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Let’s Analyze!

Task Number 1: Knowing yourself BETTER!

1. What are your current Strengths and Weaknesses?

In my current situation right now, I think my weaknesses are public speaking

which I find intimidating, shyness, self-criticism, procrastination, and
perfectionism. On the other hand, With all of my weaknesses I also have my
strengths; honesty, patience, communication skills, empathy, and initiative.

2. Which do you prefer? Money or Career? Why?

I’d prefer career over money, since for me I see career as “fishing” wherein
the money is the “fish”. You may lose the fish in your hand at any time; however, if
you know how to fish, you may capture more fish from the river or the sea. That’s
how I see life in this aspect. When it comes to picking a job, personal contentment
takes precedence above financial gain. For me, It is important to feel that “wanting
to” come to work every day to enjoy what I am doing. The most important thing in life
is not money.

3. State 10 of your attitudes that you think are entrepreneurial.

● Creative
● Passionate
● Motivated
● Flexible
● Resourceful
● Decisive
● Resilience
● Vision
● Hardworking
● Integrity
4. How do you define success?

In my own percepcion, success does not just end with achieving goals, it's all about
achieving true happiness along the journey and appreciating downwards. It can’t just be
defined with materialistic things such as money hence, we need it in order for us to survive in
this world we are living in. Success is having the freedom to go on our own ways and seek
for what’s meant for us. And yes, there is no shortcut to success, we must have to take one
step at a time for us to taste real success that fulfills and satisfies our soul and heart. Just
own yourself and be yourself at all times.

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