ACTIVITY 6 (Teams)

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ACTIVITY 6. Comparing countries.

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Módulo: ACTIVITY 6. Comparing countries.


Find 4 words you don´t know and write their meaning.

Humid. - Marked by a relatively high level of water vapor in the atmosphere.
Endless. - Having or seeming to have no end or limit.
Across. - From one side to the other of (a place, area, etc.).
Overall. - Taking everything into account.
Where has she worked?
She has worked in Japan and Mexico
What are the differences between Mexico, Japan, and England? Writes at
least 4 complete sentences using 2 comparatives and superlatives.
The differences that he most noted were the weather and the food. In England he
mentions that it is very cold and wet while in Mexico it is much hotter the skies
were much bluer and there was much less rain and finally Japan says that it is very
humid than Mexico in summer and colder than Mexico and sunnier than England.
And food tells that in Mexico I try the spiciest food that I have consumed, that in
Great Britain they have a lot of variety of food such as Chinese, Thai, Italian
restaurants among others and finally in Japan it is the healthiest and most delicious
food, and his best dish is sushi.

Which country is her favorite and why? Writes an explanation that contains
at least 4 complete sentences using 2 comparatives and 2 superlatives.
Mexico is her favorite country because it is the most relaxed country, and its
climate is the most beautiful and the sunniest and hottest country, and it has
beautiful beaches.
4.- Write a paragraph ( where you talk about a country that you like a lot. You must
choose a different country from the one in the recording. (It´s one country per
student). This writing must contain two comparative sentences (with long and short
adjectives), two superlative sentences (with long and short adjectives), two “as…
as…” sentences, and two quantifiers (too much, too many, too, and enough).
Put all your work in a Word document.
You can guide yourself from these questions
What’s your favorite country in the world?
What do you like the most about it?
Is the food and weather very different from Mexico? In what way?
France is one of my favorite countries because it is considered the most romantic
country in the world for its cities like Paris. France has a temperate climate better
than Mexico because it is very hot except for the winter months, which is kept in a
temperate climate and personally that the climate is temperate is the best of all the
climatic variables that exist because it is more pleasant. that too hot or too cold.
When we talk about food, personally, Mexico takes it without problems, in France
the food is very delicious but not enough to be better than Mexican food, even for
too many people, Mexican food always gets a very good recommendation. France,
I like it for all its views and monuments that it has and at the same time I like it
because it is where we are referred to where the city of love is, and I would like to
go with my partner.
I like Switzerland because it has a cold climate, and it is not very hot. In
Switzerland it is colder than in Mexico, the architecture is more beautiful than in
Mexico, but Mexico is the best country in latín America and has the most delicious
food of all. Their people are as friendly as in some places of Mexico, there are also
tourist areas as beautiful as in Mexico. You don´t need to visit enough places to
love switzerlands, you can visit too many places and want to visit even more.

I love Dubai because is a beautiful country to visit and eccentric, the culture is very
different in that place, the rich people use too much gold and the city has a
beautiful place to visit for example, Dubai Mail the biggest supermarket in the
world, Dubai Aquarium Mail and Burj Khalifa the highest building in the world.
Dubai has more eccentricities than other countries, but for me Dubai is as beautiful
as Thailand, Thailand have different culture, and the people is very different than
people of Dubai. Too many people in Thailand it’s in Buddhism so the dance have
very important role in this country, in two countries the culture in Thailand is as
important as Dubai.

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