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Name/s: Program & Year: BEED - II

NARRA, Rhizalyn
RAMOS, Michelle
REYES, Sidney

A. Name of the Proposed Approach/Method

Our proposed method is entitled 'Safe Zone Method.' The inspiration behind its name is that
students can work without the feeling of requiring competing with their classmates because they
can work at their own pace, hence, a safe zone for the students. Creating a safe space for the
students is essential because they will be confident to share their ideas, values, and attitudes
without fearing negative feedback from their peers.

B. Bases of the Proposed Approach/Method

The Safe Zone Method approach is modified based on the following three approaches,
Suggestopedia, Language Experience Approach, and Individual Reading Instruction.

C. Goal/s of the Proposed Approach/Method

● To help students in overcoming the perception that they are incapable of succeeding.
● Make the students work at their own pace so they will not feel pressured.

D. Characteristics of the Proposed Approach/Method

● It gives learners the freedom to choose their way of learning.
● It will help learners develop their self-esteem.
● It enhances intrapersonal intelligence.
● It will arouse the students' ability to speak out about what's on their minds.

E. Sample Activity/ies in the Proposed Approach/Method

1. The students will place themselves in the position they prefer. Sitting or lying down will
work depending on where they are comfortable.
2. Soft background music will play where the classroom will give a "home vibe" to enhance
the student's experience and to help stimulate the brain.
3. The students will share their experiences about a particular event/experience while the
teacher writes what the students are sharing.
4. After the students share their experiences, the story will be read by the teacher first,
followed by the students, and students will read the material independently without the

1. Students will create journals individually.
2. The journal's owner will ensure that it includes their work, goals, and anything else that
motivates them.
3. These journals will then be passed around among their classmates. This activity will
improve the student's intrapersonal understanding and encourage self-motivation.

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