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3°ESO – Unit 4.2 – Active life – Healthy eating. Mr.


The world’s weirdest food project

You must research a weird dish from a country of your choice.

What you must include:

• Typical food and ingredients
• How it is made
• How do the people from that country eat (when they eat, how often, how? with their
hands or cutlery? how is it served?)
• Is it food for special occasions
• People’s opinions on it (food adjectives).
• Any other interesting information you can find!

What you must do:

• Research your project and have written evidence in your notebooks.
• Give a 2/3-minute drama presentation with your partner(s) explaining what you
have learnt.

How you will be marked:


Content and research /5 ü Have you fully answered the questions and done your research?
ü Do you have clear organisation of your ideas?
ü Have you included pictures relevant to the topic?

Pronunciation /5 ü Have you used the appropriate register and tone?

ü Do you articulate individual sounds clearly?

Presentation skills /5 ü Do you use a wide range of cohesive devices? Example: so,
but, whereas, also
ü Do you talk without hesitation? Or do you stop and think?
ü Are you reading from a sheet or talking naturally?
Language /5 ü Have you used a range of language and grammar? How accurate it

Team work /5 ü Have you worked well with you partner(s)?

ü Have you divided the research up equally?
ü Have you equally participated towards the project?

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