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Study Guide for Quiz 2

(Remember, you are also responsible for terms list #2)

This quiz will emphasize the music of the Medieval period, but may also include examples from
material covered on previous quizzes from the Renaissance and Baroque eras. Notice that the
listening guide below is the same as last time, but the Medieval section of has been expanded.

Listening Guide
Listen to selections from our anthology (and other pieces) from these eras and genres by these

Middle Ages
 Genres
o Mass
o Motet
o Troubadour Song
o Minnelieder (German equivalent to Troubadour songs)
o Secular Song (after the troubadour tradition – some are still monophonic, most are
polyphonic – This is in Ars Nova, Ars Subtilior, and Italian Trecento)
 French Chansons
 Form Fixes
o Ballade
o Rondeau
o Virealai
 Italian
 Frottola
 Madrigal (14th Century)
 Ballatta
 Composers and Schools
o Early Monophonic Composition
 Tropes,
 Sequences, and Liturgical Dramas
o Hildegard von Bingen
o Notker Balbulus
o Early Organum
 You won’t have to guess composer for this, instead you should put
“Anonymous” for the composer if you think it is early organum.
 Listen to the selections from the Musica enchiriadis and the ad
organum faciendum
o Troubadours
 Bernart de Ventadorn
 Comtessa Beatrix da Dia
 Alfonso X of Castille
o Notre Dame
 Leoninus
 Perotinus
 Adam de la Halle (also troubadour)
 Also listen to the motets on Tenor Dominus
 You could guess anonymous for these or any of the composers
listed in the Notre Dame School
o Ars Nova
 Guillaume de Machaut
 Phillippe de Vitry
 Phillippus de Casserta - Ars Subtilior
o Trecento
 Francesco Landini
 Jacapo Da Balogna

 Genres
o Mass
o Motet
o Madrigal
 Schools and composers
o Burgundian School (and England)
 John Dunstable
 Guillaume Du Fay
 Gilles Binchois
o Franco Flemish Composers
 Antoine Busnoys
 Jean de Ockeghem
 Henricus Isaac
 Josquin Desprez
o 16 Century Madrigalists

 Jacques Arcadelt
 Cipriano de Rore
 Luca Marenzio
 Carlo Gesualdo
 Thomas Weelks
 William Byrd
 Thomas Morely
 John Dowland

 Genres
o Madrigal (Concerted and Solo – it’s ok if you guess these as opera or
concerted/solo madrigals)
o Opera
 Schools and Composers
o Early Italian Baroque
 Jacopo Peri
 Claudio Monteverdi
 Francesco Cavalli

o French and English Opera
 Jean-Baptiste Lully
 Henry Purcell
o Late Baroque opera
 Antonio Cesti
 Antonio Vivaldi
 Antonio Sartorio
 Antonio Banderas…
 Allesandro Scarlatti
 George Frideric Handel
Middle Ages Anonymous Jacopo Peri
Renaissance Leoninus Claudio Monteverdi
Baroque Perotinus Francesco Cavalli
Adam de la Halle Jean-Baptiste Lully
SCHOOLS Guillaume de Machaut Henry Purcell
Early Organum Philippe de Vitry Antonio Cesti
Notre Dame Polyphony John Dunstable Antonio Vivaldi
Ars Nova Guillaume Du Fay Antonio Sartorio
Burgundian School (and Gilles Binchois Allesandro Scarlatti
England) Antoine Busnoys George Frideric Handel
Franco-Flemish Composers Jean de Ockeghem
16th Century Madrigalists Josquin Desprez
Early Italian Baroque Henricus Isaac
French Baroque Jacques Arcadelt
English Baroque Cipriano de Rore
Mid-Late Baroque Luca Marenzio
Carlo Gesualdo
GENRES Thomas Weelkes
Mass William Byrd
Motet Thomas Morely
Madrigal John Dowland

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