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The K-12 Program implementation started on batch 2011-2012, and the first batch of students to go
through K-12 will graduate in March 2018. The K-12Program is found to be adequate period for learning
under basic education and its distinction requirement of professionals and non-professionals in our country
and in foreign Asian or Non-Asian countries. It offers a balanced approach to learning that will
enable children and students to acquire, know and learn more skills in different fields of education taking up
the vocational and later professional degree courses. (Ma. Araceli Bello Verjom)

The number of educated is now decreasing because of the different circumstances that they face
during the days that they are trying to step up in their lives. A survey from the DepEd shows that out of 100
students studying in elementary, only 80 of them will graduate and those 80 students may be deducted and
will become 50-60 students to go to high school. In 50 students, there might only be 30 of them can only
proceed to college and only a few of them can finish college and/or masteral degree courses. (Ma. Araceli
Bello Verjom)

The K-12 program of the government will allow students to having mastery of competence and
enable them to cope up with the lessons. The curriculum are enriched to the local needs of students to be
responsive to choose specialization that will suit their field of interests. The present curriculum offers a more
balanced approach that students may acquire and master their life long interests and Learning skills for
livelihood income approaching 21st century. With the K-12education also help graduated students the skills
needed in the labor market and prepare responsibilities and opportunity to be accepted and work to the skills
they acquired. (Ma. Araceli Bello Verjom)

 After finishing the K-12, particularly in the senior year of schooling, graduates are awarded
certificate of competence and national certificate showing of proof allowing them to have middle level skills
and will be offered a better opportunity to be employed and later become young entrepreneur.
(Ma. Araceli Bello Verjom)

High School is an important period of time in an adolescent’s life. It is the time that students are
making decisions about their course taking and future educational and career plans. Every students’ carries the
unique history of their past and this determines how they view the world. In fact, one of the tasks of high
school students is to explore and plan for their post-secondary career options.

   According to Super’s (1990) Developmental Theory of CareerDevelopment, high school

students are at the exploration stage of career development, which involves crystallizing and specifying their
occupational preferences, while also making preliminary decisions about their career choice. The review of
the literature showed the areas of a student’s life affect the plans, decisions, and career choice they make:
Gender, Parental Influence, and Peer Influence. The study attempted to identify and differentiate to what extent
these factors played varying roles in future career choice.

In this chapter the researcher discussed the methodology and the procedure engaged in the study. The
following part includes the research design used in the conduct of the study, the locale, the participants,
procedure followed and statistical tool.
Research Design
The research design used the statistical information to see if dependent variables relating to Parental
Influence, Peer Influence, environment, personality, aptitude, and personality were significant factors
influencing grade 10 students in choosing their track for senior high school. In the grade 10 of approximately
304students, 173 were chosen through random selection to be the respondents. The control group consisted of
subject-based students intending to graduate with in the year. Internal validity was not guaranteed, however
the subjects surveyed were unaffected by environmental qualities that may skew results. The external validity
in general terms was applicable to other seniors of similar school populations.

Super, D.E. (1990). A Life-Span. Life Space Approach Tp Career Development San
Fransisco: Joseey Bess Co.  (Roe
1987, Adigwe 1981, Okeke 1996, Gesinde 1986).
Perception of factors that influence students’ vocational choice of secretarial studies in
tertiary institutions in edo state of nigeria.
European Journal of Educational Studies 3(2), 2011, from  Taylor, Harris,( 2004). Parental Influence
and Career Choice: How Parents Affect the Career Aspirations of Their Children, American
Psychological Association, 5theditionMay, 2008 p. 36,  (Knowles, 1998;
Marjoribanks, 1997; Mau and Bikos, 2000; Smith, 1991; Wilson and Wilson, 1992).
Parents Have Their Say…About Their College- Age Children’s Career Decisions, Say.pdf  
(Guerra and Braungart-Rieker, 1999; Lankard, 1995; Mickelson and Valasco,1998;Otto,
2000; Mau, Hitchcock and Calvert, 1998). Parents Have Their Say…About Their College-
Age Children’s Career Decisions, from Say.pdf  
(Crockett and Bingham, 2000; Mau and Bikos, 2000; Teach man and Paasch,1998).
Parents Have Their Say…About Their College-Age Children’s Career Decisions, Say.pdf  





12GA- Aquamarine

Melchor Alvarez
English For Academics and Professional Purposes
January 23,2023

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