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Theory of Moral Development Lawrence Kohlberg

Idealism Immanuel Kant, Plato
Pragmatism  Change is permanent
John Dewey, Charles Peirce,
 Practice
William James  Ideas and theories are results of
Perennialism  Classical
 Great
 Education is Constant
 Focuses on studying the classics.
Knowledge, truth, and education
is constant
Social Learning Theory Albert Bandura

Classic Conditioning Ivan Pavlov

Operant Conditioning B.F. Skinner

Psycho-social Theory Erik Erikson

Humanistic Theory Abraham Maslow

Information Theory Richard Atkinson

and Richard Shiffrin

Multiple Intelligence Howard Gardner

Field Theory Kurt Lewin

Ecological System Theory / Urie Brofenbrenner

Environmental Contexts

Learning Style Theory David Kolb

Social Constructivism Lev Vygotsky

Discovery Learning Theory Jerome Brunner

Insight Learning Wolfgang Kohler

Cognitive Theory Piaget

Psychosexual theory Sigmund Freud


Connectionist Theory Edward Thorndike

(Law of Effect, Law of Exercise
and Law of readiness)

Emotional Intelligence Theory Daniel Goleman

Behaviorism John B. Watson

IQ Test Alfred Binet

Reconstructionism Paulo freire  Social/Environment,

 offshoot of pragmatism,
 encourages the application of
knowledge to help reform or
improved society
 instruction focuses on significant
socio economic problems.

Traditionalism Rene guenon

Liberalism John Locke
Social Contract Theory Jean Jacques Roussea
Realism Aristotle
Psychomotor Learning E.J. Simpson
Linguistics Noam Chomsky
Kindergarten Friedrich Froebel
Progressivism  Student-centered
 Non-graded
 Teacher as facilitator of learning
 Cooperation rather than
 Permissive, democratic
Essentialism  Back to basics (reading/writing)
 Teacher as authority
 Learning is hardwork
 Teacher-centered, content-
Existentialism  Center on the individual (child-
 Uniqueness of individuals
 Student’s choices
 Application of varied activities to
meet students’ needs

Additional Info:

Modern Philosophies - Pragmatism/Experimentalism/Instrumentalism/Functionalism

Learning by doing, experience is the best teacher, reality is always changing,knowing results from experiencing

EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATIONS - instruction focuses on Problem solving using scientific method, direct experience
and hands on training.

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