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Post-Secondary Expense Form

Highlight your pathway College Trade School Military

Name of Specific Institution ________Stevens Institute of Technology____________

Annual Tuition (does not include room & board)

*If your school is not in Ohio, use the “Out of State Tuition”.

Scholarship Amount received $____21,912___________________

Loans (tuition - scholarships) $_32,868__________________

Books/supplies $500/semester

Housing $___________11,000_______________

Transportation $_______300______________

Expenses by Semester Expenses Annually Expenses Degree Total

(6 months) (1 year) (2 or 4 years)

Loans $ Loans $ ____32,868____ Loans $ 141,472

Books $ Books $
Books $ _____1,000_________ __4,000____________
Housing $ Housing $
Housing $ _________11,000___ ____44,000________
Transportation Transportation
Transportation $___300_____ $___1,200_____

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