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14 A
11. By selling 20 pair of shoes for rs 18000, a shopkeeper loses 20%.
how many pairs of shoes should he sell for rs 16200 so as to have a
profit of 20%.
Selling price of 20 pair of shoes = Rs 18000
Selling price of 1 pair ( s.p ) = Rs 18000/20 = Rs900

Let the cost price of 1 pair = c.p

c.p = ( s.p × 100 ) / ( 100 - loss % )

= ( 900 × 100 ) / ( 100 - 20 )
= 90000 / 80
= 1125
c.p = Rs 1125

2 ) c.p = Rs 1125
Let the Pairs of of shoes he sold = n
Profit = ( g ) = 20 %
Selling price of n pairs of shoes = s.p = Rs 16200

S.p / n = c.p ( 100 + g ) / 100

16200 / n = 1125 ( 100 + 20 ) / 100
16200 / n = ( 1125 × 120 ) / 100
n = ( 16200 × 100 ) / ( 1125 × 120 )
After cancellation ,
n = 12

The shopkeeper sells 12 pairs of shoes for Rs 16200

12. A man buys a plot of land for Rs 72000 he sell one third of the
land at a loss of 20% and two fifth at a gain of 25% at what price
must he sell the remaining land so as to make an overall 10%.
Cost of the land = Rs 72,000

Find the expected selling price to gain 10%:

10% gain = 10% x 72,000 = 0.1 x 72,000 = Rs 7,200

Expected selling price = 72000 + 7200 = Rs 79,200

Find the Selling Price of the 1/3 of the land sold at 20% loss:

cost of 1/3 of the land = 1/3 x 72,000 = Rs 24,000

20% loss = 20% x 24,000 = 0.2 x 24000 = Rs 4800

Selling Price = 24,000 - 4800 = Rs 19,200

Find the selling price of the 2/5 land that gains 25%:

Cost of the 2/5 land = 2/5 x 72000 = Rs 28,800

25% gain = 25% x 28,800 = 0.25 x 28800 = Rs 7200

Selling Price = 28,800 + 7200 = Rs 36,000

Find the selling price of the remaining land:

Selling Price = 79,200 - 19,200 - 36,000 = Rs 24,000

13. A fruitseller buys some oranges at the rate of 4 for a rupee and
an equal number at 5 for a rupee. He sells the whole lot at 9 for two
rupees . Find his gain or loss percent
14. Raymoon sold an article at a loss of 5% .if he had sold it for
rupees 270 more, he would have gain 7%.Find the cp of article.
15. The difference between two selling prices of an article at profits
of 12.5% and 14% is rupees 3. What is the CP of article and to
selling prices of the articles
16. A shopkeeper mixed 34 kg wt of sugar which costs * 22.50 per
kg wt with 29 kg wt of sugar which costs 15 per kg wt. At what rate
must he sell the mixture so as to gain 5% on the total investment?
CP of 34 Kg sugar = 34 x 22.50 = 765 Rs

CP of 29 kg sugar = 29 x 15 = 435 Rs

Total CP = 765+435 = 1200 Rs

and total weight of sugar = 34 + 29 = 63 Kg

Find SP on 5 % gain

SP = (100 + gain %)/100 x CP

= (100 + 5)/100 x 1200 = 1260 Rs

Hence rate must sell the mixture so as to 5 % gain = SP/Total weight of sugar

=1260/63 = 20 Rs/per kg

17. Varun purchase two TV set for Rs. 30000, he sold one a loss of
15% and other a gain 19%. Find the selling price in both.
18. A shopkeeper bought rice for rupees 45000. Due to leakage in
the godown 1/9 of the total rice was spoilt he sold the good rice at a
gain of 15 % and spoiled rice at a loss of 30 % find his total gain or
loss percent.
19. Satwinder bought two fans for 3605 rupees . She sold at a profit
of 15% and other at a loss of 9% . If Satwinder obtained the same
amount for each fan ,find the cost of each fan.
20. ajay purchased a calculator for ₹ 2700 and spent ₹300 on its
repair .He then sold it to vijay ata gain of 25% .vijay sold it to
vikram at a loss of 10% .Find its CP

21. gaurav sold his motorcycle to vikas at a loss 28%, vikas spent Rs
1680 on its repairs and sold the motorcycle to abhimanyu for Rs
35910, there by making a profit of 12.5%. Find the cost price of the
motorcycle for Gaurav

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