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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 43 (2004) 151 – 161

CFD simulation of homogenization in large-scale crude oil

storage tanks
Asghar Alizadeh Dakhel, Masoud Rahimi *
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

Received 10 July 2003; accepted 20 January 2004


The homogenization time of two layers of crude oils obtained from different reservoirs in 19 000 m3 floating roof storage
tank is predicted using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The tank equipped with a side-entry 0.65 m marine-type mixer. An
in-house CFD code using Multiple Frame of Reference (MFR) and the renormalization group version (RNG) of k – e turbulent
model has been employed. The fluid region has been divided to 580 484 number of control volumes. The time variation of
density at three sampling points in the tank has been compared with corresponding points in the model. The results show a good
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: CFD; Mixing; Homogenization; Crude oil; Storage tank

1. Introduction tracer at some locations in a vessel (usually a pulse

input) and measurement of the tracer concentration as
Blending or homogenization of two or more mis- a function of time with the help of a sensor. Several
cible fluids is widely encountered in a variety of advanced experimental techniques are being concur-
chemical and petroleum processes. Proper mixing in rently developed for validation of CFD computational
crude oil storage tanks can provide a homogeneous predictions. For example, laser-Doppler anemometry
feed for refinery distillation units. The heterogeneity (LDA) (Mao et al., 1997), laser-Doppler velocimetry
of the feed into the refinery may change the products’ (LDV) (Tiljander et al., 1997), laser-induced fluores-
characteristics and prices time by time. cence (Distelhoff et al., 1997), and digital particle
The important process parameter for the blending image velocimetry (DPIV) (Myers et al., 1997, Sheng
is the homogenization time, which is frequently et al., 1998) are used by investigators. However, all
termed as the mixing time. Some experimental deter- these techniques are experimentally complex and
mination of the mixing time involves introducing of a require relatively expensive equipment. In addition,
homogenization researches have been done on small
stirred tanks and less works have been done on
* Corresponding author. Fax: +98-83-142-46000.
homogenization in large-scale tanks.
E-mail addresses: (A.A. Dakhel), The blending process occurs because of the trans- (M. Rahimi). port at three levels: molecular, eddy, and bulk (con-

0920-4105/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
152 A.A. Dakhel, M. Rahimi / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 43 (2004) 151–161

vection). Over the years several approaches have been turbulence models, which is required to describe the
proposed to model the mixing process. These influence of turbulence on the bulk flow properties of
approaches are based on the above three mechanisms. the fluid, is another criterion that must be considered.
Paywardhan and Joshi (1999) classified all of the The most important part of modeling of mixing in
approaches into four categories: circulation models, a tank equipped with a mixer (mixers) is the impeller
eddy diffusion models, network of zones models and modeling. Three popular approaches for the model-
CFD models. Circulation models inherently assume ing of the impeller are: ‘impeller boundary condi-
that the blending process is controlled by the mean tion’, ‘ inner –outer iterative procedure’ and ‘sliding-
flow, i.e., the bulk motion (Norwood and Metzner, grid method’. These methods have been presented
1960; McManamey, 1980; Joshi and Sharma, 1982). for impeller modeling in cylindrical stirred tanks
Eddy diffusion models assume that the entire blending (whose impeller is located vertically in the tank
process is controlled by eddy diffusion (Voncken and center line), some of them can be used in tanks with
Holmes, 1964; Hiraoka and Ito, 1977; Jahoda et al., different geometry and conditions.
1994). Two recently models, network of zones and In the ‘impeller boundary condition’ method,
CFD, are far more realistic in comparison to the which is the most traditional approach, steady con-
circulation and eddy diffusion models, namely be- ditions are imposed and simulations are conducted in
cause they attempt to take into account the local flow the reference frame. This method needs to have
field. empirically derived boundary conditions.
In the network of zones models, according to the In the ‘inner – outer’ approach (Brucato et al.,
geometry of the problem a 2-D network of zones is 1994), the whole vessel volume is subdivided into
formed at first. This 2-D arrangement of zones forms two partly overlapping regions. An ‘inner’ domain,
the basis of axial/radial sections, which can be circum- containing the impeller and an ‘outer’ one, contains
ferentially assembled and suitably interconnected into the rest of the vessel volume. In this method, a
a full 3-D model. This vertical slice of the vessel then fictitious cylindrical boundary with a radius interme-
has exactly the same structure as its 2-D counterpart, diate between that of impeller blade tips and the
with a set of flow loops nested around foci of baffles edges will be defined. Then the flow solution
circulation above and below the impeller. In other azimuthally will be averaged over this surface; the
words, the flow pattern has been predefined. A set of resulting values are used as an outer boundary condi-
equations can be generated from material balance tion for a second simulation in the rotating frame.
around each zone. The concentration of species can Repeating this iteration process a number of times
be predicted by solving these equations. Turbulence should result in a converged steady state flow solu-
exchange between flow loops has been considered tion. A crucial feature of this approach is the existence
using the b, B1and Br coefficients (Mann et al., 1994; of an overlap region, common to the ‘inner’ and
Rahimi et al., 2000; Rahimi and Mann, 2001). ‘outer’ regions, which provides the iterative matching
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) involves the of the two solutions. The extent of this region and the
numerical solution of conservation equations for exact location of its boundaries are largely arbitrary.
mass, momentum and energy in flow geometry of By contrast, in the ‘multiple frame of reference’
interest, together with additional equations reflecting (MFR) method proposed by Luo and Gosman
the problem at hand. During a CFD solution of a (1994), the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ steady state solutions
problem, two steps should be covered. As a first step, are implicitly matched along a single boundary face,
the space in which the problem is posed is notionally and external iterations are not required; on the other
divided into a solution mesh. Then the partial differ- hand, the choice of this surface is not arbitrary, since it
ential equations describing flow (including an appro- has to be assumed a priori as a surface where flow
priate form of Navier –Stokes) are discretised over the variables do not change appreciably either with the
mesh. This gives to a large set of nonlinear simulta- tangential angle or with time.
neous equations. These equations can be solved using In the ‘sliding-grid’ method (Luo et al., 1993), the
numerous algorithms. Boundary and initial condition flow domain is divided into two cylindrical, non-
must also be introduced to CFD. The selection of overlapping subdomains, each grided as a separate
A.A. Dakhel, M. Rahimi / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 43 (2004) 151–161 153

block. The outer one is fixed, while the inner one of the impeller and the tank, respectively. Also ap-
rotates with the impeller. In this method unlike the proximate locations of the sampling points are shown
previous methods, the simulation is carried out in in Fig. 2.
time-dependent fashion with the relative motion of the The tank receives feed from two reservoirs with
meshes and the consequence for data transfer across different densities. It was filled with 13 072 m3 of
their common boundary taken into account. The two Asmary crude oil and 6536 m3 of Naftshahr crude oil
regions are implicitly coupled at the interface separat- (the naming is on the basis of the location of the
ing the two blocks via a sliding mesh algorithm, reservoirs). After charging was completed, the crude
which takes into account the relative motion between oil has been kept stagnant in the tank for about 24 h,
the two subdomains and performs the required se- for water and sediment draining. This time allowed
quence of dynamic interpolations. the different crude oils to be separated as two layers,
Brucato et al. (1998) presented predictions of all due to density difference. Then the mixer was turned
three of these methods for baffled tanks stirred by on and the density of the crude oil, taken from the
single and dual Rushton turbines (radial impeller) and sampling points, was measured at several time steps.
also by a constant-pitch helical impeller (axial impel- In the theoretical part, the three-dimensional sim-
ler). They compared the predicted results with avail- ulation has been carried out using an in-house CFD
able experimental data from the literature. code. The code enables the simultaneous solution of
Both of the MFR and sliding mesh can be theoret- the continuity and the Reynolds-averaged Navier –
ically applied for our problem. However, because the Stokes (RANS) equations together with the RNG
sliding mesh requires an unsteady numerical solution, (renormalization group) of k – e turbulence model.
it is too time demanding for such cases. This model was derived using a rigorous statistical
Although plenty of CFD simulations have been technique (called renormalization group theory). It is
done on fluid hydrodynamics and mixing, most of similar in form to the standard k – e model presented
them focused on vertical mixers (Montante et al., by Launder and Spalding (1974);
2001; Alexopoulos et al., 2002) or jet mixing (Jayanti,
2001; Patwardhan, 2002) and less works have carried k2
out on side-entry mixers. leff ¼ l þ lT ; lT ¼ qCl ð1Þ
In this work, the numerical model employs a three-
dimensional CFD simulation incorporating turbulent
models for the fluid flow and mass transport in a  
large-scale storage tank. The tank is equipped with a BðqkÞ leff
þ divðqk[Þ ¼ div grad k þ G  qe ð2Þ
side-entry marine-type impeller. Experimental inves- Bt rk
tigations provide the necessary boundary conditions
and validation data for the computational model.
BðqeÞ l
þ divðqe[Þ ¼ div eff grad e
2. Area descriptions, methods and material studied Bt re
e e2
þ C1e 2leff Eij  Eij  C2e q
Mixing in a 13 m height44 m diameter storage k k
tank of the Kermanshah refinery (west of Iran) has ð3Þ
been investigated. It has three places of sampling
located in 1.3, 6 and 12 m from the tank bottom. In the RNG – k –e model the effect of small-scale
The tank is equipped with a 0.65 m diameter three- turbulence is represented by means of a random
blade marine-type impeller placed 0.7 m from the tank forcing function in the Navier – Stokes equations.
bottom. The impeller rotates at 450 rpm, in the way The RNG procedure systematically removes the
that force the fluid in the forward direction. The small scales of motion from the governing equations
sample points are located 160j from the mixer in by expressing their effects in terms of larger-scale
the tangential direction. Figs. 1 and 2 show a picture motion and a modified viscosity (the interest reader
154 A.A. Dakhel, M. Rahimi / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 43 (2004) 151–161

Fig. 1. The impeller.

can see Yakhot and Orszag, 1986; Versteeg and from other regions by a 0.55 m radius and 0.85 m
Malalasekera, 1995 for more information about the length cylinder and divided to 19 621 number of
RNG theory). The constants that have been used in control volumes. The rest of fluid region has been
the model are: C1e=1.42, C2e=1.68, Cl=0.0845, meshed to 560 863 grids. An axial/radial slice of the
re=1.30 and rk=1.00. grid focused on the region close to the impeller is
The MFR model has been employed in order to shown in Fig. 3. The MFR region has been distin-
model the impeller. The impeller region was separated guished using a rectangle. As can be seen from this

Fig. 2. The storage tank and sampling point locations.

A.A. Dakhel, M. Rahimi / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 43 (2004) 151–161 155

Fig. 3. A cross section of grid created in the MFR region and its neighborhood.

Fig. 4. A scheme of grid in a plane going through the impeller.

156 A.A. Dakhel, M. Rahimi / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 43 (2004) 151–161

figure, the mesh sizes around the MFR are smaller tude in a way that just 29% of the tank volume has a
than the other regions in the tank. A more complete velocity higher than 0.1 m/s. This region is a narrow
scene of this cross section is shown in Fig. 4. The sector surrounding the impeller. The maximum veloc-
bottom region is also divided into smaller meshes for ity magnitude of 14.3 m/s has been reported close to
more precise calculation. The rotation speed of im- the impeller blades.
peller has been set to 450 rpm in the code. Fig. 5 illustrates the velocity vectors in a radial/
axial slice going through the impeller shaft. The arrow
presentation of the velocity illustrates the movement
3. Results and analyses of fluid from the impeller toward the front wall. It also
shows that the fluid slips on the front wall in upward
The simulation results can predict the velocity, direction and continues to circulate toward the impel-
pressure, turbulent intensity field and any other fluid ler from the top of the tank. The region close to the
dynamics features in 3-D region. In addition, the impeller is also magnified in the figure. It shows that
unsteady distribution of the two types of crude oils flow moves toward the impeller from above (in the
in the tank can be monitored with time. The hydro- axial direction) in 2D plot and is directed toward the
dynamic results in the steady state condition predict front wall (in the radial direction). The larger number
that the most part of tank has a low velocity magni- of vectors close to the impeller is due to higher

Fig. 5. Velocity vectors on a vertical plane going through the impeller shaft using equal size arrow plot.
A.A. Dakhel, M. Rahimi / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 43 (2004) 151–161 157

number of control volumes in the MFR region, as be seen in the figure, there is a narrow region in the
discussed before. middle of the plane that the flow is completely in
Fig. 6 shows the top view of the velocity vector in forward direction. The interaction between the cir-
a horizontal plane going through the impeller and the cumferential flow due to the wall impingement and
top of the tank. From Fig. 6a, the velocity vector the forward flow cause a circulating flow in the right
shows that the general flow pattern in the impeller and left hand sides. The flow pattern also shows that
level is in forward direction from the impeller. As can the regions close to the impeller on both sides are

Fig. 6. Velocity vectors on horizontal planes at two different levels using equal size arrow plot: (a) at the level of the impeller shaft; (b) at the
level of 12.3 m from the bottom (close to the tank roof).
158 A.A. Dakhel, M. Rahimi / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 43 (2004) 151–161

influenced by the impeller suction and the fluid moves the impeller has a decreasing trend similar to the
toward the impeller. Fig. 6b shows the back flow overall velocity magnitude and next to the wall
circulation from the top of the tank toward the becomes zero due to the completely change in veloc-
impeller. ity direction. The axial velocity (from bottom to top)
Fig. 7 illustrates the velocity magnitude and its after short distance from the impeller is almost zero
three components in a horizontal line going through along the mentioned line except close to the wall,
the shaft from the impeller to the opposite wall. As it which the radial flow becomes axial due to wall
is illustrated in Fig. 7a, the velocity magnitude by the impingement. The third or tangential component of
maximum value of 4.7 m/s in this line decreases by velocity has also the value of zero in most places
distance from the impeller. It reaches to one third of its along the line. The more noises in this direction can be
maximum value just 3 m from the impeller. The related to the RNG prediction in the tangential direc-
velocity becomes 0.5 m/s at a 20 m distance from tion and the interaction of suction and discharge flows
the impeller and finally the fluid travels the remaining close to the impeller. The comparison between the
(23 m) with a velocity of less than 0.5 m/s. The more velocity magnitude and its components obviously
precise analysis is shown in Fig. 7b– d, which illus- shows that the dominate component of velocity, as
trates the three components of velocity on the same expected, is the radial one.
line. The radial component (from the impeller to the Fig. 8 describes the predicted and measured density
front wall) with maximum value of 4.6 m/s close to of samples taken from the three sample points at

Fig. 7. The velocity magnitude and its components in a line going through the impeller shaft: (a) velocity magnitude; (b) radial velocity
component; (c) axial velocity component; (d) tangential velocity component.
A.A. Dakhel, M. Rahimi / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 43 (2004) 151–161 159

Fig. 8. The comparison between predicted (p) and measured (m) density of samples taken from sampling points.

various time steps. As it was mentioned before, the the predicted results show an increasing trend of
volume of tank has been filled in the way that two density for point3. The site data also shows the same
parts occupied by heavy crude oil (Asmary, with trend. On the other hand, the densities of two other
density of 845 kg/m3) and one part by light crude points decrease with time. This figure shows that the
oil (Naftshahr, with density of 833 kg/m3). Therefore density of samples from points 1 and 2 are quite close
sample points of point1 and point2 have been placed and no considerable difference can be seen for both
in the region of heavy oil and point3 in the light oil predicted and measured values. This relates to the
region. This can be seen from Fig. 8 at time zero, relative amount of the heavy oil to the light oil. The
which density is 845 kg/m3 for points 1 and 2 and 833 figure also illustrates that the density differences
kg/m3 for point 3. After starting the impeller rotation, between the three points decrease with time in a

Fig. 9. The time-evolution of mixing of two types of crude oils inside the tank.
160 A.A. Dakhel, M. Rahimi / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 43 (2004) 151–161

way that a 12 unit maximum difference at the begin- Notation

ning becomes about 4.5 after 1 h. In 3 h, it is difficult C1e, C2e, Cl constants of the k – e model
to distinguish between the values of densities and after G dissipation function, Pa s1
three and half hours, complete homogenization has K turbulent kinetic energy J kg1
been predicted from simulated data. The experimental v mean velocity, m s1
data validate the obtained results. The final density of Qp pumping capacity, m3/s
samples from the three sample points in Fig. 8 for V volume, m3
both experimental and theoretical results is 841 kg/m3,
which is expected from overall material balance at Greek letters
perfect mixing. There is a small difference between e dissipation rate of k; w kg1
experimental and simulated data, which can be l, lT, leff laminar, turbulent and effective viscosities,
avoided by increasing the number of control volumes. Pa s
This may become possible with the development of q density, kg m3
computer hardwares in the near future. rk, re constants of the k– e model
The maximum density difference in the whole tank Eij linear deformation rate
has been used as a criterion for mixing progress.
Therefore, in complete mixing (homogenization time),
the maximum density difference in the whole tank Acknowledgements
becomes zero. Fig. 9 illustrates the time-evolution of
distribution of two types of crude oils inside the tank. The authors wish to express their thanks to the
The number of internal turnover time as a normalized Kermanshah refinery of Iran for the financial support
time scale has been used in this figure. The turnover of this work.
time is the average time required for a fluid element to
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