DLP - Translation

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School: SAN ISIDRO NHS Grade Level: 10

Daily Lesson Plan Facilitator: James Carlo P. Frias Learning Area: Science
Date: January 20, 2020 Quarter: 3rd Quarter

 Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the information stored in
DNA as being used to make proteins, how changes in DNA molecule
may cause changes in its product and mutations that occur in sex cells
as being heritable.
 Objectives At the end of the period, 85% of the students must be able to:
A. identify the role of transfer RNA (tRNA) in protein synthesis.
B. share the importance of translation in protein synthesis
C. explain the process of converting mRNA into amino acids.

Topic Translation
 References Book: Science Learner’s Material 10
 Materials/Equipment Chalk, Chalkboard, Powerpoint Presentation, Overhead Projector
IV. Pedagogy
 Approach Student-centered
 Method 7E’s
 Strategy Discussion and oral questioning,
 Values Integration Cooperation and appreciation
Preliminaries Activity

 Greetings
 Prayer
 Checking of attendance
 What was the discussion last  It’s all about DNA replication and transcription, wherein, it stipulates
meeting all about? the major events taking place in protein synthesis.

 In replication, the DNA makes

DNA while on transcription,
DNA makes RNA.

 When a DNA molecule unzips  Sir, It’s the complementary nucleotides. Such as, Adenine pairs to
to form two strand, what is Thymine. Cytosine pairs to guanine.
added to each strand?


 What happens when two to
three persons are asked to  Sometimes sir, the message completely correct, sometimes it is
relay a message to another not.

 How do you interpret the

picture displayed on the
A. It is collection of blood which might be subjecting for DNA
A B C testing to determine blood relationship. (Chemistry)
B. Genetic engineer, collects tissue culture to produce new
offspring by asexual reproduction. (Biology)
C. Food production, intended for profitable matter. (Technology
D E F and Livelihood Education)
D. It implies the number of chances or probability of having cancer
disease (Mathematics)
E. It has same spelling but implied different meaning. It stipulates
that one must be careful in coding terms. (English)
F. It shows respect to the speaker as the audience listen carefully.
(Values Education)

Individual and Group Activity

 I will divide the class into five The students will answer the following questions:
groups, each group will answer 1. What are the four nucleotide bases present in tRNA? Do these
the guide questions on bases differ from those found in mRNA?
Science Learning Material 2. What base in mRNA can only join with the adenine base of
Grade 10, page 275 at your RNA? Uracil base of tRNA?
whiteboard. Likewise, the 3. What is codon? What does it represent?
group output will also serve as 4. What is the role of tRNA in Protein synthesis?
your individual output. Thus, 5. How does a tRNA molecule carrying its amino acid recognize
you will write your individual which codon to attach?
answer on a long bond paper. 6. You have learned that there is a stop codon that signals the end
of an amino acid chain. Why is it important that a stop codon be
 (The students will be given part of protein synthesis?
15 minutes to do the 7. A construction worker brings hollow blocks to build a wall. What
activity) part of translation resembles the construction worker’s job?
What do the hollow blocks represent?
8. How does information from the DNA used to make protein?
Activity proper…


Presentation of group output
1. What are the four nucleotide  In tRNA, the nucleotides are adenine, uracil, guanine, and cytosine.
bases present in tRNA? Do The same nitrogenous bases are found in mRNA. The tRNA
these bases differ from those contains other nitrogenous bases that are derivatives of the same
found in mRNA? nucleotides.

2. What base in mRNA can only

join with the adenine base of  Adenine pairs with Uracil and vice-versa.
RNA? Uracil base of tRNA?

3. What is codon? What does it

represent?  A codon is a set of three nitrogenous bases in mRNA which codes
for a specific amino acid.
4. What is the role of tRNA in
Protein synthesis?  tRNA brings an amino acid in the cytoplasm to the ribosomes. Each
tRNA molecule attaches to only one type of amino acid
5. How does a tRNA molecule
carrying its amino acid  In tRNA there is a sequence of three nucleotides that are
recognize which codon to complementary to the nucleotides of mRNA. These three
attach? nucleotides are called anticodon because they bond to the codon of
mRNA. The tRNA carries only the amino acid that the anticodon
6. You have learned that there is specifies.
a stop codon that signals the
end of an amino acid chain.  When a stop codon is reached, translation ends and amino acid
Why is it important that a stop strand is released from the ribosome.
codon be part of protein

7. A construction worker brings

hollow blocks to build a wall.
What part of translation
resembles the construction
 It resembles the job of tRNA and the hollow blocks represent the
worker’s job? What do the
amino acids.
hollow blocks represent?

8. How does information from the

DNA used to make protein?

 The information from the DNA is used to make protein by

undergoing the processes such as the Replication, Transcription,
and Translation respectively.
 It is where the DNA replicates, followed by DNA sequence/code
transcribe into RNA codes. And lastly, RNA codon will be translated
into an amino acid codon composed of three letter code, the final
phase of protein synthesis.


The teacher will discuss the
concept of translation

 What is translation?  Translation is the process of converting the information in

messenger RNA into a sequence of amino acids that make a

 How does the process of

translation take place? PROCESS OF TRANSLATION:
Step 1. As translation begins, mRNA binds to ribosome. Then, tRNA
each carrying a specific amino acid, approach the ribosome. The tRNA
anticodon pairs with the first mRNA (start) codon arginine – uracil –
guanine (AUG), to form the initiation complex. The two molecules
temporarily join together.
Step 2. Usually, the first codon on mRNA is AUG, which codes for
the amino acid Methionine. AUG signals the start of protein synthesis.
Then, the ribosome slides along the mRNA to the next codon.
Step 3. A new tRNA molecule carrying an amino acid pairs with the
second mRNA codon.
Step 4. When the first and second amino acids are in place, an
enzyme joins them by forming a peptide bond between them.
Step 5. As the process continues, a chain of amino acids is formed
until the ribosomes reaches a stop codon on the mRNA strand. The
polypeptide chain is released. Protein synthesis is complete.

 What is the role of transfer

RNA in protein synthesis?
 The role of transfer RNA is to bring the amino acids in the
 Why does specific base pairing cytoplasm to the ribosomes to make protein.
essential to the process of
translation?  Specific base pairing is essential to the process of translation
because, wrong pairing will result to certain abnormalities in a
produced organism.
 How many codon/s for one
amino acid?
 One codon is for one amino acid.


 For evaluation, please refer on

the attached evaluation sheet.


 Identify five (5) diseases that

might occur when protein
synthesis goes wrong.



Student Teacher – BSE Biological Science


Master Teacher I,

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