Adams Presidency Page CHP 11 and 12

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Explain the provisions in the Alien Acts and why they were written:

He can deposit or send out aliens that he thought were dangerous. If you were a alien if
you want to become a citizen you have to live in america for 14 years instead of 5 years
Describe what Congress meant by sedition and how the Sedition Act
was used to punish those who spoke out against the government.
What they meant by sedition was if you speak, write, or publish lies about the
government that make it look bad you would be punished. When it was used one time 25
people were arrested and 10 were convicted of violating the law.
Describe the states’ rights theory:
Virginia and Kentucky said that states can judge the constitutionality of
federal laws. Then we should be able to nullify laws.
Adams moved into the new capital in Washington D.C. in the fall of
1800. Explain how the capital came to be located in Washington D.C.
It was because of a compromise following seven years of negotiation
by members of the U.S. Congress as they
Identify one provision in Jay’s Treaty and explain the consequences of
that provision:
They sent John Jay to London to settle the dispute they had with the
British.They made a Treaty so there is some peace. In 1796 the french navy
attacked american merchants that were headed to Britain and 316 ships were

Describe the XYZ affair:

John Adams sent 3 representatives to France in order to make peace with
them and stop the attacks. The french foreign minister said that he
refused.later a field agent known as X, Y and Z.
In 1799, when it came to foreign relations with France, Adams had to
decide whether he was going to do what was popular or what he thought
was best for the country. Compare Adam’s actions with the actions
desired by his Federalist Party.
John Adams sent a peace mission to france. The federalist tried to change his
mind. Napoleon was eager to make peace so he ordered to release the ships
to be released.

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