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National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

ISSN 2094-618x

The Major Vegetables and Root Crops Quarterly Bulletin is a publication

of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). The PSA reserves exclusive
right to reproduce this publication in whatever form. Should any portion
of this publication be included in a report/article, the title of the publication
and the PSA should be cited as the source of data. The PSA will not be
responsible for any information derived from the processing of data
contained in this bulletin.

The Major Vegetables and Root Crops Quarterly Bulletin provides updates on
production of major vegetables and root crops, namely: mung bean/mongo, potato,
cabbage, eggplant, tomato, ampalaya fruit, onion, sweet potato, and cassava.
These crops are highlighted in the report on the Value of Production in Philippine
Agriculture and Fisheries that the PSA releases quarterly.

This 2022 Third Quarter issue of the Bulletin presents the final estimates of
production from April to June 2022 and the preliminary estimates from
July to September 2022. It also contains the final estimates of area
planted/harvested for the period January to June 2022. The data in the report are
the results of the Crops Production Survey (CrPS) which is conducted quarterly by
the PSA.

Digitally signed by Mapa

Claire Dennis Sioson
Date: 2022.11.30
18:45:55 +08'00'


National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

Quezon City, Philippines

November 2022

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Foreword ii
Background viii
Mung bean/Mongo 2
Potato 4
Cabbage 6
Eggplant 8
Tomato 10
Ampalaya Fruit 12
Onion 14
Sweet Potato 16
Cassava 18

Table Title Page
No. No.

1 Volume of Production for Selected Vegetables and Root Crops 22

Philippines, April – June: 2021 – 2022 and
July – September: 2021 – 2022p
2 Volume of Production for Mung Bean/Mongo by Region 23
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and
July – September: 2021 – 2022p
3 Volume of Production for Potato by Region 24
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and
July – September: 2021 – 2022p
4 Volume of Production for Cabbage by Region 25
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and
July – September: 2021 – 2022p
5 Volume of Production for Eggplant by Region 26
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and
July – September: 2021 – 2022p

p – Preliminary Estimate

6 Volume of Production for Tomato by Region 27
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and
July – September: 2021 – 2022p
7 Volume of Production for Ampalaya Fruit by Region 28
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and
July – September: 2021 – 2022p
8 Volume of Production for Onion by Region 29
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and
July – September: 2021 – 2022p
9 Volume of Production for Sweet Potato by Region 30
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and
July – September: 2021 – 2022p
10 Volume of Production for Cassava by Region 31
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and
July – September: 2021 – 2022p
11 Vegetables and Root Crops: Area Planted/Harvested 32
Philippines, January-June: 2021-2022

– Preliminary Estimate

Figure Title Page
No. No.

1 Mung Bean/Mongo Production by Region 1

July – September: 2022p
2 Distribution of Mung Bean/Mongo Production by Region 2
July – September: 2022p
3 Potato Production by Region 3
July – September: 2022p
4 Distribution of Potato Production by Region 4
July – September: 2022p
5 Cabbage Production by Region 5
July – September: 2022p
6 Distribution of Cabbage Production by Region 6
July – September: 2022p
7 Eggplant Production by Region 7
July – September: 2022p
8 Distribution of Eggplant Production by Region 8
July – September: 2022p
9 Tomato Production by Region 9
July – September: 2022p
10 Distribution of Tomato Production by Region 10
July – September: 2022p
11 Ampalaya Fruit Production by Region 11
July – September: 2022p
12 Distribution of Ampalaya Fruit Production by Region 12
July – September: 2022p
13 Onion Production by Region 13
July – September: 2022p
14 Distribution of Onion Production by Type, Philippines 14
July – September: 2022p

p – Preliminary Estimate

15 Distribution of Onion Production by Region 14
July – September: 2022p
16 Sweet Potato Production by Region 15
July – September: 2022p
17 Distribution of Sweet Potato Production by Region 16
July – September: 2022p
18 Cassava Production by Region 17
July – September: 2022p
19 Distribution of Cassava Production by Region 18
July – September: 2022p

p – Preliminary Estimate


Scope and Coverage

The Crops Production Survey (CrPS) is the source of production data of all crops,
except palay and corn. Around 280 crops are covered in this survey. For this bulletin,
information on nine major vegetables and root crops, namely, ampalaya fruit,
cabbage, cassava, eggplant, mung bean/mongo, onion, potato, sweet potato, and
tomato are reported.

Estimates of production and area planted/harvested are generated from the CrPS,
which is conducted quarterly. The CrPS covers all regions, except the National
Capital Region (NCR).

Sampling Methodology

The selection of sample farms in the province is done by categorizing small and
large farms. For large farms, a maximum of five farms are chosen for the whole
province. For small farms, the top five producing cities/municipalities of a certain
crop are chosen from each province. From each of these cities/municipalities, five
sample farmer-producers are selected as respondents. In this two-stage design,
city/municipality serves as the primary sampling unit, while farmer-producer is the
secondary sampling unit.

Data Collection

For CrPS, data collection is conducted quarterly during the last 10 days of the middle
month of the quarter, that is, in February, May, August, and November. This survey
gathers data on production and area planted/harvested.

1 Source: Excerpts from Crops Statistics of the Philippines, 2012-2016, ISSN-2012-0487


Concepts and Definitions of Terms

Crop production refers to the quantity produced and harvested for a particular crop
during the reference period. It includes those measured but damaged, stolen, given
away, consumed, given as harvesters’ share, and reserved. Excluded are those
produced but not harvested for whatever reason/s.

Area planted refers to the actual physical area planted measured in hectares.
This generally applies to area reported for permanent crops and multi-harvest
temporary crops.

Area harvested refers to the actual area from which harvests are realized
expressed in hectares. This excludes crop area which was totally damaged. It may
be smaller than the area planted. In crops statistics, this applies to mono-harvest
temporary crops.

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Figure 1. Mung bean/Mongo Production by Region, July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


Mung Bean/Mongo

From July to September 2022, production of mung bean/mongo was recorded

at 1.37 thousand metric tons. This was 0.7 percent higher than the 1.36 thousand
metric tons output in the same period of 2021. (Table 1)

Cagayan Valley, the major producer of mung bean/mongo for this quarter with
0.57 thousand metric tons, shared 41.5 percent to the country’s total production.
Davao Region followed with 12.3 percent share. (Figure 2 and Table 2)

Figure 2. Distribution of Mung Bean/Mongo Production by Region

July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Figure 3. Potato Production by Region, July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


Production of potato in the third quarter of 2022 was recorded at 14.29 thousand
metric tons. This was -1.0 percent lower than the 14.43 thousand metric tons output
in the same quarter of 2021. (Table 1)

Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) posted the highest production with

8.89 thousand metric tons, contributing 62.2 percent to the total potato production
this quarter. This was followed by Davao Region and Northern Mindanao with
20.5 percent and 16.0 percent shares, respectively. (Figure 4 and Table 3)

Figure 4. Distribution of Potato Production by Region

July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Figure 5. Cabbage Production by Region, July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


Cabbage production for the third quarter of 2022 increased to 12.48 thousand metric
tons or by 1.2 percent, from 12.34 thousand metric tons output in the same quarter
of 2021. (Table 1)

CAR recorded the highest production with 7.14 thousand metric tons, sharing
57.2 percent to the total cabbage production this quarter. This was followed by
Central Visayas with 14.0 percent share and Northern Mindanao with 13.0 percent
share. (Figure 6 and Table 4)

Figure 6. Distribution of Cabbage Production by Region

July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Figure 7. Eggplant Production by Region, July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


During the third quarter of 2022, production of eggplant was observed at

38.63 thousand metric tons. This was 2.3 percent higher than the 37.77 thousand
metric tons output in the same period of 2021. (Table 1)

CALABARZON, the leading producer of eggplant this quarter with 11.09 thousand
metric tons, shared 28.7 percent to the country’s total eggplant production. Cagayan
Valley and Western Visayas followed with 12.4 percent and 9.0 percent shares,
respectively. (Figure 8 and Table 5)

Figure 8. Distribution of Eggplant Production by Region

July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Figure 9. Tomato Production by Region, July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


From July to September 2022, production of tomato at 29.65 thousand metric tons
was 6.1 percent higher than the 27.96 thousand metric tons output in the same
period of last year. (Table 1)

Northern Mindanao registered the largest production with 22.58 thousand metric
tons, sharing 76.2 percent to the total tomato production this quarter. This was
followed by SOCCSKSARGEN with 6.1 percent share and Cagayan Valley with
3.4 percent share. (Figure 10 and Table 6)

Figure 10. Distribution of Tomato Production by Region

July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Figure 11. Ampalaya Fruit Production by Region, July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Ampalaya Fruit

Ampalaya fruit production during the third quarter of 2022 was registered at
20.13 thousand metric tons. This was 2.7 percent higher than the 19.60 thousand
metric tons output in the same period of 2021. (Table 1)

CALABARZON registered the highest production with 7.37 thousand metric tons,
sharing 36.6 percent to the total ampalaya fruit production this quarter.
This was followed by Central Luzon with 13.2 percent share and Central Visayas
with 8.9 percent share. (Figure 12 and Table 7)

Figure 12. Distribution of Ampalaya Fruit Production by Region

July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Figure 13. Onion Production by Region, July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


Production of onion in the third quarter of 2022 was recorded at 23.30 metric tons.
This was 1.7 percent higher than the 22.92 metric tons output in the same quarter
of 2021. (Table 1)

Native onion was the most produced type, which contributed 56.9 percent to the
total onion production during the period. (Figure 14 and Table 1)

Cagayan Valley, the major producer of onion for this quarter with 11.80 metric tons,
shared 50.6 percent to the country’s total production. The other major producing
region was Ilocos Region with 35.6 percent share. (Figure 15 and Table 8)

Figure 14. Distribution of Onion Figure 15. Distribution of Onion

Production by Type, Philippines Production by Region
July – September: 2022p July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Figure 16. Sweet Potato Production by Region, July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Sweet Potato

During the third quarter of 2022, production of sweet potato increased to

138.68 thousand metric tons or by 2.2 percent, from 135.74 thousand metric tons
output in the same quarter of 2021. (Table 1)

Eastern Visayas, the leading producer of sweet potato this quarter with
48.57 thousand metric tons, shared 35.0 percent to the total sweet potato
production. This was followed by Bicol Region with 10.2 percent share and Caraga
with 10.0 percent share. (Figure 17 and Table 9)

Figure 17. Distribution of Sweet Potato Production by Region

July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Figure 18. Cassava Production by Region, July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)


Production of cassava in July to September 2022 was observed at 591.06 thousand

metric tons. This was 0.3 percent higher than the 589.43 thousand metric tons
output in the same period of 2021. (Table 1)

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) posted the largest

production with 282.64 thousand metric tons, sharing 47.8 percent to the total
cassava production this quarter. This was followed by Northern Mindanao
with 15.5 percent share and Cagayan Valley with 12.2 percent share. (Figure 19 and
Table 10)

Figure 19. Distribution of Cassava Production by Region

July – September: 2022p

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, July to September 2022 Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

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Table 1. Volume of Production for Selected Vegetables and Root Crops, Philippines
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and July – September: 2021 – 2022p

Production (in metric tons) Year-on-Year Percent

April–June July–September Change (%) Share
2021 2022 2021 2022p Apr–Jun Jul–Sepp

Mung bean/Mongo 21,773.17 23,173.69 1,361.87 1,371.54 6.4 0.7 NA

Potato 15,628.90 15,117.32 14,428.64 14,288.62 -3.3 -1.0 NA
Cabbage 25,274.80 24,439.58 12,336.83 12,481.34 -3.3 1.2 NA
Eggplant 106,656.02 106,865.41 37,766.30 38,630.62 0.2 2.3 NA
Tomato 76,469.59 71,587.67 27,956.81 29,652.30 -6.4 6.1 NA
Ampalaya Fruit 31,494.92 32,050.91 19,597.81 20,134.70 1.8 2.7 NA
Onion 68,273.80 82,075.98 22.92 23.30 20.2 1.7
Bermuda (Red Creole 67,021.69 80,775.97 9.78 10.05 20.5 2.8 43.1
and Yellow Granex)
Native 1,252.11 1,300.01 13.14 13.25 3.8 0.8 56.9
Sweet Potato 157,681.91 163,938.19 135,736.16 138,678.02 4.0 2.2 NA
Cassava 692,600.41 698,627.96 589,432.59 591,059.21 0.9 0.3 NA

Notes: p – Preliminary
Percent share of varieties to the total crop production
NA - Not Applicable
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 2. Volume of Production for Mung bean/Mongo by Region
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and July – September: 2021 – 2022p

Production (in metric tons) Year-on-Year Percent

April–June July–September Change (%) Share
2021 2022 2021 2022p Apr–Jun Jul–Sep p
PHILIPPINES 21,773.17 23,173.69 1,361.87 1,371.54 6.4 0.7 100.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 9.04 8.86 19.21 20.92 -2.0 8.9 1.5
Region I (Ilocos Region) 8,988.58 8,807.43 7.88 7.97 -2.0 1.2 0.6
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 4,727.68 5,570.20 548.51 569.76 17.8 3.9 41.5
Region III (Central Luzon) 5,860.37 6,723.46 0.96 1.19 14.7 24.0 0.1
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 0.33 0.37 - - 12.1 - -
MIMAROPA Region 101.52 110.05 17.49 15.69 8.4 -10.3 1.1
Region V (Bicol Region) 81.23 85.06 40.29 38.89 4.7 -3.5 2.8
Region VI (Western Visayas) 1,051.44 933.70 25.74 33.65 -11.2 30.7 2.5
Region VII (Central Visayas) 62.77 53.22 63.27 60.55 -15.2 -4.3 4.4
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 33.00 30.12 42.86 42.39 -8.7 -1.1 3.1
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 49.04 52.56 53.26 49.33 7.2 -7.4 3.6
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 47.53 49.68 63.40 63.09 4.5 -0.5 4.6
Region XI (Davao Region) 349.05 343.99 173.82 169.35 -1.5 -2.6 12.3
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 127.29 121.77 79.81 58.08 -4.3 -27.2 4.2
Region XIII (Caraga) 58.54 54.16 103.93 117.22 -7.5 12.8 8.5
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in 225.77 229.06 121.44 123.46 1.5 1.7 9.0
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Notes: p – Preliminary
- No production/no change
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
BARMM excludes the Eight Area Clusters
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 3. Volume of Production for Potato by Region
April–June: 2021-2022 and July–September: 2021-2022ᵖ

Production (in metric tons) Year-on-Year Percent

April–June July–September Change (%) Share
2021 2022 2021 2022p Apr–Jun Jul–Sepp
PHILIPPINES 15,628.90 15,117.32 14,428.64 14,288.62 -3.3 -1.0 100.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 13,790.93 13,185.93 9,074.15 8,885.45 -4.4 -2.1 62.2
Region I (Ilocos Region) - - - - - - -
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 337.36 354.01 10.10 10.41 4.9 3.1 0.1
Region III (Central Luzon) - - - - - - -
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) - - - - - - -
MIMAROPA Region - - - - - - -
Region V (Bicol Region) - - - - - - -
Region VI (Western Visayas) - - - - - - -
Region VII (Central Visayas) 0.70 0.40 0.15 0.05 -42.9 -66.7 0.0
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) - - - - - - -
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) - - - - - - -
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 301.51 277.67 2,299.32 2,290.00 -7.9 -0.4 16.0
Region XI (Davao Region) 1,159.45 1,265.03 2,841.90 2,926.72 9.1 3.0 20.5
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 38.95 34.29 203.02 175.99 -12.0 -13.3 1.2
Region XIII (Caraga) - - - - - - -
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in - - - - - - -
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Notes: p - Preliminary
- No production/no change
0.0 - Percent share is less than 0.05 but not zero
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 4. Volume of Production for Cabbage by Region
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and July – September: 2021 – 2022p

Production (in metric tons) Year-on-Year Percent

April–June July–September Change (%) Share
2021 2022 2021 2022p Apr–Jun Jul–Sepp
PHILIPPINES 25,274.80 24,439.58 12,336.83 12,481.34 -3.3 1.2 100.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 20,509.30 19,289.56 7,161.79 7,144.67 -5.9 -0.2 57.2
Region I (Ilocos Region) 852.82 820.75 - - -3.8 - -
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 287.52 371.35 279.09 297.65 29.2 6.7 2.4
Region III (Central Luzon) - - - - - - -
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 244.59 356.52 5.77 75.71 45.8 1,212.1 0.6
MIMAROPA Region 1.50 0.90 - - -40.0 - -
Region V (Bicol Region) 6.78 4.19 10.70 4.25 -38.2 -60.3 0.0
Region VI (Western Visayas) 248.24 254.54 98.30 112.03 2.5 14.0 0.9
Region VII (Central Visayas) 1,256.75 1,423.17 1,611.54 1,748.83 13.2 8.5 14.0
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 20.54 27.52 34.55 33.27 34.0 -3.7 0.3
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 125.87 126.32 104.40 107.10 0.4 2.6 0.9
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 805.17 788.66 1,640.24 1,623.18 -2.1 -1.0 13.0
Region XI (Davao Region) 829.49 896.37 810.65 740.48 8.1 -8.7 5.9
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 75.44 68.54 543.62 561.11 -9.1 3.2 4.5
Region XIII (Caraga) 1.90 2.23 0.33 0.23 17.4 -30.3 0.0
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in 8.88 8.97 35.85 32.83 1.0 -8.4 0.3
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Notes: p - Preliminary
- No production/no change
0.0 - Percent share is less than 0.05 but not zero
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
BARMM excludes the Eight Area Clusters
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 5. Volume of Production for Eggplant by Region
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and July – September: 2021 – 2022p

Production (in metric tons) Year-on-Year Percent

April–June July–September Change (%) Share
2021 2022 2021 2022p Apr–Jun Jul–Sepp
PHILIPPINES 106,656.02 106,865.41 37,766.30 38,630.62 0.2 2.3 100.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 308.46 314.50 107.54 108.25 2.0 0.7 0.3
Region I (Ilocos Region) 63,856.51 65,386.50 618.04 588.84 2.4 -4.7 1.5
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 8,133.44 8,183.84 4,850.62 4,773.38 0.6 -1.6 12.4
Region III (Central Luzon) 7,259.66 7,131.89 2,161.42 2,237.93 -1.8 3.5 5.8
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 1,653.33 1,585.84 11,162.93 11,085.83 -4.1 -0.7 28.7
MIMAROPA Region 2,387.42 2,388.23 1,070.15 1,525.21 a 42.5 3.9
Region V (Bicol Region) 4,232.48 4,239.40 1,288.91 1,318.92 0.2 2.3 3.4
Region VI (Western Visayas) 7,196.89 6,162.81 3,603.16 3,479.62 -14.4 -3.4 9.0
Region VII (Central Visayas) 2,644.91 2,690.48 1,964.64 2,068.86 1.7 5.3 5.4
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 881.27 867.25 835.02 912.67 -1.6 9.3 2.4
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 1,696.92 1,700.77 979.13 1,021.18 0.2 4.3 2.6
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 1,090.59 1,150.81 1,553.86 1,617.51 5.5 4.1 4.2
Region XI (Davao Region) 1,645.04 1,681.81 2,298.50 2,320.07 2.2 0.9 6.0
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 761.94 532.12 2,784.36 2,942.22 -30.2 5.7 7.6
Region XIII (Caraga) 2,825.02 2,764.33 2,258.69 2,398.17 -2.1 6.2 6.2
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in 82.15 84.83 229.33 231.96 3.3 1.1 0.6
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Notes: p - Preliminary
a - less than 0.05 percent increase
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
BARMM excludes the Eight Area Clusters
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 6. Volume of Production for Tomato by Region
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and July – September: 2021 – 2022p

Production (in metric tons) Year-on-Year Percent

April–June July–September Change (%) Share
2021 2022 2021 2022p Apr–Jun Jul–Sepp
PHILIPPINES 76,469.59 71,587.67 27,956.81 29,652.30 -6.4 6.1 100.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 734.02 778.68 211.25 213.65 6.1 1.1 0.7
Region I (Ilocos Region) 28,874.88 24,407.74 329.64 319.23 -15.5 -3.2 1.1
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 7,440.22 7,313.79 961.20 1,002.67 -1.7 4.3 3.4
Region III (Central Luzon) 8,304.96 9,004.09 194.28 193.00 8.4 -0.7 0.7
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 6,506.60 6,162.09 426.51 453.00 -5.3 6.2 1.5
MIMAROPA Region 2,455.81 2,379.55 187.09 271.99 -3.1 45.4 0.9
Region V (Bicol Region) 3,013.80 2,823.78 121.37 118.34 -6.3 -2.5 0.4
Region VI (Western Visayas) 3,047.75 2,438.73 405.89 350.87 -20.0 -13.6 1.2
Region VII (Central Visayas) 2,398.63 2,560.33 847.14 732.85 6.7 -13.5 2.5
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 269.45 239.32 183.25 169.19 -11.2 -7.7 0.6
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 3,200.97 3,258.19 457.51 423.58 1.8 -7.4 1.4
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 7,066.91 7,238.91 20,998.75 22,582.57 2.4 7.5 76.2
Region XI (Davao Region) 2,108.96 2,118.61 729.51 723.11 0.5 -0.9 2.4
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 748.22 582.87 1,657.21 1,809.90 -22.1 9.2 6.1
Region XIII (Caraga) 198.76 184.78 161.91 204.03 -7.0 26.0 0.7
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in 99.65 96.21 84.31 84.32 -3.4 a 0.3
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Notes: p – Preliminary
a - less than 0.05 percent increase
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
BARMM excludes the Eight Area Clusters
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 7. Volume of Production for Ampalaya Fruit by Region
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and July – September: 2021 – 2022ᵖ

Production (in metric tons) Year-on-Year Percent

April–June July–September Change (%) Share
2021 2022 2021 2022p Apr–Jun Jul–Sepp
PHILIPPINES 31,494.92 32,050.91 19,597.81 20,134.70 1.8 2.7 100.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 126.72 123.14 67.56 69.61 -2.8 3.0 0.3
Region I (Ilocos Region) 3,579.73 3,715.89 1,004.39 1,012.57 3.8 0.8 5.0
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 2,201.47 2,242.25 845.33 825.58 1.9 -2.3 4.1
Region III (Central Luzon) 13,289.67 13,920.16 2,786.91 2,661.20 4.7 -4.5 13.2
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 3,988.06 4,033.08 7,076.25 7,371.21 1.1 4.2 36.6
MIMAROPA Region 754.06 682.61 262.28 309.37 -9.5 18.0 1.5
Region V (Bicol Region) 1,966.08 1,803.61 907.76 885.52 -8.3 -2.5 4.4
Region VI (Western Visayas) 1,000.55 909.98 680.44 685.89 -9.1 0.8 3.4
Region VII (Central Visayas) 247.06 239.87 1,598.86 1,793.29 -2.9 12.2 8.9
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 403.32 369.39 465.42 452.20 -8.4 -2.8 2.2
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 1,914.87 1,932.99 1,270.28 1,352.31 0.9 6.5 6.7
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 466.85 529.91 613.18 664.63 13.5 8.4 3.3
Region XI (Davao Region) 837.98 834.13 1,071.94 1,056.46 -0.5 -1.4 5.2
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 126.41 120.54 381.91 359.27 -4.6 -5.9 1.8
Region XIII (Caraga) 545.98 546.35 471.24 540.32 0.1 14.7 2.7
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in 46.10 47.01 94.06 95.27 2.0 1.3 0.5
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Notes: p - Preliminary
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
BARMM excludes the Eight Area Clusters
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 8. Volume of Production for Onion by Region
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and July – September: 2021 – 2022p

Production (in metric tons) Year-on-Year Percent

April–June July–September Change (%) Share
2021 2022 2021 2022p Apr–Jun Jul–Sepp
PHILIPPINES 68,273.80 82,075.98 22.92 23.30 20.2 1.7 100.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) - - - - - - -
Region I (Ilocos Region) 1,902.67 1,865.82 8.04 8.30 -1.9 3.2 35.6
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 712.68 725.81 11.46 11.80 1.8 3.0 50.6
Region III (Central Luzon) 19,745.31 22,631.28 - - 14.6 - -
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 20.87 27.98 - - 34.1 - -
MIMAROPA Region 45,621.34 56,541.88 - - 23.9 - -
Region V (Bicol Region) - - - - - - -
Region VI (Western Visayas) 266.40 280.00 - - 5.1 - -
Region VII (Central Visayas) 1.15 1.43 1.02 1.20 24.3 17.9 5.2
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) - - - - - - -
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) - - - - - - -
Region X (Northern Mindanao) - - - - - - -
Region XI (Davao Region) - - - - - - -
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 2.85 1.25 2.40 2.00 -56.1 -16.7 8.6
Region XIII (Caraga) - - - - - - -
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in 0.53 0.53 - - -0.8 - -
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Notes: p – Preliminary
- No production/no change
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
BARMM excludes the Eight Area Clusters
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 9. Volume of Production for Sweet Potato by Region
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and July – September: 2021 – 2022p

Production (in metric tons) Year-on-Year Percent

April–June July–September Change (%) Share
2021 2022 2021 2022p Apr–Jun Jul–Sepp
PHILIPPINES 157,681.91 163,938.19 135,736.16 138,678.02 4.0 2.2 100.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 1,280.92 1,117.93 2,392.63 2,228.87 -12.7 -6.8 1.6
Region I (Ilocos Region) 4,847.09 4,637.92 1,060.04 1,024.79 -4.3 -3.3 0.7
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 3,011.07 3,161.87 651.53 665.38 5.0 2.1 0.5
Region III (Central Luzon) 28,675.17 32,111.38 2,348.15 2,469.12 12.0 5.2 1.8
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 5,330.68 5,323.13 11,301.07 11,035.31 -0.1 -2.4 8.0
MIMAROPA Region 4,485.62 4,333.11 3,933.52 5,493.37 -3.4 39.7 4.0
Region V (Bicol Region) 48,877.60 49,689.29 14,860.83 14,211.26 1.7 -4.4 10.2
Region VI (Western Visayas) 13,765.42 14,367.21 8,559.54 8,737.04 4.4 2.1 6.3
Region VII (Central Visayas) 2,782.51 3,946.24 4,667.05 4,758.87 41.8 2.0 3.4
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 22,137.81 22,531.93 46,812.09 48,572.40 1.8 3.8 35.0
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 2,426.41 2,508.61 6,013.90 6,130.57 3.4 1.9 4.4
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 5,074.04 5,183.81 11,780.60 11,716.38 2.2 -0.5 8.4
Region XI (Davao Region) 4,351.09 4,243.75 6,133.71 5,972.85 -2.5 -2.6 4.3
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 2,222.55 1,913.48 1,133.39 875.84 -13.9 -22.7 0.6
Region XIII (Caraga) 7,784.58 8,230.88 13,121.42 13,815.58 5.7 5.3 10.0
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in 629.34 637.64 966.69 970.39 1.3 0.4 0.7
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Notes: p - Preliminary
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
BARMM excludes the Eight Area Clusters
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 10. Volume of Production for Cassava by Region
April – June: 2021 – 2022 and July – September: 2021 – 2022p

Production (in metric tons) Year-on-Year Percent

April–June July–September Change (%) Share
2021 2022 2021 2022p Apr–Jun Jul–Sepp
PHILIPPINES 692,600.41 698,627.96 589,432.59 591,059.21 0.9 0.3 100.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 8,771.40 8,783.25 2,993.33 3,092.06 0.1 3.3 0.5
Region I (Ilocos Region) 3,324.47 3,317.75 5,144.98 5,247.83 -0.2 2.0 0.9
Region II (Cagayan Valley) 48,434.18 48,360.32 71,122.15 72,194.94 -0.2 1.5 12.2
Region III (Central Luzon) 6,026.34 6,386.89 3,428.69 3,300.93 6.0 -3.7 0.6
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) 10,601.45 10,417.74 7,600.29 7,638.89 -1.7 0.5 1.3
MIMAROPA Region 9,077.24 9,128.31 6,113.12 6,526.13 0.6 6.8 1.1
Region V (Bicol Region) 29,262.41 27,760.45 19,470.98 19,999.83 -5.1 2.7 3.4
Region VI (Western Visayas) 16,125.67 16,523.06 8,007.27 8,356.83 2.5 4.4 1.4
Region VII (Central Visayas) 8,863.49 8,376.07 6,445.89 6,736.45 -5.5 4.5 1.1
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 19,418.58 21,497.92 31,719.31 32,735.41 10.7 3.2 5.5
Region IX (Zamboanga Peninsula) 23,305.02 23,226.28 29,931.59 29,387.74 -0.3 -1.8 5.0
Region X (Northern Mindanao) 258,034.74 265,389.85 90,838.17 91,708.69 2.9 1.0 15.5
Region XI (Davao Region) 6,414.73 6,402.02 4,788.29 5,025.62 -0.2 5.0 0.9
Region XII (SOCCSKSARGEN) 17,764.52 16,837.19 12,984.09 10,372.57 -5.2 -20.1 1.8
Region XIII (Caraga) 5,481.59 3,771.04 6,035.60 6,098.04 -31.2 1.0 1.0
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in 221,694.59 222,449.82 282,808.83 282,637.25 0.3 -0.1 47.8
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Notes: p - Preliminary
Details may not add up to total due to rounding
BARMM excludes the Eight Area Clusters
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

Table 11. Vegetables and Root Crops: Area Planted/Harvested
Philippines, January – June: 2021–2022

Crop Year-on-Year
2021 2022
Change (%)

Area Planted/Harvested (Ha)

Mung Bean/Mongo 37,108.92 36,915.84 -0.5

Potato 2,488.93 2,509.28 0.8
Cabbage 3,097.02 2,916.83 -5.8
Eggplant 13,572.52 13,620.72 0.4
Tomato 11,535.72 11,014.02 -4.5
Ampalaya Fruit 5,544.54 5,567.79 0.4
Onion 18,317.86 18,434.91 0.6
Bermuda (Red Creole and 15,354.00 15,524.97 1.1
Yellow Granex)
Native 2,963.86 2,909.94 -1.8
Sweet Potato 38,184.22 38,013.13 -0.4
Cassava 109,281.18 108,799.60 -0.4
Note: Details may not add up to total due to rounding
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Crops Production Survey (CrPS)

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(Assistant National Statistician)
Officer-in-Charge, Deputy National Statistician
Sectoral Statistics Office

(Chief Statistical Specialist)
Officer-in-Charge, Assistant National Statistician
Economic Sector Statistics Service


Chief Statistical Specialist

Senior Statistical Specialist


Statistical Specialist II

Statistical Analyst

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