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Forensic Science International 303 (2019) 109943

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Technical Note

Virtual reality and integrated crime scene scanning for immersive and
heterogeneous crime scene reconstruction
Jinming Wanga,b,1, Zhengdong Lia,b,1, Wenhu Hua,c , Yu Shaob , Liyang Wangd ,
Rongqi Wud , Kaijun Mad, Donghua Zoua,* ,1, Yijiu Chena,* ,1
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine, Academy of Forensic Science, Ministry of Justice, 1347# West Guangfu Road, Shanghai, China
Department of Forensic Medicine, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fudan University, 130# Dongan Road, Shanghai, China
School of Forensic Medicine, Southern Medical University, 1838# Guangzhou Avenue North Road, Guangzhou, China
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Crime Scene Evidence, Institute of Forensic Science, Shanghai Public Security Bureau, Shanghai, China


Article history: Crime scene reconstruction plays a significant role in crime solving by helping to determine the course of
Received 3 December 2018 events. Non-invasive, high-resolution measurement and increased insight are always the goal of forensic
Received in revised form 27 July 2019 crime scene documentation. However, entire crime scenes cannot be effectively reconstructed with
Accepted 26 August 2019
traditional methods. In this study, we present a portable system that consists of a laser scanner, two
Available online 13 September 2019
hand-held structured light scanners and a low-cost virtual reality (VR) headset with a mobile power
supply to conduct multi-angle and omnidirectional three-dimensional spatial data collection of crime
scenes. To demonstrate practical use, a real case has been analysed to verify the feasibility and
Forensic science
3D scanning
effectiveness of the system.
Virtual reality The system accurately obtains information on decedent injuries, possible injury-inflicting tools and on-
Crime scene reconstruction site traces. Various types of evidence from the crime scene can be jointly studied by three-dimensional
visualization to develop a cohesive story. The data are presented via immersive VR rather than displayed
on computer screens. The relationship between evidence chains enables us to achieve a complete crime
scene reconstruction, using the specialized knowledge of experts and computer-aided forensic tools to
analyse the causes of damage and identify suspects. The use of three- dimensional imaging techniques
allows a more insightful survey and several useful analyses, such as accurate measurement, relative blood
source location determination and injury-inflicting tool comparison.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction limiting further reconstruction. In addition, most on-site records in

traditional crime scene investigations rely on photographs and
Investigation of violent incidents is challenging and involves manual sketches. Such photographs and reported descriptions can
various kinds of specialized knowledge in different subjects. Every thoroughly overwhelm laypeople, such as the jury, in a court
crime scene investigator has an individual perspective, and even setting. Consequently, a more objective, precise and comprehen-
the most diligent will make mistakes at times, especially in a sive solution for crime scene documentation is urgently needed.
complex scenario. If potential evidence is not recognized Due to the advantages of non-invasive and rapid measurement,
immediately, it could easily be altered. In China, some public high precision and a large quantity of information provided, 3D
security bureaus at the local level lack the ability to manage imaging techniques such as laser scanning and structured light
complex cases; therefore, they seek help from experts in the field scanning have proven efficient for many forensic applications in
to perform a second survey. Nevertheless, in some cases, the initial recent years, such as document surfaces in forensic pathology and
investigation was careless, and some details were altered, thus clinical forensic medicine [1–5], bite mark analysis [6,7], face
recognition [8] and incident scene reconstruction [9–12]. However,
most scanners lack mobility and only trained specialists can use
this method skillfully, resulting in the time-consuming of
* Corresponding authors at: Shanghai Key Laboratory of Forensic Medicine, scanning. Besides, the final 3D visualization is always presented
Academy of Forensic Science, Ministry of Justice, 1347# West Guangfu Road,
Shanghai, 200063, China.
on a bidimensional computer screen. This method suffers from a
E-mail addresses: (D. Zou), (Y. Chen). fatal defect: the method of representation may create bias, in
These authors contributed equally to this work. contrast to a real-life visit. Virtual reality (VR) is a potential
0379-0738/© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
2 J. Wang et al. / Forensic Science International 303 (2019) 109943

solution to provide a better alternative to crime scene visitation The tasks performed by our team consisted of several parts,
[13]. Moreover, the body of the deceased, the accident scene including integrated scanning, medico legal evaluations, blood-
including all traces and possible injury-inflicting objects are stain pattern analysis, footprint analysis, final data collation and VR
equally important in a virtual 3D reconstruction. It should be visualization. A flow chart (Fig. 2) details the entire process and
emphasized that none of these 3D techniques—laser scanning, analytical procedure.
surface scanning or digital close-range photogrammetry—could be
applied separately in forensic documentation. 2.2. 3D scanning platform: documentation of all evidences from crime
In this article, we demonstrate an integrated 3D scanning scene
platform involving laser scanning and structured light scanning
techniques to obtain all potential evidence from the entire crime 2.2.1. The overall scene
scene. The laser scanning data can be visualized in 3D by a low-cost The overall scene was created using Faro Focus3D S120 (Faro,
VR headset, providing an opportunity for users to move through USA) with a range accuracy of 2 mm. The scanner is a fully portable
the virtual scene. All the 3D modelling data can be permanently device that provides a distance range from 0.6 to 130 m. The laser
preserved and easily transmitted. scanner measured all surfaces over 360 in the horizontal direction
and 305 in the vertical direction, generating a circular hole below
2. Materials and methods the tripod in a single scan. Therefore, we performed several scans
from different locations were performed to improve the accuracy
2.1. The case and eliminate the holes in the scans. Then, those point clouds were
stitched together by using the known locations of the ground
A real case was analysed to verify the feasibility and control points (GCPs) or other features within the scene. To
effectiveness of the system with the cooperation of the Shanghai complete scanning more quickly and allow for a real-time display
Key Laboratory of Crime Scene Evidence. The incident can be of the scene, we used the field instant method; then, we can
described as follows. A 30-year-old woman was found unrespon- continue with additional scans as needed to supplement incom-
sive in an apartment in a lying position on the bed in the bedroom plete coverage. Three overall laser scans captured the entire crime
(Fig. 1a). The doctor arrived first and may have moved the victim. scene in the bedroom, whereas 2 scans captured the living room,
Then, scientific police arrived at the site and our team followed and 2 scans captured the kitchen.
soon after. The police report showed that bloodstains were found
on the walls around the bed, bedside table, closet, quilt, and 2.2.2. External body
mattress. Additionally, some footprints were located at the External documentation of the corpse was conducted in the
entrance to the bedroom and in the kitchen. Three items were autopsy room. We removed the clothes and cleaned the body of
notable at the crime scene: a bloodstained cleaver in the kitchen decreased to exposure the injuries clearly, and then we performed
(Fig. 1d), a broken bottle in the living room (Fig. 1e) and a glass the scan. Given its larger field of view, the forensic pathologist
vase near the bed (Fig. 1f). The police were highly suspicious that performed whole-body scanning by Go! Scan50 (Creaform,
an acquaintance may have committed the crime and thought it Canada) with a resolution of 1 mm before the autopsy. The
was a deliberate murder. Three-dimensional methods were injuries, such as scalp lacerations, a stab wound and parallel
applied in this case to collect physical evidence and to verify incised wounds, were intensively scanned by Go! Scan20 (Crea-
the hypothesis. form, Canada) with a resolution of 0.1 mm. We performed one front

Fig. 1. Complete model of the crime scene covering three rooms, with footprint locations. (a) victim’s post-mortem body position as photographed by the police; (b) quick
view option in SCENE, which provides a more vivid view and has measurement capabilities; (c) detailed scan of a footprint by the structured light scanner; (d) 3D model of the
cleaver; (e) broken wine bottle in the living room; and (f) 3D model of the glass vase near the bed.
J. Wang et al. / Forensic Science International 303 (2019) 109943 3

Fig. 2. Flow chart showing the equipment and procedures used for the technique.

body scan, one back body scan and four detailed scans for injuries. laser emitters called Lighthouses. These two boxes emit
Then the whole-body model and injury models were converted alternating horizontal and vertical infrared laser sweeps spanning
into an overall model. These hand-held structured light scanners 120 in each direction [14], which allow the user to move within a
enable users to observe the state of the scanned model in real time certain scope and interact with the virtual scene using the hand-
by connecting to a laptop and to augment any lacking areas with held controllers. The VIVE Pro allows physical movement within
additional scanning. A detailed and textured 3D model was created an area of 6 m  6 m, and operators can move freely by using a
quickly as the scanner moved over the deceased. wireless connection.

2.2.3. Crime scene objects and other evidence 2.3. Post processing of the data and fusion
The involved objects were digitised in 3D except for the broken
wine bottle. We scanned the bloodstained cleaver and the glass All data processing was performed on a laptop with an Intel(R)
vase using Go! Scan50 with a resolution of 1 mm. The bloodstains Xeon CPU clocked at 2.90 GHz and 64 GB of RAM. Data processing
on the surface of the glass vase were recorded by Go! Scan 20 with included initial processing to clean redundant data and data
a resolution of 0.1 mm for further analysis. We also recorded 35 integration to produce a complete model.
footprints via 11 surface scans using Go! Scan50 with a resolution For the laser scanning data, noise, outliers and duplicated
of 1 mm. The distribution of the footprints was recorded by overall points were automatically detected and removed in SCENE 7.1
scanning. The laser scanning resolution was insufficient for (Faro, USA). Then several laser scans from different locations were
bloodstain pattern analysis. Thus, twelve high-resolution photo- converted to an overall scene model. The process of registration
graphs were captured, and the shoot angle required to be was automatic according to intrinsic character features in scans.
perpendicular to a plane, were used for further blood pattern VXelements 6.1(Creaform, Canada) was used for calibration and
analysis. configuration of the hand-held structured light scanners and for
collecting data. If the scanner was colliding in transportation or
2.2.4. VR had not been used for a long time, a calibration was required before
We used the HTC VIVE Pro (HTC, Taiwan) VR headset in this scanning. The software automatically cleared the grid of over-
system. This equipment consists of a headset, a pair of hand-held lapping points, filled in missing data by adding objects and enabled
controllers and a positioning-system tracking display. The exportation of the file to other programs, including Geomagic (3D
headset covers a nominal field of view of approximately 110 systems, USA), among others. Finally, we used the open-source,
with a resolution of 1440  1600 pixels per eye and 2880  1600 extensible mesh processing system MeshLab to further process the
pixels for the two-eye display. Its tracking technology uses two polygons of all models for visualization.
4 J. Wang et al. / Forensic Science International 303 (2019) 109943

2.4. The analysis legal evaluation. Bloodstains were also located on the face of the
glass vase, and the presence of blood provided information on the
2.4.1. Bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) direction of the spatter. We also analysed these bloodstains using
High-resolution photographs were imported and scaled to the the methods described in Section 2.4.1.
3D point cloud in Faro Zone 3D software (Faro, USA). A point cloud
should have registration targets for alignment that match the 2.4.4. VR
targets in the photo. The operator marked three pairs of The overall 3D model was converted into a VR scene in SCENE
corresponding points between them for preliminary alignment, 7.1 (Faro, USA), which allows users to step into a point cloud
and then an automatic procedure was conducted for high- simulated scene with a VR headset. VR presentation was used for a
precision alignment, which is important because accurate align- secondary survey and to show crime scene evidence. In the virtual
ments are necessary for accurate conversion points. crime scene, operators can experience scanning, taking measure-
The length of major and minor axes of the elliptical bloodstain ments, capturing screens and reading annotations as investigators
indicates the angle of impact and directionality of the bloodstain. do in the field. According to personal preferences and needs, users
The software uses image recognition techniques to approximate can choose different modes of movement (flying or walking) or
the ellipse when the operator clicks on the bloodstain. These works transfer to a location of interest from a distance and interact with
were conducted by a BPA expert. If adjustments are needed, then the virtual scene using hand-held controllers. One controller
the operator could use ellipse control points to fit the outline of controls the direction of movement in the virtual crime scene, and
bloodstains. The BPA expert could also unselect some bloodstains, the other allows the user to zoom in and measure points of interest.
which disrupts the results and flips the direction when the Screenshots of the virtual world can also be recorded.
trajectory line is in the wrong direction. The values of the impact
angle α and the directionality angle g were predicted once the 3. Results
ellipses were determined. All well-defined bloodstains on walls
and on furniture were accurately measured and then the flight The complete model of the crime scene, covering three rooms,
paths of the bloodstains were visualized in the 3D model of the is shown in Fig. 1. In this case, 7 overall laser scans and 23
crime scene. In this manner, the convergence of straight lines structured light scans were performed for data collection. To
determines the approximate location of the blood source in the minimise time requirements, we performed surface scanning in
simulated scene. one room while laser scanning was performed in another room.
The entire process of scanning and data processing took
2.4.2. Footprints approximately 2 h. The precise time cost of data statistic are
Each footprint was evaluated by a forensic podiatrist in presented in Table 1.
VXmodel software (Creaform, Canada). A flowchart of the footprint
analysis is shown in Fig. 3. The central axis was drawn from the 3.1. Medico-legal evaluations
rearmost aspect of the heel of the footprint to the central point of
the second toe. The front and back tangents of the footprint, which An external surface model of the corpse displayed the locations
were perpendicular to the central axis, were identified to create the of the injuries (Fig. 4). An external examination of the body showed
“footprint length”. The inner and outer tangents, which were several scalp lacerations, a stab wound near the superciliary arch
parallel to the central axis, were identified to create the “footprint (Fig. 5a), bilateral blepharon-conjunctival haemorrhage and
breath”. We measured the foot length and foot breadth of 14 several parallel incised wounds with an abrasion on the anterior
footprints, excluding those that were overlapped and broken in neck. An internal examination revealed bilateral temporal muscle
this case. Furthermore, the overlay method [15] was used in haemorrhage. Multiple linear fracture lines were identified in the
Geomagic software to compare the shape of every footprint to right temporo-parietal bone, which extended to the skull base
identify whether the footprint belonged to the same person. (Fig. 5b). The brain tissue in the area of the right temporal was
bruised. Further findings included cervical muscle haemorrhage
2.4.3. Matching injuries with injury-inflicting tools (Fig. 5c). The forensic pathologist concluded that death was due to
The injuries were carefully evaluated by forensic pathologists blunt craniocerebral and asphyxia.
during the autopsy. The 3D model of injury-inflicting tools and the The scalp lacerations were irregular in shape and in margin, and
body were imported to MeshLab software. We tried to match the tissue bridges were observed in the lacerations, and contusions
injuries and damage instruments in the three-dimensional were observed around them. A blunt instrument caused these
visualization to test the hypothesis proposed based on medico injures. The margin of the stab wound near the superciliary arch

Fig. 3. Flow chart of the footprint analysis procedure.

J. Wang et al. / Forensic Science International 303 (2019) 109943 5

Table 1
Time cost of obtaining scan data and data processing.

Type of scan Number of scans Time of single scan Time of initial processing Time of integration
Overall scene 7 8 min 5 min 3 min
The whole body 2 7 min 3 min 2.5 min
Injuries 4 40 s 1 min 1 min
Footprints 11 1 min 1.5 min 1 min
Objects 6 1.5 min 2 min 1 min

Fig. 4. External surface model of the corpse, several scalp lacerations and parallel incised wounds on the anterior neck.

Fig. 5. (a) Stab wound near the superciliary arch, (b) fracture of the right temporal bone, (c) and cervical muscle haemorrhage.

was regular and tissue bridges were not found, thus indicating that There were three possible injury-inflicting tools as mentioned
it was a sharp wound. The incised wounds on the anterior neck above. Based on the morphology of the injuries, we reasonably
only damaged the epidermis. Cervical muscle haemorrhage and concluded that the stab wound was caused by a broken bottle, the
the abrasion in this area highly suggested that the assaulter scalp lacerations were caused by a glass vase, and the incised
attempted manual strangulation. wounds were caused by a cleaver. The relationship between the 3D

Fig. 6. Potential 3D matching positions of the injury-inflicting instruments and the head injuries.
6 J. Wang et al. / Forensic Science International 303 (2019) 109943

Table 2
A selection of the results of the bloodstain pattern analysis.

Bloodstain Bloodstain coordinate Ellipse Angle

X(m) Y(m) Z(m) Length(m) Width(m) g(Directionality angle) α(Angle of the inclined plane)
1 3.880 0.274 0.564 0.0061 0.0013 346.4 11.4
2 2.548 0.427 0.755 0.0036 0.0018 85.2 28.4
3 1.573 5.478 1.059 0.0051 0.0038 64.3 48.6
4 1.551 5.342 0.889 0.0023 0.0018 24.8 50.5
5 1.570 5.422 1.050 0.0025 0.0015 61.8 37.2
6 5.467 3.034 0.609 0.0112 0.0025 339.9 13.6
7 5.454 3.304 0.585 0.0061 0.0013 283.6 12.8
8 5.460 3.209 0.825 0.0043 0.0020 296.8 21.3
9 4.475 3.403 0.699 0.0030 0.0025 78.8 58.7
10 2.599 0.433 0.998 0.0074 0.0046 77.6 38.2
11 4.044 3.475 0.523 0.0036 0.0020 273.5 33.2
12 2.840 0.366 0.514 0.0038 0.0025 290.8 39.0
13 4.927 0.799 0.822 0.0051 0.0030 113.6 37.1
14 5.531 2.717 0.705 0.0051 0.0041 214.3 52.7

model of the deceased and that of the injury-inflicting objects was 3.3. Footprint analysis
reconstructed virtually as shown in Fig. 6.
Only the footprints of the left foot were found on the spot. The
3.2. Bloodstain analysis positions of the footprints in this case are shown in three
viewports, i.e., a 3D viewport of the distribution (Fig. 1), a quick
Bloodstains were located on the walls around the bed, bedside viewport (Fig. 1b), and a detailed viewport (Fig. 1c), by hand-held
table, closet, quilt, and mattress. Based on the analysis of the well- scanners. Measurements could be conducted in all these view-
shaped bloodstains, the analysed centres of the bloodstain origin ports. The average footprint length of 14 complete footprints at the
were located around the bed, which meant that the incident crime scene was 24.57 cm with a standard deviation of 0.68 cm
occurred on the bed. Certain trajectory results for the bloodstain (Table 3). According to the unitary regression equation obtained by
patterns are shown in Table 2. In addition, a blood spatter report the local population (height = 82.889 + 3.739  the average foot-
was produced by the system to show the detailed results of the print length) using this measurement method, we inferred that the
blood spatter trajectories (Fig. 7). height of the suspect was between 172.25 cm and 177.26 cm. The
An analysis of the centre of the bloodstains on the glass vase length of the footprint indicated that it was more likely to belong to
indicated that the centres were close to one side of the vase, which a male. In the overlay method, the uniform shape suggested that all
suggested that the side face may have been the location of impact. footprints belonged to the same person.
In addition, the hair present on that side and absence of blood on The distribution of footprints reflected the movement of their
the opposite side further confirmed this result (Fig. 8). owner. The opposite directions of the footprints in the doorways of

Fig. 7. BPA results for spatter in the bedroom. The sphere shows the analysed centre of the origin.
J. Wang et al. / Forensic Science International 303 (2019) 109943 7

Fig. 8. External surface model of the glass vase, with bloodstains on the different faces of the glass vase and hair on one face (d), and analysed centre of bloodstains on the glass
vase (e).

victim ran into the bedroom. Contrary to her wishes, she was
Table 3
Physical measurement of footprints.
caught on the bed and held down by the neck with manual
pressure by the murderer. Then, the murderer picked up the glass
Footprint Footprint length Footprint breath vase, which was nearby, to hit the victim in the head. The victim
1 24.10 8.65 attempted to escape the hit, thus causing the diffuse distribution of
2 25.82 9.44 head injuries. In the second phase, the murderer went to the
3 24.21 8.67
4 24.71 9.41
kitchen for a cleaver to cut the victim's neck to ensure her death. At
5 25.52 9.35 this point, the victim was unconscious and could not move, which
6 25.02 9.32 explains the parallel and dense nature of the incised wounds. In the
7 24.36 9.43 last phase, the murderer left the residence after changing his
8 24.72 8.32
clothes in the living room. All of the above behaviour hinted that
9 25.12 9.93
10 24.17 9.32 the murderer may have been someone familiar with the deceased
11 24.90 8.38 or a person living in the same residence.
12 23.44 8.16 In conclusion, the woman died due to fatal head injuries from
13 23.96 9.12 the glass vase and asphyxia by manual strangulation. The crime
14 23.89 8.23
was likely committed in the spur of the moment, and the suspect
may have been a man living in the apartment.

the bedroom and the kitchen indicated that the murderer made a
return trip from the kitchen to the bedroom. The stained clothes at
the end of the living room were highly suggestive that their owner
was the murderer. Thus, a bold hypothesis emerged that the
suspect had changed his clothes with those drying between the
bamboo poles.

3.4. Reconstruction

The autopsy findings and the BPA results showed that the
glass vase caused the head injuries. A simulation of the strike
action in 3D indicated that the victim may have been in
motion when the vase hit, which was also suggested by the
bilateral distribution of the head injuries. In contrast, the
distribution of the incised wounds on the anterior neck was
parallel and dense. A reasonable explanation was that the
victim may have been unconscious at the time that those
wounds were made. Therefore, we can deduce that the incised
wounds occurred after the head injury. According to the
location of the broken bottle, we reasonably concluded that
the stab wound near the superciliary arch occurred in the living
room. Finally, a VR presentation was used for a secondary
survey and to show crime scene evidence (Fig. 9). Thus, based
on scene and evidence examination, the damage, traces, and
injuries could be linked into a cohesive story of the events of the
case, as follows.
The murderer had a close relationship with the victim so that he
could enter the apartment freely. In the first phase, a squabble
occurred for some reason in the living room, and the murderer hit Fig. 9. Immersive crime scene experience in a display using HTC VIVE Pro, in which
the victim's head with a wine bottle. To avoid further attack, the operators can measure or take screenshots of the virtual world.
8 J. Wang et al. / Forensic Science International 303 (2019) 109943

4. Discussion insufficient. Furthermore, building a digital crime scene from a

model database is a time-consuming process. Our system records
Many previous publications have demonstrated how virtual 3D the true proportions of the surroundings in the field by VR without
reconstructions help to determine the course of events of an reducing the data during laser scanning, thus giving the secondary
accident or crime [11,12,16–18]. Laser scanners, surface scanners survey personnel the most realistic site survey experience. With a
and photogrammetry methods were used to document the victim’s wireless connection, changing the position of the user in real-time
injuries and items at the crime scene. However, previous studies becomes easier. The function of performing measurements,
have not yet integrated all 3D digital techniques into a platform capturing screens and reading annotations in a virtual scene gives
that would allow for a joint analysis, and some techniques must the expert additional explanatory tools and represents a useful
still be improved to meet the needs of real cases. approach for training police academy students.
Time consumption in the field investigations represents an Various scientific analyses of the patterns and locations of
important factor needing to be considered. The entire process of physical evidence were performed. As Urschler [22,23] expected,
scanning and data processing in our system took approximately 2 our work was extended to include more 3D data on the crime scene
h. The time required almost equal to that of traditional methods. and to show the scene through VR. In our case, the virtual crime
Nevertheless, a more complex crime scene and complicated scene, external scans of the corpse, footprints, bloodstains, and
injuries on the body undoubtedly require more scans and time. potential murder weapons were combined to help experts clarify
Due to the particularities of crime scenes, the time cost must be the course of the case. To our regret, we failed to obtain computed
balanced. Fortunately, the quick viewport (panorama) in our tomography (CT) scans to document the victim’s internal injuries
system can compensate for this deficiency to a large extent. On the due to legal restrictions. Ideally, the 3D surface data and CT data
other hand, even minimally trained users, such as forensic could be studied at the same time to evaluate their spatial
pathologists, investigators, forensic podiatrists and BPA experts interrelations [1,2,22,24].
in the case, could complete scanning and post-processing alone. All In the BPA analysis, the region of origin and the trajectories
these factors lead to the platform’s potential applications in crime were shown in a precise virtual scene. Image recognition
scenes. techniques were used to reduce the workload of BPA experts.
After the incident occurred, doctors first arrive at the scene and However, it should be emphasized that BPA experts must be
may have moved the body, and scientific police came subsequently, consulted to eliminate erroneous results, and the centre of origin
followed by our team soon after. After the police extracted the was determined in an approximate sense. In our future work, the
possible evidence and injury-inflicting tools, we performed the influence of gravity and drag forces will be considered [25].
room scans. Unless such systems are available in local police Three-dimensional optical surface scanning provides an alterna-
stations, it is still difficult to record the data from the original tive for documentation and can measure footprints or footwear in a
scene. However, the scanner cost is too high for most institutes. non-destructive way. With the 3D overlay method, one different
We recorded all the objects of the crime scene and external footprint among many can be differentiated and a bare footprint left
injuries through the overall room and body scan. However, the at the scene of the crime by the perpetrator can be identified. The
resolution of the overall scan may not meet the requirements for distribution of footprints reflects the movement of the murderer and
some analyses, such as BPA. To solve the problem, two experienced indicates the progression of the event. A 3D scene displayed by VR
investigators and one forensic pathologist performed the detailed provides considerable information on the spatial distribution of
room and body scans respectively. Once the speed, resolution, footprints and makes it possible to trace the murderer's route.
quality of the overall scan are improved, additional detailed The combination of 3D data and the VR system could improve
scanning will not be required. the comprehension and spatial memory of complex evidence for
In our practical case application, we employed integrated courtroom audience or juries. However, similar to other new
scanning for the heterogeneous documentation of a crime scene. technologies, the admissibility of the reconstructions as courtroom
Compared to the platform mentioned by Marcin et al. [19], the evidence should be discussed because they come with the risk of
scanners in our system combine mobility and scanning speed, bias and abuse. The presentation includes objective results as well
which allow for more measurements to be performed. The laser as subjective hypotheses. Due to the high persuasiveness of this
scanner can be connected to a computer or tablet via wireless local technique, juries may be influenced by the associated visual aids. In
area network (WLAN). Users can observe the scan and post-process an attempt to reduce this bias, all digital evidence should be
it in real time, reducing the need for repeated scans. In addition, carefully evaluated by experts. For combined information from
due to the small size, low mass and minimal power use of the Go! different sources, experts in every field are needed, such as police,
Scan device, this system is suitable for most crime scenes with an forensic pathologists, forensic podiatrists, BPA experts, etc. Every
outdoor mobile power source. However, similar to other optical hypothesis should be presented to the court when a dispute occurs.
technologies, the system’s performance is compromised when Traditional evidence, such as medico legal evaluations and police
light conditions are not satisfactory. reports, still have a significant influence on the reconstruction and
As described in Thomas et al. [20], VR is more reliable for spatial should be presented together with computer-generated evidence.
details than photographs. VR provides a compromise when crime In court, an expert witness must state the accuracy of both the
scenes cannot be physically observed. The advantages of VR original data used to reconstruct the incident as well as the
presentation in courts include increased evidence, improved reconstruction. The privacy of victim is another issue that should
persuasiveness, accelerated legal proceedings and increased be considered.
attention. Ebert et al. [13] described a low-cost immersive VR
system that can simulate the physical presence in a virtual crime 5. Conclusion
scenario through stereoscopic head-mounted displays. But the
reconstructed scene was rendered with a reduced polygon count In the present study, we applied an integrated 3D scanning
and lacked textures because of the technical limitations at that platform designed for the crime scene documentation process to
time, which greatly influenced the 3D perception. Ren et al. [21] obtain all the potential evidence in an entire crime scene and allow
presented another 3D modelling method using completed models an immersive and interactive investigation. All the processes can
from an extensive crime scene model database. This technique has be completed in a limited time, and the data can be transferred
limited reliability and accuracy, and the number of models is between computers.
J. Wang et al. / Forensic Science International 303 (2019) 109943 9

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Measurement System for Crime Scene Documentation, Society of Photo-
Jinming Wang: Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing - Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2017 p. 10.
original draft, Investigation, Methodology. Zhengdong Li: Concep- [10] D. Raneri, Enhancing forensic investigation through the use of modern three-
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