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Let us know first, what really is Covid 19? It is a group of viruses known as coronaviruses
that can make people sick with respiratory conditions. The virus’s surface is covered in spikes
that resemble crowns, the reason they are called corona. It’s virus can spread in multiple ways
like breathing in air when near a carrier of the virus who is inhaling microscopic droplets and
particles or using hands that have the virus on them to touch the mouth, nose, or eyes.

These viruses are often found in animals lie bats, cats and camel. The viruses exist in the
animals but do not infect them. These viruses can occasionally spread to affect several animal
species. As they spread to other species, viruses have the potential to evolve. The virus
eventually has the ability to spread from animal to human species. The initial SARS-CoV-19
infections are believed to have occurred in a food market that sold meat, fish, and live animals.

Covid 19 greatly affect the physical, mental and psychological health of individual.
People who already have heart issues become infected, which can cause the typical symptoms of
shortness of breath, palpitations, and a rapid heartbeat. According to Fallesen, here in the
Philippines, aside to the health problems, half of the respondents found that women and men
were equally affected by job and income losses, while 29% found that women were more
affected. Women were also identified as one of the groups most in need of assistance because of

Even if these pandemic lie lows it still leaves anxiety, fear, sadness and lonelinesss to the
people. A lot of income opportunities get wasted and individual who loss their lives fighting
covid 19. For us to prevent Covid 19 we should always keep our distance, wear mask, get
vaccinated, use alcohol inside and outsise and stay home always because even though the
pandemic lie lows rights now here in our country, we can not still erase the fact that covid 19 is
still there.

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