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What are the gender issues being experienced by the respondents in teaching TLE subjects?

On institutional policies or programs that Institutions implement to realize Gender Equality in


Participant 1 mentioned that the Center for Gender and Development was established for the

promotion of gender equality in the whole operation of the university or learning institution. It is

one of the mandates of the university to train its faculty and staff to be gender sensitive in all

their dealings inside the learning institution and is stipulated in the agenda of the administration

which is included in the administration’s objectives towards globalization. The promotion of

gender and development is included in the agenda of the university such as instruction, research

and extension as stipulated in the operations manual of all the academic units. With that, it is

cascaded in different units. In CTE, we are having regular activities promoting gender equality as

included in the performance indicators of the OPCRs and DPCRs of every unit.

Participant 2 stressed that in their institution they have the mainstreaming gender and

development as on of the development goals of the present administration which is considered as

one powerful indicator in terms of mainstreaming gender equality in education. In all the

activities of the university, there is what call PAPS (Programs, Activities, and Projects) and there

is also what we call the Harmonical Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) where the

university is accredited level 3 in gender mainstreaming evaluation framework which are

measures in attaining gender responsiveness of all activities conducted in the institution. The

university is also compliant of CMO # 1 of 2015 or the contribution of every SUCs and HEIs to
women’s empowerment and gender equality along instruction, research and extension and at the

same time, administration.

On information drives or trainings that constantly reminds the importance of gender equality

in education.

Participant 2 reiterated that there are programs cascaded in the development goals of the

university in all units and at the same time a part of programs and activities as manifested by

indicators that are stipulated respective OPCRs/IPCRs/DPCRs. Every year we are conducting the

planning and budgeting sessions for all academic units and part of that, orientation has to do with

gender and development office mandates. The different academic units are adhering to the laws

addressing these problems by always asking if there are any concerns relating to gender related

issues and in fact, all of these are manageable. We also have series of programs such as lectures

sponsored by HRMO and CGAD that constantly reminds us of the importance of gender equality

inside the institution. Laws such as anti-VAW, R.A. 11313 Safe Spaces Act or anti bastos law

are some of the laws related to these concerns.

Participant 1 points out the importance of CGAD in continuously doing its mandate to train the

faculty and non-teaching staff about gender sensitivity specially so on sexual harassment, safe

spaces act. We also have the Gender Sensitivity Training for Men (GSM) which have 3 levels

and it takes around fifteen days to complete each of the levels. We are given the opportunity to

visit different institutions such as the Institute of Women Studies (IWS) and it makes us aware

about these concerns and provides us deeper understanding about these issues and it reflects in
our teaching methodologies. We also conduct information drives by visiting different learning

institutions locally to echo these learnings that we have acquired.

Participant 4 discussed that a focal person initiates gender awareness activities particularly on in-

service trainings especially those newly hired faculty members to be gender sensitive and

becomes a part of their orientation about gender equality in education and eventually apply that

in their teaching profession.

On observation of faculty and staff on the rate of gender sensitivity as BTLEd program


Participant 4 revealed that during observation of classes as program chair in BTLEd, ratings have

been given to the faculty being observed on the level of integration of gender sensitivity in their

subject matter delivery. As an example, in giving activities, the faculty is rated in terms of giving

equal importance of both gender by preparing activities intended for both. If a faculty can give

activities in consideration of both male and female students, it becomes an additional factor in

giving their ratings. Incorporating gender equality in giving activities can enrich the skills of

both gender.

Participant 3 mentioned that one performance indicator in the Individual Performance

Commitment and Review (IPCR) of BTLEd faculty is their trainings related to gender and

development that they attend. That is how the faculty is rated when it comes to their gender

sensitivity in their performance.

On the segregation of males and females in classroom management (seating arrangements,

class records, etc.)

Participant 1 expressed his practice as unit extension coordinator which he usually segregates

male and females’ attendance, and target participants list to check if there is a balance number of

both gender in conducting extension activities. This is a manifestation that the activities

conducted are inclusive as much as the implementers are balanced as well as the recipients in the

preparation of operational plan. As to the seating arrangement, the students are given the

freedom to choose where they want to sit and be comfortable. That is being practiced when it

comes to classroom management.

Participant 4 “in our uni

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