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仁Ren/Compassion: Wood/Qing/Azure

• Ren/Compassion is the ability to see others.

• Confucian golden mean is “Don’t do onto others what you don’t want
others to do onto you.” Put others first, before yourself.
• “Compassionate Heart Compassionate Skill or Method.”
• Doctors often have green jade in the form of gourds. It is the sign of a
healer or the talisman for health.

義Yi/Righteousness, Propriety: Fire/Zi/Purple

Knowing what is yours and having respect for it.
(Character with “Wo/I” radical below and Mei/beauty above)
Seeing self as complete or as beautiful and worthy.
Serve heaven by serving humanity. Could also use red jade.

忠Zhong/Loyalty: Earth/Huang/Yellow
• Character of Zhong/Center over Xin/Heart.
• Loyalty to oneself, to state and country.
• Ren/Patience is also used. Character for Dao/Knife with an extra
downward L to R stroke over Xin/Heart. Patience to create a small
separation from your heart to pause & reflect before reacting.

孝Xiao/Filial Piety: Metal/Bai/White

• (Like the sound of the character for child Xiao Hai Zi).
• Natural respect for the order of things. Everyone is not equal.
• Good judgment to recognize that we all have our own gifts, our own
natural capacity.
• This is opposed to the teachings of Mo Zi or Moism, rooted in Islam
that preaches universal love & equality. Confucius said that we are not
all equal and that this philosophy is not natural.
• Li/Ritual, Ceremony, Rites. Confucius emphasized respect for
White jade symbolizes that we understand the rituals of life.

信Xin/Trust, Faith: Water/Mo/Ink

Mencius’ (student of Confucius) emphasis Black jade for trust.
Black is the unknown.
Trust that we will be safe in the darkness of the unknown.
Wards off negativity, affirmation of safety.

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