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Energy conversion


We may get the answers to those queries at the beginning of this chapter by using the theory of
energy conservation. Is energy becoming scarce on Earth? What source of energy does the light
that you are using to read this text have? This is the underlying point being made when
individuals claim that we are experiencing an "energy crisis." Even while there is always energy
around us, we are quickly turning stocks of readily usable chemical energy—which is actually a
type of electromagnetic energy from past sunshine that has been stored up—into considerably
less useful thermal energy. In conclusion, one of the fundamental analytical skills of an engineer
is a grasp of the idea of energy. The following fundamental concepts set the stage for that
comprehension. The capacity to perform labor is energy. Numerous types of energy exist. These
types have the ability to change into other kinds. Energy is neither generated or lost during these
transitions; instead, it is conserved. The idea of a control border, which divides the universe into
that which we are investigating and the rest of the universe, allows an insightful engineer to take
advantage of this principle in the analysis of complex systems. This idea allows us to directly
compute energy flows to and from the control border as a tool for dissecting the barrier's
constituent elements.


Energy continually transforms between different forms in most operations. We refer to this as an
energy conversion (Angrist, 1976). Examples include how biological systems synthesize food
using carbon dioxide and water during photosynthesis, transforming solar energy into chemical
energy. Additionally, a generator may transform the mechanical energy of a cascade into
electromagnetic energy. The potential chemical energy in gasoline is converted by an internal
combustion engine into heat, which is ultimately converted into the kinetic energy that propels a
vehicle. Solar energy is transformed into electrical energy by a solar cell, which may
subsequently be utilized to run a computer or light a lamp (Goswami and Kreith, 2007). An
equivalent amount of energy is maintained before and after a conversion device or process
because the energy that enters them is converted into different types of energy. It follows that
every type of energy conversion in a system result in energy conservation. Energy is most useful
when it is concentrated, such as in the intricate chemical linkages found in sugar and gasoline
(Culp Jr, 1991). Heat can be totally transformed into all other types of energy, but it cannot be
completely transformed back into those other types of energy. Thermal efficiency of energy
conversion is often substantially less than 100% because to inefficiencies like friction, heat loss,
and other considerations. For instance, only 35–40% of the heat in a steam power plant can be
transferred to electricity, while the efficiency of a standard gasoline car engine is approximately
25%. A portion of the energy lost after each energy conversion often manifests as thermal
energy, which is less valuable and scattered. For instance, only about 10% of the electrical
energy in a light bulb is converted to light, and the remainder is turned to heat, which is difficult
to employ for labor. This demonstrates that the efficiency of energy conversion has its limits.
The remaining energy must be set aside to be transferred to a thermal reservoir at a lower
temperature since only a portion of it can be used to do productive work (Tritt et al., 2008).


A society's essential element is energy. Homes, businesses, and other areas of the economy all
consume energy. Although energy comes from several sources and often takes on a variety of
forms, it is only useable when it is changed from one form to another. For instance, coal energy
needs to be turned into electricity in order to be useful. The majority of energy utilized is
typically converted from fossil fuels. According to the European Commission's (2011) main
statistics, fossil fuels make up around 75 percent of the EU's energy mix. For instance, 37% of
the EU's total inland energy consumption in 2009 came from oil, 24% from gas, 16% from coal,
14% from nuclear energy, and 9% from renewable sources (Gong et al., 2019). Therefore,
energy is transformed from its stored state to a useful one by the combustion of fossil fuels.
Additionally, energy must be converted from one form to another in order to produce energy
from renewable sources like the sun and wind. Therefore, when studying energy, it is important
to take into account how this change in energy from one form to another often impacts the
environment and the air we breathe.

Both the generation of large amounts of energy and the fuel for automobiles need fossil fuels.
Electricity is mostly created by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and other types of fossil fuels at
extremely high temperatures. We call this combustion (Yang et al., 2021). Electricity is
generated through the combustion of coal or diesel in power plants that run on these fuels,
respectively. The EEA (2011) estimates that coal and lignite generate around 30% of the power
used in the EU. The United Kingdom is regarded as the second-largest importer of hard coal,
closely followed by Germany. As a result, many European nations rely heavily on coal, oil, and
other fossil fuels as their primary energy sources. However, this kind of energy generation
frequently produces by-products including smoke, soot, and other environmental pollutants.

Carbon monoxide, Sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and unburned
hydrocarbons are a few of the main air pollutants that are produced when fossil fuels are burnt.
Smog is mostly made up of the very deadly chemical carbon monoxide (Sorensen, 2007). Urban
autos and transit vehicles are the main source of carbon monoxide pollution. In 2010, there were
more than 250 million cars on European roads, according to ACEA (2010). In Western Europe,
there were 458 automobiles per 1,000 people in 2007, with around 34% of these vehicles being
more than ten years old. This indicates that the fuel combustion in these older vehicles is likely
to be incomplete, resulting in the formation of carbon monoxide, Sulphur dioxides, and
particulate matter. Given that there are 458 automobiles per every 1000 people, air pollution can
have a negative impact on one's health (Valtchev et al., 2000). These pollutants can irritate the
lungs and lead to respiratory issues like bronchitis. Acid rain, which is created when nitrogen
oxides and Sulphur oxides interact with water, can destroy aquatic habitats as well as crops and

In addition to these pollution types, using fossil fuels has also contributed to the bigger issue of
global warming. One of the gases released during the burning of fossil fuels is carbon dioxide.
The atmosphere's ability to retain heat due to carbon dioxide has led to an increase in world
temperatures. The ozone layer has also been destroyed as a result of the release of other
greenhouse gases, including methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated chemicals. For instance,
European GHG emissions increased by 2.4 percent in 2010. (Harvey, 2012). Climate change
brought about by global warming has altered weather patterns that have contributed to
catastrophic weather occurrences like Tsunamis and droughts. However, there have been
initiatives to make sure that energy conversion is carried out in a sustainable and clean manner.
The Kyoto Protocol is one of the most significant pacts. In accordance with this convention, 15
EU members agreed to cut their combined emissions by 8% between 2008 and 2012 compared to
1990 levels. More recently, the parties agreed to cut GHG emissions by around 18% below 1990
levels over the course of eight years, from 2013 to 2020. (EEA, 2011). The Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) develops a common reporting format for national GHG

Governmental policies on green energy, such as subsidies for the development of renewable
energy, must be adopted in order to fulfil the agreements made in the agreement. For instance, in
2007, European leaders ratified a legally enforceable goal for the entire EU to obtain 20% of its
energy needs from renewable sources including solar, hydro, biomass, and wind energy. Ireland
has a National Renewable Energy Action Plan that is intended to help the country reach the
renewable energy goals established by the European Union. For instance, in 2006, Wien Energy
constructed the biggest wood biomass power plant in Europe. About 48000 families receive
energy from the facility, while 12000 houses receive heat. The power plant has a 66 MW
maximum capacity and an operating efficiency of 80%.


An equivalent amount of energy is maintained before and after a conversion device or process
because the energy that enters them is converted into different types of energy. It follows that
every type of energy conversion in a system result in energy conservation. Energy is most useful
when it is concentrated, such as in the intricate chemical linkages found in sugar and gasoline. A
society's essential element is energy. Homes, businesses, and other areas of the economy all
consume energy. Although energy comes from several sources and often takes on a variety of
forms, it is only useable when it is changed from one form to another. Governmental policies on
green energy, such as subsidies for the development of renewable energy, must be adopted in
order to fulfil the agreements made in the agreement.


There is a need to look at clean means of transferring fossil fuels from one form to another in
addition to these policies and programmes. For instance, coal-fired generating has seen a lot of
technical advancements. These technologies include integrated gasification combined cycles,
carbon capture and storage, and supercritical-pressure pulverized coal combustion. New
automotive technology that lowers carbon dioxide emissions have also been made possible
through incentives for economic innovation. Therefore, when analyzing energy, it is important to
take into account the consequences of energy conversion techniques.


1. ANGRIST, S. W. 1976. Direct energy conversion.

2. CULP JR, A. W. 1991. Principles of energy conversion.
3. GONG, J., LI, C. & WASIELEWSKI, M. R. 2019. Advances in solar energy conversion.
Chemical Society Reviews, 48, 1862-1864.
4. GOSWAMI, D. Y. & KREITH, F. 2007. Energy conversion, CRC press.
5. SORENSEN, B. 2007. Renewable energy conversion, transmission, and storage,
6. TRITT, T. M., BÖTTNER, H. & CHEN, L. 2008. Thermoelectrics: Direct solar thermal
energy conversion. MRS bulletin, 33, 366-368.
Autonomous renewable energy conversion system. Renewable energy, 19, 259-275.
8. YANG, H., HAN, X., DOUKA, A. I., HUANG, L., GONG, L., XIA, C., PARK, H. S. &
XIA, B. Y. 2021. Advanced oxygen electrocatalysis in energy conversion and storage.
Advanced Functional Materials, 31, 2007602.

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