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Clinical Case One

Read the case and answer the questions that follow, using short answer format (unless
specified). Indicate your answer by creating a separate word document suitable for
submission to Turnitin. Answer all questions (1-7) in either Calibri or Arial font size 11,
with 1.5 line spacing. Maximum word count for each answer is 100 words with
referencing in APA formatting.
Call Details:
You are dispatched Priority 4 for a male patient c/o abdominal pain. Upon arrival you
are greeted by an elderly female. She is dressed very nicely, and she invites you into
the residence and asks you to follow her.
As you follow her you notice that house very neat and tidy. You enter the kitchen and
look around and you don’t notice anyone else. The female sits down at the kitchen
table, where you notice several empty bottles of wine and a glass. Based on the call
details, you ask if the patient lives alone. She replies yes and tells you that she isn’t
feeling well and has some belly pain. Realizing that this is in fact the patient you
become very mindful of your words.
You think to yourself maybe the dispatch details were incorrect, and you proceed to
assess your patient.
Pt’s name: Grace Michaels
C/O abdominal pain LLQ and RLQ, nausea and vomiting x2 in the past 4hrs. No
No past medical hx.
Pt. is 70 years-old
HR- 78 F/R
Resp- 16 F/R
B/P 118/78
Pt. states that she would like to go to the hospital. Your partner exits the house to
prepare the stretcher and you ask the patient if she has her health card. She hands you
her health card, as she gathers up her purse you look at the health card and notice that
the picture is of a male and the name on the card is for a Samuel Michaels.
Based on the above situation, answer the questions below. Unless otherwise stated,
you must explain your answer (no point form).
1. Based upon the information on the health card outline your areas of concern.
(2 marks)

2. Explain the methods to apply, when managing a transgendered patient.

(4 marks)

3. Explain how you would adjust your management in light of the patient’s gender
identity. (4 marks)

4. List the social determinants of health and outline those that apply to this patient.
(2 marks)

5. What barriers exist for transgender individuals and how can you facilitate their
care? (4 marks)

6. List the principles of transgender patient care and discuss how you would apply
them to this case. (2 marks)

7. The emergency department is extremely busy when you arrive. There are 9
ambulances lined up and the waiting room is full of people. How might this
situation create a barrier to care for this patient? (2 marks)
References that may be helpful to you:

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