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What would you do if lost in city you don’t Tu ce ai face daca te-ai pierde intr-un oras
know? pe care nu-l cunosti?
De cate ori ma pierd, intreb lumea pentru
Whenever I get lost, I ask people for
directii si incerc sa nu ma panichez. Oamenii
directions and try not to panic. People tend to
au obiceiul sa faca lucruri prostesti cand sunt
do foolish things when they get scared. They
speriati. Isi pierd controlul asupra emotiilor si
lose control over their emotions and make
fac decizii proaste. Cand ma duc sa vizitez,
unfortunate decisions. When I go sightseeing,
deobicei am o harta cu mine pentru a-mi gasi
I usually have a map with me to find my way
drumul. Acum, cu tehnologia avansata,
around the city. Now with the advance of the
telefoanele au GPS-ul incorporat si nu este
technology, smartphones have GPS systems
atat de greu sa gasesti drumul spre hotel,
incorporated and it’s not so difficult to track
sau, in cel mai rau caz, spre cea mai
your way down to your hotel, or in the worst
apropiata sectie de politie.
case scenario, to the nearest police station.

Speak about a time when you had to do Vorbeste despre un moment in care a
other people’ work. trebuit sa faci treaba altora.
Proiectele sunt o parte din munca de la
Projects are part of school work, but scoala, dar cateodata colegii de echipa nu
sometimes your team mates don’t work as lucreaza la fel de mult ca tine. Odata am avut
hard as you do. We once had a project for the un proiect la ora de antreprenoriala si
entrepreneurship class and we had to come trebuia sa venim cu o idee de afecere. Apoi a
up with a bussines idea. Then we had to trebuit sa cream un discurs pentru a
design a speech to convince a potential convinge un potential investitor. Am impartit
investor to finance our idea. We had divided munca egal si am decis sa ne intalnim regulat
the work equally and decided to meet si sa punem bucatile impreuna. Totusi, un
regularly to discuss and put the pieces membru al echipei nu s-a deranjat sa vina si
together. However, one of the team members de fiecare data cand i-am cerut o explicatie
didn’t bother to show up and every time we venea cu niste scuze banale. Am ajuns la
asked for an explanation he made up feeble finalul proiectului iar singura parte care
excuses. We had reached the final phase of lipsea era a lui. Nu am vrut sa se strice totul
the project and the only part missing was his. din cauza lui, asa ca am facut noi partea lui.
We didn’t want to have everything ruined Cand am prezentat ideile in fata clasei, am
because of him, so we dealt with his share of clarificat ca el nu a ajutat deloc echipa si mai
the job. When we presented our ideas to the ales ca ne-a dezamagit.
class we made it clear that he was no help to Chiar daca a trebuit sa rezolvam noi din
the team whatsoever and that he had let up cauza lipsei sale de eficienta si de implicare,
down. in sfarsit eforturile noastre nu au fost in
Even though we had to cover for his lack of zadar, si am primit o nota buna iar profesorul
effinciency and involment, in the end our ne-a felicitat pentrul rezultatul final.
efforts paid off and we got a good mark and
our teacher congratulate dus on the final

Give your opinion of the following Spune-ti parerea despre urmatoarea

statement: The greater the storm, the afirmatie: Cu cat furtuna este mai puternica,
brighter the rainbow. Use relevant cu atat curcubeul de dupa straluceste mai
arguments and examples to support your tare. Foloseste argumente relevante si
ideas. exemple pentru a iti sprijini ideile.
When you survive a storm of events and get Cand supravietuiesti o multime de
over difficulties and worries you find that life evenimente si treci peste dificultati si
is not that bad after all, and you become ingrijorari, realizezi ca, pana la urma, viata nu
more confident about the future. este atat de rea si prinzi curaj in privinta
In my opinion, we learn to appreciate life's viitorului tau.
opportunities better after a period of distress. In opinia mea, invatam sa apreciam
oportunitatile vietii mai bine dupa o
Firstly, storms can be harsh and damaging persioada stresanta.
while rainbows are beautiful and inspire joy in In primul rand, furtunile pot fi grele si
those who see them. However, it is the storm distructive in timp ce curcubeele sunt
that triggers these wonderful moments. If you frumoase si aducatoare de fericire celor care
are experiencing extreme difficulties, the le admira. Totusi, furtuna este cea care
result of making it through that emotional or
aduce aceste momente minunate. Daca treci
physical turmoil will be more rewarding.
prin momente grele, rezultatul trecerii peste
acelei experiente emotionale sau fizice, va fi
Secondly, even though we prefer sunshine to
rain, we learn that it is those moments when mult mai satisfacatoare.
we feel down that can lead us to new In al doilea rand, chiar daca preferam razele
understanding and wisdom. The challenges de oare in locl ploii, invatam ca in acele
we go through are just the means to an end. momente cand ne simtim tristi conduc la
We struggle, we cry, we get hurt, but these intelegere si intelepciune. Provocarile prin
trials will bring us closer to what we want to care trecem sunt doar inceputul unei povesti
be, do, and have in life. cu final fericit. Ne silim, plangem, suntem
raniti, dar aceste probe ne vor duce mai
To sum up, we have to do whatever it takes aproape de ceea ce vrem sa fim, sa facem si
to withstand a storm, so we will move sa avem in viata.
through with confidence and boldness. If we In concluzie, trebuie sa facem tot ce ne sta in
focus on the end result and keep our mindset putere pentru a tine piept furtunii ca sa
focused on the rainbow, we will have the trecem prin aceasta cu, curaj. Daca ne axam
power to get through and find delight in the pe rezultatul final si pe curcubeu, vom avea
sight of the rainbow. puterea necesara pentru a trece peste si a ne
bucura de frumusetea curcubeului.

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