Social and Economic Changes

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SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHANGES  Technological change – new goods and services

produced and new occupations result; control

CAUSES OF GLOBAL SOCIAL CHANGE of environment and the need to do so.
   Geographical mobility
The causes of social change below affect or  Occupational mobility
characterize every aspect of society across the
world.  On a macro scale, they shape all of our
Population change:
major social institutions (economics, politics,
religion, family, education, science/technology,
 Demographic transition; move from
military, legal system, and so on.  On a micro scale,
they shape our values, attitudes, beliefs and (1) high birth rates and high death rates (with
behaviors. In sum, they influence our ways of life.  smaller population sizes) to
(2) high birth rates and low death rates (with
1. Technological and Economic Changes extreme population growth) to
  (3) low birth rates and low death rates (with
a) Agricultural advancements populations maintenance).  
Examples include irrigation, the plow, cotton gin.  
Lead to surplus food, which lead to population  People have fewer children as society
growth and urbanization.   People were able to work industrialized because role of family changes
outside of the farm. and technological advancements allow control
of reproduction. 
b) Industrialization  
The process of moving from an agrarian based  Families change from extended to nuclear
economy in which the primary product is food to an families due to geographic and occupational
industrial or post-industrial economy in which the mobility. Family is no longer mainly seen as an
primary product is goods, services and information
economic unit.
The process of changing from a manual labor force
to a technology driven labor force in which  All of the major causes of global social change
machines play a large role below are tied to changes in technology and
Lead to changes in:  
  2. Modernization: 
a. Work –people work outside of the  The process of moving from an agrarian to
home/community, which lead to changes in gender industrial society
(value of, child care, value of labor).    
b. Work became centered and organized around Characteristics of modern societies
machines.  Alienation.  Larger role of government in society and
c. Weapons production – guns, nuclear weapons. bureaucracy to run governments
d. Information Society.   Information overload.  Large, formal organizations and division of
labor based on specialization of skills and
Characteristics of industrialized societies: abilities into occupations.  Bureaucracy plays in
 Smaller percentage of workforce employed in again here. 
agriculture  Forming of social institutions to regulate
 Increased division of labor, specialization of behavior.
occupations  Laws and sanctions to regulate behavior.
 Increase in education of workforce  Control over and management of
 Increase in economic organizations (businesses) environmental resources: oil, water, land,
 Stronger link between government and economy animals, etc... The ability to mass produce food,
– interdependent energy, etc...
 Larger role of science in society to produce and impersonal thinking, an extreme division of
knowledge to advance society.  Larger role of labor, and record keeping
education and universities.    
 Improved quality of life – higher per capita All tasks and functions broken down into small
GDP, ability to buy good and services, more parts which become positions in the organizational
recreational time, better public health, housing hierarchy.  Roles attached to positions.  Pay and
benefits attached to positions not persons. 
 Self-efficacy
 Ability to adapt, expect, and desire continuous People can rotate in and out of positions but
change. Example: change of governments; organization survives with little change.
replacing goods and services such as cars,  
phone service, marriages; change in Although bureaucratization allows us to be highly
occupations and careers.   efficient and effective and produce surpluses of
goods and services, it also can lead to extreme
3. Urbanization:   inefficiencies:
When large populations live in urban areas rather
than rural areas  People in the organization become machine
  like – just performing the specific aspects of
Usually results from economic opportunities: either their role; no more, no less.  People
people move to a city for jobs, or rural areas interactions with the organizations become
become the sites of large businesses which leads to machine like – example, voice systems. 
population growth.  Wasting of workforce skills
 Inefficient transactions – have to speak to 10
75% of the US population lives in urban areas.  43%
different people before you get to the right
if world population lives in urban areas.
Cities offer social benefits as well as economic  Mass amounts of paperwork –jobs
benefits:  transportation, schools, diffusion of new becomes largely processing paperwork.
products and services, health care, cultural  Miscommunication
resources  Power is held by a few at the top of the
  hierarchy which can become problematic if
Characteristics of urban populations: they seek to protect their individual power in
  the organization.  Bureaucrats.
 More diversity  Temptation to cheat – corporate crimes.  Often
 Independence because of a lack of checks and balances which
 Weaker social attachments – higher crime  gets lost in the maze of offices, departments,
 Secularization positions, supervisors, managers,
 Mass communication systems administrators, etc… or because of extreme
power/position in the organization and ability
If urbanization occurs to fast, infrastructure can not to exploit it.
support population (transportation, public health  Goal of departments becomes to survive in the
issues, housing, schools, emergency services, jobs). organization and protect their own resources,
This can result in poverty and class conflict.  Class rather than work together to provide a
conflict and poverty may also result if large urban product. 
areas experience loss of jobs. 
  5. Conflict and Competition  
4. Bureaucratization:  
Process by which most formal organizations in a  Examples: 
society (businesses, government, non-profits) run  
their organizations via the use of extreme rational War:  due to religion, ethinic tensions, competition
for resources
  b) Gender:  names, jobs, welfare
Gender and Women’s Movement: equal pay,
property: Today; day care, occupational c) Ideology often legitimizes inequality. 
a) religion legitimizes gender and sexual
Race and Civil Rights Movement: collective inequality. 
political power, ownership of production: Today –  
prejudice.  % who will vote for black b) Meritocracy legitimizes class inequality.  
candidate.  Chris Rock. For example, Americans tend not to problematize
  social class due to idea of meritocracy and
Class: Unions – minimum wage, 40-hour work institutionalization of meritocracy.
week, overtime.  Today -- health insurance,  
education vouchers 8. Diffusion:
   Diffusion, also known as cultural diffusion, is a
Sexuality:  Homosexuality becoming less social process through which elements of
stigmatized, but still denied civil and human rights. culture spread from one society or social group
  to another, which means it is, in essence, a
Positive Outcomes: solidarity, safety valve, social process of social change.
change, “welfare enhancing”  It is also the process through which innovations
  are introduced into an organization or social
Negative Outcomes: inequality, violence group, sometimes called the diffusion of
6. Political and Legal Power   Things that are spread through diffusion include
a) Elected officials:   ideas, values, concepts, knowledge, practices,
Redistribution of wealth: income and property behaviors, materials, and symbols.
taxes.  Today: Sales tax, tax “relief”
Rate at which populations adopt new goods and
Pass laws: affirmative action, ability to sue services.
insurance companies, increase minimum wage  
(leads to change in unemployment, part-time Example: Much of the material in this chapter can
employment, health insurance premiums and be applied to marketing (celebrity drink milk
coverage)  campaigns), public health (birth control in less
developed countries)
b) Unelected officials  
corporate power (jobs, goods and services and cost 9. Acculturation
of, culture, donations to political campaigns assimilation to a different culture, typically the
interlocking directorates, inner circle/power elite dominant one.
  "the process of acculturation may impact both
7. Ideology  social and psychological well-being"
 a manner or the content of thinking
characteristic of an individual, group, or Examples: Asian Americans, American Indians
culture. (Lumbee vs. Cherokee)
 the integrated assertions, theories and aims that  
constitute a sociopolitical program. Can prevent social change by preventing
acculturation – example, China and the Cultural
a.) Religious beliefs.   Revolution; Afghanistan, Iraq
Rise of capitalism in U.S. due to religious beliefs
and Protestant work ethic. OTHER SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHANGES
Religious beliefs sometimes lead to revolution and 1. Early Retirement
civil wars which lead to new countries. 2. Longer Life Span
3. Work from Home
4. Greater Disposable Income . Trends show that travelers now rely on
5. Greater Mobility technology for every step of their vacation, from
6. Smaller families  booking airfare online to sharing their travel
experience on social networking sites.
THE 21st CENTURY  . Travelers are progressively seeking value
for their money.
The Face of Tourism and Hospitality Is Changing  . They strive to experience a better quality
of life during leisure travel.
Global Tourism Business  . They will focus more on the emotional
According to the World Travel& Tourism value to their trip.
Council, the Travel and Tourism industry is  Instead of opting for cost-effective
Currently among the largest and fastest getaways,
growing industries worldwide, forecasted to  they will look for a better experience and
support 328 million jobs, or 10% of the begin to place high value on splurging.
workforce, by 2022.  The trend of overnight leisure trips shall
 continue, there will be a sharp increase
Emerging markets including the Middle East,
travel spending.
Africa, Asia and the Pacific are the new
 Travelers are looking for healthy eating
tourist destinations that are increasingly
drawing crowds.
 They will be more demanding in terms of
For example, China is now the third most-visited
 ingredients and will prefer healthy food
country around the world, and the number of
with organic ingredients.
Chinese traveling to other countries is increasingly
Hospitality industry trends with focus on hotel
1. Advanced Technology
Millennials will become the core customers
- Intelligent hotels with advanced technology
within the hospitality and travel industries over the
using the guest's virtual fingerprint in order
next five to ten years.
to perform all the operations (check-in,
charges, check-out, etc.).
Within this group of GenY travelers, there are
many different markets considering the fact
2. Electronics and Ergonomic Support
that exploration, interaction and experience
Modern guests" travel with two, three or more
are the major tocus of Millennials.
devices, so electronics (adequate and easy-to-reach
plugs, bandwidth capabilities, free Wi-Fi) and
GenY travelers are looking for an overall
ergonomic support (seating and surfaces) for
gourmet experience for a reasonable price,
guests becomes essential for hotels.
that will cause the industry to, revamp thein
lobby bars, restaurants and food service.
3. Direct Bookings
- Today's hotel website needs fresh content,
updated promotions, and rich media.
. As people travel more and become more
experienced tourists, they are increasingly
- All of this content needs to be marketed across all
looking for diverse experiences on their trips.
channels (desktop web site, the mobile site, social
media profiles).
Now mobile booking is available as an app for Hospitality industry trend with focus on Food and
Smartphones, android tablets, and iPad... Beverage Services
- Mobile booking is available for booking hotel Global Food Trends
rooms, restaurant reservations, flights, rental cars, Shoppers willing to shift cost for healthy
etc. alternatives
 Farm to fork/table
5. WOW customer service-the Content  41% increase in male shoppers
only way to ensure repeat business.  Use of coupons & frequent shopper cards

ROOM SERVICE REINVENTED Current Industry F & B Trends

With room service revenue drastically decreasing. What are the current trends in food and
Therefore some hotels are giving up on this service, beverage service?
but the majority of hotels are dedicated to  "Fresh, green, lean & in season"
reinventing the concept.  "Water seems more important"
 "Clean, fresh, seasonal, light, bold flavours
6. Sustainability
More hotels will become completely self-sufficient Increase Cost & Guest Perceived Value*
by supplying their own energy, especially those in Starch Alternatives
rural areas. • Roti
. Cornmeal
7.More green and eco-lodgings • Fried Plantains
Development of mega hotels (multi-purpose • Pita Bread
facilities with casino, shops, theatre, theme park,
 Economical
9. More boutique hotels.  Fresh
10. Increasing employee salaries in order to retain  Quick
the existing staff.  Entertaining
 Tasty
By 2020 about half of all world workers will be  High customer satisfaction
Millennials. Millennials increasingly want to work  Sanitation
for employers that serve a greater purpose,
contribute to society and provide space and time
for staff to take the initiative in trying to do their Restaurant Meal Presentation
best.  Light sauces
 Light garnishes
Expectations of modern tourist are changing the
face of tourism and hospitality.
In order to meet the needs of consumers hotels
modernizing their offer, therefore the main new
trends are:

- Developing advanced technology with adequate

- Modern property sites with direct booking option
-Providing better customer service
Investing in ancillary facilities.

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