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Pantomime Script
Name: Role:
CAST (16 Speaking Roles)

Widow Twankey
Princess Jasmine
Maid Mandarin
Maid Mango
Palace Guard 1
Palace Guard 2
Police 1
Police 2

NARRATOR: Welcome everyone to a thrilling Arabian story! About a lad called
Aladdin and how he found glory. Let the action begin, let this story unfold. Settle in,
this tale is good, or so I am told!

Enter WIDOW TWANKEY carrying a washing basket.

WIDOW T: Oh hello there boys and girls! I’m Widow Twankey and I run the ‘Wash
Your Problem!?’ laundrette here in town. I hope you’ve all come to get your stinky
socks washed, I can smell you from here! I have three children, Wishy and Washy
the mischievous twins, and of course my good boy Aladdin. Look here they come


ALADDIN: Hi mum!

WISHY: Hello boys!

WASHY: And girls!

WIDOW T: Well, come here and give your old mum a kiss.

WISHY: Gross!

WASHY: We are way too old for that.

ALADDIN: Mum that’s not cool, stop embarrassing us in front of all these people.

WIDOW T: Oh fine! I’m away to iron the Emperors enormous frilly knickers.


ALADDIN: Now Wishy, Washy. It’s mum’s birthday tomorrow and we need to get her
something amazing!

WISHY: Why don’t we go –

WASHY: To the bakery!

ALADDIN: Okay you two are in charge of the cake. I’ll head to the market to find her
a special gift.




EMPEROR: For the last time, you are NOT allowed out of the palace grounds!

PRINCESS J: But Dad, I just want to be a normal teenager for once. I want to go to
the market to do some shopping, that’s all!

EMPEROR: Jasmine, you are meant to be choosing a husband. What about that
lovely Prince Donald from America? I’ve heard he likes golf.

PRINCESS J: I’m not marrying someone I’ve never met. Please just let me go
outside and I might find someone I love, in real life.

EMPEROR: NO! I won’t have any more of this nonsense. Guards! (he clicks his
fingers) Make sure the princess never leaves this palace again.

EMPEROR exits. PRINCESS JASMINE sits down, crying. MAID MANDARIN and
MAID MANGO comfort her.

MAID MANGO: Oh don’t cry Princess.

PRINCESS J: I can’t believe I’m trapped here.

MAID MANDARIN: Well maybe not. Why don’t we distract the guards and you can
climb over the palace wall and escape for the day?

MAID MANGO: Yes Princess! Take my scarf to disguise yourself. Go!

The MAIDS walk over to the GUARDS.

MAID MANDARIN: Oh hello! We were just looking for two strong guards to be in our
Tik Tok dances. Have you seen any of those around?

GUARD 1: I’m strong!

GUARD 2: Pick us!

MAID MANGO: Perfect. Let’s teach you the dance.

MAID MANDARIN starts doing a silly dance. MAID MANGO winks over at
PRINCESS J who wraps the scarf around herself and quickly runs offstage.

The market is busy and bustling with people selling and buying. ALADDIN enters
and looks around a few stalls.

ABANAZAR: Now Yago, run and get me a Starbucks. NO DAIRY! I don’t want to be
stuck on the toilet like last time. I missed a whole episode of I’m a Celebrity.

YAGO: Yes boss, of course boss, whatever you say boss!

ABANAZAR starts to look around the market.

ALADDIN: I can’t find the perfect gift for mum. There’s lots of nice things here, but I
need something extra special.

PRINCESS J enters and bumps into ALADDIN, dropping her shopping bags.

PRINCESS J: Oh! I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there.

ALADDIN: That’s okay. Let me help you with those.

They both reach for the shopping bags and get embarrassed.

ALADDIN: I’ve not seen you around before, I’m Aladdin. Would you like to go for a
nandos sometime?

PRINCESS J: Oh, err, I’m erm . . .


PRINCESS J jumps in fright and looks around to see if anyone has noticed who she

PRINCESS J: Sorry, I have to go!

She exits.

YAGO: Here boss!

ABANAZAR: Ahhhh! Now that I’m refreshed, let’s get back to work. We need to find
someone pure of heart to open the Cave of Wonders for us so I *cough* I mean, we,
can be rich.

YAGO: What about this one boss? He looks like a poor fart.

ABANAZAR: Pure of heart you idiot!

YAGO: Yes, that one.

ABANAZAR: Hello young man, my name is Abanazar and this is my . . .

acquaintance Yago.

ALADDIN: Nice to meet you a banana.

ABANAZAR: Abanazar.

ALADDIN: Bless you.

ABANAZAR: No that’s my name you fool! I mean er, ahem, yes yes very funny.
Now, you look like you are in need of a bit of extra cash my boy. I have a favour that
I need.

ALADDIN: Well, it is my mum’s birthday tomorrow. Some extra money would help
me get her something really nice AND pay for my nandos date with that girl, if I ever
see her again. What do you need me to do?

ABANAZAR: I need you to fetch me something from a cave. You see I’m too old to
go in myself and Yago is afraid of spiders. We would pay you lots of riches.

ALADDIN: What have I got to lose?

They all exit.

The MAIDS are still dancing, but are obviously very tired.

MAID MANGO: Phew! I sure love dancing don’t you?

MAID MANDARIN: Uhuh, why don’t we . . . try the lie down on the floor dance now

GUARD 1: Huh? That’s not a dance move.

MAID MANGO: Yes it is, don’t be silly.

GUARD 2: No it isn’t. I’m sure of it. I know, lets ask Princess Jasmine. She will


The GUARDS turn around and notice PRINCESS JASMINE is gone.

GUARD 1: Help! Help!

GUARD 2: Police! The Princess has been kidnapped!

The GUARDS begin to run around each other in circles panicking. THE POLICE

POLICE 1: You called?

GUARD 1: The Princess has been kidnapped!

GUARD 2: We turned our backs for a moment and now she is gone! Do something!

POLICE 2: Don’t you worry, we will get her back. Let’s go!

They exit.

NARRATOR: As the next scene is unfolding, let me bring you up to speed,

Abanazar sought Aladdin’s help and our Al has agreed! Princess Jasmine is on the
run from her overprotective dad and on her travels she’s fallen for the charming
market lad. Can you feel the tension mounting now our Al’s taken the bait? If you
want to see what happens, there isn’t long to wait!


ALADDIN is inside the cave, whilst ABANAZAR and YAGO stand outside.

ABANAZAR: Now all you have to do is throw me the lamp Aladdin and you will be

ALADDIN: Are you sure you just want this old rusty lamp? Couldn’t you get a nicer
one from ikea?

ABANAZAR: Throw me the lamp boy!

ALADDIN: Okay, okay, keep your hair on.

There is a loud rumble

ABANAZAR: What was that?

YAGO: Don’t look at me.

Another loud rumble

ABANAZAR: Have you touched something?

YAGO: No. Nope. Not me. I don’t know what gave you that idea.

ALADDIN: What about me?

There is a loud crash and the door of the cave collapses. YAGO is left standing
shocked with his hand on the wall.


YAGO: Sorry boss, I couldn’t resist it was so shiny and pretty and -

ABANAZAR: Well you’ve done it now! We are going to have to go all the way back
to town and get Bob and his builders to dig him out. Come on!

They exit.

ALADDIN: Help! Help! There’s no point. All of this over this dirty, beat up lamp.

He rubs the lamp and the Genie pops out in a flash of light.

ALADDIN: Wha-who-who are you?

GENIE: I am the genie of the lamp

ALADDIN: The what?

GENIE: I am the genie of the lamp

ALADDIN : Hi, I’m Aladdin.

GENIE: I am the genie of the lamp

ALADDIN: Right, I’ve got that now.

GENIE: Wow this place is sure dusty. Do you live here?

ALADDIN: No of course not! I need to find a way out. I wish it wasn’t so dark.

The lights snap on.

GENIE: Granted

ALADDIN: What was granted?

GENIE: Your wish

ALADDIN: Hang on, hang on. You mean I just made a wish and you granted it?

GENIE: Yup. You’re not very bright are you? Keep up.

ALADDIN: As it happened yes but genies weren’t on the curriculum funnily enough.

GENIE: Ok, so here’s a basic break down. You rub a lamp and a genie pops out and
then you get three wishes, once you’ve had three that’s it and so the next person
who rubs it gets three wishes and so on.

ALADDIN: So that banana guy was after your wishes. That makes sense.

GENIE: Ah yes, the evil Abanazar! He is always up to no good.

GENIE: So your first wish?

ALADDIN: Get us out of this cave of course!

GENIE: As easy as one two three. (Genie snaps their fingers) Out we are

ALADDIN: So what next?

GENIE: What’s next? That’s up to you.

ALADDIN: You know I’ve always wanted to treat my mum to the best birthday ever,
she works so hard and has always been there for me. She deserves to be treated
like a Sultan

GENIE: You want me to turn your mum into a man?

ALADDIN: NO, no, just you know spoilt like one.

GENIE: Okay, okay I get it.

ALADDIN: I wish my mum could have the best birthday ever.

GENIE: Your wish is my command. Now let’s get back to the city!

They exit.


WISHY and WASHY are running about trying to set up the place for their mum’s
WISHY: Hurry up Washy! Get those balloons over here!

WASHY: I’m going as fast as I can. Where’s Aladdin? He’s been gone for ages!

WISHY: He must have found something extra special for Mum’s birthday by now.

PRINCESS J runs into the launderette in a panic.


PRINCESS J: Oh don’t panic!

PRINCESS J takes off her disguise and WISHY and WASHY gasp.

WISHY: It’s the Princess!?

PRINCESS J: I’ve escaped from the palace and now the police are looking for me, I
need somewhere to hide. Please help me.

WASHY: Of course we will help Princess! We’ve got a room in the back with all of
the washing machines, you can hide under the clothes there until it’s safe.

PRINCESS J: Thank you!

PRINCESS J runs in to the backroom. ALADDIN and GENIE enter.

ALADDIN: Oh Wishy! Washy! I’m so glad I’ve found you, I’ve been on such an
adventure. This is Genie!

WASHY: What!?

WISHY: Who!?

GENIE: Nice to meet you.

ABANAZAR and YAGO enter.

ABANAZAR: Ah there you are you little thief!

YAGO: We thought we saw you running through the market on your way here.

ABANAZAR: Wait!? Is that my lamp . . . and my genie!? Give it back here now!

ALADDIN: Oh no I won’t!

YAGO: Oh yes you will!

ALADDIN: Oh no I won’t!
ABANAZAR: Oh yes you will boy, give it here!

The POLICE run into the launderette, followed by the SULTAN and WIDOW T,

POLICE: We seek ’em here, we seek ’em there, We seek those crim’nals
everywhere. No stone unturned, we can’t be tricked, We grab ’em and we say
‘You’re nicked!’

WIDOW T: What is going on!? Why is everyone in my launderette?

SULTAN: I was told the missing Princess was hiding out in this launderette so the
Police have come to return her to where she belongs so she can marry the man I’ve
chosen for her.

ALADDIN: Shouldn’t the Princess be allowed to marry whoever she wants?

PRINCESS J jumps out from her hiding place.

PRINCESS J: Yes! Father I am not going with you. I’m not marrying that horrible
man you found.

PRINCESS J and ALADDIN notice each other.


SULTAN: I won’t hear any more of this. You need to find someone Jasmine
otherwise you will no longer be Princess.

PRINCESS J: Well . . . I have. Aladdin.

Everyone gasps.


PRINCESS J: Aladdin was kind to me when he didn’t know I was the Princess. I
choose him.

ABANAZAR: Now, this is all very lovely, but what about my lamp? Give it here you

WIDOW T: Oi, that’s my son you’re calling a fool.

ALADDIN: Never! Police, arrest this man. He locked me in a cave and tried to steal
from me.
GENIE: It’s true. Just look at that ugly mug, not even a face a mother would trust.

WIDOW T: Agreed!

The POLICE immediately grab hold of ABANAZAR. YAGO tries to sneak off stage.

GENIE: And that one too officers. He’s a slimy character.

The POLICE walk ABANAZAR and YAGO offstage.

ABANAZAR: How dare you!

YAGO: Noooooo!

GENIE: Now that he’s been dealt with, Aladdin you have one final wish. What will it

ALADDIN: I wish . . . I wish . . . for you freedom Genie.

GENIE: Oh Aladdin, that’s great! I’ll go and tell the girls. But I won’t be leaving town
right away, you might need a good wedding singer!

PRINCESS J: Maybe not just yet, we are off on our date to Nandos.

ALADDIN: Well it is mum’s birthday after all, we haven’t forgotten, why don’t we all

WISHY and WASHY: Yeah! It’s mums special day.

WIDOW T: Oh my children! You’re making this old bat tear up. Give us a kiss!


WIDOW T: Come on then you lot, those peri chips won’t eat themselves!

They all exit the stage laughing together.

NARRATOR: And now our magical tale has come to an end, with a happy ever after
and everyone friends. So clap your hands and stamp your feet and even get up from
your seat. To cheer the gifted cast and crew, who performed this panto just for you!


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