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Direction: Read the items carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is an example of a direct linear variation?

3 3
A. xy = 5 B. y = C. y = 2x D. =x
x y
2. An encoder can type n words in t hours. The formula that relates n to t is n = . What kind of variation is it?
A. inverse B. direct C. joint D. combined

3. If p varies directly as q and inversely as r, then which of the following equations describes the relation
among the variables?
kq 1 kr kr k
A. p = B. = C. p = D. p =
r p q q qr

4. Translate into equation, “ y is directly proportional to x and inversely proportional to z “ . Use k as constant
of proportionality.
kz kx x
A. y = kxz B. y = C. y = D. y =
y z ky

5. Derive the equation for the variation using the table below.
x 1 2 3 4
y -3 -6 -9 - 12
A. y = 3x B. y = - C. y = - 3x D. xy = 3

6. If w varies directly as the square of x and inversely as y and z. If w = 12 when x = 4 , y= 2 and z = 20. Find w
when x = 3, y = 8 and z = 5.
A. 10 B. 9 C. D. 5

7. What happens to S when t is doubled in the equation S = 3t2 ?

A. S is halved B. S is doubled C. S is quadrupled D. S is multiplied by 6

8. What happens to T when h is tripled in the equation T = ?
A. T is tripled B. T is multiplied by 6 C. T is divided by 6 D. T is divided by 3

9. Mike’s income varies directly as the number of days that he works. If his number of days tripled, what
happens to his income?
A. divided by 3 B. multiplied by 9 C. tripled D. quadrupled

10. The area of a circle is proportional to the square of its radius. If the length of its radius is halved, what
happens to its area?
A. doubled B. divided by four C. multiplied by four D. quadrupled

11. Allan’s income varies directly as the number of days that he works. If he earns ₱ 12,000 in 20 days, how
much will he earn if he work twice as long?
A. ₱ 26,000 B. ₱ 24,000 C. ₱ 22,000 D. ₱ 20,000

12. The amount of gasoline used by a car varies jointly as the distance travelled and the square root of the
speed. Suppose a car used 25 L on a 100 km trip at 100 kph, about how many liters will it use on a 1,000
km trip at 64 kph?
A. 100 L B. 150 L C. 200 L D. 250 L

13. The number of days needed to repair a house varies inversely as the number of men working. It takes 15
days for 2 men to repair the house. How many men are needed to complete the job in 6 days?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8

14. What law of exponents is illustrated in ( 4x3 y4 ) ( - 3x3 y4 ) = - 12x6y8

A. ( am ) n = a mn B. am∙ an = a m + n C. (ab )m = am bm D. ( am bn )p = amp bnp

15. Radicals with the same order and having the same radicand.
A. radical expressions B. radical equations C. similar radicals D. conjugate pairs

16. A solution that does not satisfy the given equation.

A. solution set B. solution pair C. excess solution D.extraneous solution
1 3
17. What is the product of 2 x 2 and - 3 x 2 ?
1 3
A. 6x B. – 6 x 2 C. – 6 x 4 D. – 6x2

18. What is the simplified form of 40 5 – 2 6 – 1 1000 2 ?

1 1
A. 1 B. C. D. 2
50 75

19. Which of the following is true?

1 1 2 3
2 3 −2
A. 5 + 5 = 5
2 2 B. 1 =2 9 C. ¿ ¿ = 3 2 D. 4 3 = 2

2 3 4 3

2 1
20. The length of a rectangle is 3 x 3 meters and its width is 4 x 2 meters. What is its area?
4 3 7 2
A. 12 x 3 sq.meters B. 12 x 5 sq.meters C. 12 x 6 sq.meters D. 12 x 3 sq. meters

21. In a 10 meter flagpole, a rope is attached to the top of the pole form a point on the ground. If the rope is
taut and 8 meters away from the base of the pole, how long is the rope? Express your answer in
exponential form with rational exponent.
A. 164 1/2meters B. 164 2 meters C. 361/2 meters D. 362 meters

22. What is the exponential form of 2√ a + 3√ b ?

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A. 2 2 a + 3 2 b B.2a 2 + 3 b 2 C. (2 a) 2 + (3 b) 2 D.(2 a+3 b) 2

23. What is the equivalent of √

4 + √5 2 using exponential notation?
1 1 1
A. 4 3 + 2 5 B. 43 + 25 C. 68 D. 6 8

24. Which of the following is an incorrect characteristics of a radical in simplest form?

A. No fraction as radicands. C. No radical appears in the denominator of a fraction.
B. No radicands with variable. D. No radicands have perfect square factors other than 1.

25. What is the result when we simplify

√2 ?
3 √5
√2 B.
√3 C.
√2 D.
5 10 3 15

26. What is the simplified form of

√3 ?
A. √ 3 B. √
3 C. √ 27 D. √

27. Which of the following is the simplified radical?

A.2 √ 8 xy B.
√16 xy C.
√3 x D. 2 √5 x
x √5
28. What is the result after simplifying 2 √ 3 + 4 √ 3 – 5 √ 3 ?
A. - √ 3 B. √ 3 C. 11 √ 3 D. 5 √ 3

29. What is the sum of 2√ 3, -5√ 2, 10√ 3, 14√ 2 and -3√ 2?

A. 34√ 5 B. 18√ 5 C. 6√ 2 + 12√ 3 D. 12√ 2 + 6√ 3

30. Which of the following is the simplified form of √ √ 81 - √

√ 64 ?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

31. Which of the following is the result when we simplify ( 2 +√ 5 ) ( 5 - √ 5) ?

A. 10 + 2√ 5 B.10- 2 √ 5 C. 5 + 3√ 5 D.5 -√ 5
32. If we simplify (2√ 8 + 3√ 5)(6√ 8 + 7√ 5), the result is equal to ______
A. 12√ 64 + 14√ 40 + 18 √ 40 + 21√ 25 C. 201 + 64√ 10
B. 12√ 8 + 32√ 40 + 21√ 5 D. 195√ 10

33. What is the result when we simplify ?
4−3 √ 2
A. 5 B. −2 √ 2 C. 5 - √ 2 D. - 9 - 7√ 2

34. What is the simplified form of

√3 xy 2 ?
√4 2 x 2 y
A. √ 72 y 3
√4 72 y 3 C.
√4 72 D. √
2 2

35. What value of k will make the equation √

k + 4 = √ 2 k +3 true?

A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1

36. Which of the following radical equations will have x = 6 as the solution?
A. √ x – 2x + 7 = 0 B. √ x = 9 C. √ 2 x−3 = x – 3 D. 3√ x = 5

37. In which of the following equations can we eliminate the radical by squaring both sides of the equation
A. √ 7 x = x B. √ 7 x = √ x - 1 C. √ 7 x + 1 = x D. √ 7 x – 1 =
38. What is the value of x in the equation √
x+1 = 3 ?
A. 4 B. 8 C. 26 D. 28

39. Luis walks 5 kilometers due east and 8 kilometers due north. How far is he from the starting point?
A. √ 89 km B. √ 64 km C. √ 39 km D. √ 25 km

40. Find the length of an edge of the cube given

A. 6√ 2 meters C. 2√ 6 meters Area =
B. 6√ 12 meters D. √ 2 meters Area
72m 2
Grade 9 – Mathematics

1. C 21. C
2. A 22. B
3. A 23. A
4. C 24. B
5. B 25. D
6. C 26. B
7. C 27. D
8. D 28. B
9. C 29. C
10. B 30. A
11. B 31. C
12. C 32. C
13. B 33. D
14. B 34. B
15. C 35. D
16. D 36. C
17. D 37. A
18. C 38. C
19. D 39. A
20. C 40. A

Prepared by:

Grade 9 – Math Teacher

S.Y. 2021 - 2022

Illustrating situations that
involve direct,
1 3 8.57 1 2 3 1,2,3
inverse, joint and combined
translating variation
statement given by
2 table of values, mathematical 5 14.29 1 3 1 5 4,5,6,7,8
graph and vice versa.
solves problems involving
3 5 14.29 2 3 5 9,10,11,12,13
applies the laws involving
4 integral exponents to zero 3 8.57 3 3 14,15,16
and negative
integral exponents.
illustrates expressions with
5 rational 1 2.86 2 2 17,18
simplifies expressions with
6 rational 2 5.71 1 2 3 19,20,21
writes expressions with
rational expo-
7 1 2.86 2 2 22,23
nents as radicals and vice
8 derives laws of radicals 1 2.86 1 1 24
simplifies radical expressions
9 using the 3 8.57 2 1 3 25,26,27
laws of radicals.
performs addition and
10 subtraction of 2 5.71 1 2 3 28,29,30
radical expressions.
performs multiplication of
11 radical 2 5.71 1 1 2 31,32
performs division of radical
12 2 5.71 1 1 2 33,34
solves equations involving
13 radical 3 8.57 2 1 1 4 35,36,37,38
solves problems involving
14 2 5.71 2 2 39,40

TOTAL 35 100.00 17 15 8 40

Prepared by:

Grade 9 - Math Teacher

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