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Elja Dalipaj

Business English
Chairing a meeting

Good afternoon, everyone, could I have your attention please?

 Thank you all for coming. Now let’s get down to business.
 My name is Elja Dalipaj and I am President of the Book Club and this is Rachel, Vice
President. She’ll also be presenting today. Now let’s get started. The aim of this meeting
is to talk about events, meetings and goals we have for the next few months.
 The first item on the agenda is the event we have next week. A young translator is doing
an open lecture and discussion with students at our university, as you already know. I
expect everyone on the board to update me on how things are going with the organizing
and marketing of the event. We need to have a full audience and active listeners.
 The next item to discuss is the timing of the meetings. Since during the week most of the
students have lectures to attend, the meetings for the club are going to be held on
 I have also prepared a form for participants to suggest a single book title they would like
to discuss on our monthly book discussion meetings. We will then vote on the
appropriate title.
 I would like to give the word to Rachel, who will be listing upcoming activities and
events of the club. We are open to new suggestions.
 So, to sum up, we discussed a bit about the upcoming event, the meeting timings and the
decision made for picking books to discuss about. Then Rachel listed events we want to
hold. If anyone has anything else to add, they are more than welcome. If not, this is it for
today, excited for our next one. Thank you for attending.

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