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1400s - 1900s 

 First recorded instance of  American Airlines together with
customer relationship IBM Invested the SABRE
management in the field of (computerized reservation
hospitality.  system) ; 84,00 transactions per
 Industrial Revolution expanded; day; 90minutes to seconds. 
more roads and railways in  The first SABRE system was
Europe  installed in oly 2 IBM 7090
 Beginning of mass transportation  computer in NY
 Thomas cook manage to handle SABRE- Semi-Automated Business
the tour with pen and paper in Research Environment 
1840 (90mins)   SABRE created a monopoly of
American in airline reservation
1900s-1980s  systems; Delta Airlines , United
 Airlines rapid growth began in Airlines and PANAM Airlines
1920s ; Delta Airlines, Pan developed their own. 
American world Airlines, 1976 - American Airlines (AA) and
Queensland and Aerial Services United Airlines (UA) started selling their
(QANTAS) reservation system to agents who buy in
 Due to this, water transportation Airline and Sell to customers and they
shifted to cruise industry for get commission. 
 Cars were mass produced ; Joe
The Airline Deregulation Act
Saunders started an “ Automobile
for Hire” (First recorded car
 Federal Law enacted 1978 by the
 John hertz introduced the Hertz
 Lifted restrictions on fares,
“Drive yourself system” 
route coverage, and market entry.
 1930s rapid growth in airline
 Not require new city routes
industry ; systemize their
entry/exit approval from the Civil
operations without the advantage
Aeronautics Board
of computerization
 Allowed A/Ls to add entry/exit
 Air Travel grew dramatically
with 90days notice 
after world war II ; managing
 Started A/Ls to add new city
reservations in 1940
pairs having high traffic and
1946 - American Airlines introduced
dropping with less traffic—
Reservisor ( Automated reservation
1952 -  Installed magnetronic reservisor
(centralized platform) 
1953 - Sheraton Hotel first introduced
hotel reservation “ Reservatron”
 Ferranti Canada developed
RESERVEC ( Reservations
Electronically Controlled)

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