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Department of English

University of Cihan Sulimanya

Subject: Linguistics
Course Book - 1st Semester
Lecturer's name

Mr. Mustafa K. Saleh

Academic Year: 2022/2023

Course Book
1. Course name An Introduction to Linguistics
2. Lecturer in charge Mr. Mustafa K. Saleh
3. Department/ College Department of English
4. Contact e-mail:
Tel: 07818407604
5. Time (in hours) per Theoretical: 2
6. Office hours 2 Hours
7. Course code ENG54103
8. Teacher's academic
9. Keywords The study of language, Linguistics, Linguists, scientific study of
10. Course overview:
Linguistics is the systematic study of human language, its nature, its functions, uses and
properties. The course will provide a brief introduction to the basic components of
linguistic study such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and
pragmatics as well as some other fields that lie in the outer layer of the linguistic circle as
language is actively contributes to a large number of human activities such as
sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, philosophical linguistics, computational linguistics, etc.

This class provides some answers to basic questions about the nature of human language.
It is an introduction to the scientific study of human languages, concentrating on the
similarity and diversity of the languages of the world. Throughout the course, we will be
examining a number of ways in which human language is a complex but law governed
mental system. We will examine the principal subfields of phonetics, phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and speech act theory, and identify ways in
which linguistics can influence and inform educational practice. Data from English and a
variety of the world’s languages will be examined to illustrate fundamental principles of
linguistic description, analysis, and theory. Readings, assignments, and classroom tasks are
designed to help you develop an appreciation and understanding of the crucial role played
by language in human development and social interaction.

11. Course objective:

This course is a general introduction to linguistics, the systematic and scientific study of
language. It will mainly focus on the major core subfields of linguistics: phonetics,
phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. These subfields are the areas
of active research in their own right, and are also prerequisite to working in a number of
other subfields of linguistics which will also be covered during the course, albeit very
briefly. These include sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language change, language
acquisition, and philosophical linguistics.

12. Student’s obligation

The students should fulfil the following requirements and obligations:
1. Regular attendance to the lectures at the exact time.
2. Participating in the daily activity and preparing the items of the given topics before
being explained to them.
3. Preparing to sudden quizzes.
4. Writing reports about certain topics within the field of the subject.
13. Forms of teaching
The following aids are used while teaching the students:
1. White board.
2. Data show.
3. Written notes are also to be given to the students.

14. Assessment scheme

Breakdown of overall assessment and examination:
In the beginning, the quizzes and examinations are going to reveal the bad and the good
points that the students are having during the process of their learning. The way the
students answer and the strategies they apply will show in a clear way the defects they are
suffering from and the efficiency they have. Such revealing will aid in focusing on their
weak points so as to be avoided in the future and at the same time will enhance the good
points they have achieved. The daily activity, on the other hand, will aid in assessing the
level of the students and based on such assessment (whether negative or positive) the
instructor can improve the skills and create new ones (if they do not exist).
15. Student learning outcome:
Linguistics is the scientific study of language in all its aspects-from the smallest units of
sound to the largest units of text and discourse. Language permeates almost every human
activity, and people who understand its workings are specially prepared to contribute to
the advancement of our civilization.
Language Structure
Demonstrate knowledge of language structure, analytical techniques of linguistics, and
linguistic theory in core and applied areas of linguistics.

16. Course Reading List and References:

Aitchison, J., 2004. Teach yourself linguistics. McGraw-Hill, Inc..
17. The Topics:
Part One

1.1 What is Linguistics? The sources and origins of human language?

1.2 The design features of language

1.3 The distinction between human language and non-human communication
Part Two

2.1 Phonetics: Physical properties of speech; phonemic transcription; consonants &

vowels; allophones

2.2 Phonology: distinctive features; organization and classification of speech sounds;

2.3 Morphology: words and morphemes; inflection and derivation;

2.4 Morphology: word formation processes

2.5 Syntax: competence vs performance; structure and ambiguity

2.6 Syntax: Formation of grammatical rules; constituent structure

Part Three:

3.1Semantics: meaning vs sense vs reference; theories of meaning; sense relations

3.2Pragmatics: deixis; implicature; presupposition; speech acts
3.3. Language families in the world

3.4 Language and society: variation; regional variation; social variation; standard
language; language death and maintenance

18. Practical Topics (If there is any)

No practical topics

20. Extra notes:

No further notes needed.
21. Peer review
This course book is to a certain extent efficient and may cover all the required topics. The
topics contain information which is related to the field of the subject. The cited questions
are proper since they are within the scope of the subject and they are also proper to the

Lecturer in charge Head of The Department

Mustafa K. Saleh Lecturer. Aras A. Amin

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