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Erika Pinochet

Mrs. Mathis

Senior Project

26 October, 2022


For my senior project, I chose to research the ACL tear. This certain injury led curiosity

in me because I’ve always been interested in the medical field. I love learning about the human

body and how it works as well as the repair process time it takes. I didn’t know much about the

topic when I started researching but the more I searched the more I learned. The ACL tear can be

complex to fix because it is such an important part of your knee and there are many steps taken

to fix it. I could improve my research by digging more into the function of the knee, and how it’s

crucial for exercise. I used two different websites to compare the surgery that may be needed and

the cost of the surgery. I really enjoy learning about this because I myself work out a lot. I play

soccer for my school and I’m always running. learning about this injury and educating others on

it could give people an idea of the importance of your ACL. I’ve already started on my outline

for my pamphlet. so far, I’ve created the two side panels and I don’t prefer the set up, so I might

make changes to it. My goal for this month is to have my whole outline for my pamphlet

complete, so that I can start on printing it out and making adjustments. I might ask for some help

throughout the month from my mentor on different ideas for the sections of my information in

my pamphlet, and or places I can go to talk to real physical therapist.

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