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Simulation Modeling & Analysis Lab Quiz – II (Total marks: 30)

Delay -------------------------- Advanced Process panel

Decide ------------------------- Basic Process Panel
Statistic ---------------------- Advanced Process Panel
Advanced Set -------------- Advanced Process Panel
Sequence -------------------- Advanced Transfer Panel
Schedule ----------------------- Basic Process Panel
Route ------------------------ Advanced Transfer Panel
Record ------------------------ Basic Process Panel
Set --------------------------- Basic Process Panel
Seize ------------------------ Advanced Process Panel (each carry 1 mark)

Ans 2. System entities, input variables, performance measures, and functional relationships. (4
Ans 3. It is used for assigning new values to variables, entity attributes, entity types, entity
pictures, or other system variables. (2 marks)
Ans 4. Scheduled utilization is based on how long the Resource is utilized vs how long the
Resource is scheduled to be onshift. (2 Marks)
Ans 5. A resource can be something that an entity uses as it flows through the system. (2 Marks)
Ans 6. The difference between variables and attributes is that when an attribute gets assigned
to an entity it becomes a characteristic of every entity in the system. Variables are not entity
specific and can be used or referred to at every moment in time. (4 Marks)
Ans 7. NQ(queuename) holds the number of entities in the queue. (2 Marks)
Ans 8. TNOW is the internal Arena variable name for the simulation clock (2 Marks)
Ans 9. The arriving entity seizes some number of units. of a resource, then is delayed for a
time, and then releases the resource. (2 Marks)

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