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qxd 5/4/07 12:39 PM Page 36

36 Zero Limits

movie trailer that caused a viral marketing epidemic. (See it at She once told me that the idea for the movie teaser
came to her suddenly and within a few seconds. She made the actual
preview within 10 minutes. Clearly she received some sort of inspira-
tion that led to the making of the strongest movie teaser in history.
But I wanted to know if the idea for the final feature movie itself
came from inspiration or if she felt she did it for some other reasons.
This was the crux of my concern about intentions. Were we stating
intentions that made a difference or receiving ideas that we later
called intentions? That’s what I asked her as we sat together at dinner.
Rhonda was quiet a long time. She looked off, contemplating my
question, searching within herself for the answer. Finally, she spoke.
“I’m not sure,” she said.“The idea came to me, for sure. But I did
the work. I created it. So I’d say I made it happen.”
Her answer was revealing.The idea came to her, which means it
came to her as an inspiration. Since the movie is so powerful, so well
done, and so brilliantly marketed, I can only believe it’s all the Divine
unfolding.Yes, there was work to do, and Rhonda did it. But the idea
itself came as an inspiration.
It’s interesting that after the movie had been out for several
months and the buzz for it was reaching historic proportions,
Rhonda sent out an e-mail to all the stars in it, saying the movie now
had a life of its own. Rather than stating intentions, she was answer-
ing calls and seizing opportunities. A book was coming out. Larry
King was doing a two-part special based on the ideas in the movie.
An audio version was coming out. Sequels were in the works.
When you come from the zero state where there are zero limits,
you don’t need intentions.You simply receive and act.
And miracles happen.

You can stop the inspiration, however.

Rhonda could have said no to the nudge urging her to make the
movie. That seems to be where free will comes into play. When the

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