Sai Koushik Java Resume

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Mason, OH 45040  • (630) 888-9615 • • 79b7651a9

Professional Summary
Self-motivated Developer adds high level of experience over more than 6+ years collaborating and
working on multiple web-based projects. Passionate, hardworking coder with penchant for
developing customized interfaces that factor in unique demands for accessibility, reachability and
security. Organized approach to meeting multiple, concurrent deadlines. Pulls from active
knowledge of current technology landscape to promote best practices in web design.

 Application design  Jenkins
 Java  DB 2
 Kotlin  Elastic Search
 Angular  AWS Glacier
 AWS S3  Junit, Mockito
 Grafana  TDD
 Dynatrace  Hibernate
 PCF  MongoDB-NoSQL
 REST  Git, GitHub, Bitbucket
 Spring Boot  System Design
 Apache Kafka  Design pattern
 Cassandra-NoSQL  Kubernetes
 Agile, JIRA.  ReactJS
 AWS lambda  Docker

Work History
Senior Full Stack Developer, 07/2022 to current
Cisco Meraki – Remote
Description: Worked as Full Stack Developer for Meraki Dashboard that help millions of
customers to manage their Meraki switches, router, cameras, Sensors, Cellular gateway etc.
Network Administrators and its users can manage all the devices on. Networks and provide
various levels of access and create SAML roles for customers to login.
 Refactored and redesigned the entire Two Factor authentication code for Meraki dashboard.
allowing users to setup and use 2FA with dashboard and reduced the support load by 80% for
 Actively made changes to Landing page on Meraki dashboard built in Angular.
 Migrated from PING SSO to Duo SSO to allow cisco customers user DUO solution as part of
One Cisco solution in Java.
 Mentored Junior developers and paired with them on user stories in JIRA.
 Created stories after discussing with PM and filled out the Acceptance Criteria.
 Made presentations on authentication and various user types available at Meraki and how
they are configured in database.
 Created new Rest-end points in Java, Spring Boot, and used Spring JPA to interact with
postgres database.
 Queried a time series database to extract information to debug issues.
 Emitted custom event messages to be stored into apache kafka.
 Debugged issues associated with summary reports generated by AWS Lambda.
 Actively identified tech debt and worked on it to clean up code and wrote test cases to increase
coverage in Junit and Mockito.
Technologies: Java, Kotlin, Spring boot, Kafka, Postgres, Little Table, JPA, AWS, Dynatrace,
Kibana, Angular, JSON, TDD, Jenkins.

Full Stack Developer III, 04/2021 to 07/2022

LeMans Corp – Remote
Description: Working as Full Stack Developer for Digital team that manages the order
management and website that helps dealers order. The app maintains dealer profiles and let them
order products and talk to mainframe system to process order and ship them to customers.
 Developed restful services using Java 11, Kotlin and spring boot.
 Used Spring boot JPA to make database interactions.
 Worked on enhancements for support agent app built in angular and provide new features to
help them filter data and enter baggage information for on-load, off-load messages.
 Fixed defects in angular UI to not show inactive parts a fixed defect.
 Actively participated in support rotation and addressed tickets.
 Provided design reviews and mobbed with other developers to decide the best path for story.
 Researched and analyzed requirement and wrote JIRA stories.
 Used Kotlin extension functions to write up utility methods that can be used across apps.
 Wrote Unit tests in Junit and Mockito.
 Used Microservice architecture, with Spring Boot interacting through REST and Apache Kafka
message brokers.
 Built dashboards, alarms in Kibana for monitoring.
Technologies: Java, Kotlin, Spring boot, Redis, JPA, AWS Ec2, Dynatrace, Apache Kafka, Kibana,
Angular, MSSQL, JSON, TDD, Jenkins.

Developer III, 02/2019 to 03/2021

ERPA (Kroger-Contract)– Cincinnati, OH
Description: Working as Developer for E-Commerce-Payments team on processing of various
types of payment transactions like Authorization, Return, Refund, Completion, Multi-Capture for
Gift, Credit, Debit, ACH, Chase pay and storing of card information.
 Developed apps with Kotlin, React, Java for development using Spring boot, PCF, CI/CD
pipelines and JUnit, Mockito for Unit testing.
 Built high volume applications that can scale up to 400 transactions per second.
 Created used Docker containers to setup local environment. Created Docker compose files to
pull the images.
 Created Restful services that accept both JSON, Xml.
 Using Apache Kafka streams in bank card project for consuming messages and dropping
messages on Apache Kafka topics reduced failure rate by 50 % compared to IBM MQ.
 Using Spring boot 2.x for development of restful services and spring data JPA for storing data
in RDBMS database MSSQL server for value card and Kroger cash project.
 Used Mongo DB for chase pay development project for caching purposes. Developed it using
via spring boot Mongo JPA repositories.
 Created Scalable app that handled 40 % more transactions than average and handled slow
response times from external applications.
 Used Kibana for logs and Grafana, Dynatrace for monitoring applications and alarms for
monitoring 300000 transactions a day.
Technologies: Java, Kotlin, React, Spring boot, Kafka, Mongo, Hibernate, PCF, Grafana, Dynatrace,
Kibana, MSSQL, JSON, Xml, TDD.

IT Specialist, 10/2017 to 02/2019

ERPA – (Nationwide Insurance -Contract)– Columbus, OH
Description: ITAM Asset conversion project converting MS Access based apps into Web apps.
Working on Products that are necessary for processing LIFE and annuity beneficiaries and
assignment of tasks to exception managers.
 Used Spring Boot as framework to develop rest controller and implemented business logic in
service class.
 Implemented Angular 5 framework for UI and developed templates using HTML, CSS and
typescript code.
 Containerized MS SQL using docker for running it on local.
 Worked on API Proxy tool APIGEE for exposing webservice to external customer.
 Created APIGEE proxy with JSON threat protection for security and OAUTH keys for
authentication and authorization of user to consume rest service.
 Implemented JPA Repositories to save objects and perform operations CRUD Operations.
 Created Restful services for NBWD project using NodeJS.
 Utilize Postman/SOAP UI tools for developing REST, SOAP Web Services to deal with JSON,
XML, text data using JAX-RS, JAX-WS.
 Created Angular components and shared data between components using decorators like
@output, @Input, @event emitter, Router- Navigate and integrated Bootstrap with UI.
 Created Restful service to send historical and current beneficiary data in JSON format.
 Developed utility to read data from excel file in parallel manner using executor service to
spawn multiple threads for one-time utility to read million records from excel file.
 Worked on Spring boot extensively and developed code to have multiple data sources using
multiple entity managers and used PCF VCAP variable to consume PCF services in code and
updated manifest YAML file.
 Consume enterprise PING SSO API to authenticate and authorize in applications.
 Developed java code to read excel files using apache poi jars and save them to tables in SQL
Server db.
 Designed application for File archival project where file is archived to AWS S3 and using life
cycle policy moved it to glacier.
Technologies: Java, Angular, React, PCF, APIGEE, AWS Lambda, S3, REST, SOAP, PCF, HTML,
TypeScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MSSQL, JSON, TDD, Docker.

Associate Consultant, 09/2016 to 09/2017

Pacific Life Insurance Company – Lynchburg, VA
Description: Genius application is intra application having varied features to process application
for insurance.
 Used Spring Boot as framework to develop rest controller and implemented business logic in
service class.
 Implemented Angular 5 framework for UI and developed templates using HTML, CSS and
typescript code.
 Used HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods and used stereotype package
and used IDEMPOTENCY key for implementing idempotent transactions.
 Implemented Streams, lambda expressions while looping to optimize performance and filter
data from lists, used TLV data structure for sending data.
 Implemented JPA Repositories to save objects and perform operations CRUD Operations.
 Created Angular components and shared data between components using decorators like
@output, @Input, @event emitter, Router- Navigate and integrated Bootstrap with UI.
 Developed utility to read data from excel file in parallel manner using executor service to
spawn multiple threads for one-time utility to read million records from excel file.
 Worked on Spring boot extensively and developed code to have multiple data sources using
multiple entity managers and used PCF VCAP variable to consume PCF services in code and
updated manifest YAML file.
 Consumed SOAP service using WSDL file.
 Consume enterprise PING SSO API to authenticate and authorize in applications.
 Developed java code to read excel files using apache poi jars and save them to tables in SQL
Server db.
Technology: Java, Angular, SQL, Oracle, Spring boot, Rest, SOAP, Dynatrace, JSON, Xml, TDD.

Java Developer, 03/2016 to 09/2016

Enphase Energy Inc.- Contract – Petaluma, CA
Description: ENPHASE is Solar – Panel manufacturing company. Enlighten is web application
where primary purpose of application is providing user interface for installer and site owner to
monitor system.
 Program Rest web services based on java, spring, Jax-RS for exchanging data with other
services in formats like JSON, Xml.
 Analyze requirements and participate in 3 amigo meetings to discuss requirements and ask
analyst about questions and gaps in requirement.
 Fix reported defects on existing code and update them to handle those scenarios.
 Work on AWS-SNS (Simple Notification Service) that is used to send notification to users
about failure of EC2 instances and their auto population.
 Write programs in variety of computer languages like Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.
 Unit Test programs for defects and fix broken code. Write Test cases to cover scenarios.
 Participate and contribute in design meetings for creation of data model and object model.
 Used Filters and Rails finder methods and wrote model scopes in application.
 Developer Restful application using rails. and Used RVM to manage multiple versions of
 Program using API provided by java libraries and others like apache, spring that help in code
development process and write comment lines next to code explaining purpose. Optimize,
refactor code continuously to improve code quality.
Technology: Ruby on Rails, Java, React, AWS, S3, SNS, Ec2

Java Application Developer, 09/2014 to 09/2015

TCDD-CONDOR – Cortland, IL
Description: TCDD-CONDOR is auto parts manufacturing company and uses ERP concepts
software tool that helps in inventory management, sales management, customer profiles, sales
forecast to predict future sales and based on that predict inventory needs for future and order
management for customers and from suppliers and to dealers.
 Used Java/J2EE design patterns like session façade, DAO pattern and MVC.
 Used Spring boot for developing rest controllers and services. Used Stereotype package for
development of services and components
 Developed angular services to make calls from UI to backend.
 Used Spring JPA for persistence and fetching data using repositories
 Used retrofit for calling restful services for processing orders from external vendor.
 Unit Test programs for defects and fix broken code. Write Test cases to cover scenarios in JUnit
and Mockito.
 Used Spring JPA for persistence and fetching data using repositories.
 Used IBM MQ for dropping messages to process them in asynchronous manner.
Technology: Java, Angular, Design pattern, JPA, Spring boot, JUnit, Mockito, Rest

Master of Science: Computer Science, 12/2015
Northern Illinois University - Dekalb, IL
Courses: Java, Software Design and Development, RDBMS.

Bachelor of Science: Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, 05/2014

Vardhaman College of Engineering - Hyderabad, India
Courses: Java, Matlab

 AWS Certified Developer Associate

 Lead team during check 21 project while working at pacific life insurance and complete the
project ahead of timeline.
 Won the award for Agility in companies annual awards.
 Lead the team for NBWD project completing it two weeks ahead of time.
 Won the Leadership position in high school.

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