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Nicholas was looking through a dictionary from his school library when he

found a photo hidden between the pages. There was a group of five teenagers
looking at the sky, staying around some kind of charger. On the back of the
photo it was written the year 1969 but no other clue about the day.
Nicholas was very curious about what they could had been looking at. Maybe it
was just a photo with a group of friends, yet he was hoping for a whole story.
After classes he showed the photo to his friend Mike, convincing him to enjoy
his search for informations. Mike remembered that 1969 was the year of
rocket’s launch so he thought they could find something in school’s competition
history and so it had been. That year a group of teenagers, the one from the
photo, participated in a national contest of building a small rocket to raise as
high as possible.
When passing the trophy hall, they saw another photo with the same group
holding a big check and later they found out that those money were used in
building all the labs.

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