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Units of length, weight, mass and time. (2M) (2M)

Five rules and conventions in the use of symbols in SI units (5M)
Fundamental unit with an example (2M)
Derived units (2M) (2M)
What is the difference between Mass and Weight? (2M) (2M)
Units of work, power, and energy. (2M)

Acceleration and Deceleration. (5M)
Differentiate between vector and scalar quantities. (2M) (2M) (2M)
Acceleration (2M) (2M)
State the Newton’s III law of motion. (2M)

Line and center of gravity of the human body. (5M) (5M)
Center of gravity and states of equilibrium with examples (5M)
What is Gravity? Give an essay on the effect of gravity on the human body and its
application in nursing (15M)
States of Equilibrium with examples (5M) (5M)
What is Specific Gravity? (2M) (2M)
Relative density. (2M)


Describe the various types of pulleys and explain the lever mechanism in the human
body. (15M) (15M)
What is centrifugal force? (2M)
Explain about basic levers and body mechanics (15M) (15M)
Pulleys and its types. (5M)
Law of conservation of energy. (2M) (5M) (2M) (2M)
Application of traction force in medical field. (5M)
What are the forces acting on the human body? (2M)
Third order lever with example. (2M)
What is a simple machine and explain the types of pulleys (5M)
Second order of lever. (2M)
Simple pulleys (2M)
Inclined plane (2M)
Buoyant force. (2M)
What is Friction, how to reduce frictional loses? (5M)
What is lever? Describe the types of levers with examples. Explain about body
mechanics. (15M)
What are the principles followed when lifting and moving a patient? (5M)
What are the ways of minimizing friction? (2M)
Body mechanics. (2M)

Temperature scales.(2M) (2M) (2M) (2M) (2M) (2M)
Clinical thermometer. (5M) (5M)
Relative humidity and specific heat. (5M)
Relative humidity (2M)
Specific heat (2M)
Why mercury is used as thermometric liquid? (5M)
Define change of state. (2M)
What is sterilization? Explain the methods of sterilization (15M)
Convert 98.6oF into celsius. (2M)
Explain heat capacity (2M)

Application of light in nursing. (5M) (5M)
What is the use of Calorimeter? (2M) (2M)
Myopia and Hypermetropia (2M) (2M) (2M)
Types of lenses. (2M) (2M) (2M)
What is Astigmatism? (2M) (2M) (2M)
Biological effects of light. (5M)
Laser (5M) (2M)
Refraction and Reflection with neat diagram (2M) (5M) (2M)
Focusing elements of the eye (5M)
Refraction (2M)
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) (2M)
Total internal reflection & application in nursing (2M) (5M)
Hypermetropia (2M)
Describe the Human Visual physiology and write different types of refractory errors
and its types of correctiveness. (15M) (15M)
What is Reflection? (2M)
Explain the basis of light and its bio-applications in medicine. (15M)
What is Doppler effect? (2M) (5M)
Luminous bodies. (2M)
Explain different theories to explain the nature of light. (5M)
Presbyopia. (2M)
What is ocular pressure? (2M) (2M) (2M)
Arterial and venous blood pressure. (2M) (2M) (2M)
Boyle’s law and Charle’s law. (2M) (2M) (2M)
Sphygmomanometer (5M) (5M) (5M)
Osmosis. (2M) (2M) (2M)
Boyle’s law (2M)
Blood pressure measurements. (5M)
Discuss the application of the principles of pressure in nursing. (15M)
Application of hydrometer. (2M)
Law of floatation (2M) (2M)
Dalton’s law. (2M)
Aneroid Barometer (5M)
Pascal’s Law. (2M)

What is noise pollution? How can it be prevented? (5M) (5M) (5M)
Give an essay on the physiology of hearing. (15M)
What is noise pollution? (2M)
What is noise? (2M)


Pulse oximeter (5M) (2M) (5M)
What is piezo electric effect? (2M)
What is electrolysis? (2M)
Electricity and human body. (5M) (5M)
State the loss of electromagnetic induction (2M)
State the laws of electromagnetic induction (2M)
Pace maker. (2M) (2M) (5M) (5M)
What is Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? (2M) (2M)
P,Q,R,S,T wave of an electrocardiogram (2M)
Normal ECG waveform. (2M)
Biological effects of electric shock (2M) (2M)
Electromagnetic spectrum (5M)
Defibrillator. (5M)
Write notes on Electro Cardio Gram (ECG). (2M)
CT scan (5M) (2M)
What is rectifier? (2M)
Ohm’s law. (2M)
State Fleming left hand rule. (2M)
What is meant by ECG? Describe its relevance in evaluating the function of the
heart (15M)
Write a note on ECG, EEG, EMG, ECT. (15M)
What are the biological effects of radiation? (2M) (2M)
Properties of X-Ray. (2M)
What is a thermo luminescent dosimeter (TLD)? (2M)
What is Radio activity? Explain the use of radioisotopes in medicine. (15M) (5M)
(15M) (5M)
Half life of a radioactive element with an example (2M) (2M)
Radio isotopes used in medicine (5M)
Instruments used for detecting ionizing radiation (5M) (5M)
Give two names of radioisotopes used in Brachytherapy (2M)
Radiation protection. (5M)
Radioactive pollution and health. (5M)
Explain the structure of an atom. (5M)

Describe briefly the use of various electronic equipments in patient care (15M)
What is Echo? (2M)
Describe in detail various equipments used in intensive care unit. (15M)
What is ultrasound? Discuss the various methods of ultrasound imaging in
medicine. (15M)

1} a) Newton’s laws of motion with an examples for each (15M)
b) Explain the four methods of heating the tissues
c) Explain the laws of radioactivity
Equation for relationship between energy, frequency and wavelength of light (2M) (2M)
1. a) Explain the four methods of heating the tissues. (15M)
b) Explain the first law of Newton with an example.
Difference between light waves and sound waves (2M)

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