becouse
1e me
uet agow ond 1 otsw
a0t AM
Couldrt beieve 0 dovr*
olova l with aet
saw te my eues marks Other each
wnere dd Td
answer-shee 1 time
Piqnt now, it
0 prepared wel scoldig rom Mom
1 SOme
mess up
wt the uorovna? odond
and Dod.
man od Bru
or did
Brace up
aet tme calcLAationsall
omuloe Tarun
7.30p. Jnmennny f, 2016
sanch hes '
Siwvway and wha ench Ahon and
urniny ilence
pevadsThe howe. weeching hhe
hangehow ?'re egun
To miss
monkep Wo wem
newen To ee cnch
when she i ahee'
ewagandcanf Aandher ce again bs soon
when she'anound! Wha
kgka weheve! Mom chocolko en cookimng
we' lowl ofmnggi noodl
Wha vndas or sng
sthen eplhasVkingo
Togther. hs busther
weemnorsenaehing Tking,
ulAion is
isn Ta?

lucaday, Fpl 15,202

Dean Dany
6.30 p.m
It Cuet Dc MOn! 1Leually!
MAy puem, Du fuuy une luule abul my sislet
wOn De fus put in De
luyung te lese ueiglt (auud nct sueeeeding)
fuuual lute t Sckccl Prely tcmpetiticu l eculd
kadly believe
Iy CaLa uhan lhe Pineipal auuuuued my naune un he assembly
VURYN clapped as ualked up l Due stage lk eceiue my
mcdal Ihe best Dung uas De Prineipals beauning smile. I nea uly cetüieate ud tue gcld
paist I meAn ito mot eaeyday thad I hkeai ouch ucnde tful succned al her ueds of
Dinga abeut mself fucm Uhe
Pncipd Fwd guu kau kuu ladc he
Mm nd Dad ueu t pied uud pkeacd uhea Ducy elu uned
fem officc. We ae
ging cutte cdebuale onigkL fokamy aisler. Palka. she lch il
vey spr tlingly Ihauka. Ss!
Ch, uhad a day! 1think I ecuald urile a pcem cn it
(Aerl ecme deun te the cath
flUka hat ia.

What is the layout and format of a diary entry?

Adiary entry usually includes the date, place and time of writing the diary on the top, a description of wn,
you want to write, followed by your name orsignature. You may also like to include a suitable title or heading.

Here's a sample layout of a diary:

Day, date and time
ofthe diary entry.
Some writers
-A suitable,
don't include deseriptive title or
the time)
heading (optional
Asalutation like
Dear Diary' or -Body of the diary
Hi, ... name of (t includes all the
the diary. ideas that you
(Use it if you wish want to express.)
to treet your diary
as a close friend A leave taking
living person. phrase like 'Bye',
See you' or
"Good night' etc.
(Include if youre
Name or Signature- addressing your
diary as a friend
or companion.)
How often should/can I write diary?
Write whenever you feel like. It's a good idea to be regular in writing a diary but you can choose how
frequently you would want to write. Just write it, whenever possible. Don't wait for any special occasion or

I have seen some people addressing their diaries as if they were real persons? Is that fine?

Again, it's a matter of personal choice. I don't see anything wrong withit
r'd advise you to write your diary as if you are talking to a trusted friend. Be honest and candid and
write what is true. You may like to address your diary ihke you address a close friend - "Dear Diary' or

'Dear.. (give yourdiary a namel' and sign off with Bye', 'See you later, 'Good night' etc.

What preparation do lI need to make for writing a diary entry?

Before you write, do think about what you want to write about. Make a list of questions and then
short answers to those questions. The answers when written in an
organised way will usually form your
diary entry.
For example:
.How was the day?

How amlfeeling?
What didlearn today?
What happenedatschool
What is going in the

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