Learning Exercises

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1. Discuss what is fault tolerance with example

= Fault tolerance is one of the basic characteristics of network. Its ability to continue
function or operating uninterrupted despite the failure of one or more of its components. For
example: A twin kidney of the human body if the one kidney is not functioning, the other
one’s allow to continue working and the human body will continue to live.

2. Explain what is Quality of Service and important of it.

= In my own understanding of this Quality of Service (QOS) is it is

a one of the characteristics of a network that providing a quality services to a network like it
can handle the traffic of data, delay of the data,data loss and many more. Provide a priority
for a specific type of data like transmission of online games, video, audio that is the main
goal of QOS and QOS deals with these four parameters to give more better services: Delay,
Jitter, Bandwidth, Reliability.

Without Quality of service, it can clog the networks until the network shuts down
completely, and also we users we can use better our computers or any devices with a good
condition of the network. That is the importance of having a Quality of service.

3. Why important scalability of network in our institutions.

= We all knew that the Scalability of network is essential for enterprise success. Scalability
can easier to acquire more customers and expand the markets globally. Also Scalability is
very helpful for the improvements of our economy institution, and all families institution will
benefit as well, and also to the other institutions. That is why scalability of network is

4. In institution, why important to implement network security?

= Implement network security is really important in every institutions.Why? Because now

a days, there are lot multiple security threats spread across the internet example:
hacker,virus, identity theft etc. which will give us danger like when we have a family business
and there is no implemented network security there is a possibility of data theft and it is
possible also that our business ruined and our family also is affected, but if we have a
implemented network security it can protect/secure us from threats.

Draw an example of network infrastructure that shows the activity of a network.


1. Among the 11 types of network infrastructure, what is the commonly use infrastructure?

= Among the 11 types of network infrastructure, the commonly use infrastructure is the
LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) infrastructure. because it is one of the most simplest types
of network and one of the most original.

2. What do you think is the best network setup among the 11 types of networks?why?

= As an Information Technology student, the best network setup for me among the 11 types
of network is the WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN) . Why? Because it can facilitate
communication, like sharing a lot of information between many devices around the world.
WANs are important also for the international businesses like Diesel,Starbucks,McDonald
and etc., but they are also essential for everyday use. Wide Area Network is has so many
advantages compare to the other types of network.

3. If you are the network administrator , what do yo want to implement in your

institution/organization or in your business?why?

= If i am the network administrator in our business, of course I want to implement the

ENTERPRISE PRIVATE NETWORK. Why? Because EPN this is what is needed when it
comes to businesses, and it provide a protection to the data to be share for example: when
we’re going to transfer the funds between accounts at the same financial institutions, we
need to use the EPN to secure it.

1. Why is network topology important?

= Network topology plays an important role in the operation of a network. It helps reduce
costs of operational and maintenance such as cabling costs.Based also on what I read in the
module, one of the important of network topology is it makes easy for network administrators to
identify failures,troubleshoot,and allocate the network resource, and it can helps also to increase
performance, its maintain the increase of energy efficiency and data transfer rate. That are the
other reasons why network topology is important.

2. What is the advantage of a person having an idea about network topology?

= For me the advantage/s of a person having an idea about network topology is he/she can
implement his/her own network topology to his/her house or office and he/she do not need a
person to implement a network topology, and the second advantage is he/she can make money
with his/her idea about network topology.

3. Draw a hybrid infrastructure using bus, star, mesh, ring and tree network topology.


Decimal number: 105674810
Octal number: 40177548
Binary number: 1000000011111111011002

Decimal calculation
(101FEC)₁₆ = (1 × 16⁵) + (0 × 16⁴) + (1 × 16³) + (15 × 16²) + (14 × 16¹) + (12 × 16 ⁰) =
Octal calculation
= 1 0000 0001 1111 1110 1100
= 100 000 001 111 111 101 100
= 4017754
Binary calculation
= 0001 0000 0001 1111 1110 1100
= 000100000001111111101100
Decimal number: 1010
Octal number: 128
hexadecimal number: A16
binary to decimal
(1010)₂ = (1 × 2³) + (0 × 2²) + (1 × 2¹) + (0 × 2 ⁰) = (10) ₁₀
Binary to octal
= 1 010
= 12
Binary to hexadecimal
= 1010

binary number: 111110112
Octal number: 3738
hexadecimal number: FB16

decimal to binary
Division Remainder
by 2 Quotient (Digit) Bit #
(251)/2 125 1 0
(125)/2 62 1 1
(62)/2 31 0 2
(31)/2 15 1 3
(15)/2 7 1 4
(7)/2 3 1 5
(3)/2 1 1 6
(1)/2 0 1 7
= (11111011)2
Decimal to octal
Division Remainder
by 8 Quotient (Digit) Digit #
(251)/8 31 3 0
(31)/8 3 7 1
(3)/8 0 3 2
= (373)8
Decimal to hexadecimal
Division Remainder
by 16 Quotient (Digit) Digit #
(251)/16 15 11 0
(15)/16 0 15 1
= (FB)16
Decimal number: 1110
Octal number: 138
Hexadecimal number: B16

Binary to Decimal
(1011)₂ = (1 × 2³) + (0 × 2²) + (1 × 2¹) + (1 × 2 ⁰) = (11) ₁₀
Binary to Octal
= 1 011
= 13
Binary to Hexadecimal
= 1011
5.)1111 1001
Decimal number: 24910
Octal number: 3718
Hexadecimal number: F916

Binary to Decimal
(11111001)₂ = (1 × 2⁷) + (1 × 2⁶) + (1 × 2⁵) + (1 × 2 ⁴) + (1 × 2³) + (0 × 2²) + (0 × 2¹) + (1 × 2 ⁰)
= (249)₁₀
Binary to Octal
= 11 111 001
= 371
Binary to Hexadecimal
= 1111 1001
= F9

1. What is the subnet mask of 192. 168. 1.1/24

= 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
255 255 255 0
Solution: 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 255

The subnet mask of /24 is

2. Find the subnet mask of /21

= 11111111.11111111.11111000.00000000
255 255 248 0
Solution: 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 = 248

The subnet mask of /21 is

3. Subnet mask of /20

= 11111111.11111111.11110000.00000000
255 255 240 0
Solution: 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 = 240

The subnet mask of /20 is

Submitted by: Lazo, Henry D. BSIT 2-C

Submitted to: Mr. Joshua Tizon


S.Y. 2022-2023

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