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Erika Pinochet Pinochet 1

Mrs. Mathis

Senior Project

10 December, 2022

Annotated Bibliography December

Louw, M. (2022, March 22). Exercises for torn ACL: Anterior cruciate ligament injury. Sports

Injury Physio. Retrieved January 11, 2023, from

The article starts off addressing how to protect your knees using body awareness, strength, and

balance. The main focus of the article is to inform athletes what exercises work best for avoiding

tearing of an ACL. It lists the different exercises that the HSS recommends. The article even

includes different photographs of the exercises recommended to help those with more of a visual

understanding. Another piece of information the article includes, is the different ways to land

safely from jumping or falling. This section also includes photographs to demonstrate the

different ways to land on your feet. I would say that this article is helpful in many ways to

athletes, parents, and teenagers. Although the article was highly informational, It is more based

on graphics and photos rather than just a bunch of information. I would recommend it to those

looking for a more photographic source of information. For me, that is just what I was looking

for considering the wide range of pictures and information I was not firmiliar with before reading

the article. This article is especially useful towards my project because it gives me information
on the importance of stretching as well as catching yourself before you get hurt. Knowing and

understanding these helpful tips could prevent many ACL injuries or injuries in the knee.

Citation Source:

ACL injury: Prevention tips and Exercises. Hospital for Special Surgery. (n.d.). Retrieved

December 11, 2022, from

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