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Stone Medicine by Leslie J. Franks, Quartz Crystals Ch.13 Pgs. 140 - 159

Clear Quartz Crystal:
Chinese name Shi Ying 石英/Outstanding Stone, Shui Jing 水晶/Water Crystal
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl. warming
Affinities: Lu/Liv/Sp/St/Kd
Hardness: 7
Crystalline structure: Trigonal
Stone Group: Framework silicate
Level of formation: Produced at all levels, predominantly igneous/Yuan
Chemical composition: Silicon dioxide (SiO2)

Key Characteristic: Harmonizers of stone medicine.
Conductors of energy & enhances the effects of other stones.
Clear quartz is very forgiving; it simply conducts Qi.”
Strengthens Lu – Kd relationship
Kd grasping Lu Qi via diaphragm.
Each breath vibrating with Du4 Ming Men

Regulates & invigorates Qi & Blood, relaxes diaphragm
Clears Heat in the Blood & Fu Organs
Strengthens & regulates Sp/St function
Sp Yi: Enhances meditation & contemplation.

Blue Quartz
Affinities: Kd/Lu/Liv
Blue relates to Liv Blood nourishing Kd Jing.
Supports Bone & Spine & Kd function of elimination.
Blue color can be from tourmaline, aiding in detoxifiying
(Aqua Aura is gold ionized quartz that turns iridescent blue & soothes Liv Hun)

Green Quartz
Affinities: Liv/Lu/Kd
Green can be from chromium which affects Blood & hormones
Supports Liv Blood, Consolidates Blood, Pacifies Liv Hun

Lithium Quartz:
Taste: Spicy, Sweet
Nature: S/ Warming
Affinities: Liv/Ht/Lu/Kd
Spicy taste addresses depression, Sweet quiets manic states
Supports Ht – Kd communication
Calms Shen for Dian Kuang 癲狂
Clears Wind Bi

Purple Quartz, Amethyst: Zi Shi Ying 紫石英 Purple Stone Outstanding
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Cooling
Affinities: Liv/Lu/Ht/Sp/St

Purple is understood to be Red & Blue or Red & Black as Fire & Water.
Color may be due to iron or manganese & other trace elements
Iron supports Sp function to expel Dampness & break up Stagnation.

Regulates Liv Qi & nourishes Liv Blood
Tonifies Lu, enhances Wei Qi
Opens Chong Mai as it enters the chest, also Sp & St Divergent Channels
Clears Heat in Blood
Nourishes St Yin
Mends non-healing wounds

Metaphysics: Career Palace: cultivates vocation of a teacher
Strengthens Throat & Ht Chakra functions
Violet resonates with Crown Chakra (clears Heat from head & Qiao/portals)
February birthstone

Chevron Amethyst:
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Liv/Ht/Sp/St

Affects the Yin 8EV especially Chong Mai supporting Ren Mai,
Ability to connect to self in order to connect with others.
Establishes Ht – Kd communication
Clears Fire Toxins

Rose Quartz:
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Ht/ Liv/St

Addresses emotional and inflammatory conditions
Moves Blood by invigorating Qi. Softens armoring of the Ht.
Opens Yin Wei Mai & Ht center for relationships
Regulates & invigorates Liv Blood
Regulates & generates Ye Fluids for hypothyroidism, excessive estrogen

Metaphysics: Creativity Palace for infertility,
Relationship Palace: confidence for feeling helpless, encouraging forgiveness,
Gift for someone who has reached a goal, to claim a new sense of self

Rutilated Quartz:
Titanium rutiles regenerate Jing to handle life’s stress
Rutiles can be seen as meridians or neural network
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Lu/Liv/Sp/St/Kd

Breaks up obstruction
Restores nerves & sinews
Regenerates damaged organs; protects against radiation
Helps manage deep emotional issues (Liv release overwhelms Ht)

Smoky Quartz: Yun Shi Ying 雲石英 Cloudy Outstanding Stone
Black color represents finding our own answers.
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Kd/Lu/Sp/St

Enhances ability to consolidate Jing & directs energy to Lower Jiao
Works with Yin Wei Mai to help with major transitions in life

Strengthens Kd Qi & Lower Jiao
Drains Damp Heat
Assists Kd to grasp Lu Qi
Warming for Cold Bi Syndrome
Secures exterior from radiation
Travel & Opportunity & Creativity Palaces

Tangerine Quartz:
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Liv/Lu/Kd

Regulates the Liv
Pacifies Liv Hun

Titanium Quartz: Quartz molecularly bonded with a titanium coating
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Lu/Kd

Clears Heat
Regenerates Jing
Supports process of bringing pathology into latency


Tourmalinated Quartz: Clear Quartz with tourmaline rutiles, usually black
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Kd/Lu/Liv

Assists Kd grasping Lu Qi
Breaks up negativity
Good for profound sadness & depression

White/Milky Quartz:
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Lu/Kd

Strengthens Lu function
Regulates Qi for diaphragmatic constriction

Yellow Quartz/Citrine: Huang Shi Ying 黃石英 Yellow Stone Outstanding
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Sp/St/Lu/Kd

Tonifies & harmonizes Sp Qi; regenerates Flesh
Warms & tonifies Yang; tonifies Kd Qi
Balances Wei & Ying; brings Blood to the surface
Warms Lower Jiao to support Uterus
Promotes Self confidence
Establishes boundaries physical & emotional

Yellow & Purple Quartz/Ametrine: Amethyst turning into Citrine
Zi Huang Jing 紫黃晶 Purple and Yellow Quartz
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Liv/Sp
Chong Mai: Brings Postnatal Qi inward to support Jing or Ming

Tonifies Qi & Blood; Nourishes & invigorates Blood to Brain
Strengthens Sp & Blood production for Sp Yi short-term memory
Clears Heat in Blood
Regulates Wei Qi to prevent leakage of Qi
Emotional: for introverts not feeling acknowledged earlier in life

Herkimer Diamond: Originally found in Herkimer, New York
Taste: Sweet
Nature: Sl Warming
Affinities: Liv/Sp
Hardness: 7 – 7.5
Clear crystals, sometimes smoky, usually double-terminated (DT)

DT growth pattern conducts energy inward & outward, bioregulating
Supports detoxification
Regulates Liv

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