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Table of content

Table of content...........................................................................................................................................1
PART 1: OPERATIONAL DEFINTIONS..................................................................................................4
A. Misconduct:.....................................................................................................................................4
B. Prohibited person:............................................................................................................................6
C. Social factors:..................................................................................................................................6
D. Environment:...................................................................................................................................6
E. University:.......................................................................................................................................6
F. Society:............................................................................................................................................6
G. Club:............................................................................................................................................6
H. Public function:............................................................................................................................6
I. Discipline:.......................................................................................................................................6
J. Student:............................................................................................................................................6
K. In camera:....................................................................................................................................6
PART 2: GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS................................................................................7
A. Hostels and practical areas...............................................................................................................7
B. Social...............................................................................................................................................8
C. Academic.........................................................................................................................................9
PART 3: PROCEDURAL ISSUES...........................................................................................................11
A. Sports.............................................................................................................................................11
B. Union.............................................................................................................................................11
C. Formation of societies and unions.................................................................................................11
D. Public function inside and outside the University..........................................................................12
E. Demonstrations and processions....................................................................................................12
F. Publication.....................................................................................................................................13
G. Communication.........................................................................................................................14
H. Movements................................................................................................................................14
I. Caution money...............................................................................................................................14
J. Security of property.......................................................................................................................14
K. Use of the University transport..................................................................................................14
L. Conduct at lectures........................................................................................................................15

M. Discipline...................................................................................................................................15
N. Proceedings of the disciplinary committee....................................................................................16
PART 4: PENALTI ES GUIDELINES.....................................................................................................18
A. HOSTELS.....................................................................................................................................18
B. SOCIAL ISSUES..........................................................................................................................18
C. ACADEMIC..................................................................................................................................19


Life at the University should be an existing educational experience for students. Every effort is
made by the University to provide comfortable and pleasant environment. As in any human
community, there are certain established rules and regulations of conduct. These rules and
regulations protect the interest of all the students admitted to the University (provided such
student interests do not impinge upon other laws or rules) and provide for comfort and respect of
one another. The rules are based upon recommendations made by management in liaison with
students in consideration with the academic and social factors obtaining in the students’

Rules are made to protect the disciplined and to restrain the undisciplined. Ignorance of rules and
regulations or of any public notice shall not be accepted as an excuse for any breach of
discipline. Every student on enrollment shall be supplied with a copy of the University General
Rules and Regulations, which students must read, understand and sign.

Acceptance of a place in the University is conditional on agreement by the student to abide by

University rules and regulations.

The operation of the Regulations and Rules is without prejudice to the Health Professions
Council of Zambia, General Nursing Council and Teaching Council of Zambia rules which apply
to the University.

These rules and regulations shall be cited as EDEN University General Rules and Regulations
for the Students. The rules and regulations shall be revised from time to time.


A. Misconduct:

For the purpose of these rules and regulations, misconduct shall mean:

1. Conduct, which does or is likely to cause damage, defacement or violence to property or

person within the University, provided such conduct is of a student toward an employee of
the University, even though the conduct in question occurred outside the University.

2. Drunken and disorderly conduct.

3. Conduct which is likely to obstruct or frustrate the holding of:

i. Any lecturer, class, laboratory work, research or other instructional activities given
by the University or
ii. Any meeting, function or lawful activities authorized to take place within the

4. Unauthorized use or interference with any mechanical, electrical or other service


5. Conduct which unreasonably obstructs the satisfactory conduct of the administrative work
of the University.

6. Interfering with or unreasonably impending any employee of the University in caring out
his/her duty.

7. Theft committed inside and outside the University.

8. The unauthorized possession of a key to a room or other University property.

9. Failure to identify oneself when called upon to do so by an officer or staff of the University
or giving false information of oneself.
10. Use of abusive language by any student against any employee of the University in the
course of the employee’s duties.
11. Altering a document in any way that amounts to forging them.

12. Inviting or entertaining a person or persons in the University whose name or names
has/have been banned from the University premises by the University authorities.

13. Failure to attend a meeting of the disciplinary committee when required to do so in writing
by the secretary of the disciplinary committee.

14. Willful obstruction of the work disciplinary committee, or interference with witness.

15. Failure to abide by the ruling, decision, and penalty made or imposed by the disciplinary or
appeals committee.

16. Being in possession of drugs requiring a prescription and/or taking habit-forming drugs.

17. Playing music in a manner that disturbs other students.

18. Sleeping out of the University premises without permission.

19. Admitting or being found with a female/male visitor or other prohibited persons inside the
rooms other than those allowed by the University.

20. Not wearing protective clothing while on practical sessions.

21. Fighting in the University.

22. Failure to pay for damage or loss of property under their charge.

23. Making and using illegal opening in the fence around the University.

24. Students providing sleeping accommodations to visitors.

25. Miscellaneous: Any other offence of a serious nature not specifically mentioned above,
whether done at the University premises or elsewhere.

26. Possession of unauthorized documents(s)

B. Prohibited person:

Include criminals, suspended or expelled students from the University or any other persons
whose presence in the University might bring confusion.

C. Social factors:

Include issues relating to interactive norms obtaining in the environment.

D. Environment:

The surrounding or conditions in which a person (students) leaves or operates.

E. University:

EDEN University.

F. Society:

An organization formed for a particular purpose or activity.

G. Club:

A social establishment for the purpose of satisfying some common goal(s)

H. Public function:

An activity within the University that includes non-students

I. Discipline:

The practice by the student to obey rules and regulations

J. Student:

Any person admitted to the University programme for training.

K. In camera:

In confidence particularly taking place in the privacy with the press and the public excluded.


Misconduct implies conduct, which infringes upon a regulation or rule of the University. For the
smooth running of the academic activities and the general social welfare of the students, the
following shall be rules and regulations governing the wellbeing of the students in the

A. Hostels and practical areas

1. Students are not allowed to play loud music in the hostels.

2. Cooking in the rooms is prohibited.

3. Students shall not entertain visitors in the hostels beyond 20:00 hours.

4. Students shall not be allowed to give overnight sleeping accommodation to their visitors

without prior permission of the Dean of students.

5. Students shall not be allowed to rent out a room.

6. Students are not allowed to move furniture from one room to another.

7. Students of the opposite sex should not be found in the same room after 22:00 hours.

8. Smoking and /or drinking beer in the hostels is prohibited.

9. Students are not allowed at any time to be found drunk in the hostels or practical areas.

10. The unauthorized possession of a key to the University property is not allowed.

11. Students shall not carry out repair in the rooms or ablution blocks without the authority of

the Dean of students.

12. Students should observe maximum silence within the library vicinity.

13. Students should surrender keys, mattresses and any other University property to the Dean

of students when going out for practical or vacation or recess.

14. Students shall not be allowed to change rooms without the Dean of students’ permission.

15. All students shall be responsible for the cleanliness of their rooms and toilets.

16. Throwing of litter indiscriminately is not allowed in the University.

17. Students shall bear costs for the loss or damage to University property.

18. Students shall not be allowed to screen, treat or admit a patient in the room.

19. Students shall not be allowed to interfere with unreasonably impeding any employee of the

University from caring out his/her duty.

20. Students shall not be allowed to conduct business in their rooms.

21. A student may be allowed to stay in the University hostels during recess at a fee.

B. Social

1. Fighting is not allowed.

2. Use of abusive language, or intimidation or threatening violence is forbidden.

3. Theft and or forgery are not allowed.

4. Getting pregnant or impregnating in the course of study (i.e. in the University) is


5. Obstruction or frustrating the holding of a meeting or function or any lawful activity is not


6. Unauthorized meeting or social gatherings are not allowed.

7. Students under the University boarding are not allowed to sleep outside the University

without the Dean of students’ permission.

8. Inviting or entertaining a prohibited person or persons in the University is not allowed.

9. Being in possession or use of no prescribed drugs, prohibited and Dangerous Drugs Act

(DDA) is prohibited.

10. Illegal/ unauthorized possession of clinical equipment / material is prohibited.

11. All public functions in the University premises shall not go beyond 22:00 hours unless

with permission from the University management.

12. Making of illegal opening in the fence around the University as well as jumping over the

fence around the University are prohibited.

13. A student must produce an identity card when called to do so by the officer or staff of the

University or any other person authorized to do so.

14. Students are not allowed to communicate with outside Institutions, individuals or the press

on behalf of the University without the permission from the management.

15. Students are at liberty to move within the University premises but residential areas for

members of staff are out of bounds.

16. All the sports kit shall be surrender to the patron for each main game.

17. The University sports kit should not be used for training.

18. The student union executive activities should not be in conflict with the smooth running of

the University.

19. All students are expected to attend morning devotion and any other activity organized by

the chaplaincy unit.

20. All students are expected to dress decently and modestly while on campus. The following,

though not exhaustive, are considered as inappropriate dress and/or appearance:

a. Slacks/trousers are not allowed for ladies.

b. Men’s undershirts (i.e., vests, singlets).

c. Clothes that expose underwear or skin. This includes, but not limited to sagging, ripped

jeans, ripped skirts, mini skirt (any skirt above the knee), midriff length tops exposing

skin, tank tops or halter tops, suggestive, excessively tight or revealing clothing and


d. Political regalia

e. Clothes with offensive words or pictures

f. Dyeing of hair for both genders and Rasta hairstyle for men are not allowed.

C. Academic

1. Frustrating the holding of an academic meeting/session or function or any lawful activity

by student(s) is not allowed.

2. Threatening the safety of a member of staff during any lawful activity by student(s) is not


3. Students shall not absent themselves from lessons without permission.

4. Students are required to observe punctuality for lectures and other academic activities.

5. A student shall not be allowed by all means to interfere with the smooth flow of the

learning sessions.

6. All students should observe the registration and examinations rules and regulations as laid

down by the Registrar academic office.

7. A student shall not be allowed to come to class drunk.

8. Students are required to participate actively in their own learning i.e. research lectures,

assignments, practical and other academic activities.

9. Lecture/ practical time are liable to change when necessary.

10. All students must observe library rules and regulations as laid down by the library unit.

11. Students should dress appropriately during lectures and practical as stipulated in section


12. Students are not allowed to use phones or any other electronic gadget during the lecture

unless authorized by the lecturer.


A. Sports

1. They shall be a Patron for sports who will be chosen amongst the members of staff.

2. The sports Patron shall be the custodian of all the sports kit of the University.

B. Union

1. There shall be a Students Union in the University.

2. All students must belong to the students union and must subscribe an approved fee by the


C. Formation of societies and unions

Students may form societies and clubs only with recommendations with the students union and
approval of the Dean of students at the request of at least ten (10) interested persons.

1. All societies and clubs in the University shall be registered with the Dean of students.

2. All societies and clubs in the University applying for registration should have a


3. The secretary shall submit the names of the persons holding office and that of the patron of

the society or club with the Dean of students. Thereafter any change of officer bearers shall

be notified to the Dean of students within three (3) weeks of such change.

4. The Dean of students may recommend the management cancellation of any club or society

whose activities are in conflict with their existing constitution.

5. The Dean of students shall issue registration certificate to all approved societies and clubs.

6. Clubs and/or societies are expected to submit detailed quarterly financial reports to the

Dean of students.

D. Public function inside and outside the University

1. Societies or clubs seeking permission to hold a public function inside and outside the

University must submit the following information to the Dean of students’ office at least

three (3) days before the function:

i. Date, time and duration of the function

ii. Place where the function is to take place.

iii. Name and description of activity, speakers or performers at the function

2. The function to be held shall be communicated to the Registrar administrative by the Dean

of students within three days.

3. The organizers shall be held responsible for damages to property or injury to the person(s)

during the course of such public functions.

E. Demonstrations and processions.

1. Any student or students wishing to organize peaceful procession or demonstration in the

University shall apply for written permission from the Dean of students.

i. Such application shall be given to the Dean of students at least 48 hours before the

procession or demonstration is due to begin.

ii. The application shall state the purpose of the processions, or demonstration and

name(s) of the organizer(s) and the sponsor(s).

2. Processions or demonstration shall be held only between 08:00 hours and 16:00 hours.

3. The procession or demonstration shall follow a route provided by the Dean of students and

keep as close to the right side of the road to facilitate free passage of vehicle traffic, it shall

not obstruct traffic.

4. During the procession or demonstration, nothing shall be done or said that might encourage

violence or cause a breach of peace.

5. The organizer(s) and participants (demonstrators) of the procession or demonstration may

be held responsible for any acts of violence and/or breach of University rules and

regulations that may occur during the procession or demonstration.

6. The Dean of students may prescribe any special conditions, limitations or restrictions as

may be considered appropriate in the circumstances.

7. If in the opinion of the Dean of students, the procession or demonstration will be likely to

lead to a breach of peace or cause serious interference with the work of the University, he

may refuse to grant permission.

F. Publication

1. Any publication shall be registered with the office of the Dean of students.

2. The Dean of students shall issue certification of registration and give guidelines to the

editors of the publications. Responsibility for the contents of a publication shall rest with

the editors and authors of the publications.

3. A copy of each issue will be lodged with the Registrar administrative, the Dean of students,

and the University library within two (2) days of its publications.

4. Any member of the University community who feels aggrieved by any of the content

appearing in the student`s publications may refer the matter to the Dean of students for

arbitration and reconciliation. In the event of the failure of reconciliation the matter shall

be treated as a disciplinary case.

5. All publications should be placed at designated noticed boards.

G. Communication

1. Communication within the University

i. All students’ enquiries and/or grievances should be done through the Dean of


ii. Students should assemble at the assembly square at the sound of a distress call (siren,

whistle, alarm).

2. Communication outside the University

i. Formal communication with other institutions/organizations/individuals shall pass

through the Dean of students.

H. Movements

Students have the liberty of movement within the University premises but residential areas of the
staff are out of bounds.

I. Caution money

Deposits against damage in students hostels and breakages in the laboratories or lecture halls
shall be payable by students on the first admission to the University. The amount shall be
determined by management and will be reviewed from time to time.

J. Security of property

All students shall be responsible for the security of property in their possession.

K. Use of the University transport

1. University transport maybe requested for approved journey(s) by the organizer of the


2. All requests for the use of University transport must be made in writing to the Registrar

administrative through the Dean of students at least 72 hours before the proposed date of

the journey(s); except in the event of an emergence. The requisition must contain the


i. The destination and purpose of the journey

ii. The date, time and duration when transport will be required

iii. The name of the students who wish to travel and the names of the hostels in which

they reside.

L. Conduct at lectures

Any students whose behaviour interferes with the satisfactory conduct of instructional activity
may be required by a member of the academic staff responsible for the class to withdraw from
lecture, laboratory or class.

M. Discipline

1. Every student shall be subject to rules and regulations governing the general conduct of the

students as from time to time be made by the University.

2. A formal charge by the Dean of students shall be made in writing against a student accused

of conduct, which may be a breach of rules and regulations of the University or detrimental

to discharge of its functions.

3. The disciplinary committee shall conduct its business independently and shall report its

findings to the Vice Chancellor through the Registrar administrative office.

4. The disciplinary committee shall consist of one permanent representative from each

department and two representatives from the student union. A chairperson will be chosen

from amongst members of staff.

5. Membership of the disciplinary committee shall be rotational and shall not exceed one


6. The secretary shall be elected from among the academic members (staff) of the disciplinary


7. The quorum for a meeting of the disciplinary committee shall be 60% membership.

8. It shall be the duty of the disciplinary committee to hear and determine charges brought

before it not later than 90 days from the date the case is referred to it.

9. Where the disciplinary committee is satisfied that the charge has been proved and that the

breach of discipline has occurred, it shall impose any penalty provided for the code of


10. Where the disciplinary committee is satisfied that the charge has not been proved it shall

acquit the accused forthwith.

11. Any person who referred a charge or was a party referring a charge or is a party to the

proceedings shall be ineligible to sit as a member of the disciplinary committee hearing the


N. Proceedings of the disciplinary committee

1. The secretary of the disciplinary committee shall inform the student against whom the

charge is made; and a copy to the head of department and the Dean of School.

2. The student who is the subject of the charge shall receive a written notice from the

secretary of the disciplinary committee with the following information:

i. A clear specification of the charge or charges.

ii. Calling on him/her at least seven days’ notice to appear before the disciplinary


3. If he/she wishes to admit the charge, he/she may do so in writing to the secretary of the

disciplinary committee in which event will be required to attend the meeting of the

disciplinary committee for consideration.

4. In determining any penalty, the disciplinary committee may receive evidence about the

accused and take into account his/her academic record and any charge or record of

previous misconduct on the part of the same student.

5. Proceedings of the disciplinary committee shall be in camera.

6. Where the defendant denies the charge, the disciplinary committee will give chance both to

the defendant and the complainant to cross exam each other.

7. The complainant, defendant, witness and student representatives shall withdraw before the

committee makes a verdict.

8. The decision of the committee shall be the majority verdict.

9. In all cases, minutes of the proceedings and statements of witness shall be kept by the

secretary of the disciplinary committee.

10. The party that is not satisfied with the verdict has the right to appeal to the University

appeals committee.

11. No legal practitioner (lawyer) shall appear before the disciplinary committee, except in the

capacity and style of a party to a charge before the disciplinary committee.


A breach of any of the University rules and regulations shall be punishable as follows:


Rule number(s) Penalty

18 …………………………………………………. Expulsion

7, 19 ………………………………………………. Suspension

3, 4, 10, 12 …………………………………….…. Externalization

16, 17, 21 …………………………………………. Fine

5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 20 ………………………. Written warning

1, 2 ………………………………………………… Confiscation


Rule Number(s) Penalty

1, 3, 9, 10, 11 ……………………………………… Expulsion

2, 5, 8, 14, 18 ……………………………………… Suspension

7 …………………………………………………… Externalization

6, 12, 16, 19, 20 …………………………………… Written warning

17 ……………………………………………….. Fine


Rule Number(s) Penalty

1, 2 …………………………………………………. Expulsion

7 ……………………………………………………. Suspension

3, 4 ………………………………………………….. Written warning

5, 11, 12 ………………………………..…………….. Debarred from classroom


1. A student who will be found wanting after receiving already two (2) written warning
letters in any disciplinary case from the disciplinary committee, will be suspended from
the University for a period of six (6) months provided that the punishment to the actual
breach of rules and regulations is not an expulsion.
2. The disciplinary committee has the authority to recommend any sentence taking into
consideration the mitigating factors.


I have read, understood and hereby abide to the rules and regulations of this University.

Name of student: ……………………………………………………………..

Computer Number: …………………………………………………………..

School: ……………………………………………………………………….

Department: ………………………………………………………………….

Programme: …………………………………………………………………..

Intake: ………………………………………………………………………...

Signature of student: ……………………………

Date: ………………………

Dean of Students: …………………………………………………………..

Signature: …………………..

Date: ………………………..


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