CBSE-X-Q & Sol - Mathematics (Standard - Term-II) - 05-05-2022

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Date: 05/05/2022 Question Paper Code 30/2/1 *CEaD Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 | Ph.: 011-47623456 Time: 2 Hrs. Class-X Max. Marks: 40 MATHEMATICS (Standard) Term-II (CBSE 2022) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (i) This question paper contains 14 questions. All questions are compulsory. (il) This question paper is divided info 3 Sections ~ Section A, B and C. (ii) Section-A comprises of 6 questions (Q. Nos. 4 to 6) of 2 marks each. Internal choice has been provided in two questions. (iv) Section-B comprises of 4 questions (Q. Nos. 7 to 10) of 3 marks each. Internal choice has been provided in one question. (¥)_Section-c comprises of 4 questions (Q. Nos. 11 to 14) of 4 marks each. An internal choice has been provided in one {question It also contains two case study based questions. (vi) Use of calculator is not permitted, Mathematics (Standard) Term-Il (Class X) a SECTIONA Question Numbers 1 to 6 carry 2 marks each 4, Solve the quadratic equation : x? +2V2x-6 =0 for x. Solution x? 4 2)2x-6=0 x? + 32x -V2x-6=0 fay +342) (x+3V2)-0 («+3¥2)(x-v2)-0 = x=-B2,V2 (1) 2 (a) Which termofthe ap. 41,3, 4... is 89 2 2 2 OR (0) Find a and b so that the numbers 2,7, b, 23 are in AP. Solution (a) Given AP. " " 1111-6 5 + ta avin 2 ToT " (8 or Fenn J 2 or -11+5n-5=49 4 = §n=49+16 > 5n=65 (4 a Mathematics (Standard) Term-II (Class X) OR (&) Given, a7, b, 23 are in AP. T-a=b-7=23-b 4) = T-a=b-7 > atb=t4 0 14 and b-7=23-b = 2b=30 = b=15 i From () a= 14-15 ast tl 3. Assolid piece of metal in the form of a cuboid of dimensions 11 om x 7 cm x 7 cm is melted to form ‘n’ number of sold spheres of radi 7 cm each, Find the value of Solution Volume of eubold = Volume of mod spheres terete mdetlal in 2°22 = (1) 4, (a) InFig. 1, ABis diameter of a circle centered at O. BC is tangent to the circle at B. If OP bisects the chord AD and ZAOP = 60°, then find mZC. Kw a Fig. 4 oR (b) In Fig. 2, XAY is a tangent to the circle centered at O. If ZABO = 40°, then find mZBAY and mZAOB, Mathematics (Standard) Term-tI (Class X) a Solution (a) (b) In AAor, ZOPA = 90°, as OP bisects chord AD ZOAP = 180" — (90° + 60°) = 180° — 150° mM In sage, ZABC = 90° [> The tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact] ZABC + ZBAC+ ZBCA= 180° => 90°+30°+ ZBCA=180° ——[- ZBAC = ZOAP= 30") = ZBCA= 180° - 120° => mzc=60° 1 oR Inaoaa, OA=0B [radius of circle] ZOAB = ZOBA= 40° [+ OA= 08} Since, XAY is tangent to the circle, ZOAY= 90" [ he tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact) ZBAY + ZOAB 0° ZBAY = 90° — 40° ‘ZBAY = 50° ty Further in AABO, ZOAB + ZOBA + ZAOB = 180° Mathematics (Standard) Term-II (Class X) /n08 = 180"~ 80" = 100" 1 5. tmode of the faiowing frequency distin is 55, then fr the value of x Clase o-15) t5-30 | sos] as-60 | eo=75 | 75-00 Frequency | 10 7 rs ro rr 2 Solution Mode = 55 = Moda assis 45 — 60 1) => xs5 iar 6. Find the sum of first 20 terms of an A.P. whose n™ term is given as an Solution ‘Sum of n terms of AP. if n® term of A.P. is given by, n Slava] [4] (4) = 101-82 vl Spo = 320 M4 Mathematics (Standard) Term-tI (Class X) a SECTION B Question Numbers from 7 to 10 carry 3 marks each. 7. Draw two concentric circles of radii 2 cm and § cm, From a point on the outer circle, construct a pair of tangents to the inner circle, Solution PQ and PQ’ are the required tangents. [3] 8. __InFig. 3, AB is tower of height 50 m. A man standing on its top, observes two cars on the opposite sides of the tower with angles of depression 30° and 45° respectively. Find the distance between the two cars. Fig. 3 Solution a5 {From figure] Distance between two cars = CD=BC+BD (From figure] w rl Now, In ABC, += AB _ 50, {an 90°= Bc” BC 50 Bo- = 503 m % oF B= oe 50v3 WO and In ABD, AB_ 50 tan4s° = 8D BD ap. 52 1 8D=50m From equation (i), we get cD = 8c +80 = 50V3 +50 = 0( 3 +1) m 9. {@)_ The mean ofthe folowing frequency distribution is 25. Find the value of f. Class 0-10 | 10-20 | 20-30 | 30-40 ] 40-50 Frequency | 5 18 18 f 6 OR (b)_ Find the mean ofthe folowing data using assumed mean method Class 0-5 | 5-10 | 10-15 | 15-20 | 20-25 Frequency | 6 7 10 13 12 Solution (@) [Glass | Class mark | Frequency fix interval ) ( 0-10 5 5 Fay 10-20 «| 15 18 270 20-30 [25 18 375 30-40 |-35 f 36 40-50 | 45 6 270 Total Dinaaet | Yhx -940+367 Mean() = Be 28 Mathematics (Standard) Term-II (Class X) 11) i ty i 1) Mathematics (Standard) Term-II (Class X) oR (>) [Glass] Frequency | Glass mark nna fia (fy ox 0-5 3 25 =10 =80 5-10 7 75 5 =35 10-15 10 12. 0 0 15-20 13 175 5 65 20-25 72 25 70 120 N=50 Did, =70 Let assumed mean be a = 125 and N= 50 A keas nel =125+1x70 =125+44 =139 410. Heights of 50 students of Class X of a school are recorded and following data is obtained Height (in em) 430-135 | 135— 140 | 140-145 | 145 150 | 150-156 | 155-160 Number of Students | 4 1" 12 7 10 6 Find the median height ofthe students. Solution Height (in em) 130 - 135 | 135-140 | 140-145 | 145 - 150 | 150-155 | 155 - 160 Number of Students (f) | 4 4 12 7 70 6 Cumulative frequency | 4 15 27 34 “4 50 1= 50,20 = 25, Soman las es nh cls 140125 hen 1= 140 of = 15 F212 nas = 144.166. Median height of students = 144.17 (approx.) 2) a 1 1) ta 4 a Mathematics (Standard) Term-II (Class X) SECTION C Question Numbers from 11 to 14 carry 4 marks each, 41. In Fig. 4, PQ is a chord of length 8 cm of a circle of radius 5 cm. The tangents at P and Q meet at a point T: Find the length of TP P ' e Fig. 4 Solution In AORP and AOPT, ZORP = OPT [Each 907) POR = £POT [Common] AORP ~ AOPT [By AA similarity] t OR _PR —-S (i 1 oP PT “ ty In APOR, OP? = OR? + PRE [By Pythagoras theorem] (5 = OR? + (4)? = io 3.4 5° Pr 20 pr= 22 om 1 3 1 Mathematics (Standard) Term-Il (Class X) a 12, (@)_ A 2-digt number is such thatthe product ofits digits is 24. If 18 is subtracted from the number, the digits interchange thelr places, Find the number. oR (b) The difference of the squares of two numbers is 180. The square of the smaller number is 8 times the greater number. Find the two numbers. Solution (a) Let x be the digit at 10" place of given two digit number and y be the unit's place of given two digit number. ‘According to the question, xy 24 = y-% “0 ty > xe (i tt From equation (i) and (i), we get 24 or x? 2x-24=0 or = 6x + 4x 24=0 oF (x= 6)(x +4) =0 x=6orx=—4 t) x6 [Because x can't be negative] From (i), ye4 Original number is 64. tO OR (b) Let xand y be the two numbers such that x > y ‘According to question, xy =180 @ rl and = 8x (i) ral From (i) and (i), we get x2 8x- 180=0 rl or (x= 18)(x + 10) = 0 ral x= 18,-10 8 [Because x cannot be negative] tl From (i) Put x= 18 in equation (i), we get pa tae rl ory=#12 tl Required numbers are (18, 12) and (18, —12) tl ~40- a Mathematics (Standard) Term-il (Class X) 13. Case Study ~1: Kite Fe Kite festival is celebrated in many countries at different times of the year. In India, every year 14" January is celebrated as International Kite Day. On this day many people visit India and participate in the festival by fying various kinds of kites. ‘The picture given below, shows three kites flying together. a 8 60m aA eC & Fig.S In Fig, 6, the angles of elevation of two kites (Points A and B) from the hands of a man (Point C) are found to be 30° and 60° respectively. Taking AD = 50 m and BE = 60 m, find (1) the lengths of strings used (take them straight) for kites A and B as shown in the figure, rc) (2) the distance ‘¢' between these two kites rca) Solution (1) As from the figure, length of strings are AC and BC. som 60m or Me 6 oO sin30" ta 1, 50 2° AC = AC= 100m vl In ABCE, BE ge "A Be 4 V3 __ 60 2 BC sin6o: = = B= 40/3 m 1) “41. Mathematics (Standard) Term-tI (Class X) a (2) As from the figure, we can see that “ACB = 90° lt Applying Pythagoras theorem in AACB, we get. d=Vac? 8c? M4 z = (100)? +(40v3) ta 2037 m v4 14, Case Study - 2 A'‘circus’ is a company of performers who put on shows of acrobats, clowns etc. to entertain people started around 250 years back, in open fields, now generally performed in tents. (On such ‘Circus Tent’ is shown below. The tents in the shape of a cylinder surmounted by a conical top. if the height and diameter of cylindrical part are 9 m and 30 m respectively and height of conical partis 8 m with same diameter as that of the cylindrical part, then find (1). the area of the canvas used in making the tent; BI (2) the cost of the canvas bought forthe tent at the rate ® 200 per sq m, if 30 sq m canvas was wasted during stitching. t Solution (1) For cylinder, height, H= 9 m radius, R= 15m For cone, height, h= 6 m radius, R= 15m ‘Slant height, Ve? +15? =17m tf ‘Area of canvas used in making the tent = Curved surface area of cylinder + Curved surface area of cone 4) RH + RRI= xR(2H+ I) rl = 2aa5(2x9417) oy 1650 m? 1) (2) Total canvas used to make tent = Curved surface area of tent + Canvas wasted during stitching = 1650 + 30 = 1680 m? 4) Cost of canvas = (1680 x 200) = %3,36,000 [4] aaa a42-

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