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We, the students of Dr. Vicente Orestes Romualdez Education Foundation, Inc. (DVOREF) -
College of Law, do hereby constitute the Circulus Legis in order to defend the welfare of the
Student Body, advocate for policy changes for the benefit of the Student Body, and promote
shared student governance, consistent with the established rules and regulations of the DVOREF
College of Law and the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.


Section 1. Name. The student council established under this Constitution and Bylaws shall be
known as the DVOREF College of Law- Circulus Legis (hereinafter “Circulus Legis” or “CL”).
Section 2. Definition. Circulus Legis is an independent, student-run and highest representative
organ established to further DVOREF College of Law students’ rights and shall consist of the
constituted bodies under this Constitution. It shall be geared towards establishing a democratic
student council that shall unite the whole student body, protect and preserve the rights and
interests of every student, promote peace and cooperation based on liberty and justice, and
encourage involvement in the college and in the society with the vision of forming lawyers for
Section 3. Authority. All power vested in this Constitution shall be derived from the Student Body
of DVOREF College of Law. Circulus Legis shall have the authority to speak and act on behalf of
the Student Body, and shall be empowered to pass resolutions to express the will of the Student
Section 4. Membership. All students officially enrolled in the DVOREF College of Law shall be
members of the Circulus Legis. Membership shall commence upon the completion by an
individual of the enrolment process and the same shall terminate upon the loss of official current
student status, whether permanent or temporary.
Section 5. Compensation. No member of the Circulus Legis shall receive monetary compensation
for their services.
Section 6. Non-Discrimination Clause. Circulus Legis shall guarantee that rights established
under this Constitution be exercised without discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, gender
identification, political or religious affiliations, age, and socioeconomic status.


Section 1. The Circulus Legis believes in the following:

1.1 That education is a constitutional right and therefore equal opportunities and access
to education must be afforded to every citizen of the Republic of the Philippines;

1.2 That education should enhance creative and critical thinking and the ability to make
free, full and informed judgment; and
1.3 That the DVOREF College of Law, as an academic institution in the legal profession
dedicated to public service, is equipped to produce future lawyers that are responsive to
the needs and aspirations of Filipino communities especially in Eastern Visayas.

Section 2. The Circulus Legis shall, at all times, strive to:

2.1 Defend and promote the rights and general welfare of the Student Body;
2.2 Serve as an active forum for student ideas and sentiments;
2.3 Represent the Student Body in policy making endeavors of administration regarding
matters that affect its interest;
2.4 Develop the students’ talents, expertise, and abilities especially in the field of
2.5 Promote healthy and competitive relationships with the students from other colleges
and universities through activities enhancing academic knowledge and training;
2.6 Engender camaraderie, honor, and excellence together with other school organizations
as herein established;
2.7 Promote venues for effective community-based outreach programs; and,
2.8 Develop a sense of service and responsibility among the students for the welfare of


Section 1. Rights. All bona fide students of the DVOREF College of Law shall have the right to:
1.1 Invoke the rights, privileges, and immunities that the student possesses and reserves
inherently or through the laws and issuances of the Republic of the Philippines;

1.2 Vote in the annual election of Circulus Legis officers;

1.3 Participate in activities conducted by the student council or of any student

organization in the College of Law;

1.4 Demand an audit for monies, donations, bequeaths, and pledges solicited from the
Student Body, by any law student organization duly accredited by the Student Affairs
Office of the DVOREF College of Law;

1.5 Freely express his or her opinions and suggestions and to participate in the
deliberations of issues involving the student body’s welfare and interest;

1.6 Avail of the services and facilities offered by the student council and the College;

1.7 Participate in the General Assembly and in all activities of the Circulus Legis through
proper venues and proceedings as may be prescribed by the latter, and

1.8 Be informed of the material information which affect the interest of the student body.
Section 2. Obligations of the members. It shall be the obligation of every member to:
2.1 Observe at all times the rules and regulations set forth by the College and the Council
and the laws of the land;
2.2 Uphold the virtue of academic excellence, integrity, and justice;
2.3 Pay his or her rightful dues to the organization on time so as not to prejudice its
activities and undertakings; and,
2.4 Protect the interest of the organization and its welfare.


Section 1. The Circulus Legis shall be composed of the following:

1.1 Executive Branch
1.2 House of Representatives
1.3 Student Tribunal
1.4 Constitutional Commissions, comprised of:
1.4.1 Commission on Elections
1.4.2 Commission on Audit
Section 2. Elected officers.
2.1 Only the President, Vice President, Executive Secretary, and Treasurer are elected at
large every academic year in accordance with the rules promulgated by the Commission
on Elections.
2.2 The House of Representatives shall be composed of not less than five (5) members,
unless otherwise fixed by law, who shall be elected from each legislative district
apportioned among the year levels.
Each legislative district with a population of eighty (80) students is entitled to two (2)
representatives. One seat shall be added for every additional eighty (80) students enrolled
in the year level.
The number of allocated seats shall be determined by the Commission on Elections
(COMELEC) and the same shall be posted in the official bulletin board and in other
conspicuous places in the College of Law at least thirty (30) days following the opening of
classes in the first semester and shall remain posted until the start of the campaign period.
2.3 All other officers are appointed in accordance with Article V, VII, and VIII of this
Section 3. Interim Student Government. In no case shall the Circulus Legis be dissolved or
rendered inoperative. In case of failure of elections, an interim student government comprised of
the Council of Class Presidents shall be organized temporarily to assume the duties and
responsibilities of the House of Representatives and shall act as an active forum for student ideas
and sentiments in relation to policies that will affect the interest of the Student Body. They shall
elect among themselves a presiding officer who shall preside over their official meetings. The
period of service of the interim government shall expire upon the election of the regular members
of the Executive Department and the House of Representatives.


Section 1. The Executive Department.

1.1 The Executive powers of the Circulus Legis shall be vested in the Executive Department.
1.2 The Executive Department shall be the highest policy making body of the council and
shall be composed of the President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and
Chairmen of the executive committees.
1.3 It shall have at least two regular monthly sessions, the date and time to be agreed by
the Executive Department sitting en banc. In case of extreme necessity; however, the
President upon the request of at least 1/3 of the entire membership, may convene the
Executive Department in a special session.
Section 2. Composition.
2.1 The Executive Department shall be composed of the President, Vice-President,
Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and the Chairmen of the executive committees.
Section 3. The Executive Department shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
3.1 Coordinate and operationalize the program of action set by the Circulus Legis,
3.2 Formulate a General Plan of Action before the start of the academic year,
3.3 Shall submit the annual budget for the operations of the Circulus Legis in accordance
with its General Plan of Action to be approved by a majority vote of the members of the
House of Representatives.
3.4 Formulate, revise and approve policies and programs of action of the council.
Section 4. Office of the President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the student
council. It shall be his/her duty to:
4.1 Act as the official representative of the Circulus Legis in its relations with the
administration, the faculty, the public and with any other organization in and outside the
4.2 Supervise over the entire executive department,
4.3 Ensure that the provisions of this Constitution be enforced,
4.4 Act as the presiding officer during regular and special meetings of the Circulus Legis,
4.5 Shall be a signatory to all transactions, agreements or contracts entered into by the
Circulus Legis in behalf of its general membership,
4.6 Shall have the sole authority to approve or veto any enactment, on valid grounds, no
later than 10 days after it has been passed by House of Representatives. A veto may be
overridden within five days by a vote of 2/3 of the House of Representatives,
4.7 Submit a general report on the activities of the Council to the student body to be posted
in conspicuous places in the college and to be published in the official publication at least
at the end of every academic year,
4.8 Shall make a State of the Council Address to the student body in a general assembly
called for that purpose, at least once before the end of the academic year,
4.9 Shall handle grievance cases, provided that the President is not the subject and not
involved in such case, otherwise, such case will be handled by the House of
Representatives, and
5.10 Perform duties and functions of his/her office.
Section 5. Office of the Vice President. The Vice-President shall have the second highest seat in
the Executive Department. It shall be his/her duty to:
5.1 Serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives,
5.2 Convene the House of Representatives in at least one (1) regular monthly session,
5.3 Act as the presiding officer of the House of Representatives in all forms of formal
gathering it conducts,
5.4 Assist the President in all matters where his/her assistance is required and,
5.5 Take over the function of the President, whenever his/her office is vacant by reason of
his/her death, resignation, removal, suspension, illness, absence, or physical or mental
incapacity or his/her failure to qualify for office.
Section 6. Office of the Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary shall:
6.1 Take charge of the safekeeping of the records of the Council,
6.2 Prepare, sign or attest, record in a book and file communications, resolutions,
documents and notices of meetings pertaining to the Council upon consultation with the
6.3 Assist the President in preparing the agenda for the meetings,
6.4 Take down the minutes of all meetings of the Council and shall certify the same,
6.5 Ensure that all members of the Council be informed or be furnished with copies of the
minutes of all meetings,
6.6 Take charge of the preparation of posters, announcements, or bulletins relative to
authorized activities of the Council,
6.7 Take charge of the information dissemination of any updates or instruction to the
student body through SMS and other social networking sites;
6.8 Take charge of the information dissemination of the general reports of the Council to
be posted in conspicuous places in the college and published in the official publication at
least at the end of every academic year,
6.9 Facilitate the formal turn-over of Circulus Legis documents from the outgoing
administration to the incoming administration and,
6.10 Perform such other duties as the council or President may assign to him/her.
Section 7. Office of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall:
7.1 Act as the custodian of and deposit the funds of the Circulus Legis to the designated
financial institution,
7.2 Act as cosignatory with the President of any financial transactions entered by the
student council,
7.3 Collect and receive contributions, materials and all other resources intended
exclusively for the Circulus Legis and issue receipts on every item thereof,
7.4 Keep an updated record of the cash inflow and outflow of the funds of the student
7.5 Prepare and report to the President and House of Representatives the availability or
non-availability of funds for general or special appropriations and shall assist the
President in the drafting of the annual budget.
7.6 Disburse the same in accordance with an appropriation of the Circulus Legis,
7.7 Submit a financial report at the end of each semester to the council which shall be
published by the student publication and,
7.8 Supervise all business and fund-raising activities of the student council,
7.9 Perform such other duties as the President may assign.
Section 8. Office of the Year Level Representative.
The Year Level Representative shall:
8.1 Be an automatic member of the House of Representatives,
8.2 Act as the official representatives of their respective year-levels and shall report to their
constituents the activities of the Circulus Legis as well as the resolutions and collective acts
of the student council.
8.3 Be the convener of the Class Presidents of all classes in his/her respective year- level.
All Class Presidents in each respective year-level shall automatically become part of the
Office of the Year Level Representative as duly recognized Circulus Legis officers. Each
class president shall also sit ex-officio as members of the Executive Committees.
8.4 Should a Year Level Representative be appointed as Committee Chairperson in the
Executive Department, such representative does not lose or relinquish his or her other
powers and responsibilities. As such, the representative will have a seat in both the
Executive Department and the House of Representatives.
Section 9. There shall be a Year Level Representative who will become the Chairperson of the
Committee on Student Rights and Welfare, Committee on Student Organizations and Sports
Development, Committee on Basic Services, and Committee on External Affairs and Social
Involvement, respectively.
Section 10. A Year Level Representative shall only be eligible to become Chairperson of the
committees of the Executive Department to be appointed by the President, upon the
recommendation of the House of Representatives. Within 15 days upon assumption into office,
the House of Representatives shall submit to the President at least two candidates for
Chairpersonship of each Committee.
Section 11. Nomination of Chairpersonship shall not be closed until there have been at least two
candidates named, except by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the House of
Representative present at the meeting.
Section 12. The Chairperson of each executive committee shall serve for one academic year.
Section 13. Ad Hoc Committees other than those specified in this Constitution may be created
from time to time by the President.
Section 14. The Chairperson of executive committees shall have the power to choose their
respective committee members. Membership in committees shall be open to the Student Body.
Section 15. Vacancy
15.1 “Permanent vacancy” exists when the office or member has been vacated by reason of
death, resignation, expulsion from the College, or a permanent illness preventing him
from performing the functions of his or her office.
15.2 “Temporary vacancy” exists when the office or member has been vacated by reason of
temporary mental or physical incapacity, detention or any other reason that leaves the
possibility of resuming his or her duties before the expiration of his or her term.
15.3 Any permanent vacancy in the Office of the President shall be filled by the Vice-
President, provided that if the permanent vacancy occurs in the Office of the Vice
President for any cause or by reason of his/her assumption to the Office as President, the
House of Representatives shall elect among its members a new Vice-President.
15.4 Should both the President and Vice-President be temporarily incapacitated, the
remaining members of the House of Representatives shall elect from among the
representatives an acting President and Vice-President both of whom shall relinquish their
positions upon return of the permanent officers. In no case shall the Circulus Legis be
dissolved or rendered inoperative.
15.5 If a permanent or temporary vacancy occurs in the Office of the Executive Secretary
and/ or the Office of the Treasurer, the President shall have the power to appoint any bona
fide student from the College as a replacement.
15.5 If a permanent or temporary vacancy occurs in the Office of a Year Level
Representative, the Class Presidents of all classes in his/her respective year- level shall
elect among themselves as to who shall succeed to his/her office.
Section 16. Qualifications of the President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and
Year Level Representatives
16.1 The President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and the Year Level
Representatives must be a currently enrolled student of the College of Law with a
residency of at least one (1) semester in the College on the day immediately preceding the
day of the election. Provided further, that if he or she is a first year law student, he or she
must have enrolled the required maximum prescribed load at the time of the filing of his
or her certificate of candidacy.
16.2 The above-mentioned officers shall not have been previously suspended for an offense
involving moral turpitude.
Section 17. Term of office. The officers shall serve for a term of one academic year, which shall
begin on the first Monday immediately succeeding the date of elections, unless otherwise provided
by law. The formal turn-over ceremony shall take place within 15 days after the new President
assumes office.


Section 1. The House of Representatives. The Legislative powers of the Circulus Legis shall be
vested in the House of Representatives.
Section 2. The House of Representatives shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
2.1 Shall formulate a legislative agenda before the start of the academic year.
2.2 Shall formulate with the Executive Department a General Plan of Activities before the
start of the academic year,
2.3 Shall submit to the President its recommendations for Chairpersonship of the different
executive committees,
2.4 Shall pass all House of Representative bills to be enacted and resolved through a simple
majority vote of the members sitting en banc,
2.5 Shall be responsible for the appropriation and adjustments of funds of the Executive
2.6 Shall be responsible for the direct implementation and monitoring of provisions in the
policy or programs affecting their respective year-levels, in close coordination with the
Executive Department, and
2.7 Shall exercise special powers individually or as a cluster, delegated to it by the
President for emergency situations requiring intervention outside the normal exercise of
their powers in the House of Representatives.
Section 3. The House of Representatives shall be composed of the Vice President, Year Level
Representatives, and Legislative Secretary.
Section 4. A Legislative Secretary shall be appointed by the Vice-President, subject to the
concurrence of the majority of the House of Representatives. He or she shall be a Year Level
Representative not holding any other position in the Executive Department. The Legislative
Secretary shall be responsible in documenting in the journal all the proceedings and other records
in the House of Representative and shall also work with the Treasurer on fiscal matters.
Section 5. Enactments and House of Representatives Bills
5.1 Every enactment shall be an extension to the law.
5.2 Every bill, to be enacted or resolved, passed by the House of Representatives shall
embrace only one subject which shall be expressed in the title thereof.
5.3 Resolutions shall be made to serve purposes of single academic year tenure while
enactments, unless amended, shall be permanent provisions of the law.
5.4 Every bill shall be signed by the President for approval. Otherwise, he/she shall veto it
and may be overridden within five (5) days after the veto by a vote of at least 2/3 of the
House of Representatives, sitting en banc.
5.5 If the President fails to sign or communicate his or her veto within 30 days, the
enactment shall become a law as if it had been signed.
5.6 No bill shall become enacted unless it passes three readings on separate days, and
printed copies thereof must be distributed to all the members of the House of
Representatives a day before its passage, except when the President certifies that it is
necessary to expedite the immediate enactment to meet an emergency.
Section 6. Term of office. The officers shall serve for a term of one academic year, which shall
begin on the first Monday immediately succeeding the date of elections, unless otherwise provided
by law. The formal turn-over ceremony shall take place within 15 days after the new President
assumes office.
Section 7. Disciplinary Measures. The House of Representatives may determine the rules and
regulations of its proceedings, discipline its Members for disorderly behavior, and with the
concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of all its Members suspend or expel a member, in accordance with
the internal rules.


Section 1. The Student Tribunal. The Judicial powers of the Circulus Legis shall be vested in the
Student Tribunal. Judicial power denotes also the obligation of the Tribunal to settle actual
controversies involving student rights which are demandable and enforceable, and to ascertain
whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction on the part of Executive Department, the House of Representatives and the
Constitutional Commissions.
Section 2. Composition. The Student Tribunal shall be composed of a Chief Justice and the four
(4) Associate Justices of the different year-levels; provided that under this Article, the fourth and
fifth year level shall be counted as one year level. Each year level shall have one (1) justice.
Section 3. Appointment.
3.1. The Chief Justice shall be appointed by the President of the outgoing administration
and subject to the approval of the outgoing House of Representatives by a majority vote.
3.2. The Associate Justices shall be nominated by the respective incoming Representatives
of each year level upon recommendation of their respective Class Presidents, to be
approved by the incoming President.
Section 4. Powers and Responsibilities.
4.1. The Student Tribunal shall be responsible for the strict observance of this Constitution
in all levels of governance.
4.2 The Tribunal shall enhance, support, and sustain the consciousness and involvement
of the College of Law studentry in the promotion and preservation of this constitution.
4.3 The Tribunal may conduct an independent inquiry on any petition questioning the
validity or constitutionality of any enactment passed by the House of Representatives and
approved by the President.
4.4 The Tribunal must conduct the inquiry within a period of fifteen (15) days, after which
it must furnish a written copy of its findings to the President. In cases where the Tribunal
finds the petition result valid, it shall declare that the enactment is invalid or
unconstitutional and shall require the House of Representatives to convene in order to
review the enactment in question.
4.5 In cases of appeals, new evidence supporting such must be presented to the Student
Tribunal before another inquiry may transpire. All petitions for reconsideration shall be
decided within 48 hours from the receipt of the copy thereof.
4.6 All issues involving the Constitutionality of an enactment, resolution, or decision shall
be required to be heard en banc, and be decided with the concurrence of a majority of the
Justices who took part in the deliberation on the issue and voted thereon.
4.7 The Chief Justice shall have no voting powers except when there is a tie in the votes of
the members.
Section 5. Qualifications of the Chief Justice and Justices.
5.1 The Chief Justice must be a currently enrolled student of the College of Law with a
residency of at least two (2) years in the College.
5.2 The Associate Justices must have the year-level status of the year-level that he/she
represents, as certified by the Dean of the College of Law.
5.3 The Chief Justice and the Associate Justices must be of proven capacity, integrity,
probity and independence.
Section 6. The Student Tribunal shall have a Secretary, appointed by the Chief Justice, and shall
keep a record of its proceedings.
Section 7. Vacancy. Should there be a vacancy by reason of his/her death, resignation, removal,
suspension, illness, absence, or physical or mental incapacity or his/her failure to qualify for
office, the Chief Justice shall be succeeded by the most senior Justice. The latter’s position shall
then be filled by an appointee of the new Chief Justice within 15 days from the latter’s assumption
of office. The vacancy in the position of Associate Justice shall be filled by an appointee of the
current Chief Justice.
Section 8. Term of office. All members of the Student Tribunal shall serve for one (1) academic
year and appointment shall be done annually.


A. Common Provisions
Section 1. Composition. There shall be two (2) independent Constitutional Commissions
composed of the following:
1.1 Commission on Elections; and
1.2 Commission on Audit.
Section 2. No officer of a Constitutional Commission shall, during his or her tenure, hold any other
office in the student council.
Section 3. The Constitutional Commissions shall appoint their officers and recruit their volunteers
in accordance with this Constitution and the rules and regulations duly promulgated by them.
Section 4. The Commissions shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. Their approved annual appropriations,
if any, shall be automatically released, provided that all amounts not expended shall be returned
to the funds of the Student Council; provided further that the Commissions shall submit an annual
financial report in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Commission on Audit. Failure to
submit a financial report shall be a ground for the Circulus Legis to withhold said funds until
compliance therewith.
Fiscal autonomy shall be defined as the prohibition on the imposition of restrictions and
constraints on the manner the independent constitutional offices allocate and utilize the funds
appropriated for their operations.
Section 5. All proceedings will be presided over by the Chairperson of each Constitutional
Commission, who will also serve as the Commission's spokesperson.
Section 6 The Commissioners of each Constitutional Commission shall determine the frequency
and the time of their meetings. If deemed appropriate, every Commissioner of each Constitutional
Commission can call special meetings.

B. Commission on Elections
Section 1. Composition and Qualifications. There shall be an independent Commission on
Elections (COMELEC) composed of Commissioners representing each year level, who shall be
bona fide students of the College of Law at the time of the election and must have a regular subject
load for that particular semester immediately preceding their appointment to the Commission.
Section 2. Appointment Process and Disqualification. The Commissioners shall be appointed by
the President of the student council from the list submitted for the purpose by the previous
members of the Commission preceding the appointment. The Commissioners shall be appointed
through the following process:
2.1 The Commission shall nominate three (3) students per year level to be screened for
inclusion to the preliminary pool of candidates within the first ten (10) academic days
following the first day of classes.
2.2 In the event that less than twelve (12) students qualify for the shortlist, the Commission
shall pass a resolution to extend the nomination period until such time that at least twelve
(12) candidates qualify for the shortlist. The occurrence of this fact shall be communicated
to the President as soon as practicable.
2.3 The process in the preceding paragraph shall be dispensed with only when there have
been at least fifteen (15) students who qualified for the shortlist; Provided, the President
upon being informed, waives such process.
2.4 In the event that at least fifteen (15) students qualify for the shortlist, the Chairperson
of the Commission shall communicate said list to the President and the latter shall choose
the Commissioners within three (3) calendar days.
Section 3. Period of service. All the Commissioners shall serve for one (1) academic year and their
appointment shall be done annually.
Section 4. Vacancy. If there is a vacancy or vacancies, as the case may be, in the office of the
Commissioners, the President of the Council shall appoint a Commissioner or Commissioners, as
the case may be, from the list submitted for the purpose by all of the sitting Commissioners. The
newly selected Commissioner or Commissioners shall be appointed through the following
4.1 The Commission shall nominate three (3) students, belonging to the year level in which
the vacancy occurred, who shall be screened within the first ten (10) academic days
following the vacancy; provided that a separate nomination shall be held for each vacant
position; provided further, that in case of multiple vacancies, there can be multiple
nominations in a single meeting called for that purpose.
4.2 In the event that only one (1) qualifies for the shortlist for the vacancy of a
Commissioner representing a particular year level, the Commission shall enact a law to
extend the nomination period until such time that at least two (2) candidates qualify for
the shortlist. The occurrence of this fact shall be communicated to the President as soon
as practicable.
4.3 The process in the preceding paragraph shall be dispensed with only when there have
been at least three (3) individuals who qualified for the shortlist; Provided, the President
upon being informed, waives such process.
4.4 In the event that at least three (3) individuals qualify for the shortlist, the Chairperson
of the Commission shall communicate said list to the President, and the latter shall choose
within three (3) academic days the Commissioner who shall fill the vacancy.
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraphs, such vacancy or vacancies must be filled
within thirty (30) days from the occurrence thereof, except during the thirty (30)-day
period immediately preceding the regular elections, in which case the vacancy shall only
be filled after five (5) days from the proclamation of the winners.
Section 5. Powers and functions. The Commission shall have the following powers and functions:
5.1 To prepare and conduct elections and plebiscites as provided for in this Constitution;
5.2 To exert all efforts to ensure a speedy, accurate and secure method for protecting the
sanctity of the ballot;
5.3 To promulgate, enforce, and administer all rules and regulations relative to the
conduct of an election or plebiscite;
5.4 To determine the number and location of the polling places, the appointment of
election officials and poll watchers;
5.5 To register and accredit political parties subject to the conditions provided for in the
rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission;
5.6 To impose effective measures to minimize election expenses and all forms of election
frauds and malpractices, political opportunism, character assassination and other forms
of defamation, mudslinging, or other similar acts;
5.7 To have original and exclusive jurisdiction over election protests and controversies;
5.8 To promulgate its own rules of procedure in the discharge of its powers and functions;
5.9 To publish the results of the elections and to proclaim the winners thereof; and
5.10 To perform such other functions as it may deem necessary as may be provided by law.
Section 6. Administrative Group. For the purposes of carrying out its functions, the Commission
shall create an Administrative Group, which shall be composed of volunteers.
Section 7. Source of funds. The funds to be used by the Commission shall be ten percent (10%)
of the developmental fund allocated to the Council.

Section 8. Campaign period. The campaign period shall not be earlier than thirty (30) days prior
to the date of the election. No campaign shall be allowed a day before the election.
Section 9. Election, when held. The election of officers shall be held not later than forty-five (45)
from the first day of classes of each academic year.
Section 10. Compliance. Any person or political party intending to run in the election must comply
with the rules and regulations as may be provided by the Commission.
Section 11. Random Manual Audit. There shall be a manual audit of the precinct vote count results
generated by the voting system used for the election. It shall be held in one randomly selected
precinct from each of the legislative districts of the DVOREF College of Law. The conduct of the
Random Manual Audit (RMA) by the COMELEC shall be governed by the following:
11.1 At least one clustered precinct in every legislative district shall be randomly selected
for the RMA;
11. 2 The COMELEC shall organize the RMA Committee which shall ensure that the RMA
proceeds in an efficient, credible, and transparent manner;
11.3 A Commissioner shall be assigned to oversee the preparation and conduct of the RMA;
11.4 The RMA shall be commenced within twenty-four (24) hours following the official
termination of the electoral vote count, regardless of whether there are electoral protests
filed before the Commission;
11.5 The results of the RMA are not the official election results. In no way shall the results
of the RMA delay the proclamation of the winning candidates based on the results reached
by the election system used; and
11.6 The Commission may promulgate its own rules of procedure as may be necessary and
incidental to the conduct and implementation of the RMA.
Section 12. Election protests. In case of contests:
12.1 All election cases shall be heard by of all the Commissioners;
12.2 All election cases shall be decided with the concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) of
all the present members; and
12.3 All election protests shall be filed before the Commission within ten (10) days after
proclamation of the winning candidates and shall be decided within ten (10) academic
days from the date of filing of the complaint.

C. Commission on Audit
Section 1. Composition. There shall be an independent Commission on Audit (COA) composed of
a Chairperson and two (2) Commissioners who shall be bona fide students of the College of Law
at the time of the election and must have a regular subject load for that particular semester
immediately preceding their appointment. If practicable, the members of the Commission must
be Certified Public Accountants.
Section 2. Appointment Process. The Commissioners shall be appointed by the President of the
Circulus Legis from the list submitted for the purpose by the Commission. The Commissioners
shall be appointed through the following process:
2.1 The COA shall nominate five (5) students for inclusion in the shortlist.
2.2 Upon furnishing a shortlist, the Commission shall send the same to the President and
the latter shall choose three (3) candidates within three (3) school days upon receipt of the
2.3 The President shall send letters of appointment to the three (3) chosen candidates and
the latter shall communicate within three (3) days their acceptance or refusal of the
2.4 In cases where a candidate chosen by the President declines, in his or her discretion,
may choose to appoint any person not initially chosen from the shortlist previously
submitted by the Commission or he or she may mandate the Commission to submit a
different list of three (3) nominees following the procedure in the next two preceding
Provided, That the initial members of this Commission upon the election of officers in the
election immediately following the ratification of this Constitution shall be appointed by
the President upon the recommendation of the House of Representatives.
Section 3. Qualifications and Disqualifications. No student shall be appointed as Commissioner
unless he or she is currently enrolled in the College. For the entire academic year and in the
semester preceding the appointment, the Commissioners must not have received a failing grade
in any subject.
The following are grounds for disqualification from becoming a member of the COA:
3.1 Any bona fide student of DVOREF College of Law who, upon application, holds a
position in the Student Council;
3.2 Any bona fide student of DVOREF College of Law who, upon application, holds an
elected position as class representative; and
3.3 Anyone with an academic and/or disciplinary charge resulting to suspension,
dismissal, or expulsion as provided in the Student Handbook.
Section 4. Forfeiture of Membership or Removal. The following are grounds for automatic
forfeiture of membership in the Commission:
4.1 Filing a certificate of candidacy for any position in the Student Council;
4.2 Holding office in any other Constitutional body;
4.3 Dismissal, leave or suspension for more than thirty (30) days from the College, or
otherwise ceasing to be a student thereof; and
4.4 Other grounds provided in the preceding section.
Section 5. Period of service. All the Commissioners shall serve for one (1) academic year and
appointment shall be done annually.
Section 6. Vacancy. Any vacancy in the position of Chairperson by reason of resignation,
disqualification, removal, or permanent incapacity during the academic year shall be filled by
either of the two (2) Commissioners. The Acting Chairperson shall perform and discharge all the
functions of the Chairperson for the remainder of the term.
Any permanent vacancy created in the like manner among the positions of Commissioner shall
be filled by appointment of the Chairperson. Such vacancy must be filled within thirty (30) days
from the occurrence thereof.
Section 7. Powers and Functions. The Commission on Audit shall have the following powers and
7.1 Promulgate accounting and auditing rules and regulations including those for the
prevention of irregular, unnecessary, extravagant or excessive expenditures or uses of
funds and properties of the Circulus Legis and Constitutional Commissions;
7.2 Examine and audit all accounts pertaining to the revenues and receipts of, and
expenditures of the Circulus Legis and Constitutional Commissions;
7.3 Keep the general accounts of the Circulus Legis and Constitutional Commissions for
such period as it may deem necessary;
7.4 Preserve the vouchers and supporting documents pertaining thereto;
7.5 Recommend to the House of Representatives for the prevention of irregular,
unnecessary, extravagant or excessive expenditures or uses of funds or properties of the
Circulus Legis and Constitutional Commissions; and
7.6 Publish the Audit Report at the end of the academic year pertaining to the revenues
and receipts of, and expenditures of the Circulus Legis and Constitutional Commissions.
7.7 Examine and audit all accounts pertaining to the revenues and receipts of, and
expenditures in relation to the monies, donations, bequeaths, and pledges solicited from
the Student Body, by any law student organization duly accredited by the Student Affairs
Office of the DVOREF College of Law;
7.8 Furnish the Student Tribunal of its findings and Audit Report in relation to Section 7.7
of this Article for the prevention of irregular expenditures or uses of monies, donations,
bequeaths, and pledges solicited from the Student Body by any law student organization
duly accredited by the Student Affairs Office of the DVOREF College of Law, and for the
recommendation of imposition of appropriate sanctions.
Section 8. Source of fund. The funds to be used by the COA shall be based on their submitted
budget proposal subject to the approval of the Council.

Section 1. Quorum, how counted. Unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, a simple
majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by the
general members present and voting at a meeting at which there lies a quorum shall be valid as
an act of the entire body.
Section 2. Open Session. Sessions of the Council shall be open to all students of the DVOREF
College of Law. However, non-council members cannot participate in the deliberations.


Section 1. Circulus Legis officers must at all times be accountable to the members, serve them with
paramount dependability, honesty, loyalty, and competency, and do all with justice.
Section 2. If an Executive Department or House of Representatives member fails to attend four
regular sessions or five special sessions without informing the body of his or her status or the
reasons why he or she has not been attending or working, he or she shall automatically be dropped
from the roll. He or she shall henceforth cease to be a member of the Circulus Legis.
Section 3. Any member of the Circulus Legis may be expelled or suspended, for any of the
following causes:
3.1 Any willful violation of this Constitution,
3.2 Gross misconduct,
3.3 Gross neglect of duties,
3.4 Malversation of funds,
3.5 Any disorderly behavior during any council sessions, and
3.6 Any other form of misconduct which undermines the integrity of the Circulus Legis.
Section 4. For purposes of expulsion, an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all the members
of the House of Representatives shall be required. The House of Representatives shall have the
exclusive power to initiate all cases of expulsion.
Section 5. For purposes of suspension, an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of those present,
there being a quorum, at the disciplinary proceedings at which the penalty is being determined,
shall be required; provided that:
5.1 The members in attendance shall constitute a quorum, and
5.2 The period of suspension shall not exceed 60 days.
Section 6. The President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and Year Level
Representative shall be automatically removed from office when suspended twice.
Section 7. Expulsion/Suspension Process in the Circulus Legis

7.1. Expulsion of any official stated above may be proposed by any bona fide student or
group of students to the House of Representatives.
7.2. The House of Representatives shall initiate and conduct, within fifteen (15) school
days, any related inquiries for the expulsion case of the said official.

7.3 Expulsion recommendation of the officer shall take effect after the concurrence of a
2/3 vote of the members of the House of Representatives.

Section 8. All parties involved shall be given a chance to be heard; evidence shall be presented for
the House of Representatives to decide on the merits of the case.


Section 1. Inclusion of Funds. Funds of the Council shall include the developmental funds, cash
donations, bequeaths, pledges, income generating activities and such other similar sources or
Section 2. Developmental Fee. The developmental fee is the fee collected by the administration
during every regular registration period. Circulus Legis shall have fifty percent (50%) of such
amount collected. Unless otherwise provided by law, ten percent (10%) of the Circulus Legis’ share
in the development fee shall go to the Commission on Elections for the latter’s operational
Section 3. Deposit of Funds. The fund shall be deposited in any bank in the name of the DVOREF
Circulus Legis and such amount cannot be withdrawn unless through a resolution passed by the
officers for a particular legitimate purpose.
Section 4. Turnover. The balance of the Circulus Legis for a specific term shall be returned as the
funds for the net or succeeding term.


Section 1. Circulus Legis Adviser. There shall be a Circulus Legis Student Council adviser who
shall be recommended by the President with the concurrence of a majority of the Council, and
who shall serve for one (1) academic year.
Section 2. Qualifications of the Adviser. The adviser must be a professor of the College of Law and
must not hold any administrative or appointive position in the school administration.
Section 3. Change of Adviser. The adviser of the Council may, at any time, be replaced for any acts
or omissions prejudicial to the interest of the student body and the Council upon
recommendation of the President with the concurrence of at least two thirds (2/3) votes of the
other officers.
Section 4. Duty of the Adviser. It shall be the duty of the adviser to participate in the deliberations
of the Council. However, he or she shall not exercise any voting power during such deliberations
but shall serve only as adviser on matters under consideration of the Council.

Section 1. Any amendments to, or revision of, this Constitution may be proposed by:

i. The House of Representatives constituting themselves as a Constituent Assembly

upon a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all its members;

ii. The people through initiative upon a petition of at least 10 per centum of the total
number of registered voters, of which every legislative district must be represented
by at least three per centum of the registered voters therein.

Section 2. Any amendments to, or revision of, this Constitution shall be valid when ratified in a
plebiscite by a simple majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite held for that purpose.

Section 3. The Commission on Elections, together with the Council, shall make the necessary steps
for the arrangement of the said plebiscite which include, among others, preparation of the voters
and date of said plebiscite, preparation of venue and other necessary preparations to ensure the
efficient and reasonable enforcement of this Constitution.


Section 1. Effectivity. This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by a
simple majority of the vote of the members of the entire student body in a plebiscite held for that
Section 2. Incumbent members of the Circulus Legis. The incumbent members of the Circulus
Legis shall continue serving in their capacities until turnover to the incoming Circulus Legis,
which shall be held no later than the 15 days from the assumption of the new President.
Section 3. Election of Officers. The election of Council officers immediately following the
ratification of this Constitution shall be held not later than twenty (20) days from the last day
of classes of the academic year as set by the College Secretary.
The succeeding elections shall be held not later than forty-five (45) from the first day of classes of
each academic year, and pursuant to the rules and regulations prescribed by the Commission on
Section 4. Repeal of the 2017 Circulus Legis Constitution and By-Laws. The 2017 Circulus Legis
Constitution and By-Laws shall be repealed upon effectivity of this Constitution. However,
provisions of the 2017 Circulus Legis Constitution and By-Laws referred to by the provisions of
this Constitution, whether expressly or impliedly, shall remain operative until the last day of the
academic year.

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