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FLEUR DELACOUR FREE PATTERN NERWAS+CUERPO 4 -Azul Oscure: AM 6pb © 2- pb, aumx2 @ 3- Gris: pb @ 4- pb, aumx2 (10) 5 = (Apb, aum)x2 (12) 8,7- 12pb (12) Hacemos dos piazas, romatamos ia 1" y seguimos teiendo en la segunda para uni las plomas: 8 2ead, 1296 ena 1¥ ema, 2pb, 120 ena pera, 29d (28) 8. 6pb,aum, 1300, au 7p (30) 410-7pb,aum,13pb,aum. 89> (32) -Asul Claro: 329b 2) @ (28) 2) 17-6, dismyxa (2) 18,19 24pb oe Rellenamos a medida que vamos tejendo. 20- (4p, aism)xt 21-20p 22+ (3pb, dist OREJAS 41- Piel: AM Spb @ Remar y dejar hebra para coser ‘ontre las woltas 12 14 de a cabeza. 1 Pie: AM 6p 6 2-(2pb, au) @) 3 -Azul Oscuro: 89 @ 44314 Azul Claro: Bp> @ Rematary dejar hebra para coser entre ias vultas 21 y 22 del cuerpo. 1 -AM 8p ® 2-8aun (18) 3- (9b, aumps (24) 4 (29b, aum)x® (2) 9 (Spb, aumx8. (40) 6- (pb, aumxs (4a) Ta16- 4800 (4a) Colocamos jos ojos de seguridad entre Jas vuelias 12 y 13, seperados 9 puntos. 17- (épb, dopo (40) 18- (996, dempo (22) 49- (2pb, Sem)o (24) 20- (pb, damp (8) Romatar y dejar hbra para coser al cuerpo, ‘como se muestra en a foto, ‘Bordamos una nar entre las uelas 13 y 14 FALDA En las hebras que quedaron en la vuelta 16 unimos hebra y tejemos: 4 -2cad (6pa, aumpa}x 32) 2at -pe, 2006, 3293 (32) Rematamos y escondemos hebra. 4-AMBpb 2-8aum 3-(pb, aump8 4 @pb, aump6 5> (Spb, aumy® 8- (apb, aus 7-(rpb, au 8a13-54pb (6) 14 (9. 13cad, empezando ena eadena 12pb)5, 459b,t3cad, empezando ena cadena (2pb, aux, ‘3b, 5mpa, Spa, Scad, pe, pb, Smpa, Bd, 13.cad, empezanco en ia cadena, (2p, aum)x4, 159 Rematary dejar hebra para coser las 5 tres junias van en la parte de ‘airs, y las tras sueltas van @ ambos lados dela cabeza, “Tojemos 21 cadenas, empozamos a tora part de la a cadena’ 41- 3pb, 3pb en un punto, 2pb,3pb en un punto, 6p, ‘Spb en un punto, 2pb, 3pb en un punto, 3p (28) 2- 28a pa, 2umpa, 14pa, aumpa, 6pa ‘pb, aum,14pb, aum, 7p Remaiary esconder hebra DETALLE DE LA CAPA Unimos en las 21 cadenas iniciales dela cape 4 = pb, Gad, empezando en la 2%cadena pe, 3pb, mpa, ‘9p, Bead, empezando en la cadena pe, Spb, mpa Rematamos y dejamos hebra para cover Colacamos la capa sobre los brazos de nuestra Fleur y le damos unas puntadas, 1AM 69 © 2- Spb, aum_ (7) 5-690 sum ® 4-Baum (16) 5~ 2pb, 4aummpa, 2pb, (pb, aum)x4 (24) 6 - (mpa, aummpa)x6, (Spb, aump2 (32), 7. Gps urenpas eb aumy (4) 8. (Gmpa_ aummpe) pb aum2 48) 8 (ama, aunmpe)c, op umd (58) 10a13 - 5épb (56) 14 - SHD: pe, 2cad, 28mpa, 28pa (86) Remar y esconder la hebra: Por dtimo bordale unas rayas blancas bajo los ojos y ponle un poco de calor en sus mejilas |Y ya tones lista a tu Fleur ‘Patron gratuite, Copyright © 2021 Gatencaixe, ‘Todos tos derechos reservados 8/9 LECS+BODY ARMS x2 41 -Dark Blue: MR 6se © = 1 Skin: MR 6s (8) 2- 2se, inca. ® - 2- (280, inca (@) 3 Gray: 650 © 7 3 Dark Blue: Bsc (8) 4 so, inojx2 (10) SF) 4-14-Blue:8 sc @) 5 (Aso, incr (12) 67-1250 (12) Finish off and leave a long tal for sewing First eg: fasten off " 2) Sew between rows 21 and 22 ofthe body. "Now crochet the second le inthe same ‘way, repeat round 1-7 and continue: £8-2ch, 1260 in the frst og, 25 ‘2ecinthe second lg, 28¢ | (28) 9 GRAY 686, nc, 1386 in, T8¢ (30) 10-720, ne, 1386, ne, 656 ‘1-Buo:32s¢ 1216-3280 15-650, doy 16 BLO: 2866 17-65, docs 18,19- 2880 ‘Stuff while crocheting. 20- (dsc, deo 21-2086 22 (380, deo Finish off and hide the thread. F AT- (ase, dechs $B + (Gse, decheB 19+ (2se, dec)x8 20- (6c, dec)x8 OREJAS 1 Skins MR Sse ® . shown in the picture, Finish off and leave a long tal fr sewing, 26. Figh of and leave a tong tal for : We embroider a nose between rows 13 and 14 sewing between rows 12 and 14 on ‘the head. Kent Join thread in the loops ofthe row 18 and crochet: 41-2ch (6d, ned) @) 24-86, 2ch, 32de (2) Finish off and hide the thea, 4) 116-(60. 13ch, start from the 2nd loop from the nook 125)5, 415sc, 13ch start fom the 2nd oop from the hook (2sc, inch, so, Shdo, Suc, Sch, ss, sc, hdc, sc, ‘ch, stat from the 2nd loop from the hook (2s. nc), 15 Finish off and leave a long fal fr sewing, the 5 strips together go in ‘the back, and the loose strips go-on both sides ofthe head. coat 21 ch, start from the 2nd loop trom the hook and erochet: 41-3se, 35¢ in one stitch, 25¢, 85 in one sich, Bsc, ‘sc in one stitch, 2sc, 3ec in one stitch, 3s¢. (28) 2-28de (28) 3 Ge, inode, 14de, inede, Bde (30) 442 Te ne, se, ne Te (22) Finish off and hide the ttvead DETAIL OF THE CAP ‘We join thread inthe 21 intial chains of the cap 41~ 80, 6ch, stat from the 2nd oop trom the hook ss, 3se, hdc 485, Gch, empezando en la eadena ss, sc, hdc Finigh off and leave tal for sewing ‘We place the cape over the arms of our Fleur ang stitch a fow stiches. 1 @) 2 a 3 () 4-8ine (18) 5. 2s, Anche, 2se, (sc, inc)x4 (24) 8 (he, inchde), (sc, Inc)x2 (2) 7- (2hde,inchde)6, (Be, inex (40) B- (Ghie, inchdch6, (756, incje2 (48) 9 (@hide,inchde)4, (Bsc, ne)et (5) 10-13. S680 (68) 14 FLO: 8, 2ch, 28nde, 2860 6) Finish off and hide the trad Finally, embroider some white stripes under the eyes ‘and puta litle color on his chooks ‘And you have your Flour ready! — ‘Copwright © 2621 Catencatxe,

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