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Aubrey Plante

Career Essay

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved the idea of film making. Growing up, my par-

ents would video tape important times in our lives as well as trips we went on. I guess I could say I have

always been in front of the camera. But as I got older I fell in love with the idea of documenting life and

being able to look back at a time that no longer existed. Whether I was by myself or hanging out with my

friends, I would almost always create a show film. I would post these films on one of my many YouTube

channels, in hopes that someone important would see them. This is what ultimately helped me decided to

go to school for communication with a concentration in digital media.

My passion for film has never changed since I was young. One of my many goals, once I gradu-

ate, is to find a job that allows me to be creative and get experience along the way. My hope is that I en-

joy the career that I choose and that I continue to grow within it. I have worked at Walmart for almost 9

years and I am ready to commit to a position that I will flourish in. I know the skills I have learned along

the way will help me in different work environments and I will forever be grateful for those opportunities.

I believe that I am a hard worker and I love to stay busy. I excel in tasks that are straight forward because

I tend to be a perfectionist. I have lead a team of 80 plus associates and have helped them adapt to new

technologies along the way. I enjoy being able to share any knowledge I have on equipment or anything

that is required of the job. I adapt very well to sudden changes in plans, I have learned to go with the flow

and find a new way to complete my tasks.

I have been known for always showing up to work and staying late to make sure the next day runs

smoothly. I am used to long work shifts and being in stressful environments. My hope with my new ca-

reer is to always stay engage in my work as well as striving to do more. I am a fast learning and can usu-

ally navigate technology very well. I enjoy asking questions so I can cover any problem areas that might

arise, so I will be able to tackle them as they come.

Film has a special place in my heart. I see myself being on different movie or television sets and just be-

ing surrounded by people who are just as passionate. I hope to be involved in future projects moving for-
ward in the film industry. By continuing to work hard and strive for my goals I believe I can push for-


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