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Name: REYES, Sidney C.

Program & Year: BEED - II

Take a look on your environment. Site some ecological problems or issues in your barangay
or school and state at least three solutions on how you can help in some ways to help your
environment in your barangay or school. Take a picture of it as an evidence. (20 points)


Improper Waste Segregation ● A possible solution is informing the

officials or sending appeals
I am from San Fernando, Victoria, Tarlac. regarding the current situation in our
Located in the town proper along the Lapaz barangay because that is a
- Victoria National highway. Our barangay characteristic of a responsible
faces many problems, but I will start with citizen.
improper waste segregation since it is the
root of all issues. Allow me to introduce the ● Second, segregate the
problem before my proposed solution. Our nonbiodegradable waste from
barangay doesn't have a regular garbage biodegradable waste. According to
collection. Which causes the garbages research, we can turn biodegradable
outside every household to pile up. Stray waste into organic fertilizers. We
dogs and cats would look for food inside should segregate our garbages
those bags of garbages, and the garbage before putting them outside our
inside will spread throughout the roads. houses for garbage collection. By
Aside from being non-visually pleasing, it doing this, we can save money from
also causes the drainage to flow poorly buying chemical fertilizers and avoid
because the garbages prevent the water having flies surrounding our house
from flowing properly. because of the smell of
biodegradable waste have caused.
Furthermore, Organic fertilizers can
improve the structure and health of
our soil by adding organic matter.

● Avoid or lessen buying items that

are not sustainable or products that
do not support recycling and
reusing. Those one-time-use items
create too much waste; it is easier
said than done. We can think thrice
before purchasing: do we need that
specific item in our cart? We can
start shopping for sustainable
clothes, not those one-time trend
outfits we will never wear, to avoid
creating too much waste.

Waste Burning ● Make a compost pit that everyone

from the barangay can use; they will
While walking around our barangay, I segregate their waste per category
noticed that some still burn their waste even and dump it in the compost pit.
though it is already prohibited here in the
Philippines. Aside from making our ● Organize a group in the community
'sinampay' smell awful, burning prohibited that will recycle or repurpose items.
materials, such as garbage, plastic, and Everyone may donate their
painted or treated wood, harms the unwanted belongings, and the
environment because these materials people who are members of the said
release toxic chemicals that pollute our air. group will turn the things into
Polluted air can be inhaled by the people something usable, and they may
living in our community and the animals. also sell the finished products. In
Those toxic chemicals will be deposited in that way, we only did not help the
the soil and surface water and on plants. environment, but we also help
. people to earn money.

● Assign a group that will collect the

trash of the whole barangay and
deposit it at the nearest legal landfill

Water Drainage Problem ● Build sustainable drainage systems.

The current drainage system here
This growing problem in our barangay doesn't work because the pipes are
doesn't only harm the environment but also clogged, and it does not serve its
the lives of the people living here. The open purpose, especially if there are
drainage serves as the breeding ground for typhoons.
various disease-causing parasites and
other microbes. This will result in flooding ● Educate the people living nearby.
and may cause traffic jams, primarily since Here in our barangay, we lack
we are located on the national highway. seminars that will help our
These drainages produce a foul smell, community be productive and
which is also an unpleasant sight for nearby sustainable. Inform the people how
people. This problem causes inconvenience to segregate and properly dispose of
for the kids also because they cannot play their waste so the waste will not
outside, and the contaminated water is cause blockage in the drainage
dangerous for their health. systems.

● Clean the open drainage regularly.

Practice the 'Tapat ko linis ko'. And
maintain cleanliness.

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