Vol139No07 Apr2018

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Text of Resolutions passed by the

General Council of the Theosophical Society

Freedom of Thought
As the Theosophical Society has spread far and wide over the world,
and as members of all religions have become members of it without
surrendering the special dogmas, teachings and beliefs of their re-
spective faiths, it is thought desirable to emphasize the fact that there is
no doctrine, no opinion, by whomsoever taught or held, that is in any way
binding on any member of the Society, none which any member is not
free to accept or reject. Approval of its three Objects is the sole condition
of membership. No teacher, or writer, from H. P. Blavatsky onwards,
has any authority to impose his or her teachings or opinions on members.
Every member has an equal right to follow any school of thought, but
has no right to force the choice on any other. Neither a candidate for any
office nor any voter can be rendered ineligible to stand or to vote, because
of any opinion held, or because of membership in any school of thought.
Opinions or beliefs neither bestow privileges nor inflict penalties.
The Members of the General Council earnestly request every member
of the Theosophical Society to maintain, defend and act upon these
fundamental principles of the Society, and also fearlessly to exercise the
right of liberty of thought and of expression thereof, within the limits
of courtesy and consideration for others.

Freedom of the Society

The Theosophical Society, while cooperating with all other bodies
whose aims and activities make such cooperation possible, is and must
remain an organization entirely independent of them, not committed to
any objects save its own, and intent on developing its own work on the
broadest and most inclusive lines, so as to move towards its own goal as
indicated in and by the pursuit of those objects and that Divine Wisdom
which in the abstract is implicit in the title ‘The Theosophical Society’.
Since Universal Brotherhood and the Wisdom are undefined and
unlimited, and since there is complete freedom for each and every member
of the Society in thought and action, the Society seeks ever to maintain
its own distinctive and unique character by remaining free of affiliation
or identification with any other organization.

VOL. 139 NO. 7 APRIL 2018

Thoughts on the History and Influence of the TS 5
Tim Boyd
Tamil: The Glory of India — I 8
Lokesh Chandra
Theosophy and Apollonius of Tyana 14
Antonio Girardi
Theosophy: A Unifying Platform in the Modern World 19
Svitlana Gavrylenko
Three Truths and One Dharma — I 24
Fernando A. de Torrijos
The Miracle of “Water” 29
Pradeep Talwalker
The Pursuit of Wisdom 35
N. Sri Ram
Fragments of the Ageless Wisdom 39
International Directory 40

Editor: Mr Tim Boyd

NOTE: Articles for publication in The Theosophist should be sent to: <editorialoffice@gmail.com>

Cover: A sculpture of the Buddha (the Enlightened One), having attained the highest degree of
Wisdom, breaking through the bondage of personality and senses.
This journal is the official organ of the President, founded by H. P. Blavatsky, 1879.
The Theosophical Society is responsible only for official notices appearing in this journal.

Founded 17 November 1875
President: Mr Tim Boyd Vice-President: Dr Deepa Padhi
Secretary: Ms Marja Artamaa Treasurer: Ms Nancy Secrest
Headquarters: ADYAR, CHENNAI (MADRAS) 600 020, INDIA
Vice-President: ivp.hq@ts-adyar.org
Secretary: secy.hq@ts-adyar.org
Treasurer: treasury.hq@ts-adyar.org
Adyar Library and Research Centre: alrc.hq@ts-adyar.org
Theosophical Publishing House: tphindia@gmail.com // www.adyarbooks.com
Editorial Office: editorialoffice@gmail.com, Website: http://www.ts-adyar.org

The Theosophical Society is composed of students, belonging to any religion in

the world or to none, who are united by their approval of the Society’s Objects,
by their wish to remove religious antagonisms and to draw together men of goodwill,
whatsoever their religious opinions, and by their desire to study religious truths
and to share the results of their studies with others. Their bond of union is not the
profession of a common belief, but a common search and aspiration for Truth.
They hold that Truth should be sought by study, by reflection, by purity of life,
by devotion to high ideals, and they regard Truth as a prize to be striven for, not
as a dogma to be imposed by authority. They consider that belief should be the
result of individual study or intuition, and not its antecedent, and should rest on
knowledge, not on assertion. They extend tolerance to all, even to the intolerant,
not as a privilege they bestow but as a duty they perform, and they seek to remove
ignorance, not punish it. They see every religion as an expression of the Divine
Wisdom and prefer its study to its condemnation, and its practice to proselytism.
Peace is their watchword, as Truth is their aim.
Theosophy is the body of truths which forms the basis of all religions, and
which cannot be claimed as the exclusive possession of any. It offers a philosophy
which renders life intelligible, and which demonstrates the justice and the love
which guide its evolution. It puts death in its rightful place, as a recurring incident
in an endless life, opening the gateway to a fuller and more radiant existence.
It restores to the world the Science of the Spirit, teaching man to know the Spirit as
himself and the mind and body as his servants. It illuminates the scriptures and
doctrines of religions by unveiling their hidden meanings, and thus justifying them
at the bar of intelligence, as they are ever justified in the eyes of intuition.
Members of the Theosophical Society study these truths, and theosophists
endeavour to live them. Everyone willing to study, to be tolerant, to aim high, and
to work perseveringly, is welcomed as a member, and it rests with the member to
become a true theosophist.

4 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Thoughts on the History and Influence of the TS

Thoughts on the History

and Influence of the TS

ON this occasion of the Theosophical headquarters for this, at that time, young
Society’s 142nd international Convention, movement.
it is good to look back and remember where Most of you are aware of the three
we have come from. The Theosophical objects of the TS, which have formed the
Society (TS) was founded in 1875 in New direction for our efforts during the life-
York City, although now we find its head- time of this organization. The first one
quarters here in Adyar, Chennai, India. being the focus on unity, oneness; in the
The TS flourished in New York for a language of the Objects: “To form a
time and it was in 1878 that the decision nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of
was made to move its fledgling operations Humanity.” It was in this setting that the
to India. deeply religious background of the Indian
At that time, this country was in a very subcontinent was confirmed and con-
different situation than it is now. It was tinually affirmed by our founders. In the
when the British Raj and colonial powers face of all opposition from the evangelical
were dominant. This was a very odd place sorts of church influences, the beauty,
for the TS — whose primary object is to purity, and profundity of those religions
form a brotherhood of humanity regard- that have been rooted in this nation, were
less of caste, race, religion, or any of spoken to, defended, and explained in
those things which tend to divide us — to greater depths. This was the foundation.
locate itself in a colonial situation. It is fascinating that the Theosophical
Colonialism is a strange thing in that Society, founded in New York, in the
it requires superior and inferior people. United States, was only really able to
The religions of India were viewed from spread into the world when it came to
the colonial perspective as not measuring India; and spread it did. The global
up. So an education system was estab- culture, as we know it today, has been
lished to enforce a change in a basically profoundly influenced by this, always
more than 5,000-year-old religious struc- very small, body. The politics of India in
ture. It is remarkable that it is in this setting particular, the growing contemporary
that the Society flourished. In 1882 Adyar movements of spirituality around the
was determined to be the international world, the educational systems, science,

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 5

Thoughts on the History and Influence of the TS

arts, have all found exemplary members human society and life as we know it.
of this organization, bringing forth these In the arts there are countless people
ideas and moving the global culture that we can point to; but the modern art
further and further ahead. movement in particular owes and recog-
At the time of the TS’s founding in nizes a debt to this Theosophical move-
1875, one of the original founders, and ment, with such people as Wassily
also its first President, Col H. S. Olcott, Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Paul Gauguin
gave an inaugural speech. One of the — all members of this organization. The
things that he said was: “In the future, early work on thought forms has come to
when open-minded historians write about be integrated into the very basis of the
the history of the religious ideas of this contemporary and modern art movement.
time, the formation of this Theosophical These are things that we are very much
Society will not be overlooked.” Obvi- aware of.
ously that was something of a prediction, One of the profound, in a sense, by-
but one that, in our day and time, that products of the birth of this Theosophical
future that he had spoken of, is actually movement and its taking root in India is
the fact of the moment. nothing less than the movement that led
Not a day goes by today when there to India’s independence itself. It is a
are not researchers looking to the archives common fact of the history of this nation
of the TS, when there are not people that the moving force in its bid for
getting in touch to speak about, to try to independence was the Indian National
find and define that thread that runs from Congress. In 1884, immediately follow-
this initial effort towards a oneness ing the international Convention of the
through the changes that have occurred TS, seventeen members of this organi-
in the world around us. zation went on to meet and develop plans
Just to think in terms of a few of the for Indian independence. They did it after
prominent members whose names we are the Convention because the TS is not a
aware of, that have had this theosophical political body. The very next year, the
influence on the Society, in the world Indian National Congress was founded,
of Science we have one of the early mem- and one of its founders was none other
bers of the TS, Thomas Alva Edison, prob- than Mr A. O. Hume, a TS member.
ably one of the most prolific inventors The moving force behind the actual
ever, who aligned himself with the think- accomplishment of India’s independence,
ing and breathing of this movement. Con- of course, was Mohandas Karamchand
temporarily there is Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Gandhi, who as a lawyer-in-training in
who has done enormous things to move London was, in his own words, recon-
our thinking into the realm of the unseen, nected to the spirituality of his own coun-
of consciousness as the primary force try by being introduced to that seminal
in all of the things that are influencing work of Indian spirituality, the Bhagavad-

6 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Thoughts on the History and Influence of the TS

gitâ. He was introduced to it by two mem- There are educational institutions scat-
bers of the TS in London, and coincident- tered across this land, founded by her:
ally, the version of the Gitâ that he was colleges, secondary schools, and spe-
exposed to was a poetic rendering of it, cifically schools that were founded for
The Song Celestial by Edwin Arnold, women’s education, as that was a focus
who was also author of The Light of Asia, for her. The Young Men’s Indian Asso-
and a Theosophist. The small Gitâ became ciation was conceived as a gymnasium,
his guidebook throughout the movement a place where the future leaders of the
that led to the independence of India. independent Indian nation that she knew
We would be remiss if mention was would arrive, would be trained, become
not made of Annie Besant in discussing capable, become versed in all the quali-
the history of this now great nation and ties, not just of intellect, but of character
its independence. Annie Besant, who was that would be required in this new com-
to become the second president of the TS ing future. The Home Rule Movement
fourteen years later, moved from London itself, the very first iteration within the
to come to India in 1893. Her first speech Indian Independence Movement, that
at the Indian National Congress took place India should rule itself, was initiated, de-
a year later, little knowing that in 1917 veloped, and promoted by Annie Besant.
she would become the first woman The Theosophical Society, in its begin-
president of that very same organization. ning, had had these sorts of influences,
She was not just someone who spoke about and it is not a matter of pride, it is just a
the value of and need for independence; matter of fact. It is also expressive of the
she was a builder of institutions that would seminal quality of the TS, that the focus
support an independent India far before is, has been, and will continue to be on
independence took place. oneness, unity, and brotherhood. ²

The Real Theosophical Society is an indivisible unit, animated by an

individual life! Its Soul is the love of truth, its vital principle is kindness,
and it dwells in a world above the material, where no enemy can touch
it. It depends for its manifestation on earth upon an appropriate
vehicle, and the first condition necessary in that vehicle is that it shall
be a united whole.
Applied Theosophy and other Essays
H. S. Olcott

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 7

Tamil: The Glory of India — I

Tamil: The Glory of India — I


THE 19th century was moving away itual America. He was deeply influenced
from traditional greatness and the New by the Romantic movement of Germany
World of America was trying to seize life based on the discovery of Sanskrit as the
in a fresh mode and to build it beyond Ursprache. He undertook the exploration
the old. Minds like R. W. Emerson (1803– of “whole new continents and worlds
82) were discovering “the famine of our within” in 39 volumes of his Journal. His
churches”. He rallied together a group most famous essay “Civil Disobedience”,
called “transcendentalists” to open up a which influenced Gandhi, was a defence
unique American culture. Mind, not mat- of the private conscience against the
ter, was supreme, ideas were sovereign. majority expediency.
Man was intimate with Nature, and his In 1875 Madame H. P. Blavatsky
relation to the universe gave him a poetry founded the Theosophical Society (TS),
and philosophy of insight and he was no alongwith Col. H. S. Olcott and others.
longer a victim of “revelation”. Emerson She stated that Wisdom had been trans-
spoke immediately to his generation that mitted over the ages, by Mahatmas scat-
wanted to use the resources of Nature tered throughout the world, as esoteric
by starting afresh with a new philosophy teaching. She was in communication with
of renewal, away from a world tired by the Mahatmas in Tibet, and believed in
the decay of centuries. The great writer, reincarnation. The spirit advances to its
poet and philosopher H. D. Thoreau goal in successive earthly lives in strict
(1817–62) was enacting the transcenden- accordance with the Brahmanic and
talism of Emerson, and he upheld the Buddhist doctrine of Karma. The laws
right to a life shaped by inner principle, of Karma were first introduced in the
to make poems of our lives and living an Upanishads as the law of moral causation.
art. He held the values of rootedness and The consequences of action in the present
contemplation. He became a culture hero life are reaped in a future incarnation on
and had a widespread influence. He be- earth. Whatsoever a man sows he reaps,
came an example of a search for a spir- and likewise what he reaps he must have

Prof. Lokesh Chandra is the former President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR),
New Delhi. Talk delivered at the international Convention, Adyar, on 1 January 2018.

8 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Tamil: The Glory of India — I

sown. She travelled over the world for major movements of the foregoing century:
many years. She came to India and Java, (i) the founding of the Indian National
and spent some time in Tibet in 1856 and Congress, (ii) conceptualisation of “cultural
again in 1868. Russia had a long legacy nationalism” culminating in the BJP, and
of Indic perceptions and Madame Blavat- (iii) national language for a free India (now
sky was immersed in them. The fables and termed “official language”). The Indian
tales of India were a favourite theme in National Congress founded in 1885 spear-
Russia from the 13th century. The legend headed the national movement for inde-
about India preserved its popularity pendence, culminating in India’s freedom
among the Russian masses till the 19th in 1947.
century. It had become the fabulous king- Annie Besant spoke about “cultural
dom of Belovodye (“White Water”) and nationalism”, which became a profound
Russians went in search of it since the 17th inspiration for promoting cultural acti-
century. In 1835 Count Uvarov estab- vities, such as the Bengal school of paint-
lished a chair for teaching Sanskrit at St ing, various styles of classical dance,
Petersburg as it was cognate with Russian. special courses on the history and culture
The Russians were astonished by the of India in the universities, and so on.
solemnity of the ritual of the Buryats, the Because of Annie Besant’s fervent pro-
grandeur of their monasteries replete with jection of India’s cultural heritage as well
icons and thanka scrolls, their mysterious as political independence as President
shamans, enlightened siddhas and medi- of the Indian National Congress, our
tating yogis. All came from Tibet. Blavat- leaders used to keep a close watch on
sky inherited the concept of the Mahatmas the freedom struggle of Ireland and drew
and her attachment to Tibet from the Rus- inspiration and confidence therefrom that
sian attachment to Lamaism. His Holiness one day imperialism will be gone. While
the Dalai Lama sent Tibetan medicine to framing the Constitution of India, con-
the ailing Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev stitutions of the world were consulted.
in July 1982 which had a beneficial effect, A number of phrases of the Constitution
and the practice of Lamaist medicine was of Ireland were adopted, such as “We the
resuscitated in Buryatia. people of . . . do hereby adopt, enact and
In 1879 Blavatsky and Olcott came to give to ourselves this Constitution”. My
India and founded the permanent head- father (Mr Raghu Vira) was a member
quarters of the TS in 1883. When they of the Constituent Assembly of India and
reached India in February 1879, Col. translated the constitution into Hindi. It
Olcott said: “The first thing I did on touch- was signed by all the “founding fathers”
ing land was to stoop down and kiss the along with the English version, and both
granite step, my instinctive act of pooja!” are authorised versions. He used to read
I come here to pay homage to the great the Irish text which had a depth of its own,
TS. It has been in the forefront of three a sensitivity which was lost in translation.

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 9

Tamil: The Glory of India — I

The third contribution of the TS is that from his mother’s side. Russian nobility
a free country has to have a national had a tradition of visiting the Buryat and
language. The leaders of Irish freedom Kalmyk Mongols. B. I. Pankratov had
wanted the Irish language to be the prime been in Beijing during the Manchu era
medium of communication. Indian leaders and knew the ways of the Manchus,
used to read a book on how Irish could Buryats and Kalmyks in their traditional
attain its natural role. Likewise, free India style when westernisation had not yet
was to have a national language. The touched them. He told me in 1957 that
Constitution of India gave this honour to the Russians came in contact with the
Hindi. Annie Besant lives in the silence Buryats around 350 years ago. They were
of the cultural perceptions of India. entranced by their exquisite prayer rooms
The Indian renaissance of the previous with gorgeous thankas, golden icons of
century entailed a study of the changing serene and frightening deities, statues of
views of culture, and the significance and charming goddesses, their vibrant philo-
importance of tradition. Intellectuals in sophical discussions with mudras, xylo-
India turned to their tradition motivated graphed books wrapped in brocades,
by nationalist aims. Reviving national floors and walls covered with carpets of
educational patterns like the gurukuls, magnificent designs to keep the yurts or
developing classical art forms, and rooms warm when the temperature fell to
teaching science and technology along –40 degrees. The Buryats told the Rus-
with inculcating spiritual values were all sians that their religious life derives from
part of the spirit of the times. Swami Tibet where great incarnate Lamas like the
Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Rabindra- Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama live.
nath Tagore and others created a spiritual Blavatsky termed them Mahatmas of Tibet.
and literary ambience that was to evolve The very first centre of the TS in New
into a countrywide movement for inde- York was called “The Lamasery” and it
pendence. Annie Besant was forthright had a rich collection of Tibetan objects.
in enunciating cultural nationalism, being Pankratov narrated that a Russian offi-
from Ireland where Irish was being cial was on duty in Buryatia to understand
replaced by English, besides political them. As Buryat life was predominantly
control of the British. associated with the monasteries, he asked
Madame Blavatsky was from the them: “Where is your Bible?” The Buryat
Russian nobility. The late Ambassador took him to the pavilion where recitation
Kadakin used to say: “Scratch a Russian of the Prajñâpâramitâ was in progress by
and you will find a Mongol inside.” The a hundred Lamas. The manuscript of the
Golden Horde of the Mongols held sway Prajñâpâramitâ was written in golden ink
over Russia and interethnic marriages on thick blue paper made of tree bark
were not rare. The artist Nicholas Roerich and old fabrics. The manuscript was
used to say that he had Mongol blood placed on a carpet and was five feet in

10 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Tamil: The Glory of India — I

height. The stunned Russian said: “This lavish scale that he is said to have made
is your Bible? How many days will it take silver as common as stones in Jerusalem.
to recite it?” The answer was: “About He maintained a fleet of ocean-going
a week. The text is about a myriad folios.” ships bringing “gold, silver, ivory, apes
Russians were exiled to Siberia where and peacocks” (1 Kings 10:22) from
they came into contact with the Buryats. Ophir. The Hebrew word for peacock is
The Russian exiles had poor homes with tukhin which is tokai in Tamil. There
no carpets in freezing cold in winter. The were no peacocks in Jerusalem and
Buryats, on the contrary, were deeply Hebrew had no word for a peacock. This
religious, besides being well off finan- makes it clear that Tamil merchants were
cially by immense holdings of lands and carrying on transoceanic trade with
animals in their sparsely populated land. Jerusalem. The peacock is the mount of
The Russian officials as well as exiles held Kârttikeya, the general of the gods, and
the Buryats in high esteem for their high symbolised divine protection of the state.
standards of living and for their religious The identification of Ophir (var. Sophir)
congregations where musical instru- has been uncertain. Sophir is ª»rpâraka
ments and sonorous recitation made life (modern Sopara) a famous seaport on
a joy. As Lord Buddha said: manoramam the western coast of India, 37 miles north
jïvitam — life is beautiful. of Mumbai. It is four miles north-west
As a young student in Europe, my first of Bassein where an Aºokan edict was
problem on alighting from the plane was discovered. It is mentioned in the
to find out what was vegetarian. A Jewish Mahâbhârata, Bhâgavata, Periplus (2nd
co-student took me to the shops to show century AD), and so on.
what meat was, which I was seeing for An extensive gold-mining industry
the first time in life. I asked him: “Is there existed all over South India. Captain
anything that a vegetarian can eat?” That Leonard Munn writes in Man in India:
was a Friday. He said: “On a Friday we “Over the vast area of ancient workings
Jews eat pure vegetarian food cooked in in Rhodesia the method of mining and
utensils in which meat has never been reduction of the gold quartz is identical
cooked. Friday is our holy day.” Sudden- with that in South India . . . extensive
ly it occurred to him: “The idea of not areas of forest occur in the vicinity of the
eating meat may have come from India. Rhodesian old gold workings consisting
The Old Testament says that sandal- of trees and plants not indigenous to
wood and gold for the construction of Africa, but having their home mostly in
Jerusalem came from India.” S. India . . . It is specially noted that the
The long forty-year reign of King vast area over which these trees and plants
Solomon over Israel was prosperous and have now spread is a clear indication of
peaceful. He had extensive commerce the very early date of their introduction
with Ophir. His imports were on such a into Rhodesia.” There is a Tamil saying:

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 11

Tamil: The Glory of India — I

Cross the oceans to earn money. The departed laden with pepper. It mentions
Silappadikaram says that there was Greek carpenters who helped to build
a shrine devoted to the Moon in every a magnificent palace for a Tamil king and
capital of the Tamil land to guard the Greeks served as royal bodyguards.
transoceanic merchants. The waxing of Pondicherry (Poudouke in Greek) is
the Moon has fatal effects on the waves mentioned in The Periplus and Ptolemy
of the oceans which toss the ships in as an extensive brick-built emporium.
deadly turbulence. The Moon was invoked Pliny lamented the reckless extravagance
to ensure safety across the seas. ªiva as of the upper class. The annual imports
Somanâtha or Lord of the Moon was wor- of the Roman empire from India was
shipped for safety on the sea lanes. As $ 5,000,000. He wrote: “This is the sum
early as the first millennium BC the Tamils which our luxuries and our women cost
were trading with Jerusalem and made it us.” Roman coins unearthed by archae-
the resplendent capital of Solomon. To this ologists in the south cover a period of five
day it is the sacred city of three major and a half centuries. Indian envoys came
religions of the world. to the Roman court of Augustus (27 BC–
The Tamils established the kingdom 17 AD). Arikamedu, four kilometres south
of Champa on the coastline of Vietnam. of Pondicherry was a flourishing trade
The Vo-chanh Rock Inscription of the centre frequented by Roman merchants
second century AD speaks of a king of to buy Indian textiles, spices and gems
the Mara dynasty. The Pallava script during the first two centuries AD. It was
of the inscription establishes its link the biggest Roman trade site in South
with Tamilnadu. The whole coastline of Asia and speaks of the flourishing inter-
Champa is dotted with temples to ªiva national trade of Tamilnadu.
with Sanskrit inscriptions in the Pallava The very first inscription of Indonesia
script. The temples remind us of the pertains to P»ršavarman, the King of
Silappadikaram that every capital in Târumâ (Târumâ-nagarendrasya), in
Tamil land had a temple to the Moon. Sanskrit and Pallava-Grantha characters.
Lord ªiva with the crescent moon in his The name Târumâ has evaded identifica-
matted locks is Somanâtha. The ocean is tion. When I started the study of Old
calm during the dark fortnight when the Javanese texts, the classical art of Indo-
full moon becomes the crescent. nesia, and Indonesian inscriptions with
The Periplus states that the chief trad- Prof. Jan Gonda in 1950, the first inscrip-
ing centre of the Tamil country was tion to be discussed was this one of
Muziris (modern Kodungallur) which P»ršavarman. The professor said that
abounded in ships sent by the Greeks. târumâ cannot be explained either from
Silappadikaram, “The Lay of the Anklet”, Sanskrit or from Old Javanese. I pointed
refers to large and beautiful Greek ships out that târumâ is the Tamil orthography
which brought gold to Muziris and of Sanskrit dharma, as a natural corollary

12 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Tamil: The Glory of India — I

to the Pallava script of the inscription. râšuvam, “army”. It may refer to King
The Pallavas were kings of Kanchi, the Samaratunga who ruled 812–32. He
glory of the Tamil land. The Shore could have been from Tamilnadu and
Temple of Mamallapuram celebrates Tiru-râšuva could have been his pet
Mahâmalla. Bali has an interesting legend family name.
about King Mahâbali who came from The ªiva temple of Prambanan had
India to Bali. The relationship of Maha- 240 parivâra temples following the South
malla and Mahabali deserves a detailed Indian tradition. The B·hadïºvara has 24
study. When Roman gold ceased to flow parivâra temples.
to the Southern shores, the transoceanic The rock-bound coast of Middle Java
merchants set out to find Suvaršabh»mi. is a wild rugged outline rising abruptly
Borobudur is again a Tamil word. from the green-blue waters of the Indian
Prof. de Casparis of the School of Ocean. A perpetual battle is carried on
Oriental and African Studies, London between the restless waters and the rocks
derived boro-budur from bhâra-bh»dara upon which they encroach. From these
from his reconstruction of daºa-bh»mi- majestically beautiful surroundings arise
sambhâra-bh»dhara. The village to its the ceremonies of the mystic Queen Loro
south is Bumi-segoro. When I explained Kidul, “the Goddess of the South Seas”.
to him that boro-budur means the She is the Dakshišeºvarï, reminiscent of
monastery of Budur which is a Tamil merchants of South India who landed
word, he responded: “Why do you want safely on the shores of Java due to her
to explain it as a Tamil word?” Budur is grace. This “Bride of the Endless Waters”
Tamil pudur meaning “new settlement”. lives in the royal ceremonies of the Royal
Several towns in South India begin with Court of Solo. The Sultan of Solo meets
pudur (putu/budu means “new”). The her on certain nights in an year in a tower
village name Bumi-segoro means “the vil- dedicated to her in the palace. This ever-
lage of people from the seas (sagara)”. rejuvenating bride goes back to the mighty
The Inscription of ªrï Kahulunnan dated monarch Sañjaya who established his
842 AD is correlated to the Borobudur kingdom in Central Java in the 8th century.
by Prof. de Casparis. It begins with the For several weeks bullfighting or
date which is a Saturday: chanaiºchara- jallikattu of Tamilnadu was in the news,
vâra, where cha stands for ºa. In Tamil with its gory deaths of grapplers. It is
ºani is written chani. In the 2–3 lines it customary law or adat in Indonesia.
is sïmâ nin kam»lân [i bh»mi] sam- Young men of the Hindu-Buddhist com-
bhara. Kam»lan stands for Tamil m»la- munity near Mount Bromo in Java cele-
t-tânam, “sanctum sanctorum of a temple”. brate the New Year by racing a hundred
Sambara is used in Tamil for the Buddhist bulls. Mount Bromo is Brahmâ. A living
community. A fragmentary inscription from Indonesian rural practice continues a
the ruins of Chandi Sewu bears the words long historic tradition of Tamilnadu.
tirurašu. Tiru is ºrï and rašu is Tamil (To be continued)

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 13

Theosophy and Apollonius of Tyana

Theosophy and Apollonius of Tyana


ALTHOUGH there are not many his- a mystical cult founded on communion
torically reliable sources regarding the with God.
life of Apollonius of Tyana (born in Apollonius’ works did not reach us in
Cappadocia around 4 BC and died in their original version; we are talking about
Ephesus around 97 AD), there are many Initiations, Oracles, Hymn to the Memory.
traces of evidence of him being a highly It seems that one of his astrology treatises
literate person, not separated from the was translated into Arabic in the 9th cen-
concept of benefiting other beings. tury. Also Life of Pythagoras is attributed
His life was dedicated to what we can to him.
describe as a “purification” and as a revival The framework of Philostratus’ work,
of the pagan thought at its highest quali- The Life of Apollonius of Tyana1 is based
tative and philosophical level. on the fact that, for most of his life,
There are many elements in Apollo- Apollonius was accompanied by a loyal
nius, that make us think of the existence disciple, Damis of Nineveh, who kept a
of considerable traces of that eternal wis- very detailed diary of all the major events.
dom about which H. P. Blavatsky (HPB) When Damis died the manuscript re-
talked about: in this precise sense we can mained unknown until one of his des-
talk about a theosophy of Apollonius of cendants handed it in to Roman empress
Tyana, but bearing in mind the distinction Julia Domna, who in turn commissioned
between the “historical” Apollonius and Philostratus to publish it, after giving it a
the “mythical” Apollonius. proper literary form. Many critics are
The main elements of the former were inclined to regard this story as a con-
passed on by Philostratus, who lived be- coction of Philostratus and Julia Domna.
tween 165/170 AD and 244/249 AD, well HPB in her The Theosophical Glossary
after Apollonius. There are then a series chooses instead to believe in the thesis of
of indirect evidences, among which one the diary of Damis of Nineveh.2 Her opinion
of the most significant examples was the on Apollonius of Tyana is very positive,
exaltation of Apollonius by Philon, two she actually describes him as: “a wonder-
centuries after his death, as a prophet of ful philosopher . . . an ardent Pythagorean.”3

Mr Antonio Girardi has been General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in Italy for many years.

14 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Theosophy and Apollonius of Tyana

It is not of secondary importance at ward show of piety, all display of useless

this point to refer to Blavatsky’s consider- religious ceremonies and hypocrisy. . . .
ations. She soon emphasizes the dimen- If we study the question with a dispas-
sion of sobriety and the deep ethical sionate mind, we will soon perceive that
nature of Apollonius who, following the the ethics of Gautama Buddha, Plato,
principles of the tradition of the Pythag- Apollonius, Jesus, Ammonius Sakkas, and
orean School, remained vegetarian for his disciples, were all based on the same
his whole life, without drinking wine mystic philosophy. That all worshipped
and wearing only fibre clothes. She then one God, whether they considered him as
extols Apollonius’ thaumaturgic qualities, the “Father” of Humanity who lives in man
which were the result of his initiations at as man lives in him, or as the Incom-
the temple of Asclepius in the Aegean prehensible Creative principle; all led
and of his journeys in the East. God-like lives.7
According to the description in The
Theosophical Glossary Apollonius was She detects also what she calls “the mis-
also a man of miracles, able to heal, also take” of Apollonius; here are her words:
foretell events in detail as well as produce His great mistake was to confine [his truths]
powerful talismans for the benefit of hu-
too closely to the higher classes of society.
manity.4 Such were Apollonius’ powers
While to the poor and the humble Jesus
that Justin Martyr asks in dismay:
preached “Peace on earth and good will to
How is it that the talismans (telesmata) of men”, Apollonius was the friend of kings,
Apollonius have power, for they prevent, and moved with the aristocracy. . . . If, like
as we see, the fury of the waves and the the Christian Saviour, the sage of Tyana
violence of the winds, and the attacks had by preference sought the companion-
of the wild beasts; and whilst our Lord’s ship of the poor and the humble; and if
miracles are preserved by tradition alone, instead of dying comfortably, at over one
those of Apollonius are most numerous hundred years of age, he had been a vol-
and actually manifested in present facts?5 untary martyr, proclaiming divine Truth
HPB also talks about the Apollonius talis- from a cross, his blood might have proved
mans in Isis Unveiled, that in numerous as efficacious for the subsequent dissemin-
and articulated passages includes in- ation of spiritual doctrines as that of the
depth studies on Apollonius’s life, work, Christian Messiah.8
and thought.6 Within the theosophical tradition other
It is precisely in Isis Unveiled that we authors also have taken an interest in Apol-
can fully understand the dimension of lonius, but possibly with a different breadth
Apollonius of Tyana’s theosophy, espe- as well as very different objectives from
cially where Blavatsky states: the ones revealed by HPB. First of all
Like Buddha and Jesus, Apollonius was one must remember C. W. Leadbeater
the uncompromising enemy of all out- who expressed an original and in some

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 15

Theosophy and Apollonius of Tyana

respects stimulating thesis. He affirms: This coincided temporally and symbol-

ically with the death and the days of the
An advanced disciple of the Lord Christ
funeral rites of the Polish hero, Marshal
took birth in the year 105 BC . . . as a son Jozef Pilsudski, beloved by his compatriots.
of Joseph and Mary; and to him was given Actually, from 12 to 18 May 1935 — and
the name of Jesus. He remained in charge this is history — the entire Polish nation
of that body until it was about thirty years followed Pilsudski’s coffin in the journey
of age and then handed it over to the from Warsaw to Wawel Cracow, where
Christ, who occupied it for the three years the great Marshal still rests, in the tomb
of his earthly ministry. The disciple Jesus placed in the Cathedral’s crypt.
was reborn as Apollonius of Tyana, just The highly positive outlook of HPB
about the date usually assigned to the on Apollonius of Tyana, coincides with
beginning of the Christian Era.9 that of the whole esoteric tradition.
The name of Apollonius is also con- According to her the positivity and the
nected to some other circumstances within importance of Apollonius’s work is also
due to the fact that, during his journey in
the theosophical field around Wawel in
the East,
Cracow. Dr George Arundale, who a year
later became the President of the Theo- Apollonius had been directed by a king to
sophical Society after visiting Poland in the abode of the Sages, whose abode it may
1932, actually wrote about it: be to this day, by whom he was taught
unsurpassed knowledge.13
There exists in Cracow a Spiritual Centre,
established 2000 years ago by Apollonius And actually Apollonius affirms on this
of Tyana. It is a kind of geyser from which point:
incessantly flow streams of spiritual forces They [the Sages at issue] lived on this
. . . This makes the city even today a Spir- earth and at the same time out of it. . . .
itual Centre which will become in the I always remember my Masters and I
future the focus of these forces for the travel around the world teaching what
whole of Central Europe.10 I’ve learned from them.14
Always within the theosophical field It is really interesting to highlight the
it was asserted that in order to fight the theosophical and Neoplatonic elements
increasing atmosphere of deep and present in the life and the work of Apol-
obscure negativity that was developing lonius of Tyana, as it is reported to us by
in Europe in 1935 after the coming of
Nazism, it was necessary to proceed to Philostratus, within what we could de-
the “reawakening” of the Wawel occult scribe as a solid Pythagorean structure.
centre (the so-called “Lotus of Wawel”) We have already mentioned the sobriety
and thus, the power connected to the and the ethical nature in Apollonius. It is
talisman that was placed there by Apol- worth now considering his adherence to
lonius of Tyana.11-12 the Platonic outlook of the dialectic

16 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Theosophy and Apollonius of Tyana

contrast between the One (the Good, the loathing the spell of harsh and painful
perfection, the harmony of the Universe, servitude which it has endured. But for you,
God) and the Dyad (the bad, the dis- what use is there in this? Some day when
order, the matter). The religiousness of you are no more you shall believe it.17
Apollonius was intense; it was founded In Apollonius the content and the
on the passage from the purification to method tend to combine in order to
an original catharsis, from the mundane generate a “direct” outlook of the search
element to the union with God. All this for spirituality and of the relationship with
with a clear outlook of the proceeding of the sphere of the divine. On this point
the evolution according to the principles Philostratus reports to us an anecdote:
of karma. Apollonius precisely affirms:
A man who ruled Cilicia sees Apollonius
It seems to me that he who appears at the under the pretext of being ill and of need-
house of God with a good conscience must ing the help of Asclepius. He so presented
say this prayer: “Oh gods, give me what himself to Apollonius, who was taking a
I’m owed.” Most people indeed, O priest, walk on his own and he told him: “Recom-
are owed the good, the wicked the opposite.15 mend me to the god”. And he replied:
“Why do you need someone to recommend
And more: “Oh gods! Let me own very
you, if you are an honest man? The gods
little and long for nothing.”16
love virtuous people and welcome them
In Apollonius the soul becomes divine
without intermediaries.18
through ascesis; it gains prophetic powers
and the virtue to direct the course of Nature A further theosophical aspect in
with the magic. The authentic intimacy Apollonius is the fact that he was a real
with God derives from the purity of the bridge between the East and the West
inner meditation, with no recourse to sac- thanks to his journeys. Apollonius of
rifices or cult practices. These aspects Tyana affirms:
fully show us the breadth of mind of I saw the Brahmans of India who live on
Apollonius, an outlook that is not the earth and don’t live on it. They stay
solipsistic, but that wishes instead to be indoors with no walls and possess nothing
always shared, we could possibly say “for but the belongings of all men.19
the benefit of all the beings”; this also
As to reincarnation, the Pythagorean
when the interlocutor does not appear of
outlook of Apollonius also tends to agree
great sensibility. Apollonius affirms:
with the highest oriental outlooks.20
The soul is immortal and is no possession Moreover, a dimension of real toler-
of your own, but of Providence, and after ance belonged to Apollonius of Tyana;
the body is wasted away, like a swift horse he actually never expected from the
freed from its traces, it lightly leaps others the adhesion to the rigid conduct
forward and mingles with the light air, rules that he imposed on himself. This

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 17

Theosophy and Apollonius of Tyana

can be deduced, for example, from the sources are uncertain, deserves thus to
fact that he never tried to convert Damis be remembered not only for his miracu-
to the vegetarian diet, by only asking him lous powers and his talismans, but
to respect his choices. The sense and the rather for his highly ethical, philosoph-
importance of the common work were ical outlook entirely leaning towards a
also present in Apollonius. universal outlook of life with a theo-
Apollonius of Tyana, although some sophical attitude. ²

1. Philostratus, The Life of Apollonius of Tyana (Italian Ed.: Filostrato, Vita di Apollonio di Tiana,
Adelphi Edizioni, Collana Biblioteca Adelphi, Milano, 1978).
2. H. P. Blavatsky, The Theosophical Glossary (Italian Ed.: H. P. Blavatsky, Glossario Teosofico
seconda edizione, Editrice Libraria Sirio, Trieste, 1985, pp. 21, 22, 23).
3, 4, 5. ibid.
6. H. P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled (Italian Ed.: H. P. Blavatsky, Iside Svelata, Accademia di Studi
Teosofici, Trieste, 1994, traduzione a cura di Edoardo Bratina; cfr. riferimenti dell’Indice Analitico
a p. 407).
7. Idem, p. 478 e 481 del 1º volume.
8. Idem, p. 479 del 1º volume.
9. C. W. Leadbeater, The Hidden Side of Christian Festivals, The St Alban Press, Los Angeles, London,
Sydney, 1920, p. 29.
10. G. Arundale in Przeglad Teozoficzny (The Theosophical Review), Warsaw, 1932.
11. K. Chodkiewicz, The Cracow Occult Centre (Italian Ed.: Cfr K. Chodkiewicz, Il Centro occulto di
Cracovia, Edizioni Età dell’Acquario — Bresci Editore, Torino 1975).
12. See the testimony of Wanda Dynowska in The Theosophist, Adyar, India, August 1942, pp. 361–371.
13. H. P. Blavatsky, The Theosophical Glossary (Italian Ed.: H. P. Blavatsky, Glossario Teosofico
seconda edizione, Editrice Libraria Sirio, Trieste 1985, p. 22).
14. Giancarlo Tarozzi, Apollonius of Tyana in The Cracow Occult Centre (Italian Ed.: Giancarlo
Tarozzi, Apollonius di Tyana in Il Centro Occulto di Cracovia, Seconda Edizione italiana a cura di
Giuditta Dembech, Edizioni L’Ariete, Torino, 1991, p. 51).
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. All the quotations to which these notes refer are drawn from the volume listed at note 1).
20. See volume at note 1 (Cfr volume di cui alla nota 1, Libro III;19; pp. 154–155).

You need not wonder at my knowing all human languages; for,

to tell you the truth, I also understand all the secrets of human silence.
Apollonius of Tyana

18 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Theosophy: A Unifying Platform in the Modern World

Theosophy: A Unifying Platform

in the Modern World

T ODAY, many people acknowledge search. Science received an impetus

the dimensions, depth and timeliness of fostering its development and was en-
the impact produced on human vision riched by discovering new research areas
of the world by the heritage left by H. P. and methods.
Blavatsky (HPB), whose 187th birth The current developmental stage of
anniversary we celebrate this year. Her human society is characterized by an
major works, her brainchild — the Theo- extremely high level of mastery of the
sophical Society (TS) — the effect which material plane. Until recently, this stage
they drew in human society, in science, used to be defined as the era of scientific
in people’s consciousness in different and technical revolution. The confron-
countries and on different continents tation between two social systems (capit-
clearly indicates a keynote, the basic alism and communism) was its powerful
trend intrinsic to her impact. Beyond any driving force. Suffice it to say that in the
doubts, this is a powerful unifying prin- 20th century alone, scientific and tech-
ciple which manifested itself in various nical discoveries made up 10% of all such
spheres of human life. Let us discuss recorded discoveries.
some of them in more detail. The main focus for scientific activities
1. Theosophical ideas produced a sig- was the material substance and external,
nificant impact on the development of visible, tangible manifestations of the
various sciences. Theosophical ideas, world detected by human organa sensoria
which are based on integrated funda- or invented instruments. It is exactly
mental principles of the life system in the science, its achievements and discoveries,
universe, on a multifaceted structure and its penetration into the depth of the Uni-
common laws of Nature, can bring to- verse and to the veiled properties of a cell
gether different scientific concepts for and atomic nucleus, that serve as a basis
the sake of unbiased search for the Truth for drawing a picture of the world of mod-
and the development of new scientific ern man and for building his vision of the
paradigms and methods of scientific world. At the same time, it is exactly the

Mrs Svitlana Gavrylenko is the Organizing Secretary of the TS in Ukraine.

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 19

Theosophy: A Unifying Platform in the Modern World

world vision of individuals that serves as phone, and later the television has become
the foundation for their behaviour, and is common practice.
the core of their personality, as well as the In addition, it is worth mentioning a
basis for the functioning of society as a new holistic approach in physical sciences
whole. Due to such a dominating effect which is currently taking shape and trying
on the mind and consciousness of indi- to explore an integrated nature of physical
viduals science in essence began playing phenomena. Holism is a certain quality of
the role of religion which is to establish the investigator’s mind, his fundamental
basic ethical principles and explain the approach to exploring the universe, both
mysteries of life and laws of existence physical and mental.
itself. The academician V. I. Vernadsky 2. Theosophy describes a generalized
wrote about it in his works. picture of the evolutionary process, in-
However, today distinct changes have cluding the detailed description of the
begun to show that can hardly be left un- human kingdom and its stages of evo-
noticed or disregarded by even the most lution. This knowledge makes it possible
conservative and orthodox supporters of to discover the universal fate of mankind
the former scientific paradigms. And as a whole, and to become aware of a
what is more, the basis for such changes universal goal for each individual human
was laid down as far back as the 19th being. This knowledge carries with it a
century. The search for the integrated strong ideological impact capable of ex-
field theory, the hypothesis of creation panding people’s consciousness, helping
of the universe through the big bang, them to overlook the differences which
the proven fundamental relationship be- make them feel separated.
tween physiological and psychic pro- When the TS, which was established
cesses in humanity — all of these serve and ideologically guided by Blavatsky,
as evidence of the scientific realization declared its goal to create a nucleus of
of the principle of unity, interconnected- Universal Brotherhood, many people
ness and interrelationship of everything considered the idea utopian and un-
that exists in the world. achievable. After years of existence of
1. Science has itself advanced and the TS, the ideal of the Brotherhood of
inevitably reached finer planes of the uni- Humanity has already become real and is
verse. By the middle of the 19th century no longer a theoretical abstraction. Today,
the cognition of the material world reached the Society is a worldwide organization
the invisible ether planes, and scientific with branches in more than 60 countries,
vocabulary acquired such terms as energy, and with the main goal stipulated by the
energy levels, information interaction, great Teachers of humanity as the creation
multidimensional spaces, biological mag- of a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood
netism, field and field structures. The of Humanity without distinction of race,
transfer of thoughts using the radio, the creed, sex, caste, or colour.

20 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Theosophy: A Unifying Platform in the Modern World

Our goal as members of the TS, who countries and states — in politics, in
should become the vanguard in promot- economy and even in the process of
ing the idea of brotherhood, is to make addressing drastic and vital issues faced
this ideal better understood by different by mankind. So, on what principles
people. However, every person compre- should these relations be built?
hends this idea in their own personal way, Some people assert that there are
life experience, and world view, under the purely scientific methods for building
impact of certain life circumstances. Thus, human relations and that by mastering
we realize that until now we have already such methods it is possible to establish
accumulated a vast amount of theoretical harmonious relations between individuals
and practical knowledge which should and also to build harmonious social
allow us to implement the idea of brother- relations in the community. Yes, indeed,
hood. In fact, the whole theosophical science has been successful in the field of
teaching aims at explaining the funda- communicative psychology. Moreover,
mental unity of all things, including the the natural trend in the development
fundamental unity of all humankind. of science may bring in or has already
The idea of brotherhood is not a kind of brought in man-made instruments based
remote goal which we should all try to on the latest technologies which allow
achieve, but a real natural fact which we building a model of human behavioural
should embrace with our mind. reaction according to the installed pro-
Let us think about such a problem gram. Today, we have a large arsenal of
statement. The idea of brotherhood is not manipulation technologies being imple-
limited to the human kingdom only, but mented in politics, management, and
is also relevant in the context of our per- advertising developed based on the most
ception of the animal, vegetable and recent scientific achievements in the field
mineral kingdoms. Brotherly relations of psychology, sociology and political
can exist in the context of the whole science. That is why we can state with
universe, expressed towards beings living full confidence that a great deal of success
in other worlds as well. Thus, this idea of these technologies has resulted from
can be perceived in both narrower and the development of a new science on
wider contexts, and can be extended to energy and information exchange in
the universal theosophical principle of Nature which is called eniology. This
the unity of all things. confirms that as before, man tries to use
How does mankind show its readi- all new sciences primarily for satisfying
ness to accept and implement the idea his egoistic personal or corporate inter-
of brotherhood? It is demonstrated by ests. Our current experience proves that
mastering the right human relations, the when we act, when we start building our
interaction between people, between nat- relations with the surrounding world and
ural kingdoms, between nations, between are focused on our personalities, we are

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 21

Theosophy: A Unifying Platform in the Modern World

usually pursuing our personal egoistic Universal Selves.” (“Occultism Versus The
goals which brings in disharmony and Occult Arts”, Collected Writings, vol. 9)
confrontation, conflicts and distrust, sup- The need to serve is a natural result of
pression and protest. This is a danger a person’s spiritual development, so co-
produced by the lower mind, the mind of operation which develops on the basis of
wishes which is not enlightened by the common goals and intentions is strongly
spiritual influence. Yes, this is a needed manifesting itself as numerous civic initia-
stage, but now there is a possibility to move tives, voluntary movements, charitable
further forward, to foster the awakening activities, and sponsorships. It is a pro-
of our highest spiritual nature. gress in the civil society in many world
3. In the context of the practical, real- regions which demonstrates the fact of
life area in our day-to-day life, the ideas acceptance of the responsibility and mo-
which were professed by HPB herself bilization of Goodwill Energy. Today,
and which she used as the foundation for millions of people all over the world re-
her famous works produce a significant spond to the call of such initiatives and
uniting effect by their ability to mobilize are ready to implement them.
the energy of Good Will. The new world 4. There is one more important area
view pushes a person to take over new where theosophical ideas are capable of
and advanced responsibilities and awakens bringing in a new impulse for joining
the need for personal participation in re- forces for the development of mutual
building life based on newer, more noble understanding. This is the field of reli-
and perfect principles. In her The Key to gions. Today, this is a very painful area
Theosophy, HPB called altruism “an for mankind since two-thirds of all military
integral part of self-development”. She conflicts in the world are caused by reli-
also wrote the following: “The power to gious reasons. In Isis Unveiled and other
know does not come from book study nor works, HPB touches upon issues related
from mere philosophy, but mostly from to the common sources of all religions,
the actual practice of altruism in deed, the identical nature of ethical command-
word, and thought; for that practice puri- ments in all religious teachings, the ex-
fies the covers of the soul and permits that planation of the natural consistency of
light to shine down into the brain-mind. specific features or the ways for trans-
As the brain-mind is the receiver in the ferring the knowledge of Timeless Wis-
waking state, it has to be purified from dom by every particular religion, and so
sense-perception, and the truest way to on. The very term “brotherhood of religions”,
do this is by combining philosophy with which was adopted as a basis for appre-
the highest outward and inward virtue.” hending the idea of common grounds of
(Conversations on Occultism) According these social institutions, is the best way
to HPB, “It is altruism . . . that can lead for reflecting Theosophy’s position on this
the unit to merge its little Self in the issue; but at the same time, it provokes

22 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Theosophy: A Unifying Platform in the Modern World

protest and rejection by certain confes- on to an ascending turn of our evolu-

sions and religious organizations. tionary spiral.
Today, world religions do not cope All together, these processes are the
with their task in meeting people’s spiritual messengers of a New Era and form the
needs. It is sad, but religions themselves basis for the establishment of future cul-
often become a source of aggression and ture and civilization. Let us not be in des-
conflicts all over the world encouraging pair because of the fact that the unifi-
fanaticism in their followers. The dog- cation trends and synthesis are not as fast
matized knowledge of the Church is closed as we would like them to be. Nature is not
to new ideas, it does not satisfy the in- in a hurry. Moreover, the human mind is
quisitive mind of a modern, educated man, the greatest treasure for the Creator. That
and it is unable to assimilate modern scien- is why we are grateful to HPB for granted
tific concepts. At the same time, the idea potentials, and we will rejoice at every
of Brotherhood of Religions attracts ever small step that each of us and all of us
better new supporters all over the world. together can make in the process of de-
There are also other fields of human veloping our own perception of the uni-
activity where the uniting power of theo- verse and humankind, and we will look
sophical ideas has begun manifesting to the future with hope.
itself; and this is a very promising future Because our future is bright and
trend since we as a mankind are passing beautiful! ²

This should never be forgotten, nor should the following fact be

overlooked. On the day when Theosophy will have accomplished its most
holy and most important mission — namely, to unite firmly a body of
men of all nations in brotherly love and bent on a pure altruistic work,
not on a labor with selfish motives — on that day only will Theosophy
become higher than any nominal brotherhood of man. This will be a
wonder and a miracle truly, for the realization of which Humanity is
vainly waiting for the last 18 centuries, and which every association has
hitherto failed to accomplish.
Letter I from H. P. Blavatsky — 1888
To Second Annual Convention, TS in America

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 23

Three Truths and One Dharma — I

Three Truths and One Dharma — I


“There is no higher Dharma than Truth.”

Hear me, my brother: . . . There are three thought was generating a deep source of
truths which are absolute, and which can- suffering in me, taking me to episodes
not be lost, but yet may remain silent for of depression and anxiety.
lack of speech. In 1977, at age 30, I was working in a
The soul of man is immortal, and its future ski resort in the Pyrenees mountains,
is the future of a thing whose growth and Baqueira-Beret. This place became my
splendour have no limit. escape, at least in appearance, from the
emotional conflicts that I was carrying
The principle which gives life dwells in since my adolescent years. The landmark
us and without us, is undying and eternally of becoming 30 and the curiosity aroused
beneficent, is not heard or seen, or smelt, in me from a pamphlet from the Rosi-
but is perceived by the man who desires crucians opened a need to find an answer
perception. to the mysteries of life and existence.
Each man is his own absolute lawgiver, Without giving it much thought, and
the dispenser of glory or gloom to him- disregarding the opposition of my em-
self; the decreer of his life, his reward, ployer I decided to take a three-month
his punishment. vacation in the USA, without knowing
These truths, which are as great as life
English but with plenty of enthusiasm.
I went from New York to California, and
itself, are as simple as the simplest mind
after visiting the Rosicrucian Center in
of man. Feed the hungry with them.
San Jose I concluded that practising some
[emphases added]
of the rituals that they were suggesting
It was exactly 40 years ago that I discov- was not a way for me to get answers to
ered the Theosophical Society in Madrid. my questions. Back in Madrid, I decided
For several years I was searching for to take a retreat in the mountains of Avila,
the meaning of life, and the reason why and constructed a simple hut with wood
among so much natural beauty there was and stones.
also present so much suffering. This Because of my lack of experience with

Mr Fernando A. de Torrijos is a long-term member and lecturer of the TS in America. Talk given at
the European Congress, Barcelona, Spain, August 2017.

24 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Three Truths and One Dharma — I

meditation, other than the information that I told him of my interest. He immediately
I got from a few books available at that recited to me the First Object of the Theo-
time in Spain, I was forced to design sophical Society (TS), and on my agree-
my own sâdhana, a bunch of practices ment, invited me in.
about self-inquiry and concentration to An intense sensation invaded my
help my mind become quiet. I got lucky being, something from within was telling
because to complement these, a little me, “Welcome home again.” I was among
book, At the Feet of the Master from some- a bunch of strangers, but it was not really
one called J. Krishnamurti, suddenly fell so; they were kind of familiar to me.
into my hands. This book became my Something was telling me that this was
close companion during my 45-day silent not the first time I was in their company,
and solitary retreat, giving me the chance . . . but how?
to know the book by heart. TO THOSE Now I knew what I had to do next:
WHO KNOCK, were the initial words. Yes, to listen, study, assimilate and eventu-
I did knock at that door and everything ally teach, whatever little by little, I
was changing. “From the unreal lead me could learn and understand. A new world
to the Real, from darkness lead me to was opening in front of me: Hinduism,
Light, from death lead me to Immortality”, Taoism, Buddhism, Neoplatonism, Her-
this mantra from the Upanishads, was metism, Mysticism, and so on. And
initiating my conversion to a new life. The Secret Doctrine, the best collection
My retreat ended and I returned of teachings, the best teachers, everything
to Madrid, perhaps more mentally that I was seeking.
confused than before and with some The rest of the story is good for a book;
physical exhaustion, but full of en- the only other thing that I want to mention
couragement. I went to a small bookstore is that I participated in courses and long
with an Esoteric Books section — the retreats sometimes up to two or three
“esoteric” having more to do with the months with only one purpose, to learn
location in a hidden interior room and the and to understand. A few years later, I fell
pages having a strong smell of incense. in love with a beautiful American lady
After inquiry I was told that if I wanted who I met through Joy Mills in Krotona,
to know more about Krishnamurti the best California. We were married in Madrid,
thing to do was to approach Lodge then went to India to help with the Cen-
Hesperia of the Theosophical Society. tenary Convention at Adyar and were
Great discovery! As I knocked at the introduced to J. Krishnamurti by Radha
door of the theosophical lodge and the Burnier. From there we went to Worcester,
door opened, a whiff of incense like from Massachusetts to establish our new resi-
those old books inundated me. An old dence and fulfil important family obliga-
gentleman asked me: “What do you want, tions without knowing what was coming
young fellow? What brings you here?” in the future.

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 25

Three Truths and One Dharma — I

In America gentle for the benefit of all. Quoting

The first and most important task for from Goethe, “when a sincere commit-
me at this stage was to master the English ment is made to do good, things start to
language, first for making a living and then happen”. And yes, things started to hap-
to be able to continue learning from the pen, it was as if someone was waiting for
theosophical and sacred traditions. I started me to make this move. Energies, internal
listening, studying, assimilating and teach- and external became unified, generating
ing, first in Spanish and later in English. a sense of clarity and direction, pointing
For years I dedicated a lot of time to to a natural goal, without rigidities or
study, possibly with the best teachers dogmatic rules.
available at the time face-to-face, or from Five more years of preparation were
books. I reflected about everything in my needed until a new door was ready to
meditation and self-inquiring practices, open which happened in one of those
and started to present my findings through “casual” encounters in life.
classes and lectures. But, something was
missing. Everything that I was reading or Finding Each Other
listening to was saying that the main cause In November 1994, I attended a
of suffering came from the mind. All the weekend symposium in Boston entitled
methodologies for calming the mind were “Body and Soul”. Prominent profes-
clear in the written text but very difficult sionals pioneering the new integrative
to accomplish in practice. But this did not medicine approach, also known as mind-
discourage me. I continued exploring dif- body medicine came together to present
ferent approaches, and always arrived at their work. The keynote speaker was
the same conclusion, that to me the more Robert Bly, an American poet who has
convincing teachings were the ones from translated the work of many Spanish poets
Krishnamurti. But K. was not easy to read, into English; among them, Antonio
he was too radical in his approach, unable Machado, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Federico
to touch most of the people. It was neces- García Lorca, and so forth.
sary to talk and teach in the language Bly’s magnificent talk lasted 90 min-
people understood, but how? utes. He highlighted the importance of
On a morning in March 1989 I started reconnecting with Nature to heal our soul
a process of inner exploration with a and described the human being as a con-
question in mind: What do I need to do glomerate of three bodies. A fragrance
to generate efficiency in the process of body that enables us to become a child
alleviating human suffering? I was seri- again but with the maturity of an adult, to
ous, this was a real commitment based regain spontaneity and natural response
on a kind of Bodhichitta: to make what- to things; an ancestral body that reco-
ever effort necessary to clarify the mind, gnizes that each one of us represents the
to become more authentic, useful, and whole of humanity and that to be able to

26 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Three Truths and One Dharma — I

heal humanity we need to learn how to interested in Mind/Body medicine.

heal ourselves; and a heavenly river body, I assented to all those questions and he
that signifies our capacity to connect with invited me to have lunch with him the
the highest in us, and through this centre following week at the hospital. During
reconnect with everything, not only other the lunch, I told him about my past, and
human beings, but also with the essence my voluntary work with the TS. After
of existence that is present in everything lunch, he took me to his office to introduce
that breathes. me to his team and then offered to train
After his talk, I had a chat with Bly me in MBSR to be able to teach his
and I promised to give him a copy of program. A few months later I was ap-
Spanish musician Joan Manuel Serrat’s pointed director of one of his clinics.
cassette in which he sings poems of This was the beginning of a friend-
Machado. The next morning, after finish- ship and collaboration that has lasted 23
ing the meditation that he was leading, he years, and possibly will continue the rest
decided to dedicate and recite a poem of of our lives.
Machado to me: This encounter was the answer to what
I was looking for, the last piece of the
The wind, one brilliant day, called
puzzle finally found its place. I learned
to my soul with an odor of jasmine,
very quickly about the efficiency of the
“In return for the odor of my jasmine, Satipatthâna Sutta of the Buddha, in which
I’d like all the odor of your roses.” he found the formula to alleviate human
“I have no roses; all the flowers suffering. The advice the Buddha gave to
in my garden are dead.” those interested in teaching the dharma
“Well then, I’ll take the withered petals
was as follows: Keep it simple, talk in the
and the yellow leaves and the waters
language of the people in such a way that
of the fountain.”
people will understand the message from
The wind left. And I wept. And I said
within in order to help themselves to
to myself;
initiate their process of healing and self-
“What have you done with the garden
that was entrusted to you?”
This is the methodology created by
Kabat-Zinn. I bow to him in recognition
Seated not far from me was Dr Jon of his capacity to put in simple words
Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Mindfulness- a profound wisdom. During the initial
Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program 15 years of his program, he avoided
at the University of Massachusetts Medical the use of words such as: spirituality,
Center, in Worcester. After the recitation dharma, emptiness, mindfulness, and so
of the poem, Jon came to me and asked if on, to avoid creating barriers or mental
my first language was Spanish, if my labels for the participants. The message
residence was in Worcester, and if I was was simple: let us get together to explore

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 27

Three Truths and One Dharma — I

the meaning of being alive, of being The faculty of voluntarily bringing back a
human, and the responsibility that these wandering attention over and over again,
imply. We should place our attention in is the very root of judgment, character and
that jewel that we have within since the will. No one is compos sui if he have it not.
moment of birth, which is present in the An education which should improve this
heart of every being; also in that garden, faculty would be the education par
that was entrusted to us at birth to care excellence. But it is easier to define this
for. Approaching all these through the ideal than to give practical instruction for
cultivation of mindfulness, that natural bringing it about.
human skill present in us, perhaps un- William James,
known or rarely used, that has been called Principles of Psychology, 1890.
“the life jacket of emotional intelligence”. (To be continued)

Dharma (Religious Life) has mind as forerunner,

becomes noble through mind, is mind itself. If one
speaks or acts with an evil mind, thereby suffering
follows him as the wheel of a cart, the foot of the horse
drawing it.

Dharma (Religious Life) has mind as forerunner,

becomes noble through mind, is mind itself. If one
speaks or acts with a pure mind, thereby happiness
follows him as a shadow that never deserts.
Dr C. Kunhan Raja

28 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

The Miracle of “Water”

The Miracle of “Water”


THE second “declared Object” of the lightest of all gases, but there is more. It
Theosophical Society is “to encourage the has a unique feature: the “hydrogen bond”.
study of Comparative Religion, Philo- When hydrogen reacts with a highly
sophy and Science”. Three very different “electronegative” element (like oxygen)
lines for enquiry, each of which in fact it produces polar molecules: they pull
leads us to the same Reality. each other like magnets. This pull is the
Let us look at the science behind water, hydrogen bond. (Electronegativity is the
for instance. We all know that hydrogen degree to which an element tends to gain
and oxygen combine to form water (H2O). electrons and form negative ions.) The
But do we ever wonder how the two result is that H2O molecules cluster to-
gases produce a substance that is liquid? gether to make it a liquid. In the absence
(It stays liquid even on being heated up of this special phenomenon water would
to 100° Celsius!) The paradox stands out have been just one more gas, far lighter
sharply against other elements of the same than air. It would have risen high and
group as oxygen: sulphur, selenium and escaped to the outer space. Earth would
tellurium. All are solid with much higher have been a dry planet devoid of visible
atomic masses; but with hydrogen they life, and a desert all over. No plants,
produce gases (hydrogen sulphide, hydro- animals or humans — only an expanse of
gen selenide and hydrogen telluride)! sand and rocks.
Water is special. It is so unique among A closer look at a water molecule
all that is around us that we would be hard reveals more. We know that it has one
put to find proper adjectives, if we were oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. Oxy-
to describe it. It is so incredibly fine-tuned gen has six electrons in its outer orbit; of
in all respects that only a higher sagacity these, two form covalent bonds with the
could have conceived of it. Everything is sole electron in each hydrogen atom. The
just right about water. A look at its fascin- molecule thus gets four pairs of outer-orbit
ating aspects shows how ingeniously the electrons. As all are negatively charged,
substance is positioned in the Grand Design. they repel each other. Reacting to this
We all know that hydrogen is the repulsion, the four pairs arrange them-

Mr Pradeep Talwalker is a long-term member of the Poona Lodge of the TS in India.

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 29

The Miracle of “Water”

selves nearly as vertices of a tetrahedron. All these positive and negative charges
In this position they are furthest from are weak; and the resultant bonds are
each other and repulsion is minimized. weak and short-lived (average duration:
Due to the tetrahedral arrangement the 10 picoseconds); but as they break, others
hydrogen atoms subtend between them- form. This gives water the right con-
selves an angle of 104.45° (not 180°), sistency. Had the bonds been strong and
making water a “bent molecule”. Oxygen, lasting, water would be too viscous, even
being more electronegative, attracts the solid like glass; it would be of no use to
electrons in both hydrogen atoms. This any living being. The strength of the
creates a slight positive charge on each bonds is just right to give a unique sub-
hydrogen atom and a negative charge on stance that is liquid over a wide temper-
each of the two free electron pairs (at ature range. The freezing point and the
tetrahedral points) in the oxygen atom boiling point are also just as needed (they
(see figure). This makes the molecule respectively define the 0°C and 100°C
polar. A hydrogen atom from one of the Celsius temperature scale). Water
molecule, bearing a positive charge, is the only common substance that is pre-
bonds with the oxygen atom of an sent on earth in all three states of matter:
adjacent molecule where there is a nega- solid, liquid, and gas.
tive charge. With two positive and two But merely the physical and chemical
negative charges, each molecule attracts properties are not crucial; easy and plen-
four other molecules. This way, the whole tiful availability of water is a very major
body of water gets interlaced. Result: factor. It makes water the base of life
we have a highly versatile liquid with on earth. (Otherwise it would have just
fantastic credentials at our service. been a laboratory wonder — with no one
around to start a lab!) All in all, a world
full of kaleidoscopic possibilities and
realities has come into existence. Let us
consider some of these.
1. Heat properties: Owing to bond-
ing, water’s boiling point (100°C), spe-
cific heat (1 calorie/gram/°C), and latent
heat of vaporization (533 calories/gram)
are all high. This helps us not only to cook
food, but also to execute gigantic tasks
like running steam engines, generating
electricity to feed statewide power grids,
and so on. The high specific heat makes
water a good coolant and fire-retardant.
The high capacity for heat absorption

30 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

The Miracle of “Water”

renders harsh climates temperate. Water caution is built into Nature. Phytoplankton
is a bad conductor of heat, but it gets heated also forms the foundation of the food
by convection. chain of the aquatic life.
2. Evaporation: Even at lower tem- 4. Density: Our experience with most
peratures water changes to gas by evap- substances is that they expand on heating
oration. On vast ocean surfaces, this is and contract on cooling. While water also
essential for formation of clouds that are contracts on cooling, it does so only till it
carried all over by winds to bring fresh reaches a temperature of 3.98°C. At this
water as rains. Or else, lands would have temperature water weighs one gram per
been dry: no visible land life — only cubic centimetre, which is its density. (Till
aquatic life would exist. Yet, evaporation recently it defined the “gram” of the metric
is not too fast: fresh water can be stored “CGS” system.) On further cooling,
for later use in open reservoirs for months. however, it starts to expand. While freez-
In evaporation, molecules of surface ing, it expands even faster. So, ice floats
water escape to air, drawing energy from on water. The benefit of this is that when
the entire body of water. It leaves less heat water bodies in colder climes start freez-
in the water body. That is how exposed ing in winter, all that ice rises to the sur-
water is cooler than air around it. face. It forms an insulating heat barrier
3. Aquatic life: Oceans occupy 70 per and keeps the underlying water unfrozen
cent of the surface of earth. While the — in which the aquatic animals stay alive.
rains they send bring a profusion of life Otherwise the whole body of water
on land, oceans themselves support a riot would freeze from bottom up; the animals,
of life. From microscopic plankton and unable to breathe or move about, would
seaweed to huge whales, species that suffocate or freeze to death.
form an inconceivable range and variety The density of water also makes for
populate the seas. its buoyancy. The buoyancy of sea water
While each species is special in its own is even higher due to the dissolved salts.
way, the phytoplankton (plankton of the Our bodies become virtually weightless
vegetable kingdom) is of singular interest. in water, enabling us to swim. This
It is estimated that up to 85 per cent of buoyancy is even more important for
earth’s supply of oxygen comes from aquatic life. They do not have to spend
photosynthesis by phytoplankton. Oxygen extra energy to stay afloat. Buoyancy also
from seaweed is additional. Land plants permits the use of rafts and boats. Water
contribute only the remaining part. So, transport is possible because of this. Even
even if land forests somehow get se- today 90 per cent of all cargo is carried
verely damaged, the world’s need for by maritime transport. It is a good deal
oxygen will still be taken care of. This cheaper, and needs no roads to be built
does not justify cutting down forests, of and maintained.
course, but it shows how abundant pre- 5. Water as a solvent: With polar

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 31

The Miracle of “Water”

molecules, water can dissolve a vast and physical wizardry that goes on in
range of substances. Dissolved salts and the body. Every being, whether human,
carbon dioxide sustain aquatic plants; animal or vegetable, needs a frequent
mollusc shells and corals get built from refill of water; and Nature has made it
the dissolved lime; oxygen dissolved in very refreshing on a parched gullet.
water is the life-breath for many aquatic 6. Cohesion: Hydrogen bonding holds
animals. These are just a few examples. water molecules together. Water vapour
As a solvent that dissolves almost is condensed first into clouds, and later
everything, water is a major agent of into rain or snowfall — all by cohesion.
weathering and erosion of rocks. Water Water molecules cohere so firmly that the
has physical as well as chemical action surface of water acts like a stretched sheet
on rocks. Water and ice have sculpted of rubber — we know this property as
earth’s surface into an infinite variety of “surface tension”.
landscapes: valleys, caves, canyons, cliffs 7. Capillary action and plant life:
of all descriptions. Water wears down Polar molecules of water adhere to and
mountains and high grounds to plains. wet almost everything. Water wets soil,
Rocks and organic matter are reduced to dissolving nutrients. This is vital for
soil. Without this agriculture would be plants. Surface tension and adhesion to-
unthinkable. gether produce “capillary action”. When
Many valuable minerals are separated a thin tube is inserted in water, water rises
from parent rocks and redeposited as ore in the tube to a level higher than the
bodies by the grading action of water. general water surface, against the force
Nodules of many rare metals are found of gravity. This is capillary action. Owing
on the ocean floors near geothermal vents. to it, water and nutrients are able to rise
If we can obtain these, we will get many through the xylem up the stems of plants.
valuable metals we need. Even the salinity Even giant sequoias (as tall as a 30-storey
of sea water is due to the salt that water building) receive water and nutrients
leaches from rocks. right up to their tops. Water is also a prin-
Most important of all: water, as a sol- cipal ingredient of photosynthesis. Water
vent, is pivotal to all life. Water is crucial reacts with carbon dioxide in the air (using
in many ways. It softens food in the sunlight) to make carbohydrates. As a
mouth; facilitates the experience of taste; part of the reaction, oxygen is released;
moves food through the alimentary canal; it is restored to air. Photosynthesis is the
aids digestion; eases release of waste mainstay of plant life, and plants are the
matter; keeps skin supple; regulates body ultimate sustenance of humans and
temperature; forms the base for blood, animals. Truly, water is the backbone of
lymph, electrolytes — all body fluids; life in countless ways: it even helps main-
and performs more such functions. Water tain the oxygen level in the ecosystem!
is the basic medium for all the chemical 8. Total quantity: The earth has a stag-

32 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

The Miracle of “Water”

gering 1,338,000,000 cubic kilometres of through one such warm period. Further
water, and the earth’s surface provides warming is to be expected. But, in any
an ideal setting for it. The contours of change on a global scale numerous factors
the earth (specifically: the depressions come into play, and changes do not
forming the oceans, and the elevations proceed in a straight line. It is never easy
that form land) are just right to contain to predict the final outcome. For example,
all that water and leave ample dry land while polar ice melts by warming,
for a teeming land life. The ocean basins evaporation goes up on the oceans too;
prove to be just the right receptacles for this brings more rain and snow —
96.5 per cent of the total water on earth. maximum at the Poles. Indeed, quite
Having just the right depth, the oceans contrary to fears of a meltdown, the
cover a surface area large enough to Antarctic ice cap (holding over 70 per cent
generate abundant water vapour, and of the world’s fresh water) actually has
send clouds to wet the dry lands with grown larger over the last three decades
needful rains and snow. This plenitude (vide: the findings of the National Snow
and ubiquity of water are key factors for and Ice Data Center, USA). We have no
life to proliferate on earth. cause to fear. The System takes good care
The share of the total earth surface of us. On our part, we would do well
between lands and oceans is also very to curb pollution and guard the environ-
neatly balanced. With more land the ment. We help ourselves, really, and we
oceans would be squeezed up, causing owe it to posterity.
too much water on land; with lesser land, The foregoing discussion is only
land-dwellers would be crowded for space impressionistic, describing in short just
and rains would be too heavy, causing: some main aspects of water; there are
too much water on land! An error on many (such as its conductivity for sound
either side would lead to the same hazard. and electricity; its transparency, refrac-
It is hard to imagine this precise balance tive index; and many more, each of great
as just a chance circumstance. practical significance), but even a brief
Fears are expressed that this balance account of all would make it too long
will topple due to climate change. Some a discussion. The limited aim was to put
are afraid that with “global warming” polar this life-giver in a proper perspective;
ice caps will melt, drowning coastal cities. to remind ourselves to feel appreciation,
But actual observations show that the fears respect and gratitude for it. Familiarity
are misplaced. It was prophesied that the should not lead us to take for granted this
Maldives would sink by 1980, but they precious commodity.
did not. Admittedly, the earth is getting Scientists tell us that life on earth
warmer; but this is no cause for alarm. originated in an aqueous solution. The
Earth has so far seen five ice ages with prime importance of water for life is un-
warm periods in between. We are going disputed. It is by far the most researched

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 33

The Miracle of “Water”

substance on earth by any discipline. Life. Even its envelope of air is as if made
Tomes have been written on it, and yet to order. There clearly seems to be a very
no one can say that we now know all there definite plan behind the whole scheme
is to be known about water. Obviously, of things. For all this to have occurred
even from a rigidly “scientific” point of just fortuitously would need a huge chain
view, water is special. of lucky coincidences, which would be
Water is indeed only one striking ex- outside the pale of likelihood.
ample of the many clever aspects of the Every detail reflects his infinite Wis-
Creation. Earth too is one such wonder: dom and Love. Water represents this
its size, shape, weight, composition, dis- Love. Let every drop of water we drink
tance from the sun, the periodicity of its instil unconditional love in us; let every
rotation round the sun, spin round itself, drop of water wake gratitude in us. Let
the precise tilt of the axis of spin, gravity, us enjoy our drink of water with these
magnetism, and so on, make earth an thoughts, and feel the miracle anew every
eminently livable place, and a perfect time. (It may take us a step or two ahead
laboratory for God’s experiments with on the Path.) ²

I believe that humans can get by without religion, but not without inner
values, not without ethics. The difference between ethics and religion is
like the difference between water and tea. Religion-based ethics and inner
values are more like tea. The tea that we drink is made mostly of water,
but it contains other ingredients as well — tea leaves, spices, perhaps
a little sugar, and, at least in Tibet, a pinch of salt — and that makes it
more substantial, more lasting, something we want to drink every day.
Yet no matter how tea is prepared, its main ingredient is always water.
We can live without tea, but not without water. Likewise, we are born
without religion, but not without the basic need for compassion — and
not without the fundamental need for water.
Excerpt From: “Ethics Are More Important Than Religion”
An Appeal to the World by Dalai Lama and Franz Alt, iBooks

34 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

The Pursuit of Wisdom

The Pursuit of Wisdom


THE character of any organization does truth which we call Theosophy is perhaps
not depend entirely upon its aims, however much more important than the truth
wonderful and noble they may be, because which people seek in other fields, such
those who constitute the organization will as modern science.
interpret those aims in their own way. It is not a change in organization that
Therefore, the actual character of such an is needed. There are many people who
organization as the Theosophical Society make suggestions and proposals for tin-
(TS) depends upon the individual mem- kering with the organization and methods
bers, what they think, how they feel of propaganda. There are suggestions
and act. There can be no objects nobler such as: let us not have Lodges at all, but
than those of the Society. The very word depend only upon study classes; or,
“Theosophy” suggests something tran- we need to use television and radio in-
scendental, supreme, out of this earth. The stead of having lectures; we must employ
name of the organization and its objects as experts in public relations; and then the
formulated are as wide and lofty. TS will come to be known and will be-
Yet, with such aims, is the Society ac- come a world force; and so on.
tually fulfilling its mission of promoting But what is important is a change in
the progress of humanity, making an im- the quality of the life that flows through
pact upon the human mind and affairs? the organization; that seems so much more
When one looks at it in that manner and important than procedures and outer forms.
thinks of how wonderful an organization Is the life flowing in every part of the or-
the TS can be, in fact as well as in theory, ganization? Or does it just stand still, like
one realizes that a radical change must water in a stagnant pool? Are we merely
come about in the mentality, in the outlook cutting stencils of thought in smaller or
and way of life pursued by the members larger quantities and selling them, to use
themselves. Then anyone who looks at an American expression?
the Society will feel immediately that it is The very nature of the mind is to frag-
something outside the ordinary, that the ment the expression of life which is an

Mr N. Sri Ram was President of the Theosophical Society from 1953 to 1973, and Editor of The Theosophist.
This is an extract from a talk given at Adyar on 25 January 1970.

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 35

The Pursuit of Wisdom

energy that always flows and expresses between the leaves of a volume of solemn
itself in various forms, but everywhere poetry”. The Mahatmas are not bloodless,
life expresses itself in a certain inner dried-up, prosaic, just repeating certain
unity. But the mind, looking at the form words. The knowledge of the Mahatmas
and not at the energy that flows from it does not pertain merely to the superficial
or its nature, fragments that expression aspect of things, but of that which lies with-
and sees only the parts. It then puts the in, of life as well as of form. It is not just
parts together to make a whole; it is good head-learning consisting of mere intellec-
at assembling! That is the nature of the tual concepts but does not touch the nature
present mechanical civilization. The parts of the person or affect the quality of his
are assembled cunningly, a very elaborate life. The learning occupies the brain and
organization is created for a particular the brain occupies itself with the learning.
purpose and no other. So our present The Adepts have knowledge gained
civilization is essentially technological, by a process of knowing through living
but soulless. their lives completely, and this knowing
In the pursuit of what is called know- is not isolated from life, but is an ex-
ledge the analytical mind breaks every- pression of it. When knowledge is gained
thing into different parts, studies their in that manner then it is not just mental
formal aspect but allows the life within to knowledge. So, what we should seek is
disappear. Where Theosophy becomes a not merely to occupy the mind with themes
mere matter of intellectualism it will fail which we consider important, but to act
to reach the hearts of people. They may in a different way, which will bring about
be stimulated for a time by one subject of a change in our very being.
discussion or another but that will not When we use the words “science” and
really make a change in their lives or make “religion” they really refer to these two
Theosophy attractive. different modes of action. Science, in the
Some say that science has gone far modern sense, can be pursued on the
beyond Theosophy as presented in our intellectual plane, the heart has nothing
books, and, as other pursuits are more to do with it. But when we speak of
pleasing to the modern mind, we cannot religion, it refers to a different kind of
make any impression with such an old- action that takes place in the individual.
fashioned and sticky thing as Theosophy. Perhaps one might use the words “mind”
People who say this perhaps do not under- and “heart” instead of “science” and
stand the nature of this Wisdom which “religion”. But unfortunately, the heart can
we call Theosophy, and merely look at be as narrow as the mind, as rigid and
it superficially. stilted, and also the word “heart” conveys
In one of the letters from the Mahatmas different meanings to different people.
the Master says, “few of us would care to One may have all kinds of personal and
play the part in life of a desiccated pansy petty emotions and reactions which might

36 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

The Pursuit of Wisdom

be termed the heart of the individual. with the whole of itself, without any reser-
But there is no other English word which vation, and such action is very different
can convey that quality or aspect of con- from the action of the mind, which is only
sciousness which is capable of func- an instrument of the whole being of man.
tioning as a totality. Without being religious in any con-
What really characterizes the religious ventional sense, it is possible to be whole-
attitude or spirit is not the beliefs or the hearted and completely selfless, in a state
practices or the allegiances; these vary of love. If a person is in that condition,
from one religion to another. We are not if he is really selfless, if it is not the so-
speaking of any particular religion but called love which is an expression of
of Religion itself, of what characterizes the self for its own purposes, then he
the religious attitude. It is wholehearted- is wholehearted. In fact, that is the only
ness, complete dedication. In a religious state in which one really experiences the
man you will find the total response, de- wholeness of one’s being. Love, in the
votion in the real sense is total, complete; real sense, is wholly voluntary, it is pure
there is no reservation whatever, nothing goodwill. It is only at such times that one
is held back. And that is really the action experiences the truth of what might be
of the totality of one’s being. The attitude described as the totality of action. One’s
of the religious man is really one which is whole nature acts.
completely unified, totally undivided. The Therefore, no one is truly religious
Sanskrit word advaita refers to this unity except when he acts with a nature of love,
which exists within oneself. When people a nature which is without a self. We speak
say that there is the One and no other and of a man as religious when he shows
therefore there is no duality at all, that is devotion. The word “devotion” which
only an idea. But it is possible, as a matter conveys the idea of wholeheartedness,
of living, of one’s own experiencing, to self-abnegation, a certain force which
be completely undivided in oneself. is capable of action, really denotes love
Our true nature, which is ever uncon- without any element of self. We may
ditioned, is that of peace, goodness and have a sense of awe when we are in the
undividedness. In the Upanishadic stanzas presence of a great Being, but that sense
used for meditation, there are the words, of awe is not fear. There is the biblical
ºântam, ºivam, advaitam — peace, good- phrase, “Perfect love casteth out fear”.
ness, undividedness. And that nature can Fear arises because you are afraid that
be experienced within ourselves. We can another person may hurt you. But when
know for ourselves that it is possible to you completely trust another person, then
live with a nature which is unified, com- there can be no fear. You do not think of
pletely undivided, which is at peace in what might happen to you, because there
itself, in which there is not a dual con- is no “I” or “you” in this love. It is possible
flicting personality. Such a nature can act to be in that state of love only when there

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 37

The Pursuit of Wisdom

is no element of fear. Fear inhibits. You ally. Nothing more can be said about it.
approach someone for a reason, but are The principal quest of the Society is
inhibited by your fear that he may not not just knowledge of various aspects of
think well of you, that he may find out Nature which are beyond our present ken.
your weaknesses, and think you are petty. You may know about various Rounds,
That means you are afraid of losing Chains and so on, but you still do not
your own self-esteem, you fear that you become a different being because of that
will fall in this great person’s estimation. knowledge. The true value of knowledge
But only if you do not seek anyone’s is perceived only in the light of whatever
estimation, or feel the need to be thought wisdom one may possess.
good or important, and have no fear at The word “Theosophy” means this
all, can you give absolute love. Wisdom, which the Bhagavadgitâ de-
Our so-called devotion is mostly scribes as lifegiving, and not just in-
a kind of service, or loyalty with expect- formation because that does not make
ations. They may not be verbally ex- much of a difference to our lives. If,
pressed, but do exist. We expect, at least, in each of its parts, the Society pursues
approval, goodwill, blessing or some this Wisdom, as distinguished from
kind of a benefit. If I say that I am loyal mere knowledge, it will have a different
to my God, in that very expression there character. Then the Society will be really
is a feeling of possession; I am loyal to able to be a factor in bringing about the
him because I desire his grace, his good- change that is needed by the whole world.
will, his protection; I want to be able to One’s entire life has to be dedicated to
call upon him whenever I am in trouble. the pursuit of Wisdom, and not just in
When we understand the true meaning the study classes. Really speaking, the
of the word “heart” which is not one’s Wisdom is a certain approach which has
petty personal emotions, we can realize to manifest itself all the time and in relation
that it is to be associated with all that is to all incidents, circumstances and people.
most beautiful in life. It is a wonderful It would be a wonderful Society if even
feeling, devoid of fear and expectation; a good number of its members are really
a state of being undivided, in which there dedicated to the pursuit of that extra-
is only the giving of itself. And that really ordinary thing which is called Theosophy.
points to certain depths which the mind The ordinary is what the mind can grasp,
cannot fathom, however clever one may but the extraordinary is something which
be, however good the intellect may be. is to be experienced only in the depths
One cannot talk much of soul-wisdom, of ourselves, and we can experience it
which The Voice of the Silence distin- only when our whole nature is rid of all
guishes from head-leaming, because it impediment, when it has been cleansed
does not lend itself to the language of of all its wrong ideas, its wrong beliefs
the mind. It has to be experienced person- and wrong thinking. ²

38 The Theosophist Vol. 139.7, April 2018

Fragments of the Ageless Wisdom

I DIED a mineral and became a plant.

I died a plant and rose an animal.
I died an animal and I was man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Yet once more I shall die as man, to soar

With the blessed angels; but even from angelhood

I must pass on. All except God perishes.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become that which no mind ever conceived.
O, let me not exist! for Non-Existence proclaims,
“To Him we shall return.”
Jalaluddin Rumi

Vol. 139.7, April 2018 The Theosophist 39


Date Section General Secretary, etc. Address Magazine Email address

1947 Africa, East and … Mr Narendra M. Shah … PO Box 14525. 00800, Westlands, … The Theosophical Light narendrashahi999@gmail.com
Central Nairobi, Kenya
1909 Africa, South … Mr Jack Hartmann … 9 Ronean, 38 Princesses Ave., Windsor E. 2194 … The South African Theosophist hartmann.jack.c@gmail.com
1956 Africa, West … Mr John Osmond Boakye … PO Box 720, Accra, Ghana … The West African Theosophist tswafrica@gmail.com
1929 America, … Mrs Ligia Gutierrez Simpson … Reparto Los Arcos no. 43, Entrada Principal ligusimpson@hotmail.com
Central * 1 Cuadra al Sur, 2 Cuadras Abajo,
1 Cuadra al Sur, Distrito 2, Managua, Nicaragua
1920 Argentina … Mr Esteban Langlois … Pje. Florencio Balcarce 71, Buenos Aires (1405) … Teosofía en Argentina secretaria@sociedadteosofica.org.ar
1990 Asia, East and … Mr Chong Sanne … 540 Sims Avenue, No. 03-04 … Newsletter sanne@theosophyasia.net
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1912 Austria * … Mr Albert Schichl … Oberbaumgarten 25, 4204 Haibach im Mühlkreis … Theosofie Adyar theosophie.austria@aon.at
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1911 Belgium … Mrs Sabine Van Osta … Place des Gueux 8, B1000 Brussels …
The Theosophist

Le Lotus Bleu info@ts-belgium.be

1965 Bolivia … Mrs Guillermina Rios de Sandoval … Pasaje Jauregui No. 2255, La Paz guilleriossandoval@yahoo.com
1920 Brazil … Mr Sergio Carvalho de Moraes, Jr … SGAS Quadra 603, N. 20, … Sophia secretaria@sociedadeteosofica.org.br
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1924 Canada * … Mrs Maryse DeCoste … # 12-1475 Deep Cove Rd. … The Light Bearer modecoste@hotmail.com
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1920 Chile * … Mr Cesar Ortega Ortiz … Casilla 11 Sucursal Paseo Estacion, … Revista Teosófica Chilena sociedadteosoficachile2010@gmail.com
Estacion Central, Santiago
1937 Colombia † … Mr Antonio Martinez … Carrera 6, # 56-40, Bogotá (Chapinero Alto) … Selección Teosófica antoniomartinezsgura1@gmail.com
1997 Costa Rica † … Ms Maria Orlich … Apartado 8-6710-1000, San José orlichsm@gmail.com
2007 Croatia p … Mr Darko Majstorovic … Siget 11, 10000 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia … Teozofija teozofija@teozofija.net
1905 Cuba … Ms Barbara A. Fariñas Piña … Apartado de Correos 6365, La Habana 10600 teocuba.sociedad@gmail.com
1987 Dominican Rep. † … Mrs Magaly Polanco … Calle Santa Agueda 1652 Les Chalet Col polancomagaly@yahoo.com
San Juan Puerto Rico Apartado 23 00926
1888 England … Mrs Jenny Baker … 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA … president@theosoc.org.uk
1907 Finland … Mrs Mirva Jaatinen … Teosofinen Seura, Vironkatu 7 C 2, Fin 00170, … Teosofi info@teosofinenseura.fi
Helsinki ylisihteeri@teosofinenseura.fi
Vol. 139.7, April 2018

1899 France … Mrs Jeannine (Nano) Leguay … 4 Square Rapp, 75007 Paris … Le Lotus Bleu editionsadyar@wanadoo.fr
1902 Germany … Mrs Manuela Kaulich … Hauptstr. 39, 93138 Lappersdorf … Adyar theosophie-adyar@gmx.de
1928 Greece … Mr Markus Alafouzos … 25 Voukourestiou St., 106 71-Athens … Ilisos info@theosophicalsociety.gr
1907 Hungary † … Mr Janos Szabari … H-1085 Budapest, Horánszky u. 27. fsz. 10 … Teozófia info@teozofia.hu
1921 Iceland … Mr Kristinn Ágúst Fridfinnsson … PO Box 1257 Ingolfsstraeti 22, 121 Reykjavik … Gangleri iceland.ts@gmail.com
1891 India … Mr Pradeep H. Gohil … The Theosophical Society, Varanasi 221 010 … The Indian Theosophist theosophyvns@gmail.com
1912 Indonesia … Mr Widyatmoko … Dsn. Parelegi no. 21, RT 02/ RW 09, … Theosofi indotheosofi@gmail.com
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1954 Israel p … Mr Abraham Oron … PO Box 9114, Ramat-Gan, Israel 5219002 … Or ornet@theosophia.co.il
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Vol. 139.7, April 2018 1997 Ivory Coast * … Mr Pierre-Magloire Kouahoh … Yopougon, 23 Rue Princesse … Sophia pm_kouahoh@hotmail.com
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1913 Norway * … Mr Andreas Mikael Isberg … Ulriksborgveien 10, 1533 Moss andreas.isberg@teosofisksamfunn.no
1935 Orlando p … Mr Carl Metzger … 1606 New York Ave. Orlando, Florida, TheosophicalSocietyCF@gmail.com
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1925 Paraguay p … Mr Antonio Castillo … Carandayty, 572, 1621, Asunción ramafraternidadSTparaguay@hotmail.com
1924 Peru † … Mr Julio Pomar Calderón … Av Republica de Portugal 152, Breña, Lima 5 … Búsqueda sede-central@sociedadteosoficaenperu.pe
1933 Philippines, The … Mr Rosel Doval-Santos … Corner P. Florentino and Iba Streets, … The Philippine Theosophist philtheos@gmail.com
Quezon City, Manila
1921 Portugal … Mrs Ana Maria Coelho de Sousa … Sociedade Teosófica de Portugal, … Osiris geral@sociedadeteosoficadeportugal.pt
Rua José Estêvão, 10 B, 1150-202 Lisboa
1925 Puerto Rico † … Mrs Magaly Polanco … Apartado 36-1766 Correo General. … Heraldo Teosófico polancomagaly@yahoo.com
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-1766
The Theosophist

2012 Qatar p … Mr Lijo Joseph . . . Crewing Officer, Teyseer Services Company qatarblavatskylodge@yahoo.com
P.O. Box 2431, Doha
2013 Russia † … Mr Alexey Besputin … 159-52, Novomytischinsky prospekt, . . . Teosoficheskoe Obozrenie pr@ts-russia.org
Mytischi, Moscow region, 141018 (The Theosophical Review)
1910 Scotland * … Mr Stuart Trotter … 28 Great King Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6QH … Circles albion.trotter@gmail.com
1992 Slovenia * … Mrs Irena Primc … Kajuhova UI 9, 3000 Celje … Teozofska Misel irenaprimc3@gmail.com
1921 Spain … Mrs Angels Torra Buron … Av. Vall d’or, 85-87 … Sophia presidencia@sociedadteosofica.es
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1926 Sri Lanka † … Mr M. B. Dassanayake … 2-C/60, Maththegoda Housing Scheme, … The Sri Lanka Theosophist mbdassa@gmail.com
1895 Sweden … Mrs Ing-Britt Wiklund … Kalle Posts väg 48, S-702 29 Örebro … Tidlös Visdom ing-britt@wiklund-orebro.se
1910 Switzerland † … Mr Andrea Biasca-Caroni … Via Collina 19, 6612 Ascona … The Lotus ancaroni@me.com
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2013 Ukraine * … Mrs Svitlana Gavrylenko … Office 3, 7-A Zhylianska St., Kiev 01033 … Svitoch org@theosophy.in.ua
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1922 Wales * … Mrs Julie Cunningham … Bryn Adda, Brynsiencyn, Llanfairpwll, … theosophywales@yahoo.co.uk
Anglesey, LL61 6NX UK

Date refers to the date of formation * Regional Association † Presidential Agency p Lodge attached to Adyar

The Council of the European Federation of National Societies: Chairman: Miss Trân-Thi-Kim-Diêu, 67 Rue des Pommiers, F-45000 Orleans, France. Email: trankimdieu@msn.com
Inter-American Theosophical Federation: President: Mrs Isis M. B. Resende, SGAS 603 conj. E s/n. Brasilia-DF, CEP 70200-630 – Brazil. Email: imbresende@gmail.com
Indo-Pacific Theosophical Federation: President: Mr Gerard Brennan, 42 Melbourne Street, Concord, 2137, Sydney. Australia Email: president@ipf-ts.org

Pan-African Theosophical Federation: Chairman: Mr Jack Hartmann, 9 Ronean, 38 Princess Avenue, Windsor E 2194, South Africa. Email: hartmann.jack.c.@gmail.com

(Effective from 1 September 2013)



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Some issues of The Theosophist are now available online and can be read and/or downloaded from:
Edited by Mr Tim Boyd, ‘Olcott Bungalow’, The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai (TS),
Published by Mr S. Harihara Raghavan, No. 55 ‘Govinda Nivas’, TS, and Printed by Mr V. Gopalan, ‘Chit Sabha’, TS, at the
Vasanta Press, TS, Besant Garden, Besant Avenue, Adyar, Chennai (Madras) 600 020, India, on behalf of the President, The Theosophical Society.
HC * SC*
The Gospel of Islam 200 150
The Gospel of Israel 200
The Gospel of Peace 200 150
The Gospel of Zarathushtra 200
At the Sign of the Square and Compasses 300
Basic Theosophy 600 450
Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible — Vol. 1 120
Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible — Vol. 2 150
Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible — Vol. 3 150
The Kingdom of the Gods 550 450
Man’s Supersensory and Spiritual Powers 120
Music Forms 300
The Pathway to Perfection 200
The Supreme Splendour 150 120
A Yoga of Light 50
Gayatri 400 300
Glimpses into the Psychology of Yoga 300
An Introduction to Hindu Symbolism 150
Principles of Theosophical Work 200
The Science of Yoga 600 400
Self-Realization through Love 120
The Ultimate Reality and Realization 150
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