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Chapter 12 Social Psychology

Institutional Discrimination
Answer the following four questions in regard to each of the examples below.

A. Is institutional discrimination present?

B. Against what group or groups does the practice discriminate?
C. What is the intended purpose of each practice?
D. If the intended purpose is a valid one, how else might this purpose be achieved?

1. A fire department requires that applicants for the position of firefighter be 5’8” or taller.
A. Institutional discrimination is present against people who are shorter than 5’8”
B The average height for women is less than 5’8” so even if they were qualified they would be able to
get the position.
C The intention of this requirement is most likely to ensure that all applicants meet a basic
physiological standard
D However, height has no influence on strength, stamina, or the ability to perform the duties of a

2. A Caucasian actor is chosen to play the part of an Asian man.

A. Institutional discrimination is present against Asian men if this occurs in a professional production
B. The Asian community
C. The intention may be that the Caucasian actor was the best person for the role
D. Promoting auditions to more actors in the Asian community may help

3. A corporation decides to fill a position opening “in-house” rather than to advertise.

A. Institutional discrimination is present against people who are not employed by the corporation
B. If the corporation is composed mostly of one race or nationality, then whoever is not part of that race or
nationality is discriminated against
C. The intention is probably to reward current employees and act as an incentive to work harder
D. To prevent this discrimination from occurring, the corporation can place outside advertisements

4. Children of alumni receive preference for admission into a private college.

A. Yes
B. Applicants of certain socioeconomic, racial, or religious backgrounds may not be given an equal
C. The intention of the college could be to reward alumni and encourage donations
D. Family and alumni status should not be considered when reviewing applications

5. Persons accused of a crime who cannot post bail are imprisoned and thus appear in court
dressed in prison clothes.
A Yes, it is present against people with lower income
B. Juries may unintentionally associate a person with guilt based on their presentation
C. The intention could be to make the trial go faster
D. This could be prevented by given them nice clothes

6. A health-club official offers a reduced membership rate to families.

A. It excludes people without families
B. The intention was most likely to promote business and make it more affordable for people with big
D. They could offer reduced rates to people without familes
7. A teacher requires an oral presentation as part of the final grade.
A. Yes
B. This could be considered discrimination against people with a speech problem or English not being their
first language
C. The intention is most likely to help students learn better communication skills
D. The teacher could base the grade on actual material provided rather than how good they’re oral
presentation was.

8. A public meeting is held on the third floor of a building that has no elevator.
A. Yes
B. People who have trouble walking or who have a disability may not be able to get to the meeting
C The intention was probably to save money
D. The meeting could be held at a more accessible location

Source: Goldstein, S. B. (1994, August). Teaching the psychology of prejudice and privilege: Opportunities for active
learning. Paper presented at the 102nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles,
Reprinted by permission of Dr. Susan B. Goldstein.

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