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Name : Khansa Fithri Muthi’ah

NIM : P3.
Class : Ners 1RKI

National Alliance FGD, Towards National Aspirations with the Pancasila

Paradigm in terms of Education

The world of Indonesian education is currently faced with complex challenges

in the midst of world developments marked by the acceleration of science and
technology such as IR 4.0 and Society 5.0. National education functions to develop
capabilities and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the
context of educating the nation's life, aiming at developing the potential of students to
become human beings who believe, fear God Almighty, have noble character, are
healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens. a
democratic and responsible country
If society is hit by chaos, stagnation, and decline, and does not know the key
to emancipation, then the ultimate step is education. The education needed to meet the
challenges of the times based on the Pancasila paradigm is the world of education that
is able to develop lifelong learning human beings who are characterized, creative,
with management and leadership abilities in the context of seeking the good of living
together. And for that, the educational process must be able to develop creativity
based on the diversity of human intelligence with the guidance of a value compass
that can maintain the harmony of personal privileges with the orderly cosmos and
world harmony.
Chairman of the National Alliance Ponco Sutowo said that the various
problems and disputes that have surfaced recently indicate that the life of the nation
and state still has many weaknesses and shortcomings, which demand the
responsibility of all of us to make improvements in various aspects and lines of
national development. According to him, Pancasila must be reaffirmed as the basis for
the philosophy of development, binoculars to view development, as well as guiding
principles for development. As a basis, perspective, and development guide, Pancasila
it should be used as a development paradigm that must be placed above and at the
same time permeates all other development fields.
The first realm is often referred to as the cultural realm, while the second and
third realms are referred to as the realm of civilization. However, it is also commonly
understood that even in terms of civilization there is a basis of cultural values.
Therefore, the three realms can be called in one breath as the realm of civilization.
The Pancasila paradigm has anticipated the importance of paying attention to these
three domains. The mental-spiritual (cultural) domain of the main basis is the first,
second, and third precepts. With the spirit of God, humanity and unity, spirituality is
developed in sociability that is humane, egalitarian, independent, trustworthy (with
integrity), has a positive and creative work ethic, and is able to establish unity (mutual
cooperation) with a spirit of service (sacrifice).
The institutional-political domain is the main basis for the fourth principle.
Whereas the socio-political order is to be built through a democratic mechanism with
people's aspirations, the ideals of deliberation and the ideals of wisdom in a design of
democratic institutions that can strengthen unity (a unitary state) and social justice (a
welfare state); which is manifested in the presence of a state government that protects
the entire nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia, advances public welfare,
educates the nation's life, and participates in carrying out world order based on
independence, peace and justice.
While the material-tenological realm is the main basis of the fifth precept.
Whereas independence and general welfare are to be achieved by pursuing an
independent economy; based on mutual assistance (cooperative spirit), accompanied
by state control over the gift of shared wealth and over important production branches
that control the livelihoods of many people; while adding value to the gifts given with
the input of knowledge and technology.
In the end, these three domains, individually and simultaneously, are directed
to realize the vision of the nation-state: the realization of an independent, united,
sovereign, just and prosperous national life based on Pancasila.

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