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1. Beaver Dams x-x
2. Bird Nests x-x
3. Ant Hills x-x
4. Spider Webs x-x
5. Beehives x-x
6. Termite Mounds x-x


Once upon a time, there were two beavers named Buddy and
Benny. They lived in a small pond in the forest and were best

One day, as they were floating on the pond, Buddy said to

Benny, "I always feel like our home is not protected enough. I
mean, what if we get attacked by a predator?”

Benny replied, "I know what you mean, Buddy. That's why I've been
thinking about building a dam. It will not only protect us but also
provide us with a larger pond and more food."

Buddy's eyes lit up. "Brilliant idea! But where do we start?"

Benny replied, "We need to find the right spot. We need to look for a
place where the stream is narrow enough so that we can build a dam
across it. And we need to make sure that the dam will be strong
enough to hold back the water."

The two beavers started to look for a narrow stream to build their
dam. After much searching, they finally found a spot and started to
gather sticks, twigs, and mud to build their dam.

As they worked, Buddy said, "Benny, I never realized how much hard
work goes into building a dam."

Benny replied, "That's true, Buddy. But it's worth it. Just think about
all the benefits we'll have once the dam is complete. We'll have a
larger pond, more food, and not to mention, we'll be safe from

And so, the two beavers worked tirelessly, day and night, until their
dam was finally complete. When they stood back to admire their
handiwork, they were filled with pride and joy.

Their dam was strong and secure, providing them with a larger pond
and a safe home.

From that day forward, Buddy and Benny lived in peace, knowing
that their home was protected and that they had each other's

Once upon a time, there was a sparrow named Sally. Sally
was a proud mother of two baby sparrows who were about to
hatch from their eggs. But Sally knew that she needed to
build a safe and comfortable nest for her babies.

So, she set out on a mission to find the perfect materials to

build her nest. She flew high into the sky, searching for twigs,
grass, and feathers to use.

As she worked, Sally thought about how important it was to
build a strong and secure nest for her babies. She weaved the
twigs together, making sure that each one was in the right
place. She added feathers for cushioning and grass for

Finally, after many hours of hard work, Sally's nest was

complete. She proudly looked at her handiwork and knew
that her babies would be safe and comfortable in their new

As the days passed, Sally's eggs hatched and two baby

sparrows emerged. Sally was overjoyed to see her babies and
took great care of them, feeding them and keeping them

The baby sparrows grew quickly and before long, they were
ready to fly. Sally was proud to see her babies take flight and
knew that her hard work had paid off.

And so, Sally and her babies lived happily ever after,

safe and protected in their cozy nest..

Once upon a time, there was a
colony of ants and the queen
of the ants announced that it
was time for the colony to
build a new home. "We need to
find a new place to live," she
said, "somewhere that is safe
and protected."

The ants set out on a mission to find the perfect spot to build
their new home. After much searching, they finally found a
beautiful, sunny clearing in the forest.

Excited to get started, the ants got to work gathering sticks,

leaves, and dirt to build their new home. They worked
tirelessly, day and night, carrying the materials back to the

As the days passed, the ant hill grew higher and higher. The
ants used their strong jaws and legs to shape the dirt and
sticks into the perfect form. They created tunnels and rooms,
making sure that each one was just the right size for the
colony to live in.

Finally, after much hard work, the ant hill was complete. The
queen ant looked at her new home with pride. "This is the
perfect place for our colony," she said. "We will be safe and
protected here, and we will continue to work hard and gather
food for our colony."

And so, the ants lived happily ever after in their new ant hill.
They continued to work hard and care for their colony,
always finding new and exciting ways to build and grow their

Once upon a time, there was a tiny spider named Sophie.
Sophie lived in a lush forest filled with tall trees and lush
plants. She loved to explore her surroundings, always looking
for new and interesting places to build her web.

One day, Sophie found the perfect spot for her web. It was a
sunny clearing surrounded by tall trees, with just the right
amount of breeze to keep her web from falling apart.

Excited to get started, Sophie climbed to the top of the

nearest tree and began to spin her web. She used her strong
silk to create a strong and sturdy frame, making sure to
anchor it securely to the tree branches.

As she worked, Sophie thought about how important her web

was to her. It was her home, her source of food, and her
protection from danger. She knew that she had to make it just

With great care, Sophie
spun her web, carefully
weaving her silk in intricate
patterns. She added strands
of silk here and there,
making sure that each one
was just the right length.

Finally, after much hard work, Sophie's web was complete.

She stepped back and looked at her handiwork with pride.
"This is the perfect web," she said, "strong and sturdy, and
just the right size for me."

And so, Sophie lived happily ever after in her web. She caught
insects to eat and watched the world go by from her safe and
cozy home. She was proud of her hard work and knew that
her web would keep her safe and protected for many years to

Once upon a time, there was a colony of bees who lived in a
beautiful meadow filled with flowers and sunshine. The bees
were hardworking creatures, always busy gathering nectar
and pollen from the flowers to make their sweet honey.

One day, the queen bee announced that it was time for the
colony to build a new home. "We need to find a new place to
live," she said, "somewhere that is safe and protected, where
we can make all the honey we want."

The bees set out to find the perfect spot to build their new
home. They found a large, hollow tree in the center of the

Excitedly, the bees got to work gathering wax and resin from
the trees to build their new home. They worked non-stop,
carrying the materials back to the hollow tree.

As the days passed, the bee hive grew and grew. The bees
shaped the wax and resin into the perfect form. They created
chambers and tunnels, making sure that each one was just
the right size for the colony to live in.

Finally, after much hard work, the bee hive was complete. The
queen bee looked at her new home with pride. "This is the
perfect place for our colony," she said. "We will be safe and
protected here, and we will continue to work hard and make
all the honey we want."


A colony of termites lived in a vast and sprawling forest. The

termites were small, but they were clever and resourceful
creatures, always working together to build and maintain
their home.

One day, the queen termite directed the colony to build a
new home.

The termites, following their queen's orders, went in search

of a suitable place to build their home. Sometime later, they
finally found a sunny clearing surrounded by bushes.

The termites got to work gathering soil and dung from the
surrounding area. They worked for years. The termites used
their saliva to give shape to the soil and dung mixture.

As time passed, the termite mound grew in size They created

holes all over the mound to let the outside air enter the

Finally, after much hard work, the termite mound was

complete. The queen termite was impressed and
congratulated the colony. The entire colony lived inside their
new safe home, without worrying about predators.


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